The new starter (Male gligar...

By Superbowie

2.9K 54 23

As there were the three starters in the kanto region. charmander, squirtle and bulbasaur, there was an extra... More

Episode 1: Choose a starter
Episode 3: Showdown At Viridian
Episode 4: The Caterpie Ambush
Episode 5: Charmander gets punched in the face
Episode 6: The Forest King

Episode 2: A wild encounter

511 9 6
By Superbowie

3rd POV

Y/N, charmander and bulbasaur were all walking around in a strange area, after leaving the lab to do there own thing and not be pets to some trainer, they decided to go there own way while charmander lead the way.

Bulbasaur: uhhh charmander, I think we should turn back (bulbasaur said, not liking the area they were in as he started to feel abit nervous)

Y/N: yeah man, I don't feel comfortable walking around here.

Charmander: no, we need to train, if we don't train, we don't evolve and I need to evolve.

Bulbasaur: yeah, no, I get that, it's just...this place looks really dangerous (bulbasaur said, noticing a skull on the ground with a shiv and pokeball near it)

Charmander: tho come on, what's the worst that can happen- (charmander said, his head turned to them as he wasn't paying attention to what was infront of him)

Y/N: charmander look out! (Y/N yelled to charmander, making the fire starter turn infront of him, but it was too late as he had bumped into a caterpie)

The usual pokemon battle music started, charmander was now facing a caterpie as the little worm looked at the lizard in anger.

Caterpie: you guys got alot of nerve walking around on that...that grass! (Caterpie said, charmander to bulbasaur and Y/N as he shrugged his shoulders in confusion) In...i-in broad daylight, take this! (Caterpie said, taking a second before shooting out a small string shot at charmander's face, which didn't do anything) yeah! Now you can attack (caterpie said happily, charmander punching him straight in the face as it knocked him back abit, which he quickly got back up) ahh! That was pretty good, but now it's my turn to attack- (caterpie smiled, only to get pounced by charmander as the fire starter was on top of the little worm) hey! What are you doing!?

Charmander punched the caterpie across his face a couple times, making him Yelp out in pain.

Y/N: charmander, what the heck!

Bulbasaur: your only suppose to take turns attacking

Charmander: screw that, this is a fight (charmander said, hitting caterpie in the face once again) and I wanna win. Now hand me that shiv over there (charmander hold his hand out, Y/N looking at him in shock and anger that he was about to do he was thinking of, which bulbasaur also didn't like)

Bulbasaur: but charmander-

Charmander: HAND ME THE SHIV! (Charmander yelled, scaring the caterpie at what he was about to do)

Caterpie: No! Ok wait, you guys win! I surrender, Caterpie fainted, caterpie fainted! (Caterpie cried out, begging for mercy as bulbasaur handed charmander the shiv with his vine)

Charmander struck the defendless caterpie with his shiv, the bug type pokemon closed his eyes as he braced for what was going to happen to him. Although for some strange reason, the small but pokemon felt nathing, it was almost like something did happen and it was too quick for him to feel. The small bug slowly opened his eyes and once he took one peak at what was infront of him, it made his eyes shot wide open.

Charmander hand was completely stuck, the shiv was an inch close to the caterpies eye and the thing that was holding charmander back was non other then...Y/N. Y/N held charmander's arm with his claw hand, squeezing it tightly as it hurted the fire starter.

Charmander: ahhh! What are you doing Y/N!?

Y/N: stopping you from taking a life, that's not how this works, we make pokemon faint, not kill them, your not going to get anything besides bad things if you do something like this.

Charmander: so!? Who cares, let me do what I want to do, your not the professor.

Y/N: no, but I learn and understand things like the professor considering me and squirtle are the only pokemon that actually listen to him. I'm not going to sit here and watch you take a life like this, just watching someone you know kill someone else is just as bad as killing itself.

Charmander: oh yeah? (Charmander tilted his head, taking afew seconds before shooting out a small blast of fire, launching the ground type pokemon to a tree)

He hit the wood of the tree before falling on the ground, looking up as he watched charmander take the kill and the live of the poor innocent pokemon.

Y/N: NO! (Y/N Yelled out, watching charmander kill the poor caterpie with the shiv as bulbasaur watched in horrror)

Y/N watched charmander kill thr caterpie, he stared in horror as he had failed to save a life, he looked down at the ground, shaking in sadness at what just happend, his own so called friend did something horrible. He should've seen it coming, charmander is almost a psychopath and did a number of other things in the osb that would probably put him in jail if he was a human.

But as he saw the murder charmander, he had learned something, a lesson that he will surely remember for the rest of his life and will only forget if he is proven wrong...charmander is a monster.

Small timeskip

The trio were back to walking in the small area they were in, continuing there journey as Y/N stayed in the far back, trying to forget what had just happened.

Bulbasaur: well...that was just horrifying.

Charmander: and a waste of time, I barely got any exp.

Bulbasaur: well look at the brightside, atleast I got this cool new hat (bulbasaur smiled, using his vine to pull out the head of the dead caterpie and put it on his head, shocking Y/N even more that charmander might not be the only psychopath here)

Y/N: bulbasaur you too!?

Charmander: wow that is a cool hat, can I see that for a second (charmander asked, taking the hat from bulbasaur head as he instantly threw it over some trees) now you have NATHING! (charmander yelled, going back to walking away as Y/N stayed next to bulbasaur, turning to the poor guy for a second)

Bulbasaur: aww man, I wonder if squirtle is having this much trouble (bulbasaur asked himself, following charmander as Y/N was about to follow them before his eyes noticed something on the ground)

Y/N: huh, what's this? (Y/N asked himself, starring at a small tooth like object that was on the floor as he picked it up and observed it while a small box with letter popped up infront of him, which he didn't care for)

Y/N obtained the razor fang

Y/N: huh, whatever this thing is, I'm keeping it (Y/N said, hiding the small fang behind his back so charmander wouldn't see it or try to take it from him as he ran up to the two, trying to catch up to them)

Meanwhile with squirtle

Squirtle was on the beach, he stared up at his trainer as he tried to speak to him, obviously not making much of a communication since all the trainer could hear would be squirtle squirtle.

Squirtle: look, I don't wanna come off as rude, but I get the feeling you only keep me around to fight your battles for you, I mean wheres the love in this relationship?

He waited for an answer, the trainer wasn't even looking at the poor turtle as a white box infront of him appeared, going for the word fight as it clicked on tackle. The trainer pointed st the large pokemon behind squirtle as the water type let out a sigh.

Squirtle: (sighs)...ok fine...(squirtle said, turning to the large gyarados as it let out a roar at him) prepare to die!

Squirtle pointed, about to attack but sadly was defeated again when the large water type ate squirtle with one bite...poor squirtle.

The end

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