My Hero Academia: A Hero With...

By Ryu_Nagichaka

18 4 3

after gaining her unique quirk Washi Tsume signs up for the school of her dreams UA and gets into the hero st... More

Prologue: Start line
Episode 1 What I can do for now
Episode 2 Rage,You Damn Nerd
Episode 3 Deku vs Kacchan
Episode 4 Bakugo's Start Line
Episode 6 Encounter with the unknown
Episode 7 Game over
Episode 8 All Might
Episode 9 In each of our hearts

Episode 5 Yeah,Just do your Best,Iida!

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By Ryu_Nagichaka

[Reporters clamoring]

Reporter A " Hey kid mind telling me what's being in the same building as All might like?"

Washi " Well's certainly an experience?"

Reporter A " can you tell me more?"

Washi " Um uh Um."

Aizawa " That's enough!"

Mr.Aizawa stepped in front of me and blocked the reporters he then ushered me inside.

Suddenly I heard the gates protection system activate.

Washi " yeesh!"

I then headed to class taking my seat.
Aizawa " Decent work on yesterday's combat training. You guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo. You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

Bakugo " Yeah, whatever."

Aizawa " And Midoriya. I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your Quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency, huh?"

Midoriya " Right."

Aizawa " let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future."

All ( is it another Quirk test?)

Aizawa " you all need to pick a class representative."

All ( oh, good just normal school stuff!)

Kirishima " Pick me, guys! I wanna be class rep!"

Kamanari " I'll take it!"

Jiro " Yeah, you're gonna need me."

Aoyama" someone with style would be best."

Ashido " I'm like, totally the right pick!"

Then everyone started screaming about how they wanted to be class rep.

Washi " I'm...better off not."

Iida " Silence, everyone, please! The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader!"

All " it's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you."

Kamanari " Is this really the best idea?"
Asui " we've only known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust?"

Kirishima " besides, everyone will just vote for themselves."

Iida " most people will. But that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job. It's the best way, right, sir?

Aizawa " Do what you want, just decide before my nap's over.

Iida " Thank you for your trust!"

Midoriya " How did I get four votes?"

Bakugo " okay, you idiots who voted for him?"

Sero " what, did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?"

Bakugo " What did you just say?!"

Washi ( zero votes...makes sense I didn't really make a good impression"
Iida " 0 votes. I feared this might happen, but I can't argue with the system I chose!"

Yaoyorozu" So you voted for someone else, huh?"

Sato " But you knew it was best to vote for yourself, right? What were you tryin' to prove here, iida?"

Aizawa " All right the class rep is Midoriya, and our deputy is Yaoyorozu."
Midoriya" Really? Uh. It's not a mistake?"

Yaoyorozu [sighs~] How'd this happen?"

Asui " this might not be so bad."

Kirishima " yeah, I can get behind Midoriya I guess."

Kamanari " Yaoyorozu was totally on top of it when it came to our training results!"

Washi " so Midoriya's class rep huh?"

Uraraka " [sigh] it's always so crowded in here!"

Iida " that's because students in the support, management, and hero courses all share the same cafeteria."
Uraraka " This rice is delicious!"

Midoriya [sighs] Guys, I'm kinda worried about the class rep thing, I don't think I'm qualified."
Uraraka " sure you are."

Iida " you'll be great. Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help make you a worthy leader. Not to mention the strength you've demonstrated. Those are the reasons I voted for you, at least."

Midoriya" You were one of the four?"
Washi " same here"

Midoriya " you two?"

Uraraka " Didn't you wanna be rep really badly, I mean you do look the part. 'cause of the glasses!"

Iida " wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things. Observing the iida family's hero agency has taught me that much.

[Uraraka, midoriya,Washi]" agency"?
Midoriya " hold on, what does your family do?"

Iida " Uh-- oh, it's nothing."

Uraraka" Y'know, I've been wondering something about you. Admit it, iida your filthy rich!"

Iida " Uh-- I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family."

All" Oooh..."

Iida" [sighs] You see, the Iida's have been pro heros for generations. It runs in our blood."

All " What? That's awesome!"

Iida" are the three of you familiar with the Turbo hero, Ingenium?"
Deku" I know all about him! He's a super-popular pro with 65 sidekicks working alongside him at his Tokyo agency! Don't tell me..."

Iida " He's my elder brother!"

Uraraka" Your family's famous!"

Washi " Yeah! There probably the most famous hero family since...Ever!"

Deku " I can't believe it!"

Iida " Ingenium is an unmatched commander who honors the hero code. As the second oldest Iida son, I strive to be judt like him. However, I think it might be a bit soon for me to be in a real leadership role. You, for example. You figured out what the judges were looking for in the practical exam. A rep needs that sort of insight."

Uraraka " that's the first time I've seen you smile, Tenya! You should do it more."

Washi " yeah it really suits you."

Iida " what're you talking about? I smile all the time!"

Washi (to be surrounded by such incredible people who all have there own goals and there own role models. It's just incredible.)

Deku " Hey, yeah, so about that practical exam--"

[Bell rings]

All [gasp]

Deku " --What is that?"

[Announcer A] Warning. Level three security breach."

Student " no way!"

" Please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

Iida " what's a "Level Three security breach?"

Student " it means that someone's managed to get past the schools barriers! This hasn't happened in my three years here. We should get going!"

Washi " Well shit!"

Everyone then ran to the exit and into the hallway pushing us in horde along with them.

[Students yelling]

Uraraka " Ow this is a total mob!"

Washi " Stop stepping on my foot!"

Iida " everyone was quick to react. As id expect from Ua students."

Deku " Sure. But there also causing a huge panic. Crap! I can't stop!"

Tenya " Godspeed Midoriya!"
Uraraka " oh no, Deku"
Washi " Rip midoriya"

Iida " who in the world could've trespassed onto campus grounds? It's... The press that was outside! I was afraid it was some kind of attack on the school, but there's no need to worry, everyone!"

Washi( I can't even fly! There's not any space!)

Kirishima" Everyone! stop freakin' out!"

Iida,Washi" Kirishima! Kamanari!"

Kamanari" the currents to strong!"

[Uraraka yelps]

Iida " Uraraka!"

Ochaco " Tenya, help me!"

Iida " I have an idea!"

Iida then reached his hand out towards Uraraka.

Uraraka " huh?"

Iida " touch my hand. Make me float above everyone else!"

Uraraka then reached her and and touched his causing him to float Roled up hus pant legs revealing engines on his calfs.

Iida " Engine Boost, go!"

He then spun around in circles until he hit the wall Infront of him striking an exit sign man pose

Iida " Listen up, everything is okay! It's just the media outside. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything's fine! We're UA students. We need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best."

Everyone then started calming down as the police arrived all going back to the cafeteria.

Washi " Iida you need help up there!?"

Iida " That would be very much appreciated, Thank you!"

I then formed small wings flying up to iida and lending him my leg bringing him back down, he was weightless.

Uraraka " and release."

We then all went back to class.

Yaoyorozu " It's time, class rep. Let's begin."

Deku " Um. Okay, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be. But first, there's something that I wanna say. I've thought a lot about this. And I think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep! He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So I believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on!"

Kirishima " yeah you know what? If midoriya vouches for him, i'm good. Plus he was a big help. He totally manned up and took charge, right?"

Kamanari " yup! Oh! Did you notice he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?"

Washi " Yeah! Funny coincidence."

Aizawa " this is a waste of time. I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up."

Iida then stood up and said.

Iida " If midoriya is nominating me for this job... Then I humbly accept. I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

Kirishima " Sounds good, emergency exit!"

Kamanari " Emergency Exit iida! Don't let us down, man!

Yaoyorozu" Hello, I got two more votes than him.

The Next Day

Aizawa" Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

[All gasp]

Washi ( three pros. What kind of training requires three?)

Sero " Sir! What kind of training is this?"

Aizawa then reached under his desk and held up a card.

Aizawa " Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that."

Washi " Finally!"
( I was never good at the fighting stuff, but the practical exam showed what I'm truly good at using my quirk for rescue!)

Kamanari " sounds like we're in for a big workout."

Ashido " totally!"

Kirishima " real hero stuff. This is what separates the men from the boys. I'm shakin' with excitement."

Asui " Finally, I'll get to show off how good i am in the water. Ribbit."

Washi " I can finally freely stretch my wings!"

Aizawa " guys I'm not finished yet. What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know your excited about costumes...But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities."

(Speak for yourself, mine makes me more aerodynamic,warm,and comfortable!)

" This special trainings at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus there. Thsts all. Start getting ready."

Washi " This will be just like the practical exam! Huh Tsu!"

Asui " Yup. Though I didn't do much saving unlike you."

Washi " I'm sure you'll be great at it!"

We then all changed into our hero costumes and headed outside.

Uraraka" Deku? Why are you wearing your PE clothes? Where's your costume at?"

Deku " You saw it after the combat training. It was kind of trashed. I'm still waiting for the support company to fix it up."

Washi " I know that thing looked like garbage!"

[Whistle blows]

Iida " gather around, class 1-A! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently."

Deku " Iida's kicking it into high gear as our class rep, huh?

Washi " Yup."
We then all were ordered in a line. I was Infront of Tsu like my class seat as we boarded the bus.

Iida " The bus's open layout ruined my boarding strategy."

Ashido " Iida you really need to chill."
Washi " poor iida!"

Asui " If we're pointing out the obvious, then there's something I want to say... About you, actually."

Deku " About me? What is it, Asui?"

Asui " I told you to call me "Tsu.""

Deku " oh. Yeah, right."

Asui " That power of yours. Isn't it a lot like all might's?"

Deku " What? Really? You think so, huh? I never really thought about that. I guess it's kinda similar..."

Kirishima " wait, hold on, Tsu. You're forgetting All might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference. Still, I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting-type a' Quirk. You can do a lots of flashy stuff with it."

He then raised up his arm as it began hardening into a sharp rock like form

"My Hardening's super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive."

Deku " oh, no way, I think it's really awesome looking. You're definitely pro material with a Quirk like that."

Kirishima " You really think so? Seems like it'd be easier to be a popular hero if I had somethin' flashier."

Awyoma" my naval laser's got the perfect combination of panache and strength."

Ashido " but it's way lame if it gives you a stomachache, sweetie."

Washi " oof."

Kirishima " well, if any of our classmates have pro Quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo."

Asui " sure, but Bakugo's always angry so he'll never be that popular."

Bakugo " Uh-- What'd you say? I'll kick your ass!"

Asui " Ya see?"

Tsume " Yeah, If he was a pro I'd definitely stay as far away as possible."

Bakugo " You wanna die to?!"

Kamanari " Y'know, we basically just met you. So it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage."

Bakugo " You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school, you loser...! I'll kill you!"

Iida " Enough! The class needs encouragement"

They continued fighting until it became inaudible.

Yaoyorozu" This is such a a disgusting conversation."

Tsume " Nah this is epic!"

Uraraka " Yeah, but it's kind of fun listening to them fight."

Aizawa " Hey,hey, we're here. Stop messing around.

[Students] " Yes, sir."

Bakugo " Whatever."

We then all got out the bus and met up with a woman in a space suit with a weird helmet.

????" Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you!"

Izuku" Wow! It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!"

Uraraka " Woo-hoo! Thirteen is one of my favorite heros!"

Thirteen " I can't wait to show you what's inside!"

Students " this is gonna be awesome!"

We then walked inside and we're greeted by a large expansive area with multiple different sections for all kinds of natural disasters. Like earthquakes, shipwrecks, stranded hikers, city fires, storms, and much more.

Kirishima " Holy crap! It looks like some kind of amusement park!"

Thirteen " a shipwreck, A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. Et cetera-- I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforseen Simulation Joint. But you can call it, USJ!"

Students " Just like Universal Studios Japan."

Aizawa " Hey, shouldn't All might be here already? Let me guess he booked an interview instead."

Thirteen " actually, it's something else."

Aizawa " very quiet. One student has super hearing."

Tsume " heh?"

They than whispered out of my hearing level.

Aizawa " The clock's ticking. We should get started."

Thirteen " Excellent. Before we begin, let me say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three,four,or five."

Students( we get it)
Tsume(so cute!)

Thirteen " listen carefully. I'm sure your aware that I have a powerful quirk. It's called black hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

Izuku " Yeah you've used black hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?"

Thirteen " that's true, but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill. Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous"

Tsume ( yeah)

" In our superhuman society, all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if your trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirks potential. And because of All mights combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today your going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others. That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening."

We all then began cheering.

Aizawa " Right. Now that that's over... "

Suddenly the lights flickered and went dark, the water faucet in the middle of tge building began starting and stopping before a swirl of light appeared and turned purple it then exploded as two yellow eyes appeared. Before long a pasty, pale hand reached out and pried the shadow open. A person with red eyes and a face covering his hand then appeared.

Aizawa " stay together and don't move! Thirteen. protect the students! "

Kirishima " woah, what is that thing?"

Tsume " I don't know but whatever it is it can't be good!"

Suddenly the Face guy walked out of the portal and hundreds of villains soon followed.

Kirishima " wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people."

Deku than tried walking forwards before Aizawa yelled at him.

Aizawa " Stay back!"

He then put on his goggles showing something bad was going to happen.

Aizawa " this is real. Those are villains."

All " Wha-"
Tsume " no way!"

Izuku( We thought we were going to be practicing saving other people's lives that day, but when they appeared, we realized we were the ones in danger.)

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