Katsuki, why?!

By LiarLiarStarsOnFire

4.5K 146 106

"You've got this entire class wrapped around your little finger. They don't know that you're a villain that's... More

Chapter 22/ Chapter 1
Chapter 23/ Chapter 2
Chapter 24/ Chapter 3
Chapter 25/ Chapter 4
Chapter 26/ Chapter 5
Chapter 27/ Chapter 6
Chapter 28/ Chapter 7
Chapter 29/ Chapter 8
Chapter 30/ Chapter 9
Chapter 31/ Chapter 10
Chapter 32/ Chapter 11
Chapter 33/Chapter 12
Chapter 34/ Chapter 13
Chapter 35/Chapter 14
Chapter 36/ Chapter 15
Chapter 38/ Chapter 17
Chapter 39/ Chapter 18
Chapter 40/ Chapter 19
Chapter 41/ Chapter 20

Chapter 37/ Chapter 16

123 5 5
By LiarLiarStarsOnFire

Katsuki <3: just finished classes, you coming back soon? 

The words lit up on Deku's phone as he was walking down the street. He'd just come from his mother's house and was on his way back to UA. Deku typed a quick response, and after a few minutes another message flashed up on his screen. 

Katsuki <3: okay, I'll be waiting outside so you can get back in

After about twenty minutes Deku made it back to UA to be greeted with his explosive boyfriend standing at the gate. 

"Fucking finally," Katsuki said as Deku stood next to him. 

"Impatient much?" Deku said with a smirk before the two of them walked into UA. 

"You took fucking forever. Was starting to think you had run away again, I was about to come kill you," Katsuki said and Deku rolled his eyes. 

"Not running yet," Deku said, and Katsuki eyed the green-haired boy. 

"Better not, or I will hunt your ass down and kill you," Katsuki said. 

"Thought that was what I was doing," Deku said, staring at Katsuki. 

"Doing a shit job at it, you've only broke my nose," Katsuki said, pointing at his nose. 

"It healed pretty quickly though," Deku pointed out, and Katsuki nodded. 

"That's because I'm the best, obviously. What kinda hero would I be if I succumbed to a broken nose?" Katsuki said, and Deku hummed in agreeance. 

The rest of the walk was fairly quiet. The only sounds coming from the boys was their breathing, their footsteps and the faint scratching sound coming from Deku. 

"Oi idiot, stop scratching," Katsuki said, taking a hold of Deku's hands. 

"I can't help it," Deku mumbled as he looked at the floor. 

"Wait-" Katsuki said as he gently took a hold of Deku's arm. The green-haired boy scrunched up his face in pain and Katsuki nodded before letting go. 

"I- uh," Deku mumbled. 

"That's why you took so long," Katsuki said, and Deku only nodded before they walked into the 1A dorms.

"Bakugo! You're back. We're just finishing up making dinner and then we'll be ready to eat!" Kirishima said, and Deku glared at him. 

"Cut it out," Katsuki mumbled, and Deku glared at him. Katsuki watched as Deku walked over to one of the seats and sat down, throwing his arm over his eyes and ignoring his surroundings.

"What's his problem?" Kirishima asked, walking over to Katsuki. 

"Fighting inner demons and shit most probably," Katsuki said, still looking at his boyfriend. 

"Wouldn't have so many if he didn't become a villain," Kirishima said, also looking at the boy. 

"No, he wouldn't have so many if it wasn't for me beating the crap out of him," Katsuki said, looking at Kirishima instead. 

"You dating him as some form of penance?" Kirishima asked, and Katsuki glaring daggers at him. 

"I've told you shitty hair, I'm dating him because I love him," Katsuki corrected him before Kirishima walked off back into the kitchen. Katsuki huffed in annoyance before going to find something to pass the time until dinner was ready.

About half an hour later dinner was being served up. Most of class 1A had already dished up their food and was sitting at the table. Deku made his way out into the kitchen only to find himself alone in the room with Kirishima. 

"If you have something to say fucking spit it out," Deku said as he started dishing up his dinner. 

"You've got this entire class wrapped around your little finger. Not me though. They're not like me, they don't know that you're a villain that's wanted for murder," Kirishima spoke. 

"No, I'm not. I never killed anyone," Deku protested. "Besides, the description matches you too. Guess you shouldn't have tried to get something that's been mine all along." 

"If you really gave a shit about Bakugo you wouldn't have left," Kirishima hissed. 

"I can do whatever the fuck I want. Besides, he forgives me now," Deku said as he pushed past Kirishima and made his way to the rest of class 1A. 

"A citizen has been found dead, we believe this is the work of our uprising villain Midoriya Izuku-"

A plate was dropped and smashed. Forks clanged against the table. Silence fell over the room. All eyes were on Deku. 

All Deku could hear was a ringing in his ears as he was frozen to the spot. Everything happened too fast but too slow at the same time. Before Deku knew it, the class of 1A was on their feet, quirks at the ready and all focussed on Deku. 

Deku saw a person standing in front of him, but he was too frozen to recognise who it was. He could hear talking, but it sounded so distant and muffled he couldn't figure out what any of it was. He could hear the faint crackling sound, probably Katsuki using his quirk.

"-ku. Deku. Deku snap out of it," a voice said before Deku felt a harsh slap against his face. 

"What the fuck?" Deku snapped in both shock and anger, his eyes adjusting to the person in front of him. 

"We need to get you out of here before the heroes come swarming in," the voice said again, and Deku recognised it to be Todoroki. 

"Why, what's happening?" Deku asked, still very dazed. 

"The police, they know its you. You need to get out of here or you're gonna get caught," Todoroki said, and Deku slowly nodded. 

"Wait, shit. Shit, fuck," Deku said, realisation hitting him like a truck before he spun on the spot, running through the kitchen and jumping out of the window. 

He was in trouble, major fucking trouble. UA were bound to start locking down any second, and Deku had no quirk to get him out quick enough. He could hide in the forest, but he'd be found eventually. His legs were moving as fast as his brain was working. He could feel his heart beating quicker in his chest, and panic setting in.

"Deku! Grab my hand!" A voice screamed, and Deku turned around to be greeted with Katsuki in mid air. 

"Why are you helping?" Deku yelled in response, lifting his hand in the air. 

"Like hell am I letting them take you away again!" Katsuki screamed before his hand made contact with Deku's, and his lifted them both into the air using his quirk. 

"What's the plan?" Deku asked. 

"No idea, but hold on tight. We need to get you out of here," Katsuki said, and Deku nodded before hugging Katsuki's body. Katsuki used both hands to propel them into the sky and out of UA's grounds so they could find somewhere they could hide temporarily. 

Sirens could be heard in the distance, but as far as they could tell they weren't being followed. 

"You don't have your provisional yet, you're not supposed to use your quirk in public," Deku said, and Katsuki chuckled.

"Not supposed to, yeah. But like fuck I'm listening," Katsuki said and Deku rolled his eyes.

Katsuki managed to find a derelict building for the two to hide out in for the moment. Once they landed, Katsuki rubbed his hands together trying to think about their next moves, and Deku just stared into space whilst sitting on the floor. 

"You should head back to UA," Deku said, and Katsuki stared at the smaller boy. 

"Why the fuck would I do that? I'm not leaving you. Not now, not ever," Katsuki said, sitting down next to Deku. 

"Thank you for saving my ass. But now you're running with a wanted villain, are you sure you wanna do that? It's gonna go on your records-" Deku started worrying, and Katsuki 'shh'ed him.

"It's gonna be fine Deku, we'll think of something. Until then can we just sleep or something, I'm so tired," Katsuki said, yawning to emphasise his point. 

"Okay, as long as you're sure we don't get caught," Deku said, and Katsuki nodded. 

"We're far enough away and high enough that we won't be spotted yet. Perfect time for a nap," Katsuki said, his head falling into Deku's lap. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Deku sighed before laying back, staring at the ceiling.

For a while he couldn't sleep. His mind was in overdrive, trying to figure out how to deal with the situation. It wasn't until he was seconds away from sleep that the question dawned on him. 

Why the fuck did he even get into this mess in the first place?

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