Chasing Chat Noir

By Vanessa_Parkers

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*This is a Mari-Chat fan fiction, but there are occasionally moments amongst other ships. * Marinette and Ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

166 6 3
By Vanessa_Parkers

Did Chat need his ears checked?

Because he wasn't moving.

Mari was having trouble seeing straight and every part of her was on fire as she she shoved him away.

She gasped for breath, the substance in her bloodstream screaming, "please...go."

She knew that Chat understood, but he didn't move. Her body was full of pins and needles as her skin screamed in agony. Move. Move.

Her instructions were clear. Transfer the Dream Catcher, and if that failed, then bring him to the brink of death.

They didn't want him dead, because then he couldn't lead them to her.

Mari wanted to laugh at the irony, but she couldn't.

It was a little hard considering her throat was on fire.

And yet Chat wasn't leaving.

She didn't think she'd ever seen him so still.

Chat, for possibly the first time ever, was driven by fear. This was quite the catch 22 situation. Adrian-Chat told himself to run. To leave and never look back and quit the whole hero thing all together.

But then there was the fact of Mari- and Ladybug (wherever she was). And the fact that life as he knew it was facing potential doom if he didn't do something.

And that was his dilemma. He should be running for the hills. But Mari was here. Danger was here. And he couldn't leave.

But he shouldn't stay.

It was his fault she'd gotten wrapped up in this whole affair, now it was his responsibility to get her out of it. No matter the cost.

She was actively hurting, fighting against whatever thing they'd put in her system... that would soon be in his system.

There has to be a way out.  This training couldn't have been for nothing.

"Are they watching us now? Do they know your exact location?" He didn't know if she could physically answer.

She took a step back, pain flashing before she turned and grabbed her throat.

"-won't be long, now." It was more of a raspy whisper than actual words, but Chat caught on.

Chat was doing some quick calculations, running through every scenario possible for them to survive this.

Mari wanted Chat to run, so he'd run.

He quickly grabbed her hand and ran. There was a room almost hidden where the top balconies met, and Chat led them towards this.

He tried the door- which was miraculously open- and ushered them inside.

The lights were off, save for the dim fake candles that littered all the tables. What looked to be a small room on the outside spread to be an entire reception room on the inside.

There was no one here, but that didn't mean Chat and Mari were safe forever.

He made his way behind the bar, scouring for a set of keys to lock the door. In the last drawer, he found a set.

Chat locked the door for entrance, and suddenly realized just how alone they were.


Mari was trying her best, but Chat knew they were running out of time.

Her legs wobbled, and Chat lifted her onto the bar, before her legs gave out.

"I don't know what to do" Chat was walking in circles, his hands running mercilessly through his hair, and pulling before starting the cycle over.

He was running calculations, but none ended in success. The best he could hope for was for Mari to get out of this unharmed.

Suddenly, Chat stopped his circling. He turned towards Mari. "What is it called? What they put in you?"

"D-drea-" Mari couldn't say... But Chat caught on.

"Dream Catcher..."

Their eyes met, and Chat moved nearer to Mari.

"They want you to transfer it to me..." He knew she couldn't say anything, but her eyes were acknowledgement enough.

"How?" He was close to her now, and she put her arms on his shoulders to support herself. She was so weak now, from fighting a hopeless battle.

Her eyes fluttered to his lips, wanting, longing.

But that was just the dream catcher talking.

Chat furrowed his eyebrows, confused, but then it finally clicked.


He should be moving away from her, but there was no other way to keep her safe.

She needed to be free. He trusted her, and she would get him out of this.

There was a wicked joke being played on him.

She'd never want him, never in the way he longed for her. The way she was looking at him was simply a result of the Dream Catcher.

Or so he told himself.

Chat brought his hand to Mari's cheek.

"I'm sorry, Chat." She whispered.

Chat shook his head.

They were close.

He had wanted to do this for such a long time, but knowing that it wouldn't mean a thing hurt worse than abstaining altogether.

It wouldn't mean a thing, not to her.

It shouldn't have played out like this. He'd always hoped it would happen naturally, organically, with Mari.

Whatever this was, was some cruel joke.

Chat couldn't see that it didn't matter whether or not  Mari had Dream Catcher in her system.

She loved him.

She had denied it with every fiber of her being. Playing this game with herself like she didn't...because she couldn't.

But she did.

She loved him so much it hurt, so much that she had fought so hard and still came up losing. But she still fought anyway.

Mari loved him so much that she had to convince herself it wasn't true.

It hurt to love.

Because he was right here, and she'd wanted this for so long.

And the way he looked at her, still.

Mari hated herself for loving him. He was the one person she shouldn't. But he was Chat. And she was Mari.

And Fu had chosen them for a reason.

Because they were kindred spirits. They were a true pairing in every sense of the word. Both stubborn as hell, running from the truth, only to come crashing into one another once again.

But he could never love her. Chat acted out of duty always, and that's what this was. Not some sense of wanting, surely.

She wanted him.

She realized this fact with or without the catcher. She'd maybe loved him since that first time he crashed into her apartment on that fateful rainy night.

Two sides of the same sword. Partners. Stubborn as hell and both totally blind when it came to the other. These two had their work cut out for them.

Because Chat couldn't see the way she looked back.

But he came nearer, and she let him.

She shouldn't she shouldn't she shouldn't.

But her whole body told her to, and the pain had finally eased.

Oh, the way he looked at her.

Chat hated himself for what he had to do. He hated the universe for its sick idea of a joke. He hated that he loved her.

And he came closer. And she let him.

"Mari..." it came out as a plea. Please let there be another way.

"Chat..." now it was her turn to look at his lips and wonder. What if.

"There has to be another way." Chat looked to her for confirmation.

She gave the subtle shake of her head, "there's no other way."

His hand gently met Mari along her jawline, cupping her face. Mari ignored the fact that her body was instantly reacting to him.

If Chat moved the slightest, their lips would touch. But he let the space, however small between them, linger.

He had one hand on her waist, drawing soothing and reassuring circles.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. He communicated with every touch.

But for her, it meant something different entirely.

"When it's... done... find master Fu. Find Bug and come find me. I'll hold out until then."

Mari nodded, trying to process too much at once.

"Promise me."

"I promise, Chat."

The space between them grew even smaller, and Chat and Mari met eyes one last time, before hers fluttered shut.

And he kissed her.

Their lips met for the first time in total harmony, and Mari felt everything boil up to the surface. All of the pain and suffering and longing and wanting, all coming to a front with this kiss.

His lips were soft and hesitant, and Mari knew he was holding himself back because he didn't think she'd wanted this.

But, Man, did she.

She kissed him back and met him with everything she had. They moved together perfectly.

It was like their lips had been made for each other.

It was a glimpse of heaven when she and Chat had been stuck in hell, fighting and fighting to no avail.

Electricity sparked between them, like magnets that were meant to come together, but had been fighting their nature for so long.

Mari was a puddle in Chat's arms, and his small and reassuring circles on her sides weren't helping.

They were no longer in the ballroom at all, but now belonged in a world all to themselves. The two moved together. And in this moment of total bliss, everything else faded away.

But nothing could last forever.

Chat pulled away first, hating himself for what he'd done, but Mari was totally oblivious to this fact.

They had wondered for so long... And now that they knew nothing would ever be the same.

Mari slowly came to, feeling stronger already. Without thinking, she brought her fingers to her lips, feeling where he'd just been.

While Mari gained her strength back, Chat lost his. He gripped the counter and struggled to keep his footing.

"Chat..." Mari tried to reach for him, but he pushed her away.

"You need to leave, Mari. Now." He wouldn't look at her. And his voice came out raspy and strained. Is this what she had been like, moments ago?

"I can't leave you, not now." He hadn't run. He'd stayed. And now look where they were.

The doors flung open, revealing the team of men meant to capture Chat. His entire body struggled against the newfound poison in his system.

"You promised." It came out as more of a beg than anything else, his voice giving way towards the end.

She had seconds before they trapped her, too. And then they'd really be hopeless.

They lunged for her first.

She readied herself to fight, but something- someone jumped in the way.

Chat, fighting every part of his being, stood in the way of her and them.

Was this even possible?

The man she had danced with earlier tonight tsked.

"Now, now, pet," He looked at Mari as he spoke to Chat, "is that any way to treat your new Master?"

Chat ground his teeth as the rest of the men were released on him.

He kept fighting, even as his body was giving way to the poison. For her.

"Go. Now." Chat said through ground teeth.

She knew this was her last chance.

"I'll come back for you, Chat."

She promised before leaping for the balcony, where she could make her escape.

The man with the razor sharp teeth smiled as she got away.

"Oh, we're counting on that."

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