Power Couple (Taekook)

By taekook9597toptae

226 0 3

Jungkook who works for the mafia ,,Red Rose" as a assasin is a beatyfull, sassy and a strong boy who has a en... More

Ep. 1 Family
Ep 2: Mission
Ep 3: I'm Sorry
Ep 4: Our goal
Ep 6: Date

Ep 5: New Family

17 0 0
By taekook9597toptae

Jungkook pov:

I walked out of the room because i cant stand it when someon mentions my parents.
I..i just c..cant bear it t..too see this p..pictures in my h..head all of the t..time.

I walked and walked but then i landed in a familiar place.
,,Wait this kitchen..." i said but then i saw suddenly that two fuckers eating who i fought before in this kitchen????
,,Omoo yoongi thats the braaat from before letss goo for round two-yaahhh!!" The smaller one screamed as that yoongi pulled him on his ear.
,,Calm down jimin the Boss said we should treat him well" he said and came towards me.

,,Will he attack me?? Where is his weapon shit!!" I tought and got paniked in my fight Position.
Then he just reached his hand out to me.
,,Hey I'm Yoongi nice to meet you" he said with a little smile.
,,You arent going to attack me?" I asked confused.
,,How about you're telling us your Name?"
I waited a little.
,,I..I'm Jungkook..Jeon Jungkook"
,,Ohh you must be the brother of Lisa. I'm Jimin."The smaller one suddenly said.
,,We already met Lisa she's a friendly girl." Yoongi said.
,,Yeah yeah and the little princess of Jenny" Jimin said and winked.

On that day i also met the others.
Namjoon and Jin with his Baby in the belly. Naeyon and Hoseok the two who always are fighting but you can see they love each other. I'm suprised that such people do exist. A few hours ago i tried to kill them but they already treat you like a Part of the family. Yeah....a family.
We ate on the desk and a tear ran down my cheek.
,,Omo my Baby whats wrong"
Jin said worried
,,Its just i dont know how long it's been since i eat something delicious with so much people on my side." I said smiling soabing a little.

,,You are now part of the family" i suddenly heard from behind.
It was taehyung. Yeahh
I ran towards him and smacked him on the head while blushing.
,,WHAT WAS THAT FOR" he shouted while Holding his head.
Suddenly jenny and Lisa appeared. Jenny chuckled silently but then you heard all laugh.
,,Aww it looks like our little Mafiosi Boss found his trouble maker." Hoseok said while laughing.
,,Now you know what we have to go through" Namjoon said but earned also a smack on the head from jin.
,,N..Nothing B..Baby hehe"

Then we all laughed together.
I have a feeling that this is the right place for me and my sister.

*In the evening

Authors pov:

,,Yaaahh that was funny but now i'm tired lets go to bed" Jimin said while yawning.
,,Yeahh yeahh calm down but I'm not Sure if you'll hear moans from us today." Yoongi said while galncing at Taekook and then all glanced at them.
Jungkook shouted while blushing.
,,Thatss rightt my little baby brother should keep his virginity" Lisa said confidently.
,,Be carefull that you will keep your virginity today" Jenny whispered in her ear and took her in bridalstyle to her room.
,,JUNGKOOK HELP MEE" she said while whining and reached her hand out.
,,NOONA I WILL RESCU-"  he was cut off as someone took him in bridalstyle too. And yeaahhh it was non other than Taehyung.

,,Good night guys" he said while Holding jungkook.
  Taehyung threw Jungkook on the bed and howered over him.
Jungkook just closed his eyes und blushed a little.
,,Why you're beeing so nervous my little bunny?", whispered Taehyung in his ear.
,,I..i just never did something like that" jungkook said while looking away.
,,Soo what if i..." Taehyung said while going to his neck and giving it little pecks.
Little moans escsped from Jungkooks mouth but then suddenly.

,,HAHAHAHAHAHAH YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW" Taehyung said while laughing his ass off.
,,y..you little BASTARD" Jungkook said while kicking him out off the bed.
,,Yaaahh stop kicking mee"
,,You will earn more kicks if you dont stop doing.."
,,What? Doing what?"
Taehyung said smirking.
He loves it when Jungkook blushes a mess.
,,But remember one Thing. I will never do something you dont like." Taehyung said while smiling softly.
Then he laid on the bed and hugged Jungkook from behind.
,,Good night" he said and oecked jungkook on his head.
,,Why do i feel so safe?" Jungkook thought and Fell asleep.

Two weeks later:

Author pov:

In that week Jungkook and Teahyung got closer. Firstly Jungkook was afraid to Show his feelings towards Taehyung but now many changed.
Lisa and Jenny are also got closer since Lisa is Jennys little Princess.

In the Training Room:

Jungkook and Taehyung trained on the math. They kicked qnd punched each other but then they got out of breath.
,,Should i ask you again old man are you already exhausted?" Jungkook asked while smirking.
,,No you little brat" Taehyung said as he ran toward Jungkook ready to throw a punch at him. Jungkook easily dodged it and kicked him in his knee that they Fell on the math with jungkook setting on the top off him.
,,Ahh i understand you like this Position dont you?" Taheyung said making Jungkook blush.
,,Is that your way of saying i lost? Jungkook said then sassy.

Then Taheyung Flipped them over so that he was on the top now.

,,No but i Pfeffer this Position." Taehyung whispered in his ear but then he stood up and said:
,,I have a suprise for you get ready for tonight we are going out "
,,Who said im gonna say yes?" Jungkook asked.
,,Ouu you will" Taehyung said smirking as he left the room.

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