The Darkness Inside You (Sted...

By HateMeDestroyMe

358 6 13

Steve Harrington's father let him know when he was twelve years old what he thinks of homosexuals and the deg... More

Nothing Happened
Friends With Benefits
Prove You're A Man
Don't Break My Heart
You Have The Right To Remain Silent
Dead To Me
Look The Other Way
Squishy Little Metal Muffin
I Swear On My Life

Summers On Uranus

27 0 2
By HateMeDestroyMe

It was almost three in the afternoon when they finally released Steve. They made him eat lunch before they would even consider it, so Eddie sat with him and made him eat. He was still nauseated but he ate the food they brought him. Luckily, the hospital food was bland enough that it didn't bother him too much. Once he was processed out and they were at Eddie's van, Eddie opened the door for him and Steve climbed in. Eddie was about to shut the door when Steve cocked his head to one side and gave Eddie a scrutinizing look.

"What's all over you," he asked with a wave of his hand towards Eddie's jeans.

"You don't remember puking on me?" Steve flushed red and shook his head. "Yeah, in the back seat of your car." Eddie shut the door then went around the van and got in. "We'll have to clean out your car. It was pretty rank. And the empty bottles and puke. It'll be fun." Eddie started his van and pulled out of the hospital parking lot. "After we get your car, you're coming home with me, right?"

"Your uncle won't care?" Eddie just shrugged. "Last time I was there, he had a baseball bat."

"He was the star of the state championship Hawkins Tigers baseball team when he was in high school," Eddie said. "Don't piss him off. He can swing that thing effortlessly. And he never misses."

"He was sure quick to pull it out to defend you."

"He's a grumpy old bastard," Eddie laughed. "But he loves me." He laughed again. "Not sure why. I give him way more shit that I'm worth. But he does."

"There's just something about you."

Steve reached over and took Eddie's hand and held it while he drove. When they got to Skull Rock, Steve got out and went to his car. He opened the door then looked back at Eddie.

"You know where I live." Steve nodded even though it wasn't a question. "Follow me." At the trailer, they got out and Steve hesitated, like he was afraid to go in. Eddie tentatively reached for his hand and Steve let him take it. Eddie lifted it and kissed it. "You'll be fine, sweetheart. I promise." Steve nodded so Eddie led him into the trailer. Wayne was sitting in his recliner, reading a newspaper, and looked up, then did a double take when they came in. "Wayne, this is Steve. He's going to be, uhm, staying for a while."

Wayne nodded. "That's fine," he said. "But I don't want no trouble."

"Yes sir," Steve answered quietly.

"Listen to him," Wayne laughed. "Eddie, you should take some lessons in respect from this one." He laughed again. "Sir? No, kid. I'm just Wayne."

"Come on," Eddie said. He tugged Steve's hand and led him to his bedroom. He pushed the door closed behind them then turned to face Steve. "Breathe, Steve," he laughed. "He's really not so bad. Just keep your hands off his coffee cup, the black Harley Davidson one, and his stash of peanut butter cups. He keeps them hidden in the cabinet above the refrigerator and thinks I don't know about them. Follow those two rules, and don't wake him up when he's been out drinking late with his buddies, and you'll be okay."

"That's okay," Steve said. "I don't like coffee or peanut butter."

"Don't let him hear you say that," Eddie laughed. "He'd brand you a heretic." He kissed Steve softly then finally let go of his hand. "I'm going to take a shower and change clothes," he told him. "Then you can shower or whatever. Do you have clothes in your car?"

"Yeah, there's a suitcase in the trunk."

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll get it."

When Eddie was done with his shower, he went out to Steve's car and brought his suitcase in. In his bedroom, he found Steve standing at the desk holding a small metal sculpture of the Eiffel Tower that Eddie kept sitting there. He was turning it over in his hand, lost in thought. Eddie put the suitcase on the bed and started taking clothes out. He hung the shirts and pants in his closet with his own clothes, then made room in one of his drawers for Steve's socks and underwear. Steve helped Eddie put the clothes away then went back to the desk and picked up the Eiffel Tower again.

"My parents took me to Paris two summers ago," he said. "My dad was angry the whole trip. In the airport, we saw two men kissing and my dad just lost it. It was supposed to be a fun family trip, but he just complained the whole time."

"Did you know that there are two and a half million rivets in the Eiffel Tower?"

"Really?" Eddie nodded. "Why do you know all that stuff," he asked with a laugh. "Ever since we met, you just spout these weird random facts."

"I don't know," Eddie answered with a shrug. "I like to read and you learn random things when you read."

"Tell me something else," Steve said as he knelt next to the stack of worn paperback books under the window. "Just something random that I wouldn't know."

"Summers on Uranus last twenty-one years." Steve looked up, surprise on his face. "When glass breaks, the cracks travel about three thousand miles per hour." Steve stood up and went to where Eddie was standing. "Approximately a dozen people a year are killed by vending machines in the US."

"You failed twelfth grade last year, yet you know all this stuff."

"I didn't fail because I'm stupid," Eddie said almost defensively.

"No, I'm sorry. That's not what I was implying." He shook his head. "Forget I said anything. Mind if I get that shower now? I haven't had one since Sunday."

"Sure," Eddie said. "Go ahead."

While Steve was in the shower, Eddie stashed his suitcase in the back of the closet then went outside to clean out his car. He pulled a garbage can from behind the trailer and dumped the milk crate and empty bottles into it along with all the junk food wrappers. Steve had apparently been living on potato chips, candy bars, and whatever else he could buy in a convenience store for the past several days. Eddie laughed. He'd done that a few times, but it was his choice. He couldn't imagine that being his only option.

Eddie decided right then that he was going to make Steve dinner tonight. He and Wayne took turns cooking and tonight was supposed to be Wayne's night, but Eddie wanted to cook for Steve. And since he hadn't come home the night before, it wasn't really fair that Wayne had to cook three nights in a row, so Eddie would do it. He was sure Wayne would welcome it. Wayne hated cooking.

Steve joined Eddie at his car just as he was putting the floor mat back in the car after cleaning the dried vomit off of it. He leaned against the car and smiled at Eddie. Eddie leaned next to him, close enough that their shoulders were touching and he nudged him gently.

"You look a lot better."

"I feel better," Steve said. "My hair was driving me crazy."

"Steve 'The Hair' Harrington," Eddie laughed. "I hate to admit this, but even beat all to hell and your hair filthy, you were still hot as shit."

"Thanks," he answered while blushing. "You didn't have to clean out my car. I was going to do it." Eddie shrugged. "Are you going to school tomorrow?"

"Nah," Eddie answered. "I was just going to stay home with you."

"I think I want to go to school."

"Those are words I've never said," Eddie laughed. "You've already missed four days. What's the point of going on a Friday?"

"I've got two tests tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess you should go," Eddie sighed. "Thanks for ruining my excuse for missing another day." He nudged Steve again to let him know he was only teasing him. "Did you know that last year four and a half percent of all tenth to twelfth grade students in America dropped out?"

"I'm glad you weren't one of them." Steve pushed off the car, turned to face Eddie, then caught him by the hips and pulled him against him. "We might never have met if you did."

"I wish the circumstances were better, but I'm glad we met." Steve kissed him softly. "Want to go inside and smoke a joint?"

"Your uncle..."

"He knows I smoke. And deal," Eddie told him as he closed the car and led Steve back to the trailer. "Why do you think I didn't get into trouble when Hopper arrested me?" Inside, on their way back to the bedroom, Eddie called over his shoulder to Wayne. "I'm cooking tonight."

"Damn right you are," he muttered but Eddie could hear the humor in it.

He sat back on the bed and motioned for Steve to join him. Steve sat down next to him, both of them propped against the wall with the pillows behind them. Eddie pointed to his bedside table while digging his lighter out of his pocket. "In that drawer. There's a mint tin with several joints in it." Steve opened the drawer and reached for the mint tin. It was right next to a box of condoms and a bottle of lubricant. His stomach did a little flip when he saw those. Steve handed the mint tin to Eddie.

"How long have you and Billy... Been together?" Eddie lit a joint with several quick puffs, then took a deep hit and held it as he passed the joint to Steve. "You said you slept with him." He took a hit of the joint as well, not looking at Eddie, almost afraid to hear Eddie's answer.

"We're not together," Eddie said as he exhaled slowly. "We have sex sometimes. We're just friends and we fulfill a need for each other. Kind of like me and Samantha." Eddie took another hit. "Speaking of Samantha." He handed the joint to Steve. "What's up with you two?"

"Nothing," Steve said. "I was using her. Like I used you." Eddie shook his head. He didn't understand. "Trying to prove I was straight." Steve sighed heavily. "I thought I was trying to make her believe I was. But I think I was trying to make myself believe it more."

"Are you going to keep seeing her?" Steve shrugged. "She seems to really care about you."

"She's really sweet," he answered. "Under all that black, she's a really great girl." Eddie nodded. It was quiet for a while as they finished the joint. Eddie leaned across Steve to put it into the ashtray on the bedside table, and as he was sitting back up, Steve caught him and kissed him. "I don't want to date her," Steve said. "I was on my way to call her and ask her to go steady when this happened." He motioned towards his face. "But I don't want that. Not really."

"Yeah?" Steve nodded. "What do you want?"


"You've got me," Eddie told him. "But if you still want to see Sammy too, I'd understand."

"I don't want to," he said. "And I don't want... You..." Steve stopped and bit his bottom lip. He had no right to ask Eddie not to see Billy. Especially when Eddie was telling him he was okay with him seeing Samantha. "Never mind."

"Are you asking me to go steady instead of Sammy?" Steve nodded once and Eddie laughed. "The answer is yes, if you're sure that's what you really want. But I have to warn you."


"I'm a very needy, clingy boyfriend," Eddie said as he sat up. "You'll have to put up with a lot of this." Eddie dramatically draped himself across Steve and locked his arms behind his neck. "I love you, baby." He kissed him and snuggled into him. "Tell me you love me." He kissed him again and crawled onto his lap. "Say it, sweetheart. Tell me you love me before I die."

"I love you," Steve laughed. "Don't you dare die on me." He cradled Eddie in his arms and kissed him deeply. "I love you." Eddie let go of Steve and laid down across his lap. "You weren't like this before."

"You wouldn't let me be your boyfriend before," Eddie said. "I was trying to make you as comfortable as I could with our relationship."

"You're so damn sweet, Eddie," Steve told him. "Not at all like I ever expected you to be."

"You're nothing like I ever thought you were either," Eddie said. "But sometimes, you just have to give people a chance." He reached up and stroked Steve's less bruised cheek softly. "How do you feel?"

"I'm sore, but I'm okay."

"You want to help me make dinner in a while?"

"Sure." He pulled Eddie up and caught his chin with his good hand. "But right now, there's something else I want." Eddie raised his eyebrows in question. "I want to go down on you." Eddie felt his stomach flip.

"You don't have to," Eddie said. "Your lip." He touched the stitches lightly.

"It doesn't hurt," Steve told him. "And I want to." Steve pressed his lips to Eddie's. "Let me do this for you." Eddie swallowed hard and searched Steve's eyes. All he could see was love and trust. He nodded slowly. Steve reached for Eddie's pants.


Eddie got out of bed then went and locked his bedroom door. When he came back, Steve was sitting on the edge of the bed and he looked up at Eddie as he hooked a finger in his belt loop and pulled him closer.

"Come here, baby," he whispered huskily.

Eddie stepped forward then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pushed them down just enough to get his dick out. He was only half erect, but the minutes Steve touched him, he went hard in his hand. Eddie ran a hand through Steve's hair then cupped the back of his head as Steve licked his lips then touched them to Eddie's dick. Eddie had to force himself not to just shove his dick into Steve's mouth. He needed to let Steve do this in his own way, let him control it. So he just held his head gently and waited and watched.

Steve flicked his tongue and Eddie inhaled sharply. He swirled his tongue around the head, licked the tip, then pushed it up against his stomach. Steve laid his tongue flat against the base of Eddie's dick and licked slowly back to the head. Then he wrapped his lips around it and sucked softly. Eddie resisted rocking his hips forward. Steve took more of him into his mouth then bobbed up and down a few times before taking even more. He wrapped a fist around the base and stroked Eddie firmly as he started sucking harder, moving up and down on Eddie's dick.

"Fucking hell, Steve," he moaned quietly. "God that's so fucking good, sweetheart." His legs started to shake. This wasn't going to take much longer and Eddie needed to sit or lay down. He squeezed the back of Steve's neck then took a step back and let go of him, His dick fell from Steve's mouth and Steve looked up at him, licking his lips.

"What's wrong," he asked breathlessly. "Am I doing something wrong?"

"No," Eddie answered, just as breathless. "I'm about to collapse. I need to sit or something." Steve slid over on the bed and Eddie sat next to him, then leaned back on his hands. "Okay, sweetheart." Steve leaned over and took Eddie back into his mouth. Eddie lifted his hips, slowly, gently, and laid a hand on the back of his head again. He was still letting Steve control how fast they went, but he guided him a little. He wanted this to last as long as possible because it felt so fucking good. So he prompted Steve to slow down when he felt himself getting too close, and to speed up when the feeling would subside. It went on for several more minutes until Eddie couldn't control it anymore. He squeezed his neck again. "Stop, baby, I'm gonna come." Steve pulled off and sat up. "Kiss me and jack me off, Steve."

Steve laid next to Eddie as he pulled his shirt up around his chest and they kissed, hard and needy while Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie and stroked him firmly until Eddie was moaning into his mouth and shooting his come over Steve's hand onto his stomach. When he was spent, Eddie wrapped his hand around Steve's and slowed him down until he finally stopped and let go of Eddie. Their kiss turned slow and lazy until finally Eddie's arms collapsed under him and he fell back on the bed.

"Was that okay," Steve asked quietly.

"Yeah, sweetheart." Eddie put an arm around Steve and pulled him closer. "It was killer." They both laughed. Eddie pulled his shirt off and handed it to Steve. "Use this. I don't have a bandana on me right now." Steve wiped his hand and Eddie's stomach clean, then tossed the shirt to the side. "What did you think of it?"

"It felt a lot different that I dreamed about it feeling," he said. "How hard you were against my lips. I think I liked it." He touched his lips. "A lot."

"Give me a minute, and I'll go down on you," Eddie said as he pulled his pants up. "I need to catch my breath."

"You don't have to," Steve said. "Not right now. I'm good." He chuckled lightly. "Give me some time to process what I just did. I liked it, but it's still strange to me. Strange that I liked something that I'm not supposed to even want to do."

"I'm going to have to undo seventeen, almost eighteen years of brainwashing." He sat up and put an arm around Steve. "It won't be a quick process. But we'll get there." Steve nodded and smiled. "Come on. Let's get washed up and make dinner."

"Do you think your uncle knows what we were doing?"

"I doubt he cares," Eddie laughed. "And if he does know, he won't ever acknowledge it or say anything about it. Don't worry." Steve nodded. "Come on, sweetheart. Time to show off my kitchen skills."

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