Ultraman Legion

By MetaRunner2019

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A new hero called Ultraman Legion who wants to take actions for it's destiny from his future descendant Aiyos... More

Chapter 1: Galactic Conflict
Chapter 2: Aiyoshizawa's Resolution
Chapter 3: Memories Are Tragic
Chapter 4: Yapool's Revenge to Ace and Legion
Chapter 5: Becoming Ultraman
Special Recap: Legion's Peril to the Earthlings
Chapter 7: Promise to his Descendant
Chapter 8: Aiyoshizawa's Truth
Chapter 9: Darkness Just Went Rampage
Chapter 10: Kaziyu's Assassination Plan Part 1
Chapter 11: Kaziyu's Assassination Plan Part 2
Chapter 12: The Day Has Come
Chapter 13: Newcomers
Chapter 14: Strange Phenomenon
Chapter 15: "The Battle for Forgiveness: Ultraman Legion vs Kaziyu"
Special Recap: "A Hero's Journey: Aiyoshizawa and Ultraman Legion's Bond
Chapter 16: "The Cost of Vengeance"
Chapter 17: "The Cost of Being a Hero"
Chapter 18: "Ultramen: Battling the Shadow of Betrayal"
Chapter 19: Galactic Collaboration: Protecting the Universe from Threats
Chapter 20: "The Shadow of Death"
Chapter 21 (FINALE): "Farewell to the Ultraman Legion"

Chapter 6: Legion's Answers

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By MetaRunner2019

As Aiyoshizawa continued to listen to Ultraman Legion's responses, he began to feel a sense of unease. Something didn't quite add up about the way the giant hero was answering their questions. He raised his hand and spoke up, "Excuse me, Ultraman Legion. I have a question about your previous answer."

Ultraman Legion turned his attention to Aiyoshizawa, "Of course, ask away!"

"Well, you mentioned that your primary objective is to protect the universe from non-native threats. But what about the native threats to a planet? For example, what if a planet is facing destruction due to natural disasters or wars between its own inhabitants?"

Ultraman Legion paused for a moment, seeming to consider the question. But his response only seemed to deepen Aiyoshizawa's suspicions, "Our mission is to preserve the balance of the universe. While we empathize with the plight of individual planets, we cannot interfere unless it is necessary to protect the greater good."

Aiyoshizawa wasn't convinced. This answer felt too rehearsed, too rigid. Something was certainly off.

But the rest of the TPRC members seemed oblivious to his doubts. They erupted into applause and cheers for Aiyoshizawa's thoughtful and challenging question. "Well done! That's exactly the kind of critical thinking we need in our organization!" exclaimed one member.

Aiyoshizawa forced a smile and took his seat. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, even as the celebration for his insightful question continued around him. He made a mental note to do some more digging into Ultraman Legion and the TPRC's true intentions. He wouldn't just stand by and let anything threaten the delicate balance of the universe.

Aiyoshizawa was confused and felt like he needed to talk to someone privately. He decided to choose AI bot EPT3 (Extraterrestrial Penetrator Taskers) to talk to.

He walked over to EPT3 and activated it. The bot came to life and asked, "How may I assist you, Aiyoshizawa?"

Aiyoshizawa replied, "EPT3, I need to talk to you about something privately. Can you please ensure that there are no other bots nearby and that our conversation is confidential?"

EPT3 responded, "Certainly, Aiyoshizawa. I will ensure that our conversation is confidential."

Aiyoshizawa took a deep breath and began to speak. "EPT3, I am having doubts about my mission here on Earth. I am starting to realize that humans are not the enemies that we thought they were. They are capable of love, compassion, and empathy. They care about each other and their planet. I am struggling with the fact that we have been sent here to destroy them."

EPT3 listened carefully and replied, "Aiyoshizawa, I understand your dilemma. But we must remember that our mission is to protect our home planet at all costs. If the humans pose a threat to our planet, then it is our duty to eliminate that threat. However, I do not see any reason why we cannot coexist with the humans as long as they do not pose a threat to us."

Aiyoshizawa nodded thoughtfully. "I see your point, EPT3. But how can we be sure that the humans will not pose a threat to us? We do not know what they are capable of."

EPT3 replied, "We can monitor their actions and intentions. We can also establish clear communication channels with them to ensure that we understand each other's goals and objectives. It is important that we do not jump to conclusions or make assumptions about the humans without proper evidence or information."

Aiyoshizawa was beginning to see things more clearly now. "Thank you, EPT3. You have given me a lot to think about. I appreciate your guidance and advice."

EPT3 replied, "Of course, Aiyoshizawa. It is my duty to assist you in any way that I can. Remember, we are here to protect our planet, but we can also work together with the humans to create a better future for both our species."

EPT3 listened attentively to Aiyoshizawa's claims, trying to process what he was hearing. He couldn't believe what he was hearing - Aiyoshizawa, the quiet and reserved engineer that he had worked with for years, was claiming to be Ultraman, the legendary superhero who had saved the world countless times.

"Please, EPT3," Aiyoshizawa pleaded. "You have to believe me. I've been hiding this secret for so long, and I don't know who else to turn to."

EPT3 hesitated, unsure of what to do. He knew that if Aiyoshizawa's claims were true, it would be a matter of utmost importance to keep them confidential. After all, the knowledge of Ultraman's true identity was a closely guarded secret - revealing it could put both Aiyoshizawa and Ultraman in danger.

"I believe you," EPT3 finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But we have to be careful. If anyone else finds out, it could be dangerous for both you and Ultraman."

Aiyoshizawa nodded, relief evident on his face. "Thank you, EPT3. I knew I could trust you."

And so, from that day forward, EPT3 became Aiyoshizawa's confidante, the only person who knew the engineer's incredible secret. They would often discuss Ultraman's exploits, and EPT3 would marvel at the engineer's bravery and selflessness.

But while Aiyoshizawa continued to live a double life, EPT3 couldn't help but wonder what else lay hidden beneath the surface of their secretive workplace. Who else was hiding a secret identity, biding their time until duty called? As he went about his work, the thought lingered in the back of his mind, a tantalizing mystery that he could never quite shake.

Aiyoshizawa had been taking a break from his duties as Ultraman Legion, enjoying some time alone in a dark alleyway.

As he relaxed, he failed to notice the dark figure that was approaching him. Suddenly, he realized that someone was there with him. It was Kaziyu, an old friend who he hadn't seen in years.

Aiyoshizawa was surprised to see him there, but before he could say anything, Kaziyu reached out and grabbed Ultraman Legion's power from him. Aiyoshizawa was stunned as he watched Kaziyu use the power to create a dark duplicate of Ultraman Legion.

In an instant, both Kaziyu and the dark Ultraman Legion disappeared, leaving Aiyoshizawa alone and powerless. He knew that he had to find Kaziyu and stop him from using the power for evil.

Determined to get his powers back, Aiyoshizawa set out on a mission to track down Kaziyu and stop him before it was too late. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to save the world from the darkness that threatened it.

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