𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭[𝐕�...

By LhilyBarbie

48.9K 3.3K 2.8K

A horrific incident on a rainy night changed an Omega's life completely, compelling him to cultivate an etern... More

Chapter ~1
Chapter ~2
Chapter ~4
Chapter ~5
Chapter ~6
Chapter ~7
Chapter ~8
Chapter ~9
Chapter ~10
Chapter ~11
Chapter ~12
Chapter ~13
Chapter ~14
Chapter ~15
Chapter ~16

Chapter ~3

2.7K 194 205
By LhilyBarbie

A/n- Stereotypically omegas are described as weak, gentle, submissive, love babies, probably can't go up against alphas, and whatnot but this author decided to deviate slightly from that stereotype and added a little spice to the omegas in her world so it doesn't get boring.

I don't want to be reminded of how omegas are originally. It's my world and I'm playing around with it. For that particular comment that came in today that sounded so rude, telling me how to create Pete to match the stereotype, well I deleted that long ass note because it threw me off. It's my world and my book and you won't tell me what to do as if you own it. Not all books make omegas weak. Exit kindly if you do not like this. Thanks.


Pete shoved Vegas out of his way and tried to reach the door but his spinning vision from the memory flashback he experienced didn't permit him to do so. He almost lost his balance but Vegas was quick to hold him.

"Hey, are you okay?" He tried to hold him up.

Pete slightly nodded as he tried to regain his composure. Having someone hold onto him this way-he felt it was pathetic, especially with his rank. He just did not want them anywhere close to him.

"I'll help you out." Vegas offered in a monotone.

"Get away from me," Pete replied as sternly as he could and pulled his body away, looking nothing but sickened by Vegas.

Vegas was silent for a few seconds, carefully assessing the situation and then, he picked up on something. "Wait a minute. What's that fruity and sweet smell?" He sniffed. "Strawberry."

Pete's face contorted into shock. Did be just... The little episode he had earlier unconsciously induced a few of his pheromones and it couldn't pass by Vegas. "

"Why do you suddenly smell like that? There was nothing on you before." Vegas said observantly.

Pete had no time for this. This man was a threat to him and had to leave. "It's probably the soap from in here. You and I are done here," Pete uttered coldly before unlocking the door and heading out but Vegas was on his heels behind him.

"Wait, don't leave yet." Vegas took his hand suddenly, stopping Pete in his tracks. Macau was standing to the side with the other men and they got alert when the duo made it out.

Pete's face flashed with anger. "It is disgustingly rude to keep touching a stranger." He yanked his hand away harshly. "Touch me again and I'll kick your ass."

"Alright, kick me then because I don't want to let go anytime soon." Vegas grinned, bringing his hand up to Pete's waist. He just found it hilarious. No matter how strong Pete was, the mafia knew Pete wouldn't be able to take him down unless he played along.

Pete rolled his head back, not believing he was being pushed to do this. In a split second, his fist made it into Vegas' face, landing a hard punch. The latter groaned from the pain that erupted. "Never try that with me or you'll meet your end." Pete threatened.

Vegas held his bleeding nose amusingly and weirdly, he couldn't get mad. He would have killed anyone who dared to hit him but he couldn't lift a finger when it came to this person he didn't even know. "You're quite a fierce wolf."

"Hey! How dare you hit my brother? Do you know who he is?! Macau yelled furiously.

Pete turned to look at him. " I know for sure he's garbage, judging from the way he disrespected me, and mind how you talk to me if you don't want to receive your share. You're just like him anyways." Pete said before walking away.

"Woah, I'll teach you a lesson." Macau tried to go after him but Vegas held him back. "Don't bother." He wiped his nose. Macau resisted while asking, "Why didn't you do anything, bro, this isn't like you. He hit you!" He was fuming in anger. "It is not as if you can't take him down."

"And that's because I touched him without his consent. It was wrong so quit with the drama." Vegas chuckled. He was acting weird. "I can't believe I did not get his name." That was all he cared about.

Confusingly, Macau's lips twitched in an attempt to call his brother crazy but... "You're weird. How can you say that after what happened?"

Vegas was interested in him and there was no doubt about it. And the scent, maybe I smelled wrong? He thought to himself. I guess I did. "Macau," Vegas called, and the younger one knitted his brows and he continued. "There's something about that guy. Moments ago in the bathroom, it felt like my words triggered something in him but I have no idea what it was."

"If your words were a trigger to him, why then did you go as far as touching him again?" Macau scolded.

"I wonder what happened to him." He suddenly was curious about Pete.

Macau sighed heavily. "Forget it, bro, I doubt you'll meet each other again. Let's head home, I'm exhausted." He brought an arm around Vegas' shoulder and they began walking away.

"I'll find him," Vegas announced.


"What?! You let someone else have the twin diamond? You've got to be kidding me, Pete." Prem let out in shock.

Pete buried his face in his hand. "That crazy alpha." He mumbled but was not inaudible as Prem picked up on his words. "Alpha?"

Pete lifted his head to look at the man and then nodded before putting both hands on the table, his eyes averting to the ceiling. "Yes, a crazy man. He wanted that price badly so I let him have it."

"What was the final price?"

"100 million."

Prem screamed. "100?! Is he crazy or something? That's quite a lot for that piece even if it's precious. The man finally settled in his seat. He was disappointed but not angry. "You should have fought till the end and won your dear father that piece though." He chucked down his whiskey.

"You're not my father," Pete replied emotionlessly.

"Whatever floats your boat kid, you're still like a son to me and that's that."

Pete quickly changed subjects. "That darn alpha smelled my scent but I acted fast by deceiving him. I let my guard down and almost got caught. I hope I don't see him again or I might go down."

"Don't get overwhelmed when you're close to them or you'll be discovered and I doubt you want that. Just be careful." He wanted to add up. "Just so you know, Pete, I don't mind you going back to being an omega, I'm here to protect you anyways."

"I'm fine this way." Pete's tone left no room for argument. It was useless talking sense into him anyways.

"Alright, kid."

Pete relaxed in his seat. "Any news on the bastard?"

Prem looked at the document he was reviewing. "This dude is probably hiding under a rock. We searched for all these years but we've not gotten ahold of his whereabouts. But don't worry because I'll be flipping every stone to fish him out."

Pete stood with his jaw clenching, brows furrowing, and his blazing eyes getting intense, his hands clenched by his side as his shoulders rolled back. "We have to find him soon. I don't think I can wait any longer." He walked out before Prem got the chance to say anything.

"Can someone tame this brat already? He keeps walking out on me." The man sighed.

Three months later

Vegas sat at the bar, swelling his drink but completely lost in thoughts. It's already been 3 months since he saw the strange person. It was as if the beauty had disappeared from the face of the earth. He tried all he could to get information about him but it was as if he was a ghost. Or maybe he didn't look well enough?

"A dime for your thoughts?" The owner of the bar who was also an alpha and a good friend of Vegas asked. He was equally rich and had so many businesses but coming to his bar at night was a relaxation for him. He noticed Vegas being weird over the months and couldn't hold in his curiosity anymore.

Vegas snapped back to earth and took a sip from his drink before saying, "I can't get his image out of my head. It was my first time meeting him but he was already doing this to me. Crazy right? I spent a lot just for his attention as well."

The friend scoffed. "Whoever it is, since he got you in a chokehold why don't you look for him then?"

"Pun, I tried but it was a useless effort. It's as if he wasn't from this planet even."

Talking to Vegas, he spotted a little man enter the place and surprise took over. Pun was suddenly enraged at the person he saw. The said person noticing him turned back and began running out. "You know what, there's a brat I need to catch, take care of the place, I'll be back in a minute.

Pun chased after the person. Once outside, he spotted him running for his life and smirked. He was faster than the person. In no time, he caught him and slammed the person against the wall, his hand choking the living hell out of him. "Where's my money?"'

"Ahhh... Do you... Want to kill me!" The person managed to say.

"Yes I'll kill you right here, you tricky fingers. How dare you steal from me?" Pun yelled in fury. This little omega was hard to find no matter how far and low he searched. It was insane to have a one-night stand with him and yet, he even stole his money. It was quite stupid to have that much cash on him that fateful day.

"Don't be petty. It was just 1 million!"

"Petty?" He laughed in disbelief. "I'll kill you as compensation or I could make it easy for you. How about I tie you up in my room and fuck you till you pay me my money?" He tightened his hand around the omega's neck.

"I... Don't fuck... With alphas... You dipshit!"

Pun's jaw dropped. "Stealing my money and insulting me? You're a dead man now."

The two were at it for minutes until they got interrupted. "Noisy." Pete stood not far from the scene, hands shoved inside his pockets, looking calm like it wasn't his business. There's no day I don't come across them.

"Hey! Save me, Pete!" The one getting choked pleaded.

Pete rolled his eyes, not wanting to get involved. It wasn't his business anyways until...

"It's me, Joey! Save me now!"

This right here, this little omega was no stranger to Pete. He met him one time when he was attending to business and ever since, it was endless trouble.

"Why don't you mind your business." Pun spat.

"What did you do again this time?" Pete asked.

"Nothing! Just save me!"

Pete's jaw flexed and nodded. "On three, let go of him."



There still was no response. "Three... I warned you."

Pete pulled out his gun and shot close to Pun's feet. "Let go or I'll put the next bullet in your head."

"I knew you were badass, Pete?" Vegas emerged from the corner, clapping admirably. He heard Joey call the name earlier and he couldn't be less grateful. "But he's an alpha so you might wanna calm down." He cautioned.

"You?" Pete blurted out, still pointing his gun at Pun, and gestured Joey over to him. The young man clinging to his arm for protection.

Vegas got closer. "Three months, correct?" You disappeared without a trace. I see you again and you're exhibiting your skills. Interesting."

"I won't let off a person who almost shot me," Pun announced but Vegas brought a hand to his shoulder and whispered. "I'm warning you, dear friend, touch even a single strand of his hair and I'll rip you to shreds. Took me so long to find him so do not mess this up for me." Vegas warned and pulled away.

"Can I buy you a drink, please?" The cold tone from before was no longer evident as he tried to be as sweet as possible to pursue the beauty.

Pete noticed the change and he scoffed. "Not in a million years."

Vegas knew he was going to be a difficult nut to crack but he also was quite stubborn when he wanted something. His eyes landed on the young man clinging to Pete's arms and an idea hit him.

"If you don't want to go alone how about the little guy comes with us?"

"Stop being pathetic already. I'm not interested so stop insisting. Are you not embarrassed?" Pete couldn't help but ask.

Pun who was previously enraged by Pete laughed suddenly at how the alpha was being insulted. "Are you the guy from the auction he kept talking about?" He caught on to it. "I get it now. I'll spare you today then."

Vegas looked at Pun, trying to deliver a message with his eyes. He needed a way to get Pete to stay longer. He prayed Pun got the message. Pun knew Vegas all too well and his eyes moved to Joey. "This person comes with me. He leaves after paying my money."

Pete cut in. "He's not going with you." He stated firmly.

"He stole from me, and he needs to pay me back. The least this brat could do is discuss with me how he's going to pay me back." From the corner of his eyes, he could see Vegas grinning widely. He went on, "If you're worried for his safety, why don't you tag along? The choice is yours."

With little energy, he got Joey and started dragging him off. Pete hated himself for meddling in Joey's business for the third time. He locked eyes with Vegas and he felt annoyed to his stomach.

"Shall we?" Vegas offered a hand but the look from Pete made him redraw it back.

"Don't get any funny ideas," Pete muttered and followed after the two.


Vegas kept watching with an expression that was creeping Pete out. It was an expression that said he wanted to look into Pete's soul but he was blocked.

"Such cold eyes." Vegas broke the silence lingering around them. Peeking into them, he felt the light that used to be there had disappeared and was replaced with coldness. What happened to you?

I'll gawk your eyes out if you do not stop staring." Pete warned with his eyes focused in the direction of Pun, making sure to keep him in check so he doesn't do anything absurd to Joey.

"I'll allow you to pluck my eyes out willingly if you let me see your smile first." Vegas balled out a smile. "You look like you haven't done so in ages."

With a wicked gaze from Pete, "You have some loose screws probably? Quit pestering me already. You should know when someone has no interest." Vegas was too obvious and easy to read.

Even with all the harsh words, Vegas never once felt offended. This person was like a siren enchanting and drawing him to his doom but he felt not the need to struggle or save himself because weirdly, he had the feeling the one who needed to be saved wasn't him. "You have a harsh mouth, Pete, but why do I feel like I want to tame you?"

Once again, Pete was grossed out. "Try it then." He leaned forward, "Alpha or not, I'll cut off your limbs." He wanted to get out of the place already. Vegas' pheromones were starting to make him feel unsafe. He was uneasy he might get triggered and will not survive it this time around.

Vegas loved the attitude and also leaned in, their heads almost touching. "You're daring and I like it. I'm beginning to see you as a mystery I have to solve."

"Fuck off already."

"No no no, I will not do that, I might want to fuck something else though." He sincerely joked.

Pete paid less attention to him or might end up snapping. Vegas continued. "What's your age, you look a few years younger than I am." He leaned closer to Pete. "I'm 27 and you look like you're around 25?"

Pete rolled his eyes. Vegas got his age right on the first try.

The two were interrupted by the others. "We've settled it and he stays with me until he pays back my money."

Vegas sneered. "Why would you steal his money, are you insane?"

Joey grumbled. "I did not steal it, I borrowed it. There's a difference." He then looked at Pete with pleading eyes. "I only borrowed it, trust me." Sighing heavily, "Now I have to stay with a perverted alpha just to pay back. My life is so messed up and shitty."

Pete might be cold but in there somewhere, there was a little empathy. Thinking for a minute, he announced, "Whatever he took from you, I'll pay up. Also, he leaves with me." He couldn't watch Joey stay with them because he could sense the money wasn't the reason Pun wanted to keep him.

Really!" Joey squealed. "You're my savior! I promise I'll pay you back every penny. I promise."

"Of course, you'll have to pay me back, I'm not letting you off easy this time," Pete replied.

Moments later, Pete succeeded in transferring the money to them and proceeded to take his leave but Vegas didn't want to miss him again.

"Are you leaving me like this again?"

"Do we have anything left to discuss? You don't know when to give up, do you?"

Vegas got closer to him, both hands behind his back and walking casually. "I don't know the word giving up." He stopped in front of Pete. "I'll be forward with you. I like you and I'm going after you."

"What are you..."

"I mean it." Vegas cut him off. "Be ready for me." Vegas' main goal at this moment was to distract Pete to get his attention away from Joey and he succeeded.

Meanwhile, Pun got closer to Joey and laid down a deal. "Hey, petty thief. Vegas has an offer for you and looking at you, you wouldn't say no to it because it entails money."

Joey's eyes lit up at the mention of money. "What do you want from me? I hope it is nothing dangerous."

"1.5 million for Pete's contact information."

"That... That much?! No... I'm not a traitor." He replied quickly but this was all too tempting.

"You have 5 seconds to decide or the offer expires."

Joey went deep into his thoughts. Pete was his Savior and a person he admired so much. He couldn't betray him like this. But the money was good. It's just a little information, right? Maybe I should take it and apologize to Pete later. He's definitely going to kill me! I shouldn't do this. That's right... I shouldn't.

"I'm doing this because the offer is quite tempting." He took the phone away from Pun to key in Pete's contact information. When he finished, "Here you go."

Pun accepted it. "This is not the end though because it's not the only thing we would ask of you."

"What, there's more?"

"1.5 is a lot of money for a thief," Pun smirked. "You already took the offer."

Vegas sensing the job was done, finally backed away from Pete. "I'll give you a call and ah, make sure you pick up."

Pete was confused. "What do you mean by that?"

"I told you I'm going after you and I meant every word."

Pete was at his limit with this man. He couldn't believe how thick-skinned he was. "I'll make this clear, Vegas, I hate your kind, by that I mean people with no shame, and I hope we do not cross paths ever again."

Vegas wasn't fazed in the least rather, "We'll see about that, Pete." He got closer again, "also, it's nice hearing you say my name."

"Crazy bastard," Pete muttered and quickly got Joey out of the place.

Vegas watched till Pete completely disappeared and settled back at the bar, pouring himself a drink cheerfully. "Hate my kind, do you know what that means, Pun?"

"No idea. He's a fierce beta I must say. He won't be an easy one so quit spending your money crazily already." Pun walked around the counter. "That thief just sold him all because of the amount you offered."

"He has a great dislike for us" Vegas peeked at his friend. "I thought I was the problem at first but he behaved the same way towards you, at the auction house, he looked like Macau irked him too. What does this tell you?"

"Do you think... But I couldn't..." Pun couldn't finish his words.

A smile played on Vegas' lips. Pete was really interesting. "Pun," he called. "Do you want to hear a story?" He cockily muttered. "It's quite an interesting tale I must say."

"You really are crazy. From a mafia to a storyteller? Anyways, go ahead." He settled beside Vegas.

The mafia began his story. "Once upon a time, there was a fierce little beta whom a rich alpha crazily tried to get his attention by spending lots of money. It was all because this beta picked his interest and he made up his mind to go after him, if possible, make the beta his but guess what?" He paused.

Pun was beginning to lose it. "What is it?" He asked hastily.

"There was a sudden twist in the tale and it's quite interesting and shocking at the same time. A twist the alpha never expected even in his wildest dreams."

"The hell are you keeping me in suspense for? Spill it already."

Vegas swelled his drink before saying, "The fierce little beta turned out to be an omega." He smirked. "How did the alpha figure this out?" He put down the glass. "The alpha subtly smelled him again moments ago and he couldn't be wrong. Pete is an omega-The end."


I'm bringing back the face claims for these characters. Dark Desires readers already know them but for the new ones, here you go.



I think it's about to get interesting.

There will be one last chapter for the week.

Until then!

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