camilo angst one-shots

By AussieAstro8

25.9K 750 305

sad boi, angst because yeah. honestly, if I wrote trigger warnings would you read them? More

Smile for the end is near
The yellow skirt.
Requests or just talk.
Hidden Hurt, Part 1.
Hidden Hurt part 2
Mental pain- part one
Mental pain-part two
How the world works.
behind this smile part one
Behind this smile-part 2
Behind This Smile- part 3
Behind This Smile
Failing to burn Part one:
Failing to burn: part 2
Wake up part one:
not a chapter ):
Camila not Camilo
Shifts hurt
Grief (short)
not so okay: part one.
Not so okay: part 2
Not-so-okay:part 3
Oh my god.
Smile for your life, it won't last forever.
It's just a little pain:
Not so okay part 4:
The boy in the mirror.
You are beautiful in every single way.
false love: part one:
False love part two:
False love part three
The Shadows Follow Me Part One:
The Shadows Follow Me Part Two:
The Shadows Follow Me Part Three:
The Shadows Follow Me Part four:
Not so okay part 4:
a burning home ---- ---
a burning home part two
with every broken bone.
a burning home extension + book update
The Lies We Tell (part one):
A headache you'll never forget-part one:


158 6 0
By AussieAstro8


(Part one)

Camilo madrigal was always known as the Encanto's sunshine, the towns jester yet he was always being yelled after not listening to Abuela or his parents.

The saw him as they're happy little trickster that simply never listened, thinking he was being a stereotypical teenager and ignoring them.

No one had put two and two together and realised that it was only after the fall of Casita that Camilo's listening problem had started,

In reality he wasn't ignoring anyone he simply couldn't hear anyone, he noticed a problem.

At first Camilo was just missing a few words now and then but it wasn' long before it declined to absolutely nothing in his left ear and bubbled sound in his right.

Julieta could try heal him, Camilo knew that but at first it was about not bothering her and then eventually he was afraid that if she went to her it would be able to be fixed.

Lip reading had become the young shapeshifters best friend but it wasn't the most reliable.

The Madrigal family ate all meals together, as a family so when Camilo couldn't hear Abuela talking to him and was looking down at his plate instead of at people he missed her asking a question, then he missed the question again, and again.

"Camilo Madrigal, stop ignoring me when I speak to you!" Abuela yelled, Camilo heard that.

"Sorry Abuela what was it you wanted" Camilo questioned meekly.

"No it's not Sorry anymore you've been ignoring people on and off for weeks now and it has to stop no more of this childish behaviour".

Camilo hadn't really understood what Abuela had said all he'd mange to understand via lip reading was 'no' and 'childish'.

"Sì Abuela, I'm sorry" Camilo apologised despite having no clue what for.

"Mì Amorė, you've got to understand that your Abuela don't like having to yell at you, none of us do but you can't go around ignoring people" Pepa smiled.

Camilo understood one word IGNORING.

He was horrified, they all thought that he'd been ignoring them, he'd thought that he'd kept his hearing troubles under wraps, unnoticeable but he was clearly not understanding and picking up on as much as he wanted.

"Mamì I've not been ignoring people-"

"Oh here come the excuses my goodness your 15 Camilo take some responsibilities for your actions" Abuela screamed flaming her fork on the table.

Camilo didn't understand much of what was going on other than Abuela was pissed and when the fork hit the table his ear rang.

Not able to cope with the sound Camilo scurried off to his room, sobbing.

Why hadn't he gone to Julieta the moment he noticed he was having problems, why hadn't he gone when it first started getting worst, if he had he wouldn't bee in this mess, deaf and too scared to tell anyone.

Julieta was his only hope at getting his hearing back and he couldn't face the possibility that he had waited too long or that the damage was permanent.

Fėlix and Pepa headed off to their sons room wanting to see what was going on with him.

Fėilx knocked on the door before allowing his wife and himself into Camilo's room.

Camilo was easy to see as he was a noticeable lump in his bed.

"Cami?" Pepa called out as Fėlix and her slowly walked towards Camilo's bed.

Camilo heard the muffled sounds that he'd learned to associate with someone talking, poking his head out he revealed that he'd been crying and hugging Hero the stuffed Chameleon that Mirabel made him when they were younger.

"Oh Cami, why are you crying?" Pepa asked.

"Yeah kiddo there's no need for that okay" Fėlix added.

Camilo noticed a dip in his bed as both his parents sat on the edge of the bed talking to him, talking at him, he didn't understand.

With an heart shattering sob Camilo screeched "Stop talking at me I can't hear you!".

Pepa and Felix gave each other questioning looks before looking at Camilo for answers.

"I-I can't hear...I'm deaf" Camilo explained sadly.

"What do you mean you're deaf?" Pepa wondered.

Camilo heard 'mean' and 'deaf'.

"When Casita fell, well I don't really know what happened but I think I hit my head at some point, it started off as my ears being a bit funny and now...

Now I can only hear out of my right ear and even then everything sounds muffled" Camilo Admitted.

Not knowing how to react Fėlix just hugged his son.

"Have you spoken to Julieta?" Pepa asked, gaining a confused glare from Camilo.

"Julieta" Pepa repeated slower and clearer, Camilo violently shook his head.

"No she doesn't know... I can't talk to her about this... what if she can't fix this.. if I'm deaf forever" Camilo cried again into his fathers arms.

Deciding that she didn't really understand what else she could do Pepa used the very little sign language that she knew to sign 'I love you'.

—————————————— ——————————— ——————————— —————————— —————————————

[ please take note that I wrote this straight out of surgery and have no clue what I've written, Surgery on head not fun]

_yes I am deaf but only in my right ear, in fact the surgery that I've just had is to do with that please note that this is not based on my experience nor is it medical accurate or reserched_

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