Spider-Man: Irregular Reflect...

By DominoSquire

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Peter Parker from Earth-616 is transported to the alternate reality of Earth-636 where everything is drastica... More

ISSUE 1: New World, New Problems!
ISSUE 2: Reunions and Reflections!
ISSUE 3: Birds of a Feather!
ISSUE 4: The Phantom of The Studio!
ISSUE 5: Lightning in a Bottle!
ISSUE 7: The Heart of a Hunter!

ISSUE 6: Sands Through The Hourglass!

212 5 1
By DominoSquire



"You have reached the Sanctum Sanctorum. I'm currently away on very important business. If you have any urgent news then please leave your message at the tone."

Harry patiently listened to Quentin Beck's voicemail and proceeded to leave a message as he was hoping to get in contact with the Sorcerer Supreme himself sooner.

"Beck, you said that you needed five days and guess what? They're already up. Call me back if you found anything," Harry left his message and hung up the phone.

Harry sat down on his recliner chair in the living room as he had just got back to the mansion after taking a trip down Westchester county to pay a short visit to Electro's cell at the Ravencroft Institute.


A Few Hours Ago...


Spider-Man sneaked his way back into the institute and was in front of Randy Robertson's specialized holding cell that was electrical proof. Electro had a look of indifference that was plastered on his face while sporting an inhibitor collar around his neck.

"Hmm. Someone should call an exterminator because there's a huge pest problem right in front of me," Randy taunted.

"Why did you surrender so easily?" Spider-Man narrowed his eyes expecting a straight answer from him.

"It was four against one and my chances of winning were slim to none," Randy casually shrugged.

"There has to be a reason," Spider-Man said as he wasn't sure what Electro was getting at.

"Do you remember the time when we first fought?" Randy asked while staring straight at the wall-crawler.

"How could I forget? I defeated you with only a pair of rubber gloves that I got from the science lab at Midtown High," Spider-Man recollected.

"...Right. You "defeated" me. I will always remember that day when you showed up. I was prepared to finish off the stragglers of Tombstone's fallen gang as their numbers were dwindling so I had to act fast. In a perfect world, we could've been a great team. What a fool I was...

"When we first met, I saw you swinging over to me and I thought you were gonna back me up. Imagine my shock when you started to beat me within an inch of my life. My face may have been bruised and battered but I could never forget those eyes. You were planning on killing me that day were you?" Electro asked.

"I'm not a killer," Spider-Man said.

"You can try to deny all you want but those eyes don't lie," Electro casually said.

"You claimed that the Big Man was at the gala. Why don't you try to cooperate with us and tell us who he is?" Spider-Man questioned.

"Because I already had dibs on deep frying him. It won't matter as Doc Ock is cooking up somethin' for you," Electro stated.

"And where is he while you were left to rot in here," Spider-Man retorted while sighing. "I'm trying to help you. I really am. Maybe Doctor Jameson can still try her best to save you from yourself."

"It's too late for guys like me," Electro bluntly said.

"It's never to late," Spider-Man countered.

After long paused silence, Electro look at the clock on the wall as it was about to signal that it was close to morning.

"Visiting hours are over. It's best that you make like a tree and leave because last time I remember that the orderlies still don't take kindly for you being here," Randy suggested as he motioned his hand over to the clock mounted on the wall.

"Before I go, the museum's curator said that his ship in a bottle was stolen from his office. Did you had something to do with that?" Spider-Man questioned the eletrical-powered mutant once more.

"First time that I heard something like that and besides do I look like the type of guy that would be interested in taking one of those. Although my pops would've love that as a gift," Electro said as he sat back down on his bed.

After that disappointing interrogation with Electro, Harry realized that the complicated supervillain wasn't going to reveal the true identity of The Big Man of Crime any time soon as he was keeping it for himself in case he would go after him again. Harry was walking back to his office when he saw Quentin walked past him in the hallway and glanced at a particular shirt that the telepathic mutant was wearing. A green shirt that had Iron Man's helmet and words at the bottom that said: IRON MAN WAS RIGHT!

"Could you please not wear that shirt in my presence?" Harry pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Is it bothering you?" Quentin played ignorant.

"Yes...Yes, it is," Harry blankly answered.

"Then it's working," Quentin smirked as he was making his way over to the entertainment area of the mansion much to the billionaire's annoyance.

Harry rubbed his temples as he really wasn't in the mood to deal with this right now, and Mortimer told him that Peter was down in the lair doing research on this world that he's currently in. He had given Peter permission to conduct his findings and pretty much given him free reign so he went down to see how is Peter progressing so far.


Peter was down in the Parlour sitting in a rolling chair while writing down key details on a whiteboard with an erasable marker on hand. After Harry was finishing up that story from last night about the Asgardian Invasion, He was up all night doing some comparing and contrasting on how this new world operates with a string theory board. He collected newspaper articles and pinned some cutouts on the board along with some index cards.

Peter also had Mary Jane's Journal on hand as he had a gut feeling that he was missing something important as to why she turned to villainy in the first place. As he was flipping through it, Peter noticed that something was ripped out of it.

"Odd...it's almost as if there were a few pages missing," Peter said to himself as he placed it back on the table.

A dozen cans of Red Bull were littered on the floor next to him and he had on a five o' clock shadow growing on his face.

He was rubbing eyes as he was going over the stuff that he gathered on the board, and Peter got up from his chair to move closer.

"Let's see what we got here," Peter muttered to himself in his exhausted state.

Here's the analysis that he compiled together when he first came to this world on the board:

1) What even is this world and where am I?

2) Nick Fury is President?!

3) Why is Uncle Ben not acting like himself? Impostor?? Can't rule out Skrull just yet...

4) Harry Osborn became the Spider-Man.

5) The Fantastic Four does not exist here. What exactly happened to Reed Richards?

6) Mutants are celebrated and not hated. Where are the X-Men?

7) Thor led an Asgardian Invasion?!!

8) The Sinister Six are comprised of a different set of people.

A. Alistair Smythe is Doctor Octopus. Otto Octavius is an award winning scientist??

B. Mary Jane is a wannabe Mysterio while Quentin Beck became Sorcerer Supreme. How did that happen??

C. Randy Robertson is a mutant who became Electro.

D. Silvermane = Silver Vulture?!

9) Doctor Stephen Strange became Surgeon General.

10) How does the Avengers factor into all of this??

11) Captain America: Mutant Rights Champion.

12) Iron Man of this Earth is Victor Von Doom?!! ...Am I being Punk'd??

Peter was starting to feel overwhelmed at what he was reading. He was drinking his first cup of coffee in the morning and he was still shaken by the news of Aunt May's and his variant's own untimely passing that Harry told him. He thought back to when Harry stated that this world's version of Norman was dead as a door nail, but deep down Peter knew that it was never that easy. He knows that from experience.

As Peter was walking around the lair while taking a short break, he swore that he heard something calling out to him. He turned around to see the containment jar right next to him.
It was almost like something was whispering in his ear to come a little closer. He took a closer look but backed away when Peter saw a black slime was pressing up the glass that was begging to be let out.

"I thought I told you to stay away."

Peter was startled when Harry appeared right behind the brunette.

"What the hell?! There's a freakin' symbiote in there, Harry! Is that actually Venom?!" Peter questioned while still pointing at the containment jar.

Harry inhaled and exhaled as he prepared to be honest with his partner. "Yeah. It is..."

"What's it doing here?" Peter asked while still being on edge.

"I've been contemplating ways on how to properly dispose of the creature. I thought about sending it off world or bury it in a time capsule where no one can reach it," Harry said.

"That still doesn't answer my question," Peter pressed.

"After I inherited Oscorp, the company was developing state of the art satellites to finally reach orbit. One of them was hit by a small meteorite and we thought nothing of it. Turns out it wasn't a meteorite," Harry explained while turning his head over to the jar. "It was that thing."

The symbiote growled in response to Harry's unflattering remark as it doesn't like being called a "thing."

"Free Me!!" The Venom Symbiote snarled from inside the jar.

"It can hear us?" Peter whispered to Harry who nodded in response.

"When we discovered that our otherworldly "friend" here hitched a ride on the satellite, my team decided to contain the creature so that we could run a few tests on it. That thing look like something out of a John Carpenter movie. Oscorp's top scientists couldn't scratch the surface on what we discovered and we called it the symbiote," Harry gazed at the alien creature with a bitter look on his face.

"Being the arrogant idiot that I once was, I took the symbiote out for a test drive. If my top scientists couldn't crack it then Spider-Man should be able to, right?" Harry continued as he and Peter went over to the monitor and he pulled up an old picture of Osborn in the black suit with a white spider emblem on his chest which meant that he had on the symbiote. Peter didn't say anything as he wanted to hear more of Harry's story.

"I was going through a lot. Both of Liz's and my father's deaths affected me in more ways than one, and the stress of having to run the company was taking a toll on my mental state. Then the symbiote came along and I thought that it gave me the strength I needed to carry on being Spider-Man. The power felt good, and it was nice to be in control for once in my life. It almost seem like an addiction. Bernard, my old butler, began to notice my strange behavioural patterns when I wore the symbiote, but I paid him no mind. That was another mistake that I regret everyday for not listening to him. I should've known the signs as soon as the suit was in control of my body without me even knowing what was happening most of the time," Harry explained.

While Peter was no stranger when it comes to dealing with symbiotes, his experience in fighting Venom, Carnage and practically dozens of their offspring were a testament to that fact.

"So I take it when the honeymoon phase was over, who became Venom's host in this timeline?" Peter inquired.

"Some tool by the name of Phil Urich. A former employee and cameraman for the Daily Bugle as he was fired for harassing his co-worker, Norah Winters. He blamed me for it as I was dating his "crush" during that point in time. That worm was following Norah and I's every move for months on end. So what do you get when you get two spurned exes together? A complete and utter disaster," Harry gave him the straight answer.

"When they fused together to form that monster, he took Norah and Bernard both hostage after discovering my secret identity through the Venom symbiote. I was able to save Norah but Bernard wasn't so lucky. He died sacrificing himself to give me a fighting chance," Harry finished telling his tale while closing eyes out of reflection for his actions.

Peter put his hand on Harry's shoulder and sympathized with him. "That had to be rough for you. What happened next?"

"I've beaten Phil and sent him off to Ravencroft. Hobie, Ollie and I were able to contain the creature before it found a new host. Norah moved out of the city after suffering from that traumatic experience. Who would blame her though? She promised to keep my secret to this day," Harry said while getting up from the chair and grabbed a candy bar from the table. He walked over to the jar with Peter as he curious on what Harry was about to do.

Harry opened the wrapper and slide the chocolate candy bar into a slot. The symbiote began to feast on the sweet confectionery treat.

"You...give him chocolate?" Peter was stumped to say the least.

"I give Venom chocolate to keep it content and satisfied especially on Valentine's day," Harry answered while he was watching Venom devour what's left of the candy bar in disgust.

"...How romantic," Peter deadpanned as it was bittersweet that it was a metaphor for their messed up relationship.

"The real reason why I keep it down here because Venom serves as a reminder of my failure that I should've listened to Bernard in the first place," Harry solemly said.

"Don't you think that you're being a little too hard on yourself?" Peter asked feeling concerned for his friend.

"It's only way that I ever truly learn from my mistakes," Harry mumbled without looking at Peter.

"I should probably wash up. Don't wanna stink up of the joint for too long," Peter stated as he was about to walk up the stairs but Harry stopped him for a moment.

"When you're done, I want you to come with me," Harry said.

"To where?" Peter asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Oscorp. It's time that I give you that grand tour I've been meaning to give you," Harry answered with a small smile.


Captain Gwendolyn Stacy was not having a great start as it was almost close to noon and she was currently in Detective William Baker's office coming up with theories on who is the Big Man on a chalk board.

Detective Baker however wasn't paying any attention as his mind was focusing on something else.

"This is getting us nowhere. Hammerhead won't cooperate and Electro is too busy giving us the silent treatment. Any ideas on who is our so-called Big Man?" Captain Stacy asked her partner.

Baker didn't respond as he was staring off into another direction.

"Flint!" Captain Stacy slammed her hand on his desk causing him to snap out of his trance. "What are you-"

She soon caught on she saw a group photo of him smiling with his daughter, Penny Baker, and the deceased Captain, Jane DeWolff on the beach.

"Sorry, Cap. My head is not in the game. It's...the anniversary of DeWolff's death," Detective Baker said with a sullen expression.

"Look, Flint. It's been hard on all of us that knew her, but right now she wouldn't want us to sulk around like the walking dead," Gwen urged her partner to stay focused.

"You're right," Detective Baker depressingly sighed.

Their conversation was cut short due to the sound of the telephone on Flint's desk ringing. He begrudgingly picked it up and held it against his ear.

"Detective Baker speakin'. Yeah this is Penny's father. Why did she get called into Roger's office?" Flint asked over the phone while Gwen was listening.

"SHE DID WHAT?!!" Flint yelled which caused Gwen to flinch.


Ben Parker was in his security uniform with the Daily Bugle newspaper in his hands reading the events that unfolded at the gala. While everyone was doing their assigned tasks, Otto Octavius came into the institute with a huge grin on his face. Ben quit reading his newspaper when he saw Otto's upbeat demeanor from his seat.

"Well someone's a happy camper," Ben put the newspaper down. "How did it go last night?"

"It was terrific, Benjamin. The best night that I had in a very long time," Otto sighed dreamily.

"Alright who's the lucky lady?" Ben playfully asked as the two walked and talked to the laboratory.

"At first, I was dying out there having to converse with so many people ugh, but then I ran into someone that I hardly ever seen in years. Her name is Mary Anders and she was considered the love of my life. We ended on bad terms, but now she's back in New York. I thought I was dreaming but she's just like how I remembered her," Otto beamed with a huge smile on his face.

"So what did you do next, Romeo?" Ben asked as he opened the door for Otto.

"Nothing that you're implying. We left the gala early and we took a walk through the park. After that we exchanged numbers," Otto pushed up his eyeglasses.

"We talked about how the two of us achieved so much in recent years. Coming up with new projects and scientific theories. I plan on continuing where we left off when I take her out to dinner at an upscale restaurant in Manhattan," Otto smirked to his longtime friend.

Ben couldn't help but whistle as he was impressed with the scientist. "Way to go, Otto. I heard what happened at gala and one of webhead's enemies was there talking about the Big Man. Do you know what's that all about?"

"I don't know what to tell you, Benjamin. Like I said I left early so I can't be of use to you," Otto said.

"Figured as much," Ben muttered under his breath as Carolyn came up to the pair.

"Afternoon, Doctor Octavius," Carolyn greeted the head scientist.

"Oh my. It's noon already. Time sure does fly by. Afteroon, Ms. Trainor," Otto greeted his lab assistant.

"Is there something wrong?" Carolyn questioned.

"What do you mean?" Otto asked out of curiosity.

"I mean...You're usually so punctual. You always arrive early on time like the rest of us," Carolyn tersely said while getting the point across.

Adrian, Dr. Harvey Elder and two moloid assistants were carrying boxes came up to the group.

"She may have a point, Otto. You always tell us to don't be late on time," Harvey added.

"Now that I think about it. They're right," Ben said with a raised eyebrow. "It might be the first time that you came in a little late."

"So I'm late for just this one time. It doesn't mean that there's something wrong with me," Otto pouted with his arms crossed and cleared his throat.

"Now if you all will excuse me, I going to plan ahead for my date tonight. You can have the day to yourself, Benjamin," Otto suggested but turned to the rest of his employees.

"As a matter of fact, everyone here is more than welcome to take the rest of the day off with full pay," Otto beamed much to everyone's delight.

Although Ben wasn't complaining, it did seem out of the ordinary for Otto to do, but whatever he had the entire day to himself.


Inside the principal's office, Principal Roger Harrington was sitting behind his desk and Detective Baker and his daughter, Penny Baker, were sitting across from him. Penny got into trouble after breaking school dress code as she was currently wearing one of those green "Iron Man Was Right" t-shirts.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Flint," Principal Harrington said.

"No problem. So uh...what's this about and could you care explain to me again on why Penny is in trouble?" Flint asked the Principal.

"We called you concerning Ms. Baker's behavior and that one of her teachers complained about the t-shirt she has on right now," Mr. Harrington informed.

"Where did you get that shirt from?" Flint questioned while Penny rolled her eyes.

"I got it from some dude who was selling them from outta his own locker," Penny casually answered without looking at her father much to his annoyance.

"Don't get me wrong. We're no stranger to our students acting out of rebellion. Back then I remember when we used to confiscate merchandise from the Spider-Man craze," Mr. Harrington chuckled as he was overcoming with a sense of nostalgia. "However, Iron Man is seen as a hot button issue in this country."

"Look I'm not the biggest fan of the guy myself, Roger, but come on even I find this whole thing to be ridiculous," Flint groaned. "There was a time that people used to proudly wear their Captain America Tees for crying out loud!"

"Normally I would agree with you there, but public perception has changed in the last few years in the geopolitical landscape. Iron Man's a polarizing figure that has made a lot of people very uncomfortable primarily with parents and teachers alike, Flint," Mr. Harrington said.

"This is bogus. I don't see you enforcing the rules for people wearing Jewel slap bracelets and Nova hats," Penny protested as she wanted to detail how unfair it was to single her out.

"Penny!" Flint chided and turned towards the principal. "So what's her punishment this time?"

"Are you serious?!" Penny incredulously shouted.

"Three days detention next week," Principal Harrington replied.

"That's fine with me," Flint sighed with his arms crossed as his own daughter couldn't believe this.

The school day was over as the students were heading to their buses and other means of transportation. Flint and Penny didn't say a word to each other and walked to his car.

"When we get home, I better see that shirt in the trash can where it belongs," Flint said.

"I can't believe that you took his side," Penny furiosuly grumbled.

"And that's not all. You're grounded for the whole weekend," Flint said with an athoratitve tone.

"What?! You know I have plans to meet with my friends tonight," Penny stated.

"Well you should've thought of that before getting into trouble for wearing that shirt!" Flint loudly retorted.

Penny scoffed as her dad has got some nerve. "You're such a hypocrite! You have every excuse under the sun for Spider-Man but hate Iron Man."

"Spider-Man's different okay, and why are we even having this discussion, Penny?" Flint defended the actions of the wall-crawler but his daughter wasn't having it.

"If he was the hero that you claim he is then why didn't he save Jean that day?" Penny bitterly countered but the detective didn't have a clear rebuttal.

"That's what I thought," Penny sighed as she entered the car.

Just when Flint was about to hop in the driver's seat, he stood up to glance at a figure in the distance across the street that he would never thought to see again, Jean DeWolff...


The Food, Emergency, Aid, Shelter and Training center was started as a mission to help the underprivileged and homeless population of New York. It was spearheaded by Father Walter Hardy but the charity itself was the idea of May Parker.

Dozens of homeless people were lined up in the kitchen waiting in line for their meal. May's picture was hanging on the wall as a memorial. Father Hardy was behind the counter preparing to hand out the food along with Ben Parker.

"Glad you were able to take time out of your day to lend a helping hand," Father Hardy said as he was giving out plates to needy families.

"It's the least I can do since my boss gave us some time off," Ben shrugged as he was passing out fresh food.

"If May was watching over us, then I'm sure she be proud of you continuing on with her work," Walter beamed only for Ben to close his eyes.

"May always was one to help make the community better a place," Ben sighed.

"Maybelle did have the patience of a saint," Walter stated. "Y'know my daughter, Felicia, met someone last night. He was all that she ever talked about. She said that his name was Peter Parker. Life works in mysterious ways as I guess it's a more common name now."

"Small world," Ben mumbled as he really didn't want to be reminded and Walter could tell something was bothering him.

"Walk with me, Ben," Walter said to his friend.

After they got through handing out food and medical supplies, the two went across the street over to the Our Lady of Saints Church and went into the flower garden. Walter and Ben sat down at a bench right in the middle and talked.

"What seems to be troubling your spirits?" Walter asked his old acquaintance.

"Lately my mind is feeling a little conflicted. Saying that I failed my duty as a husband and uncle," Ben answered.

"Is this because you still think that you let May down?" Walter inquired.

"There will probably come a time where me and May will meet again at those pearly gates and I would be afraid that she would be disappointed with the choices that I made over the years," Ben said as he looked down at the ground.

"We all have problems dealing with regrets especially when we get up into our old age," Walter assured. "I regret it every single day that I wasn't there to be a good father to Neena when she needed me most."

The two men both have a checkered past that they rather soon forget as Walter knows about Ben being the Punisher while Ben is aware that Walter use to be a master thief before finding his faith.

"Is that why you brought me here? To make me stop and smell the roses?" Ben raised an eyebrow.

"The point that I'm trying to make here, Ben, is that you have to be the person to forgive yourself. If you ask me, you punished yourself quite enough," Walter said as they both watched the flowers in the garden of the church bloom.


Harry, Peter and Oliver were standing in front of the Oscorp building in downtown Manhattan. After stepping out of the limo driven by Mortimer, who was also his chauffeur, Peter couldn't believe that he was currently at the place that was once the source of his problems, but this Oscorp on this Earth was fundamentally different than his. It felt more welcoming instead of all the foreboding and dread that came from the same company all those years.

"Take it all in, Pete. Welcome to Oscorp," Harry said as he gestures his hand towards the building.

"Never thought I would set foot inside this place again and under friendlier circumstances," Peter stated while taking a quick look around.

Harry explained Oscorp's humble beginnings to his friend as it was once a pharmaceutical company that grew into a multinational corporation that it is today. Under Harry's leadership, he took the company into a whole new direction and went through a complete overhaul much to the board members' dismay. Harry has always been underestimated due to being known as the "spoiled son" of Norman Osborn and he had to work twice as hard to prove his opponents wrong at any given opportunity. Oscorp has been making great strides towards the advancement of technology and innovation as they help find ways to improve the city.

As the trio were walking towards the main entrance, Harry made casual small talk with several of his employees consisting of scientists, businessmen, and accountants.

"Evening Mr. Osborn," an accountant happily greeted his employer.

"Good evening to you too, Rajesh. How's your arm by the way? We could use it for the company softball game next month," Harry stated as they walked and talked.

"Getting better," Rajesh replied with a smile on his face and went to another direction.

Harry smiled from ear to ear as he saw another employee in the form of a blonde businesswoman. "Jolene, how was your family trip to the Bahamas?"

"Great actually. My husband and I enjoyed ourselves quite nicely. Thanks for the promotion," Jolene said as she walked past the group.

A janitor was sweeping up the area with his headphones on and he took them off to greet the president of Oscorp.

"Working hard or hardly working, Enrique?" Harry bantered with the janitor.

"It puts food on the table," Enrique joked back.

'If someone were to tell me that there was a world where Oscorp is a force for good then I would've laughed in their face. Huh...I suppose that Hell did freeze over,' Peter thought to himself as he observed their interactions.

They were currently in the lobby walking over to the African-American woman who was sitting at the front desk.

"Peter, I would like for you to meet my secretary, Gloria Grant," Harry introduced.

"I tend to prefer to go by Glory but whatever works for you," Glory shook Peter's hand.

"Peter Parker," Peter introduced himself as it was so surreal seeing another variant of one of his closest friends.

"I honestly don't know where I would be without her," Harry commented.

"Oh stop it, Harry," Gloria giggled. "By the way, Mr. Farrell is here to see you for an appointment."

The titular trio went up the elevator as they were getting ready to meet up with the head of Oscorp's automotive division also known as OsMotors. A dark-skinned man with a neatly trimmed beard wearing a black suit and tie was standing in the middle of the hallway waiting for Harry and the others to arrive.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. Hope we're not late," Harry said to his old friend.

"No worries," Bob reassured.

"Fellas, this is Robert Farrell or you can call him "Bob" for short. You remember Ollie here," Harry said.

"We've met," Bob noticed Peter right beside the college student. "But I don't recall ever meeting him before."

Peter was trying to remember where he had met Bob before and that's when it came to him as his eyes widened.

"Hey, I know you. You're the-" Peter was cut off by Oliver's excitement.

"He's the Rocket Racer!" Ollie blurted out. "I thought that was you."

"I was the Rocket Racer, but I've been in charge of the automotive division at Oscorp for about four years," Bob said which left them quite surprised.

"Bob and I were alumni buddies at ESU. I still remember the time when you got so jealous that I was chosen for Dr. Connor's Lucky Seven program," Harry boasted.

"There you go rubbing it in again," Bob playfully rolled his eyes and smiled. "Remember when I was able to outrun you with a pair of my roller skates?"

"Those were state of the art roller skates," Harry corrected. "How was I suppose to know that you were moonlighting as the Racer?"

"He knows too?" Peter asked to which Harry nodded in response. "Who else knows around here?"

"Only a select few know who I am," Harry replied.

"I wouldn't be surprise if the janitor's in on it," Peter chortled while crossing his arms.

"Anyway," Bob cleared his throat to get back on topic. "You said that you wanted to show me something on the Spider-Mobile?"

"Oliver here got into a fender bender with a fire hydrant," Harry informed which made the young inventor more guilty.

"I said I was sorry," Ollie sighed only to recieve a pat on the back from Peter to his surprise.

"How bad could it be?" Bob shrugged but it appeared that he spoke too soon...

Down in the hanger, the group was crowding around the Spider-Mobile examining it for a few minutes.

"...Oh my," Bob muttered under his breath.

"Yep," Harry agreed.

"Never have I seen such a dent this big. It's truly...remarkable," Bob said.

"The car was suppose to take in critical damage," Harry said.

"Adamantium too," Bob stated while analyzing the vehicle.

"That's what I said," Harry added.

"Hope you got good insurance," Peter making light of the situation despite the fact that Harry and Bob didn't find it very amusing.

Bob turned his head over to Oliver who was worried that he was going to get chewed out.

"I don't know where to begin. The fact that you found a way to create a huge dent by accident...good work," Bob complimented the college student.

"Is he for real or is he being sarcastic?" Ollie asked the others in confusion.

"Never in my years have I encountered someone who could finally make a dent to that car. Harry told me about how you fix things around campus and your grades. You have the makings of a master mechanic," Bob said as they stood face to face.

"Wait. You mean?" Ollie inquired.

"Congratulations, Oliver. The apprenticeship is yours," Harry smiled as he was proud of Oliver.

"This is unbelievable! Hah! I can't wait to tell Mattie!" Ollie expressed as he was pretty much having the best day of his life.

"Who do you think helped build it? I've been Harry's mechanic for a long time, and now it's my turn to teach you the tools of the trade. What do you say? Wanna help me replace this door?" Bob asked.

"You betcha!- I mean it would be my honor, Mr. Farrell," Oliver said as he was excited to get to work with his mentor.

Watching Oliver's excitement brought back many memories for Peter. It reminded him of the days of when he use to be like that. Where did the time go?

Bob couldn't help but chuckle at his new apprentice's eagerness. "Let's get to work."

Harry's phone began to ring and he checked to see who it was.

"Gloria?" Harry answered the call.

"There's someone in the lobby here to speak to you. She said is a Peter Parker available?" Glory said over the phone.

A few minutes later, Peter and Harry exited the elevator and were in the lobby to see Felicia waiting patiently for them.

"Well this is a surprise. If I didn't know any better I'd say your looking for a public endorsement," Harry joked as he greeted the lawyer.

"I would but I'm not here for that. I'm here for Peter," Felicia said. "It will only be for a few minutes."

"Well I hate being the third wheel so I'll get out of you two's hair," Harry went back to the elevator leaving Peter and Felicia alone again.

"I want to say-" They both had something to say at the same time.

"You first," Felicia urged him to continue.

"I...I wanted to apologize for leaving abruptly last night. I kinda got lost in the confusion. You probably think I'm a huge coward," Peter sighed.

"It wasn't your fault. If anything I should be apologizing to you. My father was my top priority and I had to keep him safe. I wasn't thinking about anybody else except him through the chaos," Felicia said as she felt a little guilty.

"I can understand that. He's your father and you really do care about him," Peter reasoned.

"He means the world to me," Felicia warmly stated.

"Well it was a good thing that Spider-Man and his equally charismatic and witty partner were there to save the day," Peter said only for Felicia to chuckle at that last part.

"Pfft. I wouldn't call what they did "saving the day." People could've gotten hurt last night and this is exactly what I'm talking about. These vigilantes are becoming a serious problem for the city," Felicia said.

Peter couldn't help but blink at her statement as this Felicia is definitely not the same as her counterpart on his Earth, but not too far off. Right now they both view Spider-Man in a not too favorable light.

"I wish I could make it up to you somehow after I bailed," Peter said.

"I could think of something. Let's grab some brunch over the weekend. Just the two of us. Deal?" Felicia proposed.

"Who am I to pass up a sweet deal like that," Peter chuckled.

While the two were flirting, Peter noticed Enrique the Janitor who was currently waxing the floor gave him a huge thumbs up to which the brunette sheepishly laughed.

While the pair was having their conversation, Hobie and Harry were watching the events unfold on the screen inside the Spider-Bunker, which was another secret lair hidden within Oscorp Tower. It used to be Norman's old laboratory and war room back when he was the Green Goblin. After his demise, Harry, Hobie and Bernard made some renovations to remove any influence of the Green Goblin.

"I'll admit...the guy's smooth I can tell you that much," Hobie said while giving Peter his props with a wry grin. "He might be a better smooth talker than you."

"Let's not get crazy," Harry lightly chuckled.

"Are you sure this guy is legit about him being from some alternate reality?" Hobie asked.

"He and I went through the ringer. You can't even fake memories like that," Harry insisted.

"If you say so," Hobie shrugged but he noticed that the young billionaire was in deep in his thoughts. "Something wrong?"

Harry sighed. "It's just...something about all this is not adding up. First, a Faberge egg and now a ship in a bottle goes missing. What's with Smythe and his sudden fascination with antiquities?"

"Maybe Doc Ock might be a hobbyist," Hobie theorized.

"Could be," Harry muttered as he was going over a news article from the Daily Bugle which was about Electro and Spider-Man's fight at the museum while yawning and Hobie seemed to notice.

"Don't you think maybe it's time for you to swallow your pride and make an effort to work with your peers in the hero community?" Hobie inquired.

"Jewels and Ant-Man, are probably the only two supers that I tolerate. The Avengers, those two Morons-For-Hire from Mutant Town, Nova, Beck and that wackadoo, Moon Knight, are a different story all together. Don't even get me started on the Hulk," Harry begrudgingly explained.

"All I'm saying is that it couldn't hurt for us to reach out and network with the other heroes," Hobie suggested but Harry was ignoring it all together.

"If Peter comes looking for me then tell him I'll be back shortly. You can show him around the building," Harry told the gadget maker as he was switching his clothes to his Spider-Man outfit.

"Where are you going?" Hobie asked.

"Off to meet an old friend," Harry said while putting on his mask and was about to leave the bunker.

"Wait! What will I do if Gretchen decided to drop by unannounced at Oscorp?" Hobie asked only for Harry to shrug in response.

"I don't know. Tell her that I'll be doing something important in the next two hours," Harry responded.

"I can't keep lying to her and the rest of the board members. They're going to want to know where the money is going," Hobie said.

"You'll figure something out eventually," Harry left the bunker and took off to his destination.


At a small office not too far from Oscorp in Lower Manhattan, Macdonald "Mac" Gargan was at his desk taking a nap while wearing a sleep mask over his eyes. Gargan soon woke up when he heard the distinct noise of someone tapping on his window. He took off his mask to see Spider-Man casually waving at him and waiting for the private investigator to open the window for him. Mac got up and grumbled on his way over to his former pupil.

"You could've just knocked," Mac groggily said.

"I did didn't I?" Spider-Man slyly retorted as he jumped down and stepped inside the room.

Mac blankly stared at the wallcrawler. "...On the front door but whatever. Make yourself at home."

Spider-Man saw the state of the office as it looked like a twister just came through there. Same as it ever was. He sat down on an old sofa with Mac grabbing a drink from the water cooler that was in a styrofoam cup. Spider-Man got a good look of the older brunette man with a stubble as it appeared that he didn't get enough sleep.

"It's not like that I don't like you coming here unannounced every now and then, but you got a weird habit of doing that," Mac said as he sat next to the wallcrawler.

"Well I did learned from the best. How have you been?" Spider-Man inquired.

"The business is not what it use to be. I still get by on taking work concerning cheating spouses," Mac answered while shrugging his shoulders.

"You heard about what happened at the Macro Science Museum gala last night?" Spider-Man asked.

"It's the talk of the town. Some baddie came in storming the joint and demanding to know if the Big Man was attending," Mac responded. "Why do you ask?"

"After Hammerhead and I fought on the bridge, he said that the Big Man has eyes everywhere in this city. I'm starting to believe it, because everytime that I'm this close to cracking the case I keep getting curveballs as this Big Man is good at covering up his bases," Spider-Man detailed.

"You should have way better luck than me. I'm still trying to piece together who's this new player is. The Crime Master they call him. I heard rumors that majority of Mutant Town is his territory," Mac informed.

"We can't always go by rumors. People are always be talking. It's what you taught me," Spider-Man countered.

"Still," Mac sighed. "Whoever this Crime Master is. He's been heralded as some kind of "Mutant Moriarty" in some circles."

Mac got up and walked over to a board on the wall. "What I can tell ya is that Big Man operates primarily in Harlem while his lieutenants control Chinatown, Brooklyn, and majority of Little Italy."

"Which means that Mutant Town is up for grabs but the Crime Master has made it his stronghold instead," Spider-Man cupped his chin theorizing.

"It's gonna get ugly in the coming months. War might get here sooner if the Punisher continue to instigate," Mac said as he was rubbing his temples.

"I won't let it get that far," Spider-Man crushed the paper cup only to yawn a bit more.

"...you alright?" Mac asked as he saw how tired the webslinger was.

"I'm fine," Spider-Man groaned.

"You sure?" Mac asked worriedly. "You look like you need to catch up on some sleep.

"Crime never sleeps so why should I?" Spider-Man retorted and quickly changed the subject. "Let me know when you find anything important."

"Beats me having to sit around in my office and watch Matlock reruns all day," Gargan lightly joked as the webslinger left his office.

After dropping off Penny at her grandmother's place, Flint was walking down the street close by as he was trying to clear his head. He had hoped that he was seeing things as it couldn't be possible that he saw his long departed friend back at Midtown.

The detective's eyes widened when he saw "Jean" again and she went down an alley. Flint chased after her only to bumped into someone that he would least encounter...

"Watch where you-" Flint blinked twice as he was staring at Harry Osborn in his black business attire right in the face.

"Terribly sorry for bumping into you like that. You're...Detective Baker right? I thought I recognized you. Especially from stories that I hear from Gwen," Harry said with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey aren't you..." Detective Baker said only for Harry to interject.

"Why don't we get some coffee and donuts together. I happen to know a good place," Harry put his hand on the detective's shoulder.


While Harry was paying the cab fare, Flint was standing on the sidewalk in front of the shop taking out a small carton from his coat pocket and pulled out a cigarette.

"Do you smoke?" Flint asked while offering him one.

"Not really. Truth be told I'm not that much of a smoker and it sets a bad example," Harry said to which made Detective Baker snort.

"Ah I see. Gotta maintain that squeaky clean reputation no matter what," Flint chortled.

"Actually I prefer to live longer than most and I'm pretty sure that the lady that owns this shop has a no smoking rule," Harry casually said as the pair entered the coffee shop.

The detective was feeling a little antsy at the table as he was craving something to smoke to calm his nerves. Flint was observing his surroundings and saw a couple of college students wearing those obnoxious "Iron Man Was Right" shirts.

"Thanks, Shirley," Harry said to the owner for giving him his order.

Harry sat down right across from him carrying a large plate of donuts and two cups of coffee, and he saw how the detective was staring at those shirts.

"They must've got those at the Midtown Mall. Those stores are making a mint off them," Harry chuckled.

Flint kept a deadpanned disposition. "They do know that Doom's a dictator right?"

"I cut them some slack. You have to forgive me but I'm not that well in tuned with today's politics," Harry said while keeping up the act of the blissfully unaware billionaire.

"Could've fool me," Flint rolled his eyes. "Say what's a guy like you doing out there when you bumped into me?"

"I figured it would be nice to take a stroll after a long day. Just to get out of the office," Harry making up something on the spot as he was taking a bite of his donut.

"A man like you taking a brisk walk through the rougher parts of the neighborhood with little to no protection...I dont know whether to call you brave or stupid," Flint sighed while drinking from his cup.

"What can I say? I have a knack for seeking out adventure," Harry chuckled.

"Y'know for a New Yorker you sure do lack some street smarts," Flint shook his head.

"So that I'm told. I got a question for you," Harry said.

"Ask away," Flint said.

"What made you decide to join the force?" Harry asked as he also drinked from his coffee cup.

Flint pondered for a moment and prepared to answer the billionaire's question.

"There was a guy who used to watch over my neighborhood back in the day. His name was Flint Marko and he was a good man. We were an angry bunch growin' up and causin' trouble. He was always there to set us on a path to the straight and narrow," Flint replied while he took a sip from his cup.

"Did you ever get the chance to reconnect with him?" Harry asked.

"Nah," Flint shook his head. "He died of natural causes by the time I graduated from the academy."

Harry nodded as he was finishing up his caffeinated beverage.

"Do you believe in ghosts, Osborn?" Flint asked.

That particular question did took Harry by surprise. Although he is constantly being shadowed by the spectre of his dead father, it didn't really count as an actual spirit.

"I'm...kinda open to the idea of the supernatural. What brought this on?"

"I feel like I'm being haunted. Today marks the anniversary of the former captain's death. Her name was Jean DeWolff. Everywhere I go...I see her face," Flint said while blankly staring out into space.

"You two must've been close," Harry guessed.

"In more ways than one," Flint said as he was scratching his head.

"You had feelings for her didn't you?" Harry inquired to which Flint sighed.

"...I never had the chance to tell her how I really felt and besides I didn't want to mess up our working relationship. My daughter, Penny, was devastated when I told her heard the news about her death. Jean was like her role model and she hasn't been the same since."

Harry didn't say a word but only nodded as he took another bite of his donut. Flint looked outside the window to see "Jean" again. He rubbed his eyes only for her to disappear among the crowd of people out into the street.

"Been a nice talk and thanks for the donuts. You're not so bad, Osborn. I should be heading back home," Flint said as he put his coat and hat back on. He made his way over to the exit.

Harry turned his attention over to the ghostly apparition of the Green Goblin who was sitting across from him the table.

"Sounds to me that the good detective isn't the only one with a problem of letting go," Goblin mocked.


Flint walked into his own home, turned on the lights, and put his coat on the rack.

"Get a grip, Flint. You had a long day and the stress is gettin' to ya," Flint rationalized. He then realized that he stepped in something and looked down to discover sand on the floor of the apartment.

Flint groaned at this and sweeped up the dirt into a small trash can. "I thought I told Penny to clean up around here."

He then heard the telephone ring, and Flint went to pick it up.


"...William," A familar voice on the other said.

"J-Jean?! Jean is that you?!" Flint asked over the phone.

"Yes, William. It's really me," DeWolff answered.

"B-But how? I thought you were-"

"Flint, there's no time to explain but come to Rockaway Beach so that we can meet," DeWolff told him.

"Uh...sure. I'll be there and don't move a muscle," Flint dropped everything and hurriedly head out of his apartment.

Once Flint hung up, "Jean" was no long inside the phonebooth, but there appears to be sand on the ground...


After Peter got done with his conversation with Felicia, Hobie came down and offered him a tour of the whole building while Harry was away. When the tour was completed, Hobie told Peter that he could wait in Harry's office which was on the top floor. Peter looked around and went over to shelf that had a photograph of Harry when he was attending Empire State University along with his other classmates and Professor Curt Connors who still had his prosthetic metal arm. He saw that the frame said "The Lucky Seven."

He also paid close attention to the Korean-American woman in the group. Peter thought that she looked very familiar but he can't quite remember where he even encountered her before.

Peter made his way over to Harry's desk which had a lot of papers stacked on top and they appear to be important as they were from Special Projects. He sat down in the chair and began to read them out loud.

"Space Station Ozymandias?" Peter muttered with interest.

Ever since he got control over mind again, Peter learned that Doc Ock created a company in his name called Parker Industries. A bit on the nose and too egotistical for his liking. He didn't know if he had what it took to be a businessman as he was not mentally prepared for that. It would've felt good if he had earned this achievement with his own two hands.

"I appreciate you for keeping my seat warm, but I may have to ask you to get up," Harry said from the front door that was opened.

"I don't see your name on it," Peter joked out of playfulness.

Harry snorted as he walked up to his desk and turned the name tag around for Peter that states: HAROLD OSBORN, President and CEO.

"Okay, you got me there," Peter got up from the chair to Harry's mild amusement.

"How did your "talk" with Felicia went?" Harry asked as he put the papers away in his desk.

"She's going out to brunch at this fancy place called Romita's with yours truly," Peter pointed at himself and then his face switched to a serious demeanor.

"It's not that I'm not enjoying this little vacation but were you able to get in touch with Beck about getting me home? It's been on my mind lately. I should be getting back to my responsibilities and what remains left of my life."

"I tried calling him this morning but no one was answering. We may have no choice but to look into other alternatives. There's an astrophysicist that's the go to expert on this sort of thing. Dr. Erik Selvig."

"Perfect!" Peter clapped his hands as they finally found someone that could help his predicament. "You think we can set up a meeting?"

"It's worth a shot but right now he's in Geneva for a conference. He won't be back in town for about a week," Harry shrugged.

"Where have you been honestly?" Peter asked wondering where the CEO went off to.

"I took a break to clear my head and ran a few errands," Harry answered.

Peter blankly stared at him and gave a deadpanned expression. "Not buying it."

"If you must know I had to talk to an old friend about brushing up on my detective skills. I'm working on this other case concerning two feuding mob bosses," Harry reluctantly explained.

"I can help if you want?" Peter offered to assist Harry but was shot down.

"No," Harry abruptly cut him off. "Our main concern is getting you back home to your Aunt. I got it under control."

Peter wanted Harry to reconsider but there was no point in arguing back and forth.

"I've been meaning to ask. When we were at the gala, why were you acting like you were the life of the party?"

"It's in my best interest to keep up appearances. I can't have the public put two and two together that Oscorp's CEO is the wallcrawling menace that's "terrorizing" the city," Harry explained while sitting down at his desk.

"Plus it couldn't hurt to take an Improv class back at ESU," Harry continued while reorganizing his papers on the desk.

Peter had his hand on his forehead. "Why didn't I think of that? Usually I'm that good of making stuff up on the fly."

Harry soon heard a beeping noise and was alerted with a message from George Stacy himself on the Spider-Watch which serves as another means of contacting him.

"The commissioner wants to have a meeting."

"But first..."

The two friends turned their attention over to Bob and Oliver who just got done replacing the damaged car door while standing near the front entrance of the office.

"You're gonna need these," Bob tossed Harry the keys to the Spider-Mobile only for Peter to catch them instead.

"How about we take the fun and faster route?" Peter smirked at a confused Harry.


The Commissioner was standing on the top floor of the garage waiting for the wallcrawler to arrive.

"Nice of you to drop by," George dryly said to the duo who landed right in front of him.

"I've got your message, George," Spider-Man stated.

"We would've gotten here sooner, but we were having a philosophical debate whether or not some moments require using a car since we can shoot webs y'know. Got to think about protecting the environment and all," Scarlet Spider joked.

"This one sure is talkative," George remarked.

"You get use to it," Spider-Man shrugged in indifference.

"Onto important matters, tell me what do you gentlemen see here?" George pulled out a small bag from his coat pocket.

"I spy with my little eye...a bag of sand," Scarlet Spider shrugged nonchalantly.

"Beach sand to be more precise," Spider-Man said as he examined the contents of the bag.

"Our cleaning lady discovered some in Detective Baker's office," George informed the Spider-Men.

"Maybe some of that got stuck on his shoe," Scarlet Spider theorized.

"One would think, but unlikely," George shook his head and faced Spider-Man.

"You think it's the Sandman as well?" Spider-Man inquired to which the commissioner nodded.

"I'm confused. Why is this Sandman going after Flint?" Scarlet Spider rubbed the back of his head.

"Because Flint and the webhead put that maniac behind bars," George gruffly answered the wallcrawler's question.

"Jean was also one of the people that helped me take him down the first time. God rest her soul," Spider-Man lowered his head in respect.

"You remember that day don't you?" George asked the wallcrawler.

"Of course I do," Spider-Man simply said.


Commissioner Stacy and his men arrived on the scene to surround the Goda Hotel. On the top floor, Frederick Foswell and his gang had just robbed a nearby bank and a shootout ensued fatally strucking Captain Jean DeWolff. This was a personal matter as George was determined to bring these madmen to justice when suddenly...

A loud scream was heard and they gazed upon someone falling out of the sky. Frederick Foswell was plummeting towards certain doom and he crashed on top of a car which made a female bystander loudly shriek in fright.

George snapped out of his shock by shaking his head, and Spider-Man, who was donning his symbiote costume, walked out of the hotel entrance. He went up to the superhero in order to figure out what occurred up on the top floor.

"What the hell happened up there?" George asked hoping to get a clear answer.

"A lot of fighting happened, and I gave those punks a taste of their own medicine. How's Jean doing?"

"I-I'm so sorry, Spider-Man, but she didn't make it on the way to the hospital," George solemnly said but Spider-Man didn't say a word and walked away.


He stopped only to listen to what the Commissioner had to say.

"Did you push Foswell off the balcony?"

"Guess I frightened him a little. He was so scared that he slipped and fell off the railing," Spider-Man answered and with that he swings away from the crowd leaving behind a concerned George Stacy.


"Oh right. It was that alien parasite you told me about that took possession of your body," George recalled.

"You of all people should know that I would never lie to you," Spider-Man stated while looking at the Commissioner in the eye.

"It wouldn't be the first time," George mumbled.

"George..." Spider-Man said.

"Look," George sighed. "We've known each other for years and I just don't want to see you lose your soul. Everyone is so use to seeing heroes dispose of their enemies with their own brand of so-called justice. Jewel is practically the only one who is a diamond in the rough in a world full of gratuitous violence."

While Harry had no rebuttal, Scarlet Spider walked up to the Commissioner to offer him a handshake.

"You can count us, Sir. We'll see to it that it wouldn't come to that," Scarlet Spider promised as he shook Stacy's hand.

"I'll hold you to it then," George smiled back. "By the way, I would like to apologize on Gwen's behalf for her attitude at the party last night."

"You didn't have to," Spider-Man reassured him that he's not carrying any grudges towards Gwen.

"I know that you and Gwen are having trouble getting along. It's not just her too but some people in this city has been fostering this Anti-Super sentiment as of late," George informed. "I'm only telling you and your buddy of yours to be careful."

"We will," Spider-Man said as he and his partner prepare to go look for the Sandman.

"In the meantime, why don't you two go check up on Baker," Captain Stacy said to the unconventional dynamic duo as they swing away.


In Hell's Kitchen, Ben Parker was currently at a local diner eating a slice of key lime pie on his plate while was watching the news on a mounted television set.

"A tour boat sailing on the Hudson River was under siege by a dangerous band of armed thieves. Luckily, America's Sweetheart, Jewel, was there to rescue the captive passengers and incapacitated the bandits. Putting an end to their reign of terror. This is Whitney Chang reporting from Empire-1 News."

Although Ben didn't really show it, he was proud with how far Peter's former classmate, Jessica Jones, has accomplished as a superheroine. He soon got pulled out of his thoughts when he heard someone burped right next to him.

"You outdid yourself, Josie. It was a meal fit for a king," Mac cleared his plate and was about to head out the door. "Now if you'll excuse me-"

"Not so fast, Mac," Josie cut him off and made him stop in his tracks. The owner of the diner made a hand motion urging him to pay. "Come on pony up."

"I seem to be a little short on cash at the moment," Mac embarrassingly said as he had his hands in his pockets.

"You know the rules, Mac. If you can't pay for your meal then you gonna have to work it off like last time," Josie said with her arms crossed.

"Oh come on, Josie. You know I'm good for it!" Mac begged as he hated having to do dish duty.

Ben sighed to himself as he wasn't trying to hear the two get into argument knowing Josie. "You know what why don't I pay for the guy's meal?"

"You're a lifesaver, Gramps," Mac thanked the elderly man.

"You're welcome," Ben grumbled as he pulled out some leftover cash from his pocket and gave it to Josie. "And my name's not Gramps. It's Ben, Mr.-"

"Gargan. Mac Gargan, Private Eye," Mac gave the man his business card that had a coffee stain on it.

"You're a gumshoe?" Ben raised an eyebrow.

"More or less but between you and me, this job is not what Colombo made it out to be," Mac said to which Ben nodded in agreement.

"Is business slow?" Ben inquired.

"I was supposed to meet with one of my associates here tonight. Guess he had cold feet," Mac shrugged and prepared to the leave the diner with a toothpick.

"Drive safe, Mac," Ben said without turning his head while facing forward.

"Thanks. Who knows maybe we'll split a beer someday," Mac said as he was exiting the establishment.

While Mac was walking over to his green beaten up car, he tossed the discarded toothpick on the ground. As he entered the vehicle, Mac put his car key into the ignition...

"You been awfully quiet tonight. Normally, you would be hanging out with the gang. It's been years since I seen you like this," Josie said with a worried look on her face.

"Otto gave me the day off and he's on a date right now," Ben explained.

"You gotta be pulling my leg. Since when did he became Don Juan all of a sudden?" Josie said in disbelief while wiping down the red countertops.

"I'm more surprised that he didn't find a way to screw it up. It's not technically a date though. It's just that he's catching up with an old flame," Ben casually answered.

"While it was sweet of ya to pay for his food, you still gotta wash those dirty dishes," Josie smirked at her old friend.

"Why don't you hire somebody to pick up the slack?" Ben asked the owner.

"In this economy?" Josie quipped.

"Is it alright if I could crack open a cold one?" Ben asked his old friend.

Josie raised an eyebrow. "Does it look like I run a bar to you?"

Their conversation was soon cut short when an explosion can be heard outside the diner alarming the patrons inside. The frightened customers ducked under the table, but Ben and Josie both got up to look out the window to see a green car on fire.

"Oh my god," Josie gasped in horror while covering her mouth. "That was Mac's car..."

Ben rushed out of the diner and was on the sidewalk along with several onlookers who were witnessing the destruction before them.

"...Holy crap," Ben muttered under his breath.

High up on the roof of an apartment building several blocks down from the diner, a dark-skinned individual was gazing at the scene through his binoculars. He was admiring his handiwork while taking out his phone to dial the number to the Big Man.

"It's Turk. Mission accomplished, Boss," the man known as Turk said to his employer over the phone.

"Well done, Mr. Barrett," The mysterious man praised his new right hand man.


The two Spider-Men were looking around the apartment to see where the detective have been. Harry saw some sand on the carpet and some in the garbage can.

"He's been here..." Spider-Man stated.

"The Sandman?" Scarlet Spider asked.

"Who else?" Spider-Man went over to the wall as he spotted an older article by the Daily Bugle hanging there. Peter saw what Harry was staring at as it was an article of Osborn in his retro costume along with Detective Baker and DeWolff helped take the Sandman into custody.

He remembered the Jean DeWolff back on his Earth and her tragic death. In the end, she was another casualty whose life was cut short by that deranged madman, Stan Carter.

Someone was trying to open the front door and Spider-Man urged his partner to stay quiet and jump up on the ceiling in order to avoid being spotted.

Penny Baker entered her home to check up on her father to see if he's alright after sneaking out of her grandmother's place. She kept looking around until she realized that he wasn't here. All of a sudden, she turned around to see that Spider-Man appeared out of nowhere.

"Breaking and entering huh? Starting to think that old coot from the Bugle had the right idea about ya after all," Penny sneered while narrowing her eyes at him.

"Don't always believe what you hear," Spider-Man countered.

"You have no right showing your stupid face here! On this day no less!" Penny snapped at him.

"I know. I know what you're going through," Spider-Man sympathized but she wasn't having it.

"What could you possibly know about loss?!" Penny glared at the webslinger.

"I have my experiences one too many times," Spider-Man said while keeping eye contact.

"We both do," Scarlet Spider decided to jump in the conversation. "If we let our grief consume us then we'll just be angry and bitter at the whole world. Does that sound like Jean would want for you?"

Penny began to cry after bottling up her emotions for far too long. "But...But it's not fair."

"Believe me I know," Scarlet Spider walked up to give her a hug to which she also reciprocated. "Life is not fair sometimes but we also can't give in to despair no matter how easy it is."

Spider-Man decided to cut to the chase and asked her a question. "We were wondering if you know where Flint might be?"

"Why? did something happen to him?!" Penny frantically asked.

"That's why we're here, Penny," Spider-Man said.

Suddenly, as Captain Stacy opened the front door, she saw that Penny was all alone and the two Spider-Men were nowhere in sight.

"I hope I didn't scare you," Gwen hold up a key in her hand. "Flint gave me a spare just for emergencies. I dropped by to check up on you guys. Is your father home?"

Captain Stacy saw the distraught daughter of her friend looking like she has been crying.

"Penny, are you okay?" Gwen worriedly asked as she comforted Penny.

Penny sniffled and composed herself.
"I..I think my dad might be in danger."


Flint made it all the way down to the sandy beach late at night alone. He ran as soon as he noticed Jean standing far away from him waiting.

"Jean!...Is it really you?" Flint asked hoping that it was the real her.

"Yes, William. I'm here," DeWolff said as she reached out to give the detective a hug, but his eyes widened when he realized that something was not right.

"It's Flint."

"What are you-" DeWolff was cut off when the detective hugged her tighter. "You're hurting me."

"The real Jean respected me enough to call me by my nickname so who the hell are you?!" Flint questioned while pointing his weapon at the impostor only to get a sinister laugh in response.

"So there really is brain in there," Jean crazily cackled.

It was something out of a horror movie. Jean was laughing while turning into sand. The person that has been following Flint all day was a sand clone that had taken the form of his departed friend.

"...Oh no," Flint paled as he watched the sand clone crumble before his eyes. There's only one person that is capable enough of something like this.

"Oh yeah!"

"The detective couldn't react in time when he heard the voice as he was hit upside the head by a blunt object and fell to the ground. He turned his head slightly to see Charlie Weiderman AKA The Sandman grinning at him while holding a shovel.

"Y-You," Flint muttered as he was too weak to do anything.

"Sweet dreams, Detective," Sandman gloated as he raised his boot to stomp on Baker's face knocking him completely out.


The Spider-Men were standing out in front of a fence that had a sign that advises people to keep out and to ward off trespassers in the marshlands.

"What exactly are we doing out here?" Scarlet Spider questioned.

"This was the birthplace of my most terrifying foe. The Sandman..."

"There have been stories of how he came to be this way. People said that he had fallen into a vat of toxic waste while others say that he got trapped in some irradiated quicksand and merged with the soil," Harry stated.

"A few years ago, a classmate of mine from Midtown, Charlie Weiderman, was being chased out here by his bullies led by Carl King. Some people use to name him Whinerman. He thought he lost them went he entered beyond the fence. It turned out this place was testing a particle accelerator that Norman and his team were developing. Nobody knew that Charlie was there," Spider-Man narrowed his eyes at the fence.

"You're saying that-" Scarlet Spider was cut off by Harry.

"It was Oscorp's fault that Charlie gained his abilities to begin with," Spider-Man lamented while he was staring down on the ground.

"After that, he started using them to get back at his tormentors. I'll spare you the details on what happened to Carl. It was too gruesome to put into words," Spider-Man finished up telling Charlie's story.

"Why did you bring me here, Harry?" Scarlet Spider asked.

Spider-Man turned his attention over to his partner. "To show you how a monster was created."

He heard a loud beeping noise on his communicator and answered it.

"What is it, Mr. Toad?" Spider-Man asked his butler on the other line.

"The Sandman has made himself known."


Several news helicopters and civilians were around a barricade as a giant sandcastle which was the size of a mansion appeared out of nowhere. It even had a moat and a draw bridge as well. The two Spider-Men arrived on the scene as they exited the Spider-Mobile and made their way over to Captain Gwen Stacy, Lt. Jefferson Morales and Yuri Watanabe.

"If you would've told me that we were heading to the beach, I would've brought along my glider as a surfboard," Goblin joked much to Harry's annoyance.

"That's one huge sandcastle," Scarlet Spider remarked as they were walking over to the construct.

"Is your Sandman like this?" Spider-Man curiously asked.

"The way you told me this guy is on a whole nother level. Mine mostly settles in robbing banks and trying to strike it rich. But I do know a Charlie back on my Earth. He's...troubled but wasn't exactly like this."

The odd pair can see that Gwen and her colleagues have their hands full with crowd control and worrying about Detective Baker at the same time. She noticed that the thorn in her side and his obnoxious new partner arrived at the scene.

"There's no way he has a permit for that," Scarlet Spider quipped as he pointed at the giant sandcastle.

"What's the situation?" Spider-Man asked hoping to get bring up to speed.

Watanabe was able to answer for her distressed captain. "Some beach goers called in about an emergency and the Commissioner already explained to us about the issue with Sandman and Flint."

"He has him. I just know it," Captain Stacy said while still keeping her eyes on the castle.

"I have to admit that he's creative. Buddy even got himself his own moat. Hope he don't got any alligators down there," Scarlet Spider voiced his opinion as he was gazing at the malevolent sand castle.

"That's what I said," Lt. Morales chuckled.

As Captain Stacy was about to retort, a drawbridge lowered over them and it created a path for the heroes to follow.

"We've been expected. Let's go," Spider-Man told his partner.

"Wait! I'm coming with you guys," Captain Stacy firmly stated as she got in front of the costumed crime fighters.

"Out of the question," Spider-Man narrowed his eyes at Gwen.

"My partner's in there dammit!! I'm going in there with or without your assistance," Captain Stacy argued and moved on ahead.

The unlikely trio entered the castle without any problems so far. The three were shocked once they got a good look on the inside as there were dozens of staircases scattered throughout the castle.

"Who was this guy's designer? M.C. Escher?" Scarlet Spider joked.

"Does your friend ever shut up?" Captain Stacy groaned and turned her head over to Harry.

"I asked that same question a lot," Spider-Man snorted as they begin their journey.

It took a while but the trio was finally able to reach the throne room and they can clearly see the Sandman sitting on a throne made entirely out of sand. He smiles while looking down on them as if he was truly king of this castle.

"Well well if ain't Spider-Man and his not so amazing friend. I even see that you brought Malibu Stacy along for the ride," Sandman taunted to the three.

Gwen pulls out her gun and shoots him right in the head much to the shock and irritation of the two Spider-Men.

"Now why did you have to go and do that?" Spider-Man groaned as he scolded the captain.

"What does it say where I'm at a point in my life that I'm tired in dealing with crap like this?" Captain Stacy scoffed at the wallcrawler.

'So this Gwen is a "Shoot first ask questions later" kind of person...gotta make sure to not make her mad,' Peter thought to himself.

The trio heard a groaning noise and saw that the Sandman was healing his wound and spat the bullet out on his hand.

"Rude much?" Sandman grimaced as he twirled the bullet around his fingers.

"Where is he, Weiderman?" Spider-Man questioned.

"Who?" Sandman feigned ignorance as he tossed the bullet away.

"We're not here to play your idiotic games, Sandman! Where's Flint?!" Captain Stacy threatened the supervillain.

"Oh...he's around. You guys haven't noticed him yet," Sandman chuckled.

"If you hurt him so help me god," Spider-Man narrowed his eyes at the psychotic villain.

"He's fine," Sandman rolled his eyes. "You see I'm not a pushover like Electro so I won't fold so easily."

"If this is another diversion set up by Smythe," Spider-Man grimaced while gritting his teeth.

"Oh Squidward has plans for you. Big plans actually. Make no mistake I fully...fully intend to end you but I can't because Doctor's orders," Sandman evilly grinned.

"I don't get you," Scarlet Spider shakes his head in disappointment.

"...Pardon me?" Sandman raised an eye brow.

"You have all this power but all you're doing with them is hurting people."

Sandman scoffed at that notion. "I'm practically a God among mere men. Why would I even care if I hurt a few mortals?"

"You're not a god. You became the same thing you hated. A bully. That nickname of yours, "whinerman," fits you like a glove," Scarlet Spider taunted as he was trying to get a rise out of the villain.

Sandman took in a deep breath through his nose and got up from his throne.

"I'm so gonna enjoy tearing you to pieces but first," The Sandman snapped his fingers and the three fell down into a huge pit in the middle of the room.

They soon found Flint chained up to the wall of the pit. Peter used his strength to break the chains in order to release him.

"...Is he?" Captain Stacy asked hoping that the detective was alright.

Scarlet Spider put two fingers on Baker's neck to check for a pulse. "He's still alive."

"Thank goodness," Captain Stacy breathed a sigh of relief and Flint started to open his eyes.

"W-What the? Captain? Where the hell am I?" Flint tried to get up only for Gwen to tell him to rest up.

"Save your strength, Flint," Captain Stacy worriedly advised him.

"The only way that you all can make it out alive is through gladiatorial combat!" Sandman fiendishly grinned as he conjured up several sand clones coming out from the ground.

The hands of the clones began to morph into different weapons ranging from battle axes, swords and hammers.

"That ain't fair. These two got powers, the captain got something to protect herself while I got nothing to defend myself with," Flint complained.

"Fine," Sandman shrugged his shoulders and tossed the same shovel that was used to incapacitate him over to Flint. "Don't say that I didn't give you anything."

The sand clones began to attack the four individuals as the two Spider-Men delivered a series of punches while Gwen and Flint were both able to hold their own.

"There has to be an easier way to settle our differences," Scarlet Spider finished destroying another clone.

"You sound a lot like those quacks at Ravencroft. They kept going on that I would be rehabilitated one day. I got news for you. I don't need to be fixed," Sandman scoffed as he watched the group defeating his clones one by one. 

Captain Stacy whispered over to Scarlet Spider. "I take back everything I've said about you being the most obnoxious person in the room."

"Why don't you come down here and show us what you're made of, tough guy?" Flint goaded the supervillain.

The Sandman smirked at the detective and jumped down into the hole.

Charlie grabbed Scarlet Spider by the throat at top speed.

"You wanna know what's the best part about having super powers? I can take whatever I want, I can be whatever I want and most of all I can do whatever the hell I want!"

As Sandman was about to lay the killing blow, he was hit upside the head with a shovel and was knocked unconscious.

"Now you know how that feels, Mr. Sandman!" Flint tossed the shovel to the side and felt better about getting back at the villain.

Spider-Man made sure to trap the villain in webbing in order to keep him grounded for a while.

After that, Spider-Man carried Gwen while Scarlet Spider grabbed Flint and got both of them out of the pit. 

"You two need to leave. It's not safe here," Spider-Man referred to Gwen and Flint.

"What about you?" Captain Stacy asked.

"We can handle him ourselves," Spider-Man gestured towards the nearest exit. "Go!"

Gwen didn't like it but trusted the vigilante's word for this one time and helped Flint escape this castle all together.

As they left, Spider-Man was fishing something out of his utility belt and took out a web cartridge.

"Here take this," Spider-Man gave his partner the cartridge.

Peter took a good look at it and figured out what it was. "Freeze Webbing? What for?"

"Something tells me that you're gonna need it," Spider-Man said as both of their spider-sense went off. Something got a hold of Harry's ankle and dragged him back down the pit over to where Sandman was at.

"Now that the weaklings are away," Sandman "The real fun can begin."

"...I don't think so," Spider-Man pulled out a weapon that was similar to Gwen's and shot Sandman several times in the face which knocked him back a few paces.

"...Dude?!" Scarlet Spider yelled out as he leaped down right next to him.

"What?!" Spider-Man matched his friend's tone of voice.

"Where did you get that?!" Scarlet Spider snapped as he really wanted to know.

"I took it off of Gwen when she wasn't looking," Spider-Man shrugged.

The Sandman took in those bullets like a sponge and the spots on his face sealed up. He would also seem grew taller in size and became bulky in mass. Both of his hands morphed into a weapons as one of them was a battle axe while the other is a giant hammer.

"So annoying!!" Sandman snarled out of fury as he can't seem to land a hit on any of the two Spider-Men.

"Hiya Pot! It's me Kettle!" Scarlet Spider joked as he did a front flip to dodge Charlie's axe while firing freeze web pellets at him.

"Having fun?" Spider-Man asked his friend as he was punching the large Sandman.

"Having a blast although I would rather be fighting the Rancor than deal with this Freak of the Week!"

"Freak?! You calling me a freak?!" Sandman roared as he kept on trying to attack the pair.

"Oh where are my manners? I meant to say "Geek of the Week!" Was that better?" Scarlet Spider shoots more freeze webbing at the villain.

Sandman started to screech out in anger and dropped a hammer on his annoying foe. "Shut up!!"

"Ah I see what you're all about. You can dish it out but can't take it," Scarlet Spider kept on taunting his opponent while doing a back flip to avoid his ongoing attacks.  

"You're going to be begging me to put you outta your misery when I get through with you!" Sandman shouted but then he notices that his body was starting to feel cold...

The Sandman was frozen in place thanks to the nitrogen infused web-fluid and Spider-Man picked up the shovel to smash it as if it was an ice sculpture. He shattered into many pieces which resulted in the end of their conflict.

"So?...Mission accomplished?" Scarlet Spider asked but as soon as Harry was about to respond a disembodied voice loudly interjected.


The castle was starting to shake  uncontrollably and the two Spider-Men got up from the hole. They ran straight toward the windows to escape from the sandcastle.

A few minutes earlier, Captain Stacy escorted Detective Baker out of the giant sandcastle and they saw his daughter, Penny, waiting for him at the forefront.

"Dad! Are you alright?!" Penny worriedly asked her father.

"How did she get all the way up here?!" Gwen shouted as she was concerned for her safety and Terri Lee walked up to take responsibility.

"It's my fault, Captain Stacy. She slipped past me while I wasn't paying attention," The rookie apologized for her mistake.

"Captain!" Watanabe pointed towards the castle. "It's collapsing!"

Although the structure was falling apart, it transformed into something else. Charlie morphed into his ultimate form that was currently towering over them: The Giant-Size Sandman.

"Oh dear god," Flint voiced everyone's feelings at the moment.

"Open Fire!!" Captain Stacy commanded her men but it proved to be useless.

"Don't you fools get it? I AM THE BEACH!!" Sandman loudly gloated as he conjured some more sand clones.

Civilians ran for their lives as the clones began to form when suddenly the Spider-Mobile appeared and drove right through the sand constructs. The window lowered revealing Spider-Man in the driver's seat while Scarlet Spider was in the passenger's seat.

"Here you go," Spider-Man gave back her missing weapon.

"I was wondering where that was," Gwen put it back in her holster.

"Okay," Scarlet Spider clapped his hands. "We tried freezing him but that didn't work out."

"Plan B. We turn up the heat," Spider-Man narrowed his eyes at the giant monstrosity.

"Spider-Man! Make sure that you shut him up for me," Captain Stacy said and the webhead nodded in response.

After that, the Spider-Mobile sped off to confront the Giant-Size Sandman.

"I gotta get me one of those," Flint referred to the white and black clad hero's car.

Spider-Man launched multiple missiles at the supervillain from his hi-tech automobile, and it made a direct hit on Sandman's large arms and chest.

"Sandy is not happy," Scarlet Spider said as he looked back and saw Sandman following them.

"Perfect," Spider-Man said as he kept on driving. "Our goal here is to keep him away from highly populated areas."

The Giant-Size Sandman reformed and got right in front of them. He grabbed the Spider-Mobile with his humongous hand.

"HOPE YOU DON'T MIND ME BREAKING YOUR FAVORITE TOY!" The Giant-Size Sandman loudly taunted as he was squeezing the car with all his might as if it was a can of soda.

"Got anymore bright ideas?!" Scarlet Spider frantically asked.

"Just one," Spider-Man pressed a button to activate the jet boosts and it was used as an impromptu flamethrower. The flames from the fuel crystallized Sandman's hand that went up all the way to his arms and face creating a glass form.

The pair got out of the vehicle and climbed on top of the roof. The two Spider-Men both leaped at the same time to deliver a solid blow to Sandman's crystal head shattering it like broken glass instantaneously.

The giant headless Sandman dropped the Spider-Mobile and began to crumble away resulting in a massive sand cloud on the beach.

When the dust settled, Spider-Man was trying to find his partner but he wasn't having any luck. He then saw Charlie right across from him on the beach.

"Well would you look at that," Sandman pointed to his wristwatch. "My time here is up. You and the new guy gave me a run for my money."

"You're not going anywhere!" Spider-Man growled as he was about to freeze him into place with his webbing only to realize that he was running on empty.

"It's been fun," Sandman waves goodbye at the wallcrawler as he starts to disappear. "I'll be seeing ya real soon, Spidey."

As they were about to head home, Flint stopped for a moment and saw what appeared to be Jean standing in the middle of the beach genuinely smiling at him. He smiled back and she faded away back into the afterlife signifying that it was time to move forward with his life as he has family and friends looking out for him.

"Are you going to be okay, Flint?" Captain Stacy genuinely asked.

"Yeah," Flint smiled warmly at his captain. "Everything's gonna be fine."

Even though the two Spider-Men didn't successfully capture the Sandman, they managed to rescue the Detective and reunite him with his loved ones. Harry was able to find Peter laying on the beach.

"Isn't a little early to be making sand angels?" Spider-Man lightly joked.

"Heh! Why is that a quip I hear, Mr. Osborn?" Scarlet Spider jokingly said.

"You must be hearing things," Spider-Man smirked at his friend.

"Just leave me here why don't you," Scarlet Spider saw Spider-Man reaching out to him and took his hand to gently let him up from the ground.

"No can do and besides our work here is done, partner," Spider-Man said while walking over to the car.

"What a relief," Scarlet Spider pulled up his mask to spit out some sand. "I hope Mortimer can get sand outta my costume."

To Be Continued...

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