Dark Raven

By darshi234

522 165 47

Kate Foxx 's life has always been a mess - with workaholic parents , frequent hallucinations and being the... More

Chapter 1 - The unknown
Chapter 2 - Stormy days
Chapter 3 - Depravity
Chapter 4 - The Lycan Legends
Chapter 5 - Howl of the people
Chapter 6 - Torn apart
Chapter 7 - Fleshing out
Chapter 8 - The calm before and after the storms
Chapter 9 - The Lunar Eclipse
Chapter 10 - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Chapter 11- Overkill
Chapter 13 - Escalated
Chapter 14 - Pounce or Perish ?
Chapter 15 - Simmer

Chapter 12 - Biting bullets

33 8 11
By darshi234

" Kate ! ", Scott shouts , as he runs into the bathroom. He looks horrified , watching the blood running down my mouth. " What ? What... did I do ? ", I ask him , as I stare into the toilet. " It's ok... it's ok... Everything will be fine. Since you're a werewolf , this is totally normal. " I give Scott a confused look and shout , " HOW IS THIS NORMAL ?! I KILLED AND ATE SO MANY PEOPLE !!! DID YOU SEE WHAT IS IN THE TOILET ?! " Scott exhales deeply and responds , " Yes, I did. It's deeply disturbing , but we got bigger things to worry about... "

" How could you not tell me, that my mouth was covered in so much of blood ? Everything that I did , happened in a blur ! I justify killing Todd, but I shouldn't have massacred the prison guards... " I go to the sink and open my mouth , wide. The entire inside of my mouth , including my teeth , is covered in blood !!! " HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO MAKEOUT WITH ME IN THE AMBULANCE VAN ?! " , I ask Scott. " I didn't focus on the taste of your mouth , because I only focused on you. I didn't care about the blood and human remnants in your mouth , because the only thing that mattered more to me , was being with you..." , Scott says , in his usual kind , but honest manner.

I pull Scott towards me and I hug him , tightly. My hands wrap around his neck and my face is pressed against the soft skin of his muscular , bare chest... Thinking back to , that makeout session in the ambulance van , I realize how soft his skin is... I caress the back of his neck and upper back. I pull my hands , onto his muscular shoulders and when I look at his shoulders , I see some blood on him... I point at his shoulders and I notice that my hands are painted in blood ! The blood on my hands is a combination of liquid and dried blood ...

" I'm...a monster . ", I say. I can feel tears streaming down my face, as I cry. I can hear the echoes of my cries and I can feel Scott , wrapping me in his arms. He rubs my back and tells me , in a soothing voice , " Everything will be ok... " I pull away from Scott , quickly . " NO !!! IT WON'T ! I AM A FUCKING MONSTER AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT !!! EVERYTHING WILL NOT BE OK !!! " , I scream at Scott. Scott leaves the bathroom, dejectedly. I am filled with anger, guilt and sadness...

I go to the sink and I start washing my mouth out , with water from the tap. I open the cabinet above the sink. I find 5 toothbrushes and 5 tubes of toothpaste. I take out a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. I close the cabinet door and I look at the mirror on the cabinet door. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I notice how messy my hair is, covered in blood , dust, dirt and it looks extremely oily ! Having oily hair is a girl's worst nightmare !!! I turn my attention to my face. My face is stained with dried blood and it also looks greasy !

I look at the toothbrush in my right hand and the tube of toothpaste in the other. I open the tube of toothpaste. I open the tap and I give the toothbrush a quick rinse. I close the tap . I put toothpaste on the toothbrush and I start brushing my teeth. I look at the mirror , while brushing my teeth. As I spit out toothpaste into the sink , I see the remnants of blood and human remnants , going down the sink. After 3 minutes, I finished brushing my teeth. I look at the mirror and I admire how clean and human-like , my teeth look .

After seeing the disgusting state of my body, I take off all my clothes and I jump in the shower. As soon as I turn the shower tap on , I enjoy the feeling of hot water on my skin. I start washing my body with a bar of soap, that was left on the shower tap . I also use a big bottle of shampoo on the shower floor. I wash my hair thoroughly for at least 10 minutes. I let the water rinse me from head to toe , for 10 more minutes and I exit the shower. I pick up a towel hanging on the outside of the shower door and I wrap it around my body. I take another towel hanging on the shower door and I start drying my hair with it. I dry my body with the towel that I wrapped around my body and I put my clothes back on. I leave the towels that I used , to dry in the bathtub.

As I walk out of the bathroom , I notice that my right leg has fully healed ! I was so busy puking my guts out, talking to Scott and cleaning myself intensely. I didn't even know that my leg healed !

I ask , " Scott ! Is there a hair dryer in this room ? " When I look at Scott, I see him lying on the bed in his underwear... Fuck , he looks so hot ! He responds , " Yes , I plugged in the hair dryer for you. If you look to your left , you will see it on the pedestal. " He gets off the bed and walks up to me. We are inches away from each other. I say , " I'm sorry , for shouting at you. You were just trying to comfort me and --- " Before I could finish talking , Scott pulls me towards him and kisses me gently. He pulls away.

" Kate, I understand what you're going through. There is no need to apologize. I need to go and have a shower now. Before I go , I need to tell you this... After our fight , at my cabin I wanted to run after you, but I decided to let you cool off and I knew that you managed to get home safely. When you first transformed into a werewolf, I sensed that you transformed and I remembered your home address. I quickly came to your house and I met your parents. They told me everything that happened and they contacted ASD to find you. We wanted to make sure that you didn't harm anyone. Your parents stayed home, because they didn't want to hurt you or see you as a werewolf. It seemed like they were having a hard time , dealing with your powers. Anyway, they told ASD and I , to follow the trail that you left behind and when we have you , they will meet us at ASD headquarters. " , Scott says, feeling relieved.

Scott walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. Wow ! It looks like I really hit the boyfriend jackpot ! I lie on the bed, admiring how much Scott cares about me...

Suddenly , I realize that I need to dry my hair. I use the hair dryer on the pedestal. Then , I decide to sleep , because I had an exhausting day...

I eventually wake up and I can see the rays of the sun , entering the room. When I turn to my right , I see Scott sleeping right next to me... He looks so peaceful , so I cuddle up next to him. He wakes up slowly and looks at me sweetly. " Good morning ... " , I say. I let out a loud yawn and Scott laughs . He responds , " Good morning , Kate. " Scott looks like he has more energy than me.

" Ughhh... I'm so hungry ! " , I say. Scott chuckles and responds , " Me too. "

I hear a loud knock on the door. " KATE ! SCOTT ! IT'S AGENT GOVENDER ! Can I come in ?! " , the raspy , familiar voice says. " Give us 5 minutes ! " , I shout out. Scott quickly puts on a pair of denim blue jeans, white socks, black sneakers and a cool green t-shirt , while I go to the mirror in the bathroom and I adjust my clothing and hair. I exit the bathroom and Scott opens the door , letting Agent Govender in.

Agent Govender wears his ASD blue uniform. He looks very handsome, especially with his facial hair. He must be in his late 20's , but he is not as hot as Scott !

Agent Govender tells us, " Good morning , Kate and Scott. I hope that you had a good sleep , because today is an important day. You will both have a meeting with Agent Black and some other ASD agents. Kate, your parents are already here and they will also be at the meeting. The meeting will be in an hour. Breakfast meals are ready to eat , so please accompany me to the dining area now. "

I respond, " Ok cool. Let me just change my clothes. I will be ready in 5 minutes. I take a pink t-shirt , denim blue shorts and a pair of white sneakers from the drawer and I enter the bathroom. I shut the door and I take off my clothes. I quickly use the toilet and I wash my hands. I brush my teeth for 2 minutes , then I wash my face. I open the cabinet and I find deodorant , perfume and hairbrushes. I put deodorant under my arms and I put on the t-shirt , shorts and sneakers. I style my hair , using a hairbrush. I also spray perfume and I exit the bathroom.

Scott gasps , when he sees me... Agent Govender's eyes widen , in shock. " Kate ! You look so hot ! " , Scott says, enthusiastically. Agent Govender chuckles and responds with , " Come on ! Let's head to the dining area. "

Agent Govender, Scott and I , exit the room. Scott closes the door behind us. Agent Govender leads us to the elevator and he pushes the button in the elevator, labelled , " 3 " .

I can feel the elevator go down and then the doors open. My eyes widen in shock... We step out of the elevator and I stare at the beautiful statues and paintings in the room. Scott says, " Wow ! This place continues to stun me ! It is beautiful ! " Agent Govender laughs loudly and responds , " I have always felt that way about this place. Despite all the beauty that you see , there is alot more to us. Working for ASD is hard , but we have to protect humans from the Supernaturals. Sometimes we work with the Supernaturals. I know it seems crazy, but ASD does background checks on the Supernaturals we work with. The Supernaturals we work with , don't have a problem working for us , because we compensate them for their work. We also vow to not kill or capture Supernaturals , of their choice. "

I respond, " Damn ! I thought that you all hated the Supernaturals. My parents told me about how you'll kill or capture them. They seemed to have a deep hatred towards them. Do you know why ? " Agent Govender looks startled by the question , but he responds , " When your parents were teenagers, their parents were murdered by Werewolves... Your parents joined the ASD after the murders and they made it their duty to rid the world of Werewolves, but more specifically, all Supernaturals ! They have also watched other Supernaturals kill humans, which is why they hate many Supernaturals. "

" OH MY GOD ! THAT EXPLAINS A LOT !!! " , I exclaim. Agent Govender gives me a sympathetic look and says , " I'm sorry about all of this. I'm sure that this is too much for you. "

" Yes, it is. At least I know what actually happened to my grandparents. My parents barely mentioned anything about them... " , I reply, feeling stunned. Scott comes up to me and holds my hand, reassuringly. Scott tells Agent Govender , " This...is alot to handle. Let's discuss this at the meeting. In the meantime, show us the way to the dining area. " Agent Govender nods his head. Scott and I follow him down a passage on the left and we enter a room.

Scott and I gasp, when we see how big the dining area is... There are hundreds of tables and chairs. I smell and see a variety of foods placed on big glass plates , on a gigantic wooden table : pancakes, toast, french toast, waffles, fruits, eggs, beans , porridge, jam, yoghurt, cheese, sausages, bacon and steak ! Scott and I run to the table filled with food. I grab a plate and I start filling it up, with a savoury french toast , 6 streaks of bacon, 5 sausages and the biggest piece of steak ! I grab a set of cutlery and I sit at an empty table. I start eating the bacon and I love it !

Scott brings his plate of food and he sits next to me. On his plate, I see an enormous stack of waffles covered in maple syrup, scrambled eggs and bacon. We both eat our food in silence. After we finish our food, we get Caramel Latte's from the coffee machine at the back of the room ! We see Agent Kim , Walker and Govender chatting to a few other ASD agents. Agent Kim seperates from them and walks towards Scott and I.

" Good morning. Did you sleep well last night ? " , Agent Kim asks , with a wink. I chuckle and Scott responds, " Yes, we did. Thanks for asking. " I tell Agent Kim , " Thanks for bringing us here. Scott and I , have enjoyed our stay. Everything looks amazing ! The food and coffee is really good. We couldn't be happier. " Agent Kim continues to smile and tells us, " I'm glad that you are happy staying here , but try not too eat to much food. The meeting is in 15 minutes ! You will need as much energy as possible. " Scott replies , " Ok , cool. Will you and Agent Govender be accompanying us to the meeting ? " Agent Kim nods her head and responds , " In 5 minutes , we will escort you both to the meeting room. Please enjoy your Caramel Lattes , before the 5 minutes are up ! " Agent Kim walks back to the group of ASD agents.

" I hope that something good will come from this meeting. " , I tell Scott. Scott responds , " I hope so too. "

Scott and I , chat for 5 more minutes about our predictions at the meeting. Suddenly , Agent Govender and Kim come up to us. Scott and I , follow them as they lead us out of the dining area. We enter the elevator and Agent Kim pushes the button labelled , " 7 ". We all remain silent , as we wait to reach the meeting room . Agent Kim tells us , " Don't be scared. The meeting will go well. " Scott and I smile wryly , remaining silent. Scott takes my hand gently and holds it , reassuringly. I smile at him. Agent Govender laughs softly. " What an adorable couple ! ", Agent Govender says , cheerfully. I respond , " Thanks. "

The doors open and we all step out of the elevator. The room we are in , is bare and filled with dull colours. Luckily, it is not as depressing as , " Dark Raven Prison ". The room is filled with passages , that are on the left and right side. We follow Agent Govender and Kim , to the passageway on the right. We stop at the first door on the passageway and Agent Govender uses his keycard , to open the first door. The door opens and he beckons us to enter the room. Agent Govender, Kim, Scott and I , are all in , a brightly, lit room. Agent Govender closes the door behind us and he tells us , " Take a seat. " We all sit at a gigantic , black table , where many ASD agents stare at us , in a cautious manner... Out of all the unfamiliar faces , that I see sitting at the table , I see Agent Black and Walker and I make eye contact with my parents ! " Mum ! Dad ! " , I shout. My parents get up from their seats and they come up to me. They embrace me in their arms .

" Oh , Kate ! We were so worried about you ! " , Mum says. " I'm so glad that you are ok. " , Dad says. They pull away from me and they turn to Scott. " Scott , thanks for protecting her. " , Dad says. Scott replies , " It was no problem at all. " Mum says, " You got a good boyfriend , Kate. Please keep him. " I laugh and respond , " I will. "

I turn my attention to the meeting room. The walls are blue and white in colour. I turn to look at the other ASD agents , that are in the meeting room. They are whispering amongst themselves , looking at me fearfully. I pay more attention to them and I am able to hear what they are saying, a man in his early 20's , with the name badge , " Luca Di Prima " tells Agent Walker , " CAN WE REALLY TRUST , THE FOX'S DAUGHTER ? SHE IS A WEREWOLF NOW ! WE KNOW HOW DANGEROUS WEREWOLVES ARE ! " Agent Walker whispers to Luca , " WE HAVE TO TRUST HER ! SHE HELPED DAVE ARREST TODD. ALTHOUGH SHE KILLED TODD AND THOSE PRISON GUARDS , SHE WILL BE ABLE TO CONTROL HER POWERS , WITH ENOUGH TRAINING ! "

I hope that happens soon... I don't want to harm more people !

I also notice 2 Japanese men , whispering to each other. They briefly make eye contact with me. I am able to see their name badges. One badge reads , " Kento Sanada " and the other badge reads , Hiroshi Watanabe ". Kento tells Hiroshi , " BETWEEN YOU AND I , THE FOX'S DAUGHTER DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A KILLER. LAST NIGHT AGENT BLACK TOLD ME , THAT KATE KILLED 12 PEOPLE IN 1 HOUR ! " Hiroshi tells Kento , " NO FUCKING WAY !!! A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL KILLED 12 PEOPLE IN 1 HOUR ?! MAYBE SHE IS THE PROPHECY ?!

Suddenly, I hear all of the ASD people whispering amongst themselves. I cover my ears , with both of my hands. I continue to press my hands harder , onto my ears. Scott gives me a worried look and he holds me tight against him. The voices die down and I pull away from Scott. " Are you ok ? " , He asks. I nod and hold his hand , tightly.

I hear a door slam loudly and an elderly Hispanic man , in a black and white suit walks into the room. The man makes eye contact with me and he walks to the front of the meeting room. My parents go back to their seats and they watch the man, in silence. He stands infront of a projector and clears his throat. Everyone stares at him , remaining silent. The man begins to say, " Good morning , Everyone. I hope that you managed to get enough sleep , because today we will be discussing our Werewolf issue. I am sure that you met , Agent John and Wendy Fox's daughter, Kate and the Angel , Scott. " Scott and I wave at the everyone and they give us judgemental stares. The man continues, " Now , that you met Kate and Scott , let me introduce myself to them . I am Hector Sanchez , the Head of the Anti-Supernatural Department. "

" Nice to meet you , Mr Sanchez ! " , I say. Hector smiles at me , politely. He replies , " Likewise. I wish we met under better circumstances , but there is nothing that we could do to change that. " I nod in agreement.

Hector starts his speech , " Please don't interrupt me , as I try to recap everything ... Thanks to Kate and Scott , we discovered that Rachel Diaz and her pack : Shauna West, Ryder Diaz, Kira Gordon and the late , Todd Sanders , are responsible for the murders in Dark Raven. Rachel and her pack have been murdering homeless people and prostitutes , since 2010. Dark Raven Police has given us all the records of the victims. They expect us to handle Rachel and her pack , quickly and properly. Based on the evidence , Rachel and her pack's DNA are on all of the corpses , that we discovered. Rachel and her pack , were considered to be very smart and quiet about their murders. Their pattern changed, when Todd killed Michelle Parker. Todd , the packs' weakest link , helped us to identify Rachel and her pack as the murderers. After Michelle's death, Dark Raven High School spiralled into a frenzy of chaos. According to parents and students , Dark Raven High School was not the ideal place , that it portayed itself to be. A schoolfight occured , a day after Michelle was found dead. Many students and teachers were injured in the scuffle and it is rumoured that at least 40 people in the school , were infected by the Werewolf curse ! After the schoolfight , Dark Raven was closed down for a week. A week later, school reopened , this week Monday. Scott entered the school as a new student in Kate's grade. Rachel developed an unhealthy obsession with Scott. Despite Scott's refusal to be with her. Rachel planned an ambush on Kate and Scott , crashing them into a restricted Construction area, close to E.J's , the diner. Rachel and her pack , held Kate and Scott hostage. Rachel pleaded with Scott to be with her, but he refused. In a fit of rage, Rachel bites Kate , intent on killing her. Scott defeats the entire pack and escorts Kate , to his cabin. His cabin is located in , Obsidian Forest. Before Rachel and her pack attacked them, Kate and Scott contacted Det. Dave Johnson about Todd murdering Michelle. Anyway, back to what happened between Kate and Scott after the ambush... Kate woke up on Wednesday afternoon, which was yesterday afternoon and she left Scott's cabin. She managed to get home and later in the day , she transformed into a Werewolf , killing 11 prison guards and Todd Sanders. "

Luca raises his hand , after Hector finishes his recap. Hector nods at Luca. Luca asks , " Kate is our enemy now. How are we supposed to trust her ?! " Hector responds , " Kate did not want to become a Werewolf or Monster Hunter , but she is a Werewolf now. She is the daughter of the Fox's and they are our allies. As for Kate, we all knew that she would have to become our enemy , in order to end the war. Kate is the one that is destined , to become a Werewolf and to end the war between humans and werewolves. Since Kate is a Werewolf now, there is proof that this prophecy is true ! The book of Supernatural Beings mentioned the prophecy. John had a vision of Kate , being the one and ----- "

I cut Hector off , " WHAT ?! Dad , you had a vision of me ?! Being the chosen one ?! What did you see ?! " Dad responds , " I saw a purple hooded lady in my vision and she told me the prophecy. I saw you pacing around aimlessly in the Obsidian Forest , where Scott's cabin is located. " I ask , " Obsidian Forest ?! Please tell me about it... " Scott responds , " Obsidian Forest is considered the home of many Supernaturals , like Ogres, Elves, Witches, Wizards, Zombies, Dwarves, Demons, Angels , Vampires and Werewolves. Luckily, I created a potion to make sure that no other Supernaturals enter , my section of the Obsidian Forest."

I look at my parents and I tell them , " Mum and Dad , when you found me lying on my bedroom floor , I had a vision of being in the Obsidian Forest ! Dad , I saw that same lady in my vision , her face was covered , but I recognised her enchanting voice and green eyes. This lady looked very familiar to me , but I don't know who she is. Do you know , who she is ? " Dad shakes his head. Mum says , " We don't know who this lady is , but if you know her, then one day you will find out who she is... "

Agent Black asks me , " Do you think this lady has something to do with all the crime , occuring in Dark Raven ? " I am puzzled by the question . I answer , " I don't know , but maybe she could be... I heard her voice, while transforming into a Werewolf. She told me that I must kill Todd and then I will be able to kill the rest of the pack, including Rachel ! "

Scott tells me , " Kate, you need to listen to her. If you kill them , then you will fulfil the prophecy. Rachel and her pack are heightening the war between Werewolves and Humans ! " A tanned , well-dressed, middle-aged woman sitting next to Mum , tells me, " Kate, I'm your Mum's co-worker , Agent Alicia Danvers. I am an Empath , like your Mum and yourself. Using my powers, I know that you are a good person. Rachel and her pack, some students and teachers from Dark Raven High School , bullied you relentlessly , during your entire high school experience . I'm sorry that they did this to you. I can imagine how tough it is , to also be a Werewolf now. I can feel your anger towards your tormentors. Specifically , Rachel and her pack... You could handle their bullying , but becoming a Werewolf is too much ! They took things too far and you need to make them pay !!! "

I can feel my body , burning with anger ... In my rage, I slam my fists on the table , breaking it into smithereens !!! Everyone leaps off their chairs , shouting and giving me more fearful looks... I can see my vision turning purple ! I feel somebody wrapping their strong arms around me... Suddenly, my vision goes back to normal and Scott pulls away from me. " I'm ok. I'm calm. I won't wolf out ! " , I tell everyone.

Everybody sits back on their chairs , while looking at me dubiously. " HOLY FUCK !!! " , Luca shouts out. A Scottish man sitting next to Dad shouts out , " Were you going to eat us ?! If you were , then you have to learn how to control your werewolf urges and powers !!! " I respond , " I agree , but who will train me ? ASD shouts out , " WE WILL !!! "

" Ok , when will training begin ? " , I ask. " Tonight at 8pm ! " , Hector shouts , eagerly. " Why tonight at 8pm ? " , I ask, feeling puzzled. " Werewolves are stronger at night. We want to help you , to have more control , when you transform. We don't want a repeat of last night ! After what happened last night , people started leaving Dark Raven. Dark Raven High School , was burnt to the ground , at 6am , this morning !!! DRP found evidence of a fire being set , inside the building ! We suspect that, Rachel and her pack must have done this ! They probably want to divert , everyone's attention from Todd and Michelle's murder. They were trying to destroy the evidence against them !!! Luckily , they weren't successful ! Det. Johnson and Lockhart managed to find evidence in all of their lockers ! "

I ask , " Holy shit ! How is this possible ? Did anybody get hurt ? How were their lockers still intact ? " Hector responds , happily, " They used an Indestructable potion on their lockers. To open the lockers , we used a Destructable potion. We found a lot of incriminating evidence , against them. DRP is searching for them as we speak ! " Something doesn't make sense... How could they still keep their lockers intact , if they were destroying evidence against themselves ?! I ask Hector , " If they wanted to destroy evidence , why did they leave their lockers intact ? They could have used the Destructable potion, on their lockers to destroy the evidence... "

Hector replies , " We all wondered the same thing, but we came to the conclusion that they want to play , Cat and Mouse or in this case , Dog and Cat... Yet , I still feel like we are missing something ... " I respond , impatiently , " This is a very complex mystery , but did anyone die ?! "

Hector slowly responds, " Luckily, no students arrived at DRHS , so no students or teachers died in the fire. Sadly , one person was found dead inside the building ... "

I ask , impatiently , " Who was it ?! "

Hector responds , " Burnt to a crisp, Mary White, the principal of Dark Raven High School was found dead. "

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