The Demon Of The Night (RWBY...

Bởi Drunken_Crow

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You Replace Lie Ren In The Story But With The Power Of Nacht Faust From Black Clover. You Must Survive The Wo... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Start Of The Adventure
Chapter 3: Unknown Warrior
Chapter 4: Beacon Test
Chapter 5: Class Starts
Chapter 6: The Never-Ending Repeats
Chapter 7: Jaune Ending Of His Start.
Chapter 8: Past Familiar People
Chapter 9: Mail From An Old Friend
Chapter 10: Food Fight! (Fun Short Chapter)
Chapter 11: Sight Seeing And Highway Trouble
Chapter 12: The Dance (Part 1)
Chapter 13: The Dance (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Solo Mission

Chapter 2: The Timeskip

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Bởi Drunken_Crow

After the Grimm Invasion, Nora and Y/N would Venture out North, Y/N Offers to Train Nora so she will be able to defend herself to which Nora agrees with a smile. They stopped by a village that was quite Far Away and a Blacksmith allowed them to build a normal Large Maul to which was Free as the Blacksmith was worried about those kids and decided to help them. For the past 2 years, Nora would of gotten a much better hammer that could transform into a Revolver Grenade Launcher to which made Nora Extremely Happy to get And Y/N Also grained a Extreme High Control of the Books and the spell to which he still Believes to be connected to his Semblance. 

Y/N Trained Nora to the point where Nora could easily beat Most Grimm as Well as survive in the forest and basic Understanding of the world and common sense. Is this because He told Nora that he plans on Leaving so he can do a long Investigation of a theory he had and sadly will have to leave Nora in the time he will be gone. This caused a instant Reaction of Nora Crying and hugging Y/N saying "Did I Hurt You Somehow?! IM SORRY PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME ALONE!" But after a very long time, He manage to convince Nora to which till the point of his Departure with Nora, she will spend all her time With Y/N.

With that 3 Years has passed after Y/N Leaving Nora so he can do his own thing for awhile and Learn as much as he can. Y/N has learnt and seen many things that would never be believed unless they saw it with their own eyes. 

During his 3 years Departure, Y/N came across many Grimm and Bandits of many sorts, On one time he entered a bandit camp and ended Beating up every Bandit there besides 1 who was the leader but they talked it out and Y/N Left with some information and headed up West To go to Vacou but stopped by Vale and pick up extra Equipment for the Journey in the sand such as a hoodie and a mask and then on his path to Vacou where to say the least wasn't the best Area. He has seen tons of bad people that he would admittedly admit that he hates to which caused a bit of fights but instantly stopped after Y/N using shadow hands and restrained them and squeezing them till they Pass out or just Throw them away. It Then Became Night When He met The Headmaster of Shade and The Head master did asked Y/N to join his Academy but rejects him much to the Head master Disappointment and ask why he is here, But Y/N only says for Business and leave without giving him any more information and Y/N would wonder The Desert till he hears a Ruckus Near the area he was exploring.

Y/N: Hm? 

Y/N Would walk towards the noise, He Travels over a Few Sand dunes and kill some Scorpion Grimm as Well Vultures Grimm till he looks down to where he see around 15 People Surrounding a Old House and had a extra 10 people in the hills with Snipers and long ranged gun pointing towards the house that was camouflaged to the sand which was a smart way to avoid Attention from any people or creatures walking pass. 


???? 2: Hey! We cant! If we do then She'll have us all by our Necks and Kill Us!


???? 3 : YEAH!

???? 4: WOO HOOO!



Y/N who hears this clearly know this is bad news and those who are surrounding this house are bad people and he would also have a clear look in the tinted mirrors and he saw a Old Lady who seem to be sitting on a chair. Deciding that it would be best to Investigate This Situation. Y/N uses his Grimoire and sink into the shadow and appears in the house. 

Y/N: Hello there.

Old lady: Hm? Oh Hello Young Lad, What are you perhaps here for?

Y/N: I was travelling the Land when I heard a commotion happening and investigate and saw those people outside surrounding your place. Why Is That?

Old Lady: Hm?........ I believe they are here for My Power, At Least they what I Presume they are here for.

Y/N: I See, I wont question anymore then that but are you perhaps needing Assistance with these people?

Old Lady: If you wouldn't Mind, It will certainly be Very Helpful. Thank you Young Man.

Y/N would sink into the shadows and appear in the Hills behind someone who had a sniper And Suddenly Multiple Black Hands Appear behind Y/N.

Y/N: Lets make this fast.

Sniper man: Huh? WHO-

The man with the sniper suddenly was grabbed by the black hands and was Palm strikes into the shadow where He completely Sank it too.

Y/N: With 1 down 9 more people left. 

Y/N would of disperse in the Shadow and appears Behind the other 9 people in the hills and knock them out hard and put them into the shadows where he will Personally deal with them and gain some extra Information. Within 20 Seconds all 10 people in the hills was completely gone and only 15 people near the house was left.

Y/N: Lets do this more in a quiet Manner to not cause a ruckus for the Grimm. 

Y/N Would again Burst into the shadows and appear partially and grab the ancles of the bad guys and drag them to the shadows before they could yell and deal with them in the shadows and continue doing it till only 2 guys left who was staring at the front entrance of the house yelling while the other one just watches.

Bad guy 2 felt a tap on his Shoulder And turns around where a Fist was flying through his face and before the guy could react, He had been Punch straight in the face and get knocked out.


Bad Guy: 10

Bad Guy: 9

Bad Guy: 8 

Bad Guy: 7

Y/N Was dragging the Guy who he just knocked out the Shadow.

Bad Guy: 6

Y/N Notice the guy was still counting.

Bad Guy: 5

Bad Guy: 4

Y/N was stretching, While A Pure Black Cat that had horns appeared floating behind him while Horns was growing On Y/N head.

Y/N: How Is Nora.

Bad Guy: 3

Plumede: She seem to be okay, she seem to have a new hammer.

Bad Guy: 2 

Y/N: I See, That's good. As Long she keeps training.


It was all quiet for a few seconds. The bad guy was wondering what happened and turn around to see a single man who had Horns and Red Eyes who was staring into his soul with a smile. after he pulled down his Hoodie.

  Bad Guy: AH! 

He suddenly falls back after being scared and could sense DANGEROUS feeling that was coming off this guy that made his spine chilled.

Y/N: It seem that you finally stopped. 

Bad Guy: Who are you! Where is everyone else! HEY SOMEONE HELP! ANYONE!

Y/N: Quiet.

Y/N would grab the Jaw of the man and pressed him against the Ground which forced the man to hush up.

Y/N: Good your quiet. You will Give me Information once im done here.

Bad Guy Couldn't say anything by this man grip strength but Y/N could see the fear in the man eyes and Grinned.

Y/N Would lift up the entire body weight and slam him back against the ground that it was able to knock the man out quite Easily

Y/N: I will need you for talking, Dark Garden Invitation.

With the man gone for now. Y/N horns would disappear as well as the Cat Demon. Y/N would knock on the door.

Y/N: The Bad guys are gone now.

The Door would open, That revealed the Old lady standing. 

Old Lady: Thank you for dealing with them Young Man. 

Y/N: It Was No Problem at all, Though what were they here for?

Old Lady: I wouldn't want to burden someone so young such as yourself with the Knowledge.

Y/N: I wouldn't Mind, I already do know some things about Maidens but Majority of it is Unknown to me and I only know it has something to do with the Maidens from that Loud Man screaming it.

Old Lady: Ah So you do know, Well Please have a sit young man. I'll explain it to you.

Y/N would sit down as the Old Lady prepare Tea for both of them as they both sit down and The Old Lady would explain the History of the Maidens and how they came to be. Y/N was surprised at such thing being possible but did thought it is possible after all, He had 4 Real Contracted Demons Beside his Side. The Old Lady name is also Blaine Cox

Blaine: The story does seem to be very unbelievable huh.

Y/N: Yes, It doesn't even seem to be possible but I've seen weirder stuff then Magic and Maidens.

Blaine: I could tell by your expression.

Blaine chuckled.

Y/N: How did you get the Maiden powers in the first place? I can tell you never had it for a very long time.

Blaine: Im impressed you could tell... To speak the truth, My Daughter was the Last Maiden before.....

Y/N: I See, She must really have trusted you and loved you a lot for you to be in her Last Thoughts. You must mean a great deal to her. 

Blaine would smile while tearing up a bit.

Blaine: Thank you for saying that Y/N, It means a lot. 

Blaine would relax and continue speaking.

Blaine: I've yet to reveal to the Principle of Shade School of my new title of being Maiden.

Y/N: You gonna tell him?

Blaine: No Though I Do have a Plan to contain These Maiden Powers with My Semblance but it will only Be when I Pass Away When it will work completely which could be one of the Reason why My daughter thought of me so that these powers could End before they get in the wrong hand.

Y/N: I see but what is Your Semblance Then?

Blaine: Its All In One. You See when I call it All In One, It Means that I Can Seal Part of my soul in something which can be used like a Life Line When I Need Extra Aura. These Maiden Powers Fuses the User Soul with the Others Maidens which means when I Pass Away I have a chance to Seal My Soul In Time With these Maiden Powers away in a Object though However, I Will Lose Control on whether it cant Be Locked Away for Good which means Anyone who decides to Absorb it By chance Will Gain My Semblance In Them which will also contain the Summer Maiden powers, Despite My Old Age, I Believe if someone such as yourself to Take it in you then you to can Control it  Since you will have My Soul with your own Soul Next to Yours Like a Extra Heart In Case The First Heart Fails but its just a theory of Mine So I dont know whether its true or if I can seal my Soul and these Powers Just in time. Its all Just a Dangerous Gamble of a Old Lady playing with Her Life....

Blain Continues Speaking.

Blaine: As for Why Im Not Telling the Headmaster of Shades Academy Of this Power Is Because I might Have to fight or sit in a room being taken care of with No Freedom Till I Pass away. I am far to old to start fighting and I Hate thinking of Losing My Freedom and being Caged Like That.... Im Also No longer in My Prime Days, My Old Partner could say the same. She was the best of the best back in my time. No Grimm or Bad guys was able to compete with her powers that clearly was no Magic nor a semblance... Her title was always able to scare them before they even fought. 

Y/N: What's her story then?

Blaine: Heh You seem to really Enjoy This Old Lady Stories, Her Name was Maria Calavera. Her Silver Eyes Power was something that was able to turn Grimm to Stone or blind them, I Believe Maria Called The people with Silver eyes "The Silver Eyes Warrior". Her title was called "The Grimm Reaper" but even the strong will be prey to something else. She lost her eyes in a fight Of An Unknown Enemy which Ambushed her and left the known world and hid. I tried to help her but it never worked. she felt like she was nothing without her eyes so she ended up leaving helping the people to me.

Y/N: Did you perhaps had a title like hers?

Blaine would nod in confirmation. 

Blaine: Yes It Wasn't as Fancy as Hers but My old title was "Archer", I was basically Unbeatable with Long Range Weapons though compare to what kids now and days are using, My skill wont be a lot of useful... I just grew to tired that I had trouble putting a wheel back on my old Bike! Hahaha... Maria.... I don't know how she is doing Lately. I Haven't seen her in such a very long time, though I do prey for her safety Well-being and still believe she is still up and kicking somewhere... Despite the age of Maria, Not even Death would claim her... just like how no man was able to. Heh, That old girl was truly Special... Ah Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Blaine: If that old Coot is still around, Can you do a old lady a favor and make sure that make sure she is okay? I do worry for her constantly by her Careless Attitude towards everything.

Y/N: Yes, You are Very kind and Good in my eyes and I like You So I'll Make Sure your Friend Will be Okay.

Blaine would smile.

Blaine: you know, My Daughter would of probably fallen in love with you hahaha....  You truly are Kind Young Man. I also wish to thank you for staying around and having a talk with me. I enjoyed it.

Y/N: Thank You Blaine. Of course, I too have to leave since I must Meet my old friend Back at Anima.

Both Blaine and Y/N would get up as Blaine hugs Y/N. 

Blaine: Thank you for stopping by this old lady and hearing her talk about her good o days, It Made me so Happy And I wish Luck On your Journey back to your Dear Friend.

Y/N: Thank you. 

As Y/N was about to leave the house, He was stopped by Blaine voice again.

Blaine: You are always welcome back my boy, Also I wish to give you something that was held dear to me. Your a very kind Person so I know you deserve this.

Blaine would of went back to her room and walked back holding 2 boxes and open them.

In 1 box was a Red/Black Heart Necklace and the other object in the box seem to be a old photogram of 2 people.

Y/N: What's this?

Blaine: These 2 are things that I Always Treasured but seeing as Im Infront of  Young man who has a bright Future, I See that I rather see something that use to have a deep story to continue to tell more stories. the Red/Black Necklace was my Daughters Necklace that was given back to me after She Passed away And The photo is Of Me and Maria when we Were Younger. If she is still around, I wish for you to give it to her if not then Please Burry The Photo Near a Tree If that's okay with you?

Y/N would nod.

Y/N: It is Perfectly Fine. As Well as I Humbly Accepts your terms as well the necklace...

Blaine would place the necklace on Y/N Neck and place the photogram in his hand and he places it in his Pockets Under His Jacket.

Blaine: Thank you again Young Man and I wish you Good Luck on your Journey Hope Your Endeavors Goes Well.

Y/N: Thank you Blain, I wish you to live a healthy life and hope you stay be careful from People like those Bad guys And Please do sent me some Letter Should You Decided on what you plan to do with this Power of yours.

Y/N would now leave the Current Summer Maiden Home as she goes back to read her memories book of her Daughter. Y/N would of made it back to Vale as he stops to grab something to eat and goes to meet the bandits that he knocked out.

During Diving in the shadow, Y/N now knew quite a lot but he needed more information of The people he beat up and find the information on how they knew in the first place.

Bad Guy: Huh? Where am I?.....

Y/N: Your stuck in the shadows with only me.

Bad Guy: Huh!? you!

Y/N: Yes, me. Explain how you knew of the Maidens.

Bad Guy: Why Would I Tell Yo-

The Bad Guy stop and Started Sweating and he couldn't even turn around without feeling Terror,

What was Standing behind him was 4 Black Figures.

Y/N: Its best to tell me what you know Or I'll have them Rip you to shreds and tear your limps apart and have The Demons to eat you Inside Out.

Bad Guy: D-Demonnnnssss..... Whaaaaa wait wait please DONT KILL ME PLEASE!

Y/N: Speak then.

Bad Guy: But if I did then.... She will find me and.....kill me.....

Y/N: Who said I wouldn't kill you? I Just explained how you will be tortured if you don't give me what I want. its either be Not be tortured and survive or Be Tortured and be put in a near death state as I lock you in Enteral Darkness where you wish you will die....


Y/N: Okay guys, you did good. 

Gimodelo: Can I eat him though?

Y/N: If he doesn't talk then, ill give you his Spine to Chew on.


The 4 demons then disappears and the same for Y/N Horn and red eyes.

Y/N: Explain Everything of how you know of the Maidens.

Bad Guy: 

The Bad guy who name was Alexandro  stated how This Massive Tall Man that Included a creepy Scorpion Faunus joined him and talked to his gang which was the Grimmation Gang who was known to Use Grimm to Lure Out Targets and make the Targets to feel a lot of Negative emotions so the Grimm can come and kill them all.  The tall man manage to convince Alexandro to work along with his Mistress who will be their Savior. Alexandro will continue to explain how stupid it sound till the Mistress who called herself Salem appeared from a Jelly Fish like Grimm  and was able to control the Grimm around the Area to do what she wanted. Alexandro and his gang refused since They thought of their pride but they soon lost that pride when The tall man name Hazel and The Faunus  Tyrian Manage to take down their Whole crew by themselves and where after that moment, They gave in and continued to give Information To The Mistress In Order for The Grimm to not Attack them.

Alexandro: That's all! Am I Free to go......

Y/N who was thinking about everything that this man has said and connecting multiple Dots to theory Y/N was making up.

Y/N: Very Well then.....However I Need to make Sure you Forget all of this, Cant have Information about my powers being Leaked.

Alexandro: Please Don't! I'll stay Quiet!

Y/N would Grab Alexandro Head.

Y/N: I'll Making Sure Afterall, I Don't Like You. Darkness Crest.

As Y/N spoke, His Grimoire was floating as a Seal Was Engraved In The mind Mind where, whenever he thinks of anything about The Maiden Locations and any Information on them including Everything about Y/N would then sent His mind in a Complete Blank and would Only think of Darkness As well as Knock the man out.

Y/N: With that done, Its best to send this man in jail while I speak To Ozpin About Mine And Nora Place there.

Y/N Would sent the man who he knocked out into the prison with a sign with "Im a bad boy from Vacou, I Love to steal Grannies Money and punch kids!" With Done with the left over, Y/N heads towards Beacon.

He would then Enter Beacon and Head Towards The Tall tower and enter the elevator. There was a calmly Song playing in the Elevator that weirdly annoyed him. Finally After Reaching the top The Door would open.

Y/N walks towards in the office and stops and look at the man behind the Table who was drinking a mug who Y/N knew was The Headmaster of Beacon.

Y/N: Hello Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Ah, I Don't believe we met. Since you know my name, what is your name?

Y/N: I am Y/N L/N Sir, I'll cut to the point, I Wish for me and My Friend who isn't with me to join Beacon.

Ozpin: I See, Very Well then Mr. L/N. I'll give you a form for you and your friend so both of you 2  to Fill out and return to me. I'll also sent you the date of when the exam will come then. 

Y/N Nods.

Y/N: Thank you for this.

Ozpin: Its no problem, I Can see that you seem to be in a bit of a rush.

With that Y/N would Dispense In Shadows to which Surprised Ozpin.

Ozpin: Oh My~......That Boy......He had Traces of the Maiden Magic on him......Including some Magic that I've never seen before As Well...... I Will Need Qrow To keep his eyes on that boy very closely, If he can use Magic then I cant allow Her to get him....

Y/N would of went to Vale Port and head back to Anima on a ship to Meet Nora.

Y/N was lucky that there was surprising no attack on the ship so it was a nice clear way to Anima. The Ship finally Ported and Y/N was walking back Multiple Stores where he realized that he might need to get Nora something as a present so He decided to stop by a black Smith to make a customized Necklace of a Thunder With a Lightning in it as a pink Necklace as well Bought Multiple Materials for Nora hammer to be upgraded. 2 days has passed as he stayed near the port in a Local Inn to wait for the Material to be Transported here by Atlas Mailing System and also already had the necklace that was made by the Blacksmith who smiled At Y/N and said "Ah, Young Love" to which caused No Reaction from Y/N as he walks away and heading towards the location where he texted Nora to be at since she is near the area at which is around Argus that is in the Northen Region of Anima and Mistral which is also a Secured Area from the Atlas Military. Y/N sometimes text Nora on some days to check on her and make sure to know that he didn't forget about here. She texted him every day however, he wasn't able to text every day like her since he has quite the eventful things happening.

The Trip To Argus was a nice one to say the least, not to much Grimm and hardly any bandits. Speaking about bandits, He wondered about the one who he ran by who knew about the Maidens and Magic. He guessed they left somewhere to avoid staying at 1 place for too long Anyway, he finally made it to Argus.

The view would look amazing on the cliff looking down is Y/N could think but didn't focus to much on it since he has a meeting with a friend that he hasn't seen for a few years.

Y/N would disperse in the shadow and appear in the alley ways of the buildings  where something was happening.

A Blond girl seem to be getting threaten and Harassed but 3 common thugs that held Knifes. 

Girl: Please I don't have anything on me, please let me go.

Skinny thug: Sorry gal cant let ya. 

Small thug : Hey! Look at her finger. She wearing quite a expensive looking ring. 

Big thug: Yeah You Right. Give that to us lady.

Girl: No! You will not! 

Skinny thug: Tch! Listen gir- 

The skinny thug suddenly stopped moving.

Skinny thug: Hey! What's Happening?! why cant I move!

Small thug: What you mean?

The Small guy tried to move as well but couldn't, same as the Big thug and was confused on what's happening till they could barely see a clocked figure coming upwards from the Shadow itself.

Y/N: What did you think of stealing from someone.

Skinny thug: Hey! Let us go now!

Y/N: Okay.

Skinny Thug: Heh good.

But as soon he said that, The 3 thugs would be grabbed by Shadow Like Hands and starts to be dragged in the shadow.

Big thug: Hey Let Us GO!

Small thug: What's Happening?! 

Skinny Thug: You said you will let us go! 

Y/N: That what Im doing but in the Atlas restricted base where you will Immediately be arrested.

Skinny Thug: WHAT?! Hey calm down now!, no need to be rushed! we can talk this out!

Small Thug: Y-Yeah!

Y/N: Sorry but no, You see I Hate Evil People and Spinless People. So I Hate You 3. Bye.

Skinny Thug: WAI-

The 3 Thugs sank in the shadow as now it was only the blond girl and Y/N.

Y/N: You seem Fine, Good. 

Y/N was about to walk away till the blond hair girl stopped him and asked.

Girl: please at least allow me to thank yo-

Y/N: No.

Girl: To Bad I refuse. Now, We gonna have dinner at my place as thank you. No Refusing.

Much to Y/N Dismay.

Y/N: What a Drag...Fine only for a bit since I need to find someone.

During the walk they started to talk.

Girl: So... what's your name?

Y/N: Y/N.

Girl: Y/N? Sounds Familiar. well my name is Saphron Cotta-Arc

Y/N: Okay.

Saphron: You don't speak a lot don't you?

Y/N: Only if the topic is interesting.

Saphron: guess we Gotta make the topic interesting then but we already here!

They now Infront of the door to is Saphron Home.

Y/N: Seem to be Nice place.

Saphron and Y/N would enter the place where it had a Open room Living room with only the Kitchen Beside if it But Y/N noticed something else that he be surprised would be here.

Y/N: Well Hello......Nora.

As if responding by Pure Instincts, She would automatically Jumped towards Y/N and Hugging him Tightly as Y/N barely moved some Inches which showed that Nora did improved her strength by a lot.

Y/N: It's to see you again Nora.

Nora: Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!

Y/N: Yes, I'm here can you stop?

Nora: Your Back Finally! YESSSSSS!

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