Past Love

By Megan-41

7.7K 497 114

Nyx Dianne Saltzman was left on Alaric Saltzman's doorstep the day his daughters Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Salt... More

You Should Run Because Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn
We're Being Punked, Pedro
Hope is Not the Goal
Hope is Not The Goal Part two

This is the Part Where You Run

1.4K 108 31
By Megan-41

Must have 10 comments and 20 votes for another chapter.

                    "When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause. But what if the only real difference is just who's telling the story? My name is Nyx Saltzman. I come from a family of villains and heroes in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between. The school behind these gates protects the secrets of people like me. And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new."

                    It was late at night when a car stopped before a cathedral with a loud screech. A handsome, older-looking man steps out of the vehicle with green eyes, light freckles on his face, and short-cropped Ivy-league hair that is dark blonde. He was very tall and muscular, like a college football player. Two girls stepped out of the car; one was very beautiful and the shortest in the group with wavy auburn hair that went down her back. She has stunning light-colored blue eyes, full lips, and an amazing curvy figure. The last girl was just as beautiful as the second, with a tall, athletic, and lean body figure. Her hair is a naturally dark brunette color that only reaches her shoulders. The tall girl's chocolate-colored eyes fill with confusion as she sees a familiar boy with short, curly black hair and green eyes with a short, slim build sitting on the steps of the cathedral. "Landon," Both girls said in utter surprise as they stopped in front of the steps.

                    "Hope? Nyx?" Landon said in confusion as he looked at both girls he hadn't seen in a long time.

                    "You three know each other?" the older man asked as he walked up to the girls carrying a bag and a crossbow.

                    "Long story," Hope and Nyx said in unison as they looked at Landon. Suddenly yells and glass shattering could be heard from within the cathedral.

                    "Dad," Nyx said, catching her father's attention.

                    "Yeah, I'm on it," the older man said and walked up the steps and towards the closed doors of the cathedral. He pulled on the doors, but they wouldn't budge, "Doors are locked," he explained as Nyx walked up the steps and grabbed hold of each handle on the doors. Nyx yanks once, and the chains on the inside shatter allowing the doors to open. Landon's eyes widened in disbelief at what he had just seen.

                    "You're gonna want to stay out here, Landon, trust me," Hope said, walking past him and following Nyx into the cathedral with the older man behind them.

                    Instead of listening to Hope's warnings, he heads into the cathedral, where he finds his foster brother on the floor, yelling in pain. Sadness fills Nyx's eyes as she looks at the boy. He was an attractive young man with tall stature and an athletic build. His eyes kept changing from bright gold to a dark chocolate brown, similar to Nyx's. Sweat runs down from his short, slightly curled black hair and onto his smooth golden-brown skin. A preacher stood over the boy chanting in Latin with a cross in his hand as the boy's bones kept snapping in different places. Landon's foster parents watched from a distance with fear in their eyes. "And people wonder why I hate churches," Nyx said as she looked at the preacher in disgust.

                    "Shut down the exorcist, would you?" Nyx's father asked as he walked down the aisle.

                    "Silencio," Hope said with a wave of her hand, and the preacher's mouth disappeared. The young man continues to scream out in pain as his bones snap in different places. "Ad somnum," Hope said with a move of her hands, and all three adults surrounding the young man collapsed, now completely unconscious.

                    Nyx's father drops his bag and reaches into it as the boy looks at her and Hope, "Help me...," the boy begs as his fingers grow longer along with his legs and his ears become pointy. Hope, Nyx, and her father rush to screw chains into the floor as the boy's shirt beings to rip, and his spine starts to press against his skin with a cracking sound.

                    "My God," Landon said as he watched from a distance. Nyx's father claps a metal collar around the boy's neck and connects the chains to it before stepping away to reveal a large black wolf with bright yellow eyes. The wolf snarls and pulls at the chains as Nyx steps forward.

                    "Cover your ears, Landon, unless you want to become in slaved by her song," Hope warned as she and Nyx's father covered their ears. Landon quickly follows their example as Nyx's pupils turn into slits, and her irises shine a bright green. She begins to vocalize as she steps closer to the wolf, whose snarling slowly disappears, and a light green ring appears around his golden eyes. Nyx lowers her tone, and the wolf lays down, still watching her.

                    The next day Nyx sits in the back seat of her father's car between Landon and his brother, who was passed out. She was filled with annoyance at being stuck between both boys since Hope had stolen the front seat as Nyx had been busy moving an unconscious werewolf into the back seat the night before. Nyx's father drives down a road in Mystic Falls, Virginia, "How do you three know each other?" Nyx's father asked as he drove.

                    "He used to serve us milkshakes at the Mystic Grill," Hope explained, making Nyx frown as she remembered those used to be their alone time together when they dated.

                   "Peanut Butter Blast. Whipped cream on the bottom and a Chocolate Thunder with extra chocolate and absolutely no whip cream for Nyx," Landon explained, causing Hope to look back at him with a smile. "We danced once," Landon admitted, then slightly glanced at Nyx, who looked the other way.

                    "We tried," Hope said with a laugh. "And then you moved away," Hope then explained.

                    "Then you're girlfriend broke metal chains on a door with just the flex of her arms. Do you feel like explaining that?" Landon asked in an unfriendly tone.

                    "Ex-girlfriend and you better watch your tone when you talk to her or all rip your tongue out," Nyx threatened.

                    "Nyx!" her father said with a warning tone causing his daughter to glance at him and then away. "Oh, we'll explain everything. We're almost there," Nyx's father said as he drove.

                    "Where are we going?" Landon asked as he looked out the window.

                    "Somewhere safe," Nyx's father explained. It doesn't take them long to pull up to the Salvatore Boarding School. The moment Landon steps out of the vehicle, Nyx quickly slips past him and runs over to two girls in school uniforms. One was a pretty young woman with brown hair and eyes, an athletic build, and light, smooth skin. She was slightly shorter than the other girl next to her. The second is a tall stunning young woman with light skin, gorgeous blue eyes, and Barbie blonde hair. She had a slim but curvy body that caught all the boy's attention. Nyx through her arms around the two girls pulling them into a hug as they all giggle. Landon, Hope, Nyx's father and Landon's foster brother walk over, causing all three girls to look at them.

                    "I'm Josie," the brunette introduced herself with a smile.

                    "I'm Lizzie, Sisters," the blonde introduced as if it was obvious.

                    "Twins," Josie explained with a smile.

                    "Fraternal. Obvs. And you have already met our baby sister Nyx," Lizzie explained, making Nyx roll her eyes.

                    "Only by a few months," Nyx grumbled.

                   "Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon," Nyx's father explained as Josie took one of Rafael's arms and Lizzie took the other pulling him away with them.

                    "Morning, Hope," Josie greeted with a smile as Nyx watched.

                    "Morning, Hope," Lizzie said in an uninterested tone.

                    "Morning, girls," Hope greeted Lizzie and Josie.

                    "More like despair," Lizzie mumbled, causing Nyx to sigh.

                    "I heard that," Hope said in annoyance.

                    "No, you didn't," Lizzie called out as she walked further away.

                    "Didn't have to," Hope called out.

                    "Everyone, behave," Nyx's father ordered.

                    "Love you, Dad, Nyx," Lizzie and Josie said in unison before leaving with Landon's brother.

                    Nyx's father looks at Landon, "So... let's get started," Nyx's father orders. He heads into the school with Landon, Hope, and Nyx following him. Kids of all ages were all around, laughing and talking with friends. "I'm curious, Landon... Slow down...," Nyx's father ordered a student who ran past him. "Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?" He asked as they walked further into the school.

                    "Uh, I knew Hope and Nyx went to some fancy boarding school. People in town said it was for troubled rich kids. I see the rich part is true. Nobody in town mentioned anyone in here could do that," Landon explained as he saw children causing their books to float in the air.

                    Soon they walk into an office, "No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us. We blend in just enough. Participate, and contribute just enough. Keeps people from asking too many questions," Nyx's father explained as he hung his coat up and Hope closed the door.

                    "What is there to know, exactly?" Landon asked, causing Nyx's father to look at her and then at Hope.

                    "Well, I used to have a speech prepared, carefully unpeeling the layers of mystical history, but it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee-up," Nyx's father explained, making his daughter chuckle as he sits at his disk.

                   "You're a school for magic?" Landon asked in disbelief as he removed his backpack and sat in the chair in front of the disk.

                    "We are a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory. Everyone here has something that makes them special in ways that the outside world... wouldn't understand," Nyx's father explained.

                    "So, what are you two?" Landon asked, looking at Hope and Nyx, who stood by the door. Nyx raised her eyebrow at his boldness.

                    "I should get to class," Hope explained.

                   "No," Landon demanded, causing Nyx's eyes to flash green.

                   "What did you just say?" Nyx asked, stepping towards Landon, but Hope grabbed her arm, causing Nyx to freeze.

                    Landon raised his hands up to show he meant no harm, "No. Sorry. I don't mean to be a dick, but I don't know you," Landon said, looking at Nyx's father. "And though the image of you whamming a priest is still fresh, I need you here. Just tell me what all that was in the church last night?" Landon asked, looking at Hope. Hope lets go of Nyx's hand, causing the brunette to frown a little as the tribrid walks over to Landon.

                    "What do you think it was?" Hope asked, looking at Landon.

                    "Well, as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind, or werewolves are real," Landon said, causing Nyx's father to look at Hope, who looked back at him. Landon looks back at them, "Th...This is beyond insane. How is that even possible?" Landon asked in disbelief as Hope sat on the edge of the desk.

                    "It's a long story involving an ancient, vengeful witch and a bloodline curse. We cover all that in Origins of the Species, grade six," Nyx's father explained.

                    "By far my favorite story," Nyx said as she leaned against her father's bookshelf.

                   "In sixth grade at my school, we learned the state capitals," Landon said, making Hope laugh.

                    "We teach that, too," Hope said.

                    "I have some questions about Rafael," Nyx's father said.

                    "Like what?" Landon asked, looking at Nyx's father.

                    "Well, let's start with who he killed recently," Nyx's father said, surprising Landon.

                    "Why would you ask me that?" Landon asked.

                    "The werewolf gene lies dormant until the carrier takes a human life. If Rafael triggered his curse, it's... because he killed someone. And we don't accept cold-blooded killers into our program," Nyx's father explained.

                    "He's not a killer," Landon said.

                    "We're not trying...," Hope said but was interrupted by Landon, making Nyx glare at him.

                   "He's not... a killer," Landon said as he stood up from his seat.

                    "Well, I know a little bit about his background. Neglectful birth parents, Orphaned in adolescence. Six foster homes in seven years. Prone to fits of anger," Nyx's father explained.

                    "Yeah, you could just as easily be reading my file... That's what it's like out there for people like him and me," Landon said.

                    "Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we're only trying to help. I've been going here since I was seven, and Nyx has been here since she was a baby. This is a safe place for people like Rafael. It's a home," Hope explained.

                    "But... if we take him in, we need to make sure that he is not a threat," Nyx's father explained.

                    "His girlfriend... Cassie. Last month... he was driving, there was a storm, and he took a turn too fast. And then he started acting out. At first, I thought it was just grief. And then maybe... maybe drugs or something. And then he threw a two-hundred-pound lawnmower fifty feet across the yard. That was when our foster parents called in the priest. I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil," Landon explained.

                    "All of that is... consistent with a newly triggered wolf. It's normal. Thank you for that, Landon. Oh," Nyx's father said as he looked at Hope.

                    "Everything's gonna be okay. I promise. We're ready," Hope called out, and the door opened as a young man walked in with dark brown eyes and dark brown afro hair.

                    "Landon Kirby, Milton Greasley," Nyx's father introduced.

                    "Come on, Dr. Saltzman," Mg said in annoyance as he stood next to Hope.

                    "Right. Mg. I'm sorry. Take it from a guy named Alaric. I get it. Landon, Mg is my student aide," Alaric explained.

                    "He's also a vampire," Hope explained.

                    "Of course he is. You know, for a school with a secret to keep, you're kind of liberal with your information," Landon said.

                   "Well, we don't actually intend for you to remember any of it," Alaric said as Mg stepped forward and put his hand on Landon's shoulder, and looked into his eyes.

                    "Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night. All you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life. You'll miss him. But you know it's for the best," Mg said as he tried to compel Landon. Landon smacks Mg's hand off his shoulder.

                    "Are you four out of your minds? How could I forget any of this?" Landon asked in disbelief.

                    "Damn, shit just got interesting," Nyx said with a smirk.

                    "Language," Alaric warned as he looked at his daughter.

                    "MG, did you do it wrong?" Hope asked as she looked at the vampire.

                   "No, I didn't do it wrong. It's the easiest vampire trick in the book," Mg said in annoyance.

                   "Well, it didn't work," Hope said.

                    "Obviously, it didn't work," Mg said as Landon made a move for the door. Nyx's eyes turn green, and everyone notices but Landon. They quickly cover their ears as Nyx whistles and Landon collapses. Alaric, Hope, and Mg uncovered their ears as Nyx's eyes turned back to a chocolate brown.

                    "Get him to the cellar," Alaric ordered Mg and Nyx, who carried Landon out of the room as Hope watched. "This is not good. This is bad," Alaric said as he followed Mg and his daughter out of the office.

                    After locking Landon up, Nyx needed to get away as all the surrounding noise in the school started to make her feel overwhelmed. She practically ran out of the school, not noting that Hope was watching her with a worried look. Nyx ran towards the pond deck as she threw her shirt off, and quickly slipped her pants off. As she reaches the edge of the deck, Nyx jumps and dives into the pond. The cool water runs over her skin as gills appear on each side of her neck, and her hands and feet become weblike. A few light purple shimmering scales appear on her face, hands, and legs. Nyx swims to the very bottom of the lake and sits, holding her knees to her chest as everything around her is finally silent. Nyx used to cuddle up with Hope and listen to her heartbeat whenever her senses overwhelmed her, but since they broke up, all she had to help was the lake. The thought of Hope made Nyx look down at the necklace she never took off that had a beautiful seashell at the end of it—the memory of the day Hope had given it to her pops into her mind. Nyx was sitting on the deck waiting for her girlfriend when a pair of hands covered her eyes from behind. "Guess who?" Hope whispered into Nyx's ear, making her shiver.

                    Nyx smiled, "My beautifully amazing girlfriend," she said, making Hope smile as she removed her hands from Nyx's eyes and pulled her into a kiss. Nyx holds Hope as they kiss while the tribrid strokes her cheek. Hope pulls her lips away from Nyx's so she can kiss along the brunette's jawline. Nyx's heart races as she hears Hope whisper something, and Nyx feels something appear around her neck. She pulls away from Hope and looks down to find a beautiful handmade necklace with a lovely seashell at the end. "Oh, Hope it's beautiful," Nyx whispered as she looked at her girlfriend.

                    Hope smiled, "My aunt Freya told me she found a bit of information about how your kind would make a special necklace for their partners, so I begged my mom to take me to the beach so I could make you one," she explained, causing tears of happiness to fill Nyx's eyes.

                    Nyx pulls Hope into a passionate kiss by her neck, "You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. I don't know how I would live without you by my side," Nyx whispered.

                    "You'll never have to know," Hope whispered, then kissed Nyx as the sun set over the lake.

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