-Another day living with an i...


55.8K 1.1K 773

Izuku lives in a normal world..well normal as it's normal to have powers, called quirks but overall..pretty n... More

-unwelcomed guest-
-no cuddles-
-where not doing this again-
-can we fuck yet?-
-fuck one and two-
-how will this end-smut🧎
-when everything hurts-
-a twist in our future-
-the twisting getup-
-aching- smutty🗿
-after work it begins- smut (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
-the clash-
-minutes quickly turn to hours-
-A new job at hand-
-the week of hell-
-drunk temptations- s.m.u.t.| (• ◡•)|
-anger issues-
-univited event-
-tension- s.m.u.t

-hell to the newspapers-

1.1K 22 8

Author San is here to say. They love you very very much.
But not more than their Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch is hubby. Not you.
Your wifey ✨💅

It was the next morning.

Izukus's eyes fluttered open as he groaned at the sun shining in his eyes. Turning his head away and shoving his face into the pillow, his hand mindlessly traveled around trying to find a particular demon in mind. Patting down the bed, he lifted his head and looked around seeing not a demon in sight.

"Kacchan.?" He muttered with a tired tone before yawning and stretching his arms and then sitting up. Smacking his lips a few times,
Izuku sighed and immediately felt an uneasy feeling as he ripped away the blanket to see his naked body and the poor black sheets.
Covering his mouth and blushing profusely, he furrowed his eyebrows and shakily sighed. "You asshole.."


mindlessly stumbling to the kitchen, fully dressed, he sees Katsuki sitting at the table drinking orange juice.
Izuku sighs deeply and lays his head in his arms on the table. Katsuki raises an eyebrow and looks at the greenette.
"You're acting like you were the one getting fucked in the ass." Katsuki chuckled with a smirk. Izuku just shifted his head to the side to face Katsuki. "Shut up." The greenette said bluntly, still with a red face from the embarrassment.

Rolling his eyes Katsuki grabs the newspaper from the table and reads it.
Making a visible angry scowl he scoffs and opens his mouth. "Seems like you're the talk of the papers," Katsuki says as he tosses the newspaper to Izuku on the counter. Izuku pressed his lips firmly in a line and lifted his head, reluctantly reading the newspaper.

His face contorted in a shocked and confused manner.

'Pro hero Uraraka and Izuku, possibly a couple!?'

Reading the headlines Izuku pulled out the bar stool and sat on it.
Izuku grumbles and rolls his eyes tiredly and tosses it back to Katsuki. The blond then narrows his eyes. "Do you like her?" And with a scoff Izuku replies. "She's just a friend."

An uncomfortable silence fills the room and Katsuki leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.
"I got a job." He spoke abruptly. "Excuse me.?" Izuku questioned in bewilderment. "Yeah, as a construction worker. I'll be starting in a few days"

Izuku then chuckles and softly smiles "About time," he grinned and Katsuki chuckled and sat up and opened his eyes to look at Izuku.
"Doesn't mean I'm moving out any time soon." He says with a shit-eating grin. Izuku shrugs. "I stopped caring a long time ago," he says before resting the side of his face on his hand.



It was later that day when Izuku was in his room taking a nap on his sheet-less and blanket-less bed, only a throw blanket wrapped around him while he slept. Waiting for the laundry to get clean.
Katsuki on the other hand, was on the couch, waiting, —waiting for a miracle to somehow spawn. His thoughts grew rampant in his head and he couldn't help but groan and sigh while—like an angry child would kick his legs on the couch in annoyance.

The thoughts that scampered in his mind were because of the mark. The bite mark Izuku had accidentally placed on him a few months back. He found it an annoyance to have sex with specifically him at least a few times every month to keep that overwhelming hunger at bay. He could get sick, or even worse his sickness could become fatal at a moment's notice.
The blond tried to think of ways he could..bridle the hunger, even stop him from needing to have sex to live.

"Change your whole...existence"

The sentence drifted in his head.
The blond leaned his head back on the armrest of the couch and pressed his lips in a firm line.
He depended his whole life on being.. —an incubus! And even being part incubus didn't change the fact that he would need sex to survive.
The thought never occurred to him until now. Was it because of... —Izuku?

"Fuck it" he spoke before swiftly sitting up and walking to the blank wall.
Placing his hands on the wall, a large red symbol of a pentagram appeared. "I'll be back soon nerd," Katsuki muttered before going through the portal-like wall.


If anyone had the answers he was looking for..it was his father.


Upon entering the portal-like wall he entered a large building with dark monotone grey walls and black arches large enough for a giant to pass through. A long almost never-ending dark blue rug laid rolled out down the long hallway which appeared to have doors in the walls.
Chandeliers with a dark gothic look to them glowed sinisterly with bright candle lights scattered upon the stands.
It was a familiar place.

It was his home.


Katsuki walked down the long hallway as he passed many familiar doors of his childhood. He didn't often come to this place anymore after he left for the human world. But it was..comforting.
This heavy presence he could never shake, and neither could he shake the thought of nagging he would hear upon entering the large grand door.
Opening it caused a loud sound of creaking to be heard making him plug his ears slightly.

"Old man.." Katsuki grumbled as he saw the brunette sitting on a throne with a leather book in his hands.

The brunette looked up with eyes glowing slightly, horns protruding from his forehead, and went straight up, while his tail was long and draped over his large iron throne.

"Hi, son!" He smiled widely and all Katsuki could do was scoff as the dark energy was immediately lifted.
Katsuki walked up to his father, Masaru, a kind man with glasses resting at the edge of his nose, tho his appearance was frightening, nothing could compare to his wife, Katsuki's mother.

"Why have you come back? You've been gone for an awfully long time." Masaru's face bittered, his eyes now looking up toward the tall blond.
Katsuki scoffed, standing in front of the old man. "I need something." He bluntly said with venom tracing his tongue. But all Masaru did was just put on a coy smile and then shuffle in his seat before placing the book on his lap.
"Be more specific Katsuki," Masaru responded with a little smile.

The blond then sighed and clenched his hands in a fist. "I need a book. A book about how I can —at least! Keep this stupid fucking hunger I have at bay." He retorted with a scowl.
"Hmf. I-well. I have something, but it's in the library." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Course it is." He muttered under his breath.
The brunette frowned at the boy. "There's not much I can tell you about such incubus things. Your mother knows more on that subject."
He said while flicking his tail in dismay.

"Well thanks for the fucking help, I thought you'd at least know something since your Mr. know it all!" Katsuki Begrudgingly retorted feeling like he wasted his time.


"Why the flying fuck would I have to meet some old hag! She won't tell me anything you know that!"


"And besides—"


It went silent. The blond felt himself shrink as he frowned and crossed his arms.
Masaru sighed deeply, "The reason I don't know much about the hunger on incubi is because no one cared for it. Incubi and succubi alike suffer from this hunger but many grew up being..hungry and just learned to have intercourse with someone to be fulfilled. Demons follow the path death has chosen for them..but you are special, you were born here. So not many people know much about curing or keeping at bay such hunger. But if there was anything. It's in the library." Masaru explained before leaning back and opening back his book.

Katsuki huffed and lowered his gaze.

"Sorry... I have been gone for so long.." Katsuki muttered feeling guilty about his actions.
Masaru pressed his lips together in a firm line before pushing his glasses up. "I understand your mother...-well—I- I know you don't have the best relationship with her after the incident —but she misses you. Visit her when you can Katsuki." He responds in a calm voice with a soft smile.

Katsuki nodded slightly.
"Alright." He mumbled before turning away and walking down the few steps. Quickly he made it towards the large door his tail swayed with his movement before hearing his name be called.
The blond looked back toward his father.

"Be careful in the human world. More demons are finding ways to enter it and I fear some may try to hunt you down." Masaru warned the tall blond. Katsuki shuffled in his place before smirking, "I won't let a goddamn one even enter my gaze." Katsuki says boldly before swiftly taking off to the library. His next destination.

As the large doors behind him close with a soft shut, Katsuki's expression darkens and his proud smirk contorts slowly into a concerned expression.


The blond soon makes it to the large black door with silver engraved on it. Memories flooded his mind as he recalled the days he would read about the human world. His dream for his 15th birthday was to go to the human world and see the wonderful sights he had read about oh so much. But it ended in chaos, it became something he wished he never recalled in the first place.

Opening the door he is greeted by the large grand-like room with isles and isles full of books of all colors and shapes but something they all shared in common was the dust and grime that covered their titles and leather covers. Katsuki was now —just annoyed.
A practical tower of books on anything and everything was not sectioned by alphabet or made easier to find in any way. They were all miss organized and he felt a weird feeling..that this was gonna take a long time..more than he wanted.

Time went stupidly slow in hell and fast on Earth, he learned his lesson back when he accidentally left the greenette for a week or two thinking it was just a few days. He couldn't take his time here. There's no connection between hell and Earth, and the time that could be morning on Earth could be night in hell. It was very.. inconvenient.

Searching through books after books along with old scriptures he threw everything he thought would help him onto a large feast-like table. Two rows of wooden chairs decorated the sides of the long table accordingly.
Gliding across library shelves with ladders to reach the top of the shelves was a pain in itself. Dust, grime, -you name it! Got all over him and spiders were the worst, left him on the floor with a hurting leg after falling off the ladder.

Katsuki finally sat down at the table and opened a large maroon-red book with a leather-like texture to it.
He flipped through page after page trying to find something, something that would help him.

2 hours later

Katsuki laid leaned back on the wooden chair with his legs and arms limp and a tired existential dread permanently slapped onto his face.
"Fucking hell.." he groaned in annoyance.
He had found spells and such on how to keep his hunger at bay..but they weren't permanent and the ones that were..needed something called

Maggart ashes:
which uses human blood or sacrifices to turn any being into a human but it comes at a price.
-which is even more grueling than already being a half-incubus demon.
Katsuki is back to square one sadly.

But with now only one thought in his head.

"How do I become human."


Katsuki walked out of the library to the grand hallway exploring until he hears a voice call out to him. Freezing in his steps he sighs and looks down. "Katsuki!" A woman calls out while loud sounds of clicking could be heard -similar to heels.
The blond turned around to face a tall woman right in front of him, scaring him. "FUCK!" Katsuki jumped back seeing the tall woman with arms crossed glaring daggers at him.

"You've been gone for a year now Katsuki! What has happened?" The woman vociferated in confusion and concern for her son.

"Tch, It's none of your business old hag" Katsuki scornfully said glaring at the literal gender-bend version of himself.
The tall woman was Mitsuki Bakugou, mother of Katsuki, and wife of Masaru. She was a fierce demon even though she was a mere succubus, but she made up for it by becoming the wisest demon of the slumps. A queen indeed.

The blond snared and turned away in a fit and started to walk away until a low growl of annoyance was heard. "Stop right there boy."
She said lowly with a growl in the back of her throat. She furrowed her eyebrows and perked herself up, propping herself up with her hand on her hip. Katsuki froze and snatched his head to his mother before seeing his mother, again, stand right in front of him.

Her eyes were wide staring at his own and she slightly leaned over just to stand the same height as Katsuki, staring him down.

"You smell like human. I would hate for you to say you've been messing around in the human world all this time."
Katsuki's eyes lowered and he shakily breathed out, "Tch." He then traced his hand to the collar of his shirt and pulled it down revealing a mark almost as of a tattoo that appeared on his neck. "I have no choice," Katsuki said with slight hints of guilt.

Before he knew it a hard slap to his head which made him flinch.
"OW! Fuck!" Katsuki cursed, he then snarled at the woman bearing his fangs. "Damn, hag!" He cursed even louder.
"Be quiet boy! You dare go to the fucking human world! —and you got yourself marked!?" She interrupted while her hands clenched together in a beastly manner.

Katsuki just turned his head and made a loud "Tch" sound.

"This is exactly why I never want to see you." Katsuki ended with a cold expression as he walked away.

"And let's see how far that gets you when you get yourself hunted down and killed!" Mitsuki scoffed as her tail waved around furiously like a wild animal, her fangs long and bearing while her horns -which were much like an ox's, glowed red between the seams.





Coming back home he fades out of the wall into the familiar living space of home.
And the smell of food immediately washes over him making him smile lightly.

"Took you a while," Izuku says as he uses a wooden spatula to stir the veggies in a large skillet. The smell was mouth-watering and Katsuki just sighed and went up behind Izuku and stuffed his face into the nook of the greenettes neck while wrapping his arms lazily around the boy's torso. Izuku didn't mind this but was.. —concerned.

Izuku pressed his lips together in an 'ill at ease manner and just kept stirring.
"What did you do today?" Izuku spoke softly and Katsuki huffed and tilted his head up.

"I visited.." he started before trailing off and frowning slightly.


Authors note:
I hoped you enjoyed the chapter tho all of my stories have been slow-paced. I'm working on drafts for my new stories for the new generation of my stories all the while updating the covers of my other stories. I may be updating the cover of this book, but it shouldn't change much, but I'm just giving you a heads-up so you don't get confused.

-anyways, bye loves!
Happy late Mother's Day ✨

If you have a mother that is. 🗿


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