Pure as snow- John snow

By Littlemiss24pretty

7.9K 95 57

Kiss me!! She told him Wha what he stuttered out I am the princess and I'm ordering you to kiss me!! She de... More

Book 2


200 4 1
By Littlemiss24pretty


Evangeline laid sleeping with her head on John's naked chest the raven haired boy woke up with the princess in his arms he glanced at her smiling brushing some hair out of her face, He recalled last night, She looked so heavenly underneath him  as he took her innocents it was the purest thing that he ever had felt that he ever wanted to feel forever he was her's he was insanely in love with the princess his heart belong to her and her alone, Evie moved a little in his arms John kissed her forehead and ran his fingers across her sweet naked back.

The Princess opened her eyes with a smile on her face ,Last night was so magical the most wonderful moment in her entire life, She felt a tingling feeling on her back it she shivered and lightly kissed his chest softly. She moved a little to look at the beautiful man that was making her feel this way

Good morning John told her in his husky low voice, It sent chills down her spine , He touched her cheek before kissing her lips sweetly he pulled away from the kiss and tucked her hair behind her ear..

She looked into his eyes with a shy smile and touching his chest he kissed her lips again

How do you feel? Did I hurt you? He asked with worryingly once he pulled away from the kiss

Only at first .... She told him placing a kiss on his jaw

Did ye enjoy it? He asked she looked at him with her face scarlet red..

Very much so and I .. I would very much like it if we could do it again she finished timidly

He flipped her over so she was under him she let out a squeal of surprise , As many time's as you desire my princess He told her kissing her again

There was a knock on the door interrupting the lovers they both looked towards the door

Princess are you awake? Abigail asked , Evie's heart stop pounding with panic

Yes.. yes!!! ,Jus just a minute the brunette girl spoke looking back at John who scrambled off of her and dressed quickly she got a quick glimpse at him and her face burned as he looked at her

He leaned down towards the blushing princess kissed her lips softly she melted, Another knock sounded at the door.. he pulled back and just looked at her all he wanted to do was get back in bed and do it again.

Meet me by the lake he said kissing her forehead and with that he found the will to leave her..

The princess laid back down and giggled to herself..


Evangeline and Abigail walked down the corridor she noticed her friend was walking slowly and she was limping and her skin shimmered with a glow

Abigail smiled knowingly and said , You're absolutely glowing and you're walking with a limp , The brunette looked at her as Abigail continued, So how was it?! She inquired smirking

Immediately the princesses face flushed rose red, Ho how was what? She stuttered

I'm not ignorant Abigail stated hooking her arm threw Evie's , I already know so you might as well tell me!!

Well it... It was the most wonderful , magnificent night of my entire life , She told the redhead with a dreamy voice

So how big is it? Abigail asked as the younger girl blushed scarlet red, I bet it was huge She remarked

Abigail!! Evie hit her arm , " What " I'm just saying She said and the two girls giggled


The Stark's were having breakfast with the king and queen and there family except for Lady Stark and Bran

The two girls enter the hall together laughing the brunette walked towards the table limping with Abigail walking behind her the princess sat down and started drinking her apple cider juice

Sissy why are you walking funny?" The little princess Myrcella asked innocently

She rode a horse Abigail spoke Evie choked on her  juice she was coughing

"Must have been some horse, Tyrion commented laughing as well did her family, The princess was embarrassed her cheeks burned and she blinked back tears as she ate

John stared at his princess he could see that she was holding back tears and she was embarrassed, All he wanted to do was go to her and hold her but he couldn't do that he saw his sister rubbing her arm 

Eh snow I see you finally unsheathed the princess with your sword, Theon slammed a  hand down on his shoulder he laughed with a impish grin , John glowered at him and shook his head and looked back at his Evangeline


It was late after noon when she got away she ran to the lake she was thinking of him all day she ran threw the bushes and he was standing there looking toward the lake..

He looked at her and gave her a crooked smile she ran to him hugging him he hugged her back breathing her in he pulled away from her just a bit and touched her cheek..

Ghost ran to her and jumped on the two she giggled and bent down to pet him and he licked her face she was laughing ,
John just stared at her he adored her she had his heart.

What? She asked with a pretty smile he blinked  she stood in front of him, You were staring she told him

That's because you're breathtakingly beautiful he hold her waist, and I - he tucked her hair behind her ear before speaking again,I'm in love with you he told her the butterflies were dancing in her heart   and was it pounding.. I loved you when you stepped out of the carriage he walked her backwards until she was pressed against the tree , I'm yours forever I swear it to the old gods and the new ones he confesses his love for her, It felt like her heart would explode with utter happiness,

I know You deserve much more than a Bastard you deserve a lord or a prince - She grabbed his face and kissed him with all the love that she had for him..

I don't want a lord or a prince I just want you ... I'm yours I swear it

Their lips met in a fervent need John props her up against the tree and made love to her


She's not a virgin anymore!!! Cersei stomped in the room

Jaime and Tywin were over by the fire, playing a drunken game of chess

What she yelling about? Tywin spluttered out moving a chess piece

A - about a whore I haven't got a fu fuckin idea Jaime chuckled draining his cup

No you're niece

Which one!! Both of the blonde men laughed like drunken fools, Cersei knocked the chess game on the floor in furious.

Who do you think.. Evangeline

How do you know this? Did you see her? Jaime sobered up some in his drunken hays

I'm her mother I know she glared

Oh let the poor girl have fun the drunken dwarf said laughing

She's a princess the king's daughter she can't go whore around like you the blonde spat out at her brother, Tywin stood up and stumbled to the door

Nore you dear sister and he left Cersei looked at Jaime

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