Temporary Home

By ChasingRae

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Dillon has faced many difficulties in life, from the physical world to her mental stability. Negative thought... More

Before You Read
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Two

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By ChasingRae

Waking up was not my favorite thing to do at all. I love sleep, it is my favorite activity of the day. But sadly, I did have to get up and go about the day. Sitting up, I sighed looking down at the injuries I got yesterday. They still hurt extremely bad, and they probably will for quite a while.

Getting up, I walked over to the bathroom and grabbed the antibiotic ointment and burn cream I used last night out of the medicine cabinet, I put the creams on and gently rubbed them into my skin. Hissing slightly when I pressed a bit too hard on a spot. Once I made sure every bit was covered, I put the ointments away and washed my hands from ointments being kind of sticky. After drying my hands off, I grabbed my brush that I had on the sink and brushed my hair, pulling it back into a messy bun. After that and brushing my teeth, I walked back into my room and over to my closet.

I grabbed a pair of leggings that were a little bit on the thicker side and longer so I could hide the rope burns and a sweatshirt so I could cover my wrists. Changing out of the big t-shirt I had on and putting on the clothes I pulled out of the closet, I discarded my clothes into the basket I had. Grabbing a pair of tennis shoes that I always wore, I put a pair of socks on that I grabbed from my dresser and put the shoes on.

Going back over to my bed I grabbed my phone off the charger and put that in my sweatshirt pocket. I got my book bag off the ground by my dresser and headed out of the room.

Walking to the bus stop, was another thing on my list that I did not like to do. I do not like walking alone.

The bus pulled up shortly after I arrived to the bus stop, making my way to the far back I sat down in the empty seat that I always sat in and put my book bag beside me.

"Well if it isn't Ms. Priss and Proper?" Said a voice from a few seats in front of me. I did not even have to look up to know that it was Madison.

For some reason, Madison hated my guts. I have known her since elementary school and she's always hated me.

"What? Are you too good to talk to anyone?" Rachel added in.

Rachel, I guess you can say was the leader of the group. Her, Madison, and Madison's twin Molly were in a little group that would always go out of their way to make my life even more of a living hell than what it already is.

"Bitch, we are talking to you!" Molly said, slamming her hand down on the seat in front of me.

Now Molly, I would say I feared her. She was not just verbally and mentally abusive towards me. She would also be physically abusive. Finding anyway to make sure I was in pain.

Last year, she pushed me down the stairs at school, making me break my foot in two different spots and had to wear a cast for three months. It is still not healed all the way.

"I do not want to talk to y'all, can you please leave me alone?" I asked quietly.

I was known as the quiet girl in the school, I tried my best to stay in the background and not bother anyone. Of course, that never worked though.

"Does it look like I care about what you want?" Molly scoffed, laughing with the other two girls. Grabbing my chin and harshly making me look up at her and the other two.

You would think the bus driver or someone would stop them from harassing me. But nope, nobody cares.

"I said, does it look like I care about what you want?" Molly asked again, her grip on my chin becoming harsher.

Wincing I told her, "No." Making her and the other two bullies laugh.

"Nobody cares about you Dillon." Molly said and pushed my head away making me hit the back of my seat.

The rest of the ride to school was quiet. This was my senior year of high school thankfully. I will not have to deal with the torture of these students much longer.

Once the bus arrived at school, I made sure everyone was out before quickly making my departure and walking into the school. Going to my locker, I put my combination in and opened it up. Putting my book bag in there and grabbing the books I needed for first block. We were not allowed to carry book bags around. Closing the locker, I walked over to my first class, History, and sitting down in the back like I usually do.

Setting my stuff on my desk, I looked at the front of the room to see if the teacher had written what we were doing on the board today. Sadly, she did not.

The bell rang, with students still piling in the door. Once the last student came in, Ms. Rush closed the door.

"Hello students!" She greeted. And that class went by in a blur.

First and second block went by quickly and it was now lunch time.

Lunch time was my favorite time of day, even though I did not have the money to eat lunch, I was still able to relax in the library and enjoy reading as many books as I wanted.

I went to my locker and dropped off my books that I had. Making my way to the library, I was almost there when I got shoved to the ground. Looking up, I noticed it was Madison, Molly, and Rachel. Sighing I tried to get up but Molly put her foot on my back making it hard for me to get back up.

"Aww the poor baby cannot get up." Madison said, laughing. A group has already formed around us waiting to see what happens next. Molly putting more and more pressure on my back, making me wince. She was on some of the spots where I got shocked and it really hurt.

Molly being the physical one of the group did not have an issue bending down and grabbing me by my throat and pulling me up to a sitting position and tossed me into the lockers. Trying to block her hits that came afterwards did not do much good, she would just laugh at me.

Grabbing my arms, she pulled me up to where I was standing. "Madison, get her arms for me." Molly said, her twin quickly doing what she said and pulling my arms behind me and tightening her hold. Rachel just watching the whole thing go down and laughing with the crowd.

Once Madison had her grip on me, that's when Molly gave me no mercy and beat me up black and blue. Face and all. After she got tired of hitting me, she told Madison to let me go and tossed me to the ground.

"Aww are you hurt?" Rachel asked, bending down in my face. "Too bad," and she spit in my face and her and the two other girls left after Molly kicked me in the side for the last time.

The group of people quickly disappearing afterwards.

Sitting up the best I could, I sat in front of some lockers trying to catch my breath.

Finally regaining my breath, I got up and walked towards the bathroom. Going to the closet one to the library, I opened the door and was very happy to see that no one was in here. Wiping away the tear that was trying to escape, I walked over to the mirror to see the damage.

Busted lip, black eye forming, scratches and bruising all over. grabbing a paper towel, I wet it a bit and tried to be as gentle as I could and wiping away the blood, I had on me. Once that was done, I took my hair down from the bun I had it in, I brushed it out the best I could with my fingers. I would have to keep my hair down for the rest of the day so the teachers do not ask what happened. Nobody would care anyways and it would just get me in trouble. Doing one more look over at myself, I made sure that there was not any more blood on me. Once I was sure of it, I walked out of the bathroom.

Time to go to the library, it was just next door to the bathrooms. Opening the doors, I said a quick hi to the Ms. Page, librarian, and found my way to the non-fiction books. Grabbing one that I have been wanting to read for a while, I sat down in one of the recliners. Finally able to relax, I opened the book and started reading.

"Honey, the bell just rang." Ms. Page said, gently touching my shoulder. Slightly flinching, I nodded. I did not even hear the bell I was so into the book in my hands. "Did you want to check this book out today?" She asked and I nodded.

"Please?" I asked, she smiled and lead me over to the desk where she checked the book out for me.

"Alright honey, there you go. Get to class now, alright." She said, and I nodded.

"Thank you." I told her and walked out of the library with the book in hand. Walking to my locker, I grabbed the items I needed for my last two classes of the day. Closing my locker, I made it to my third block class which was chemistry with Mr. More. Taking a seat at the very last lab table, like usual, I put my books next to me.

The final bell rang and Mr. More closed the door and greeted the classroom.

"Today we're just going to have a chill day, I did not really have a lesson planned." He said, shrugging. A couple students cheered. "So, y'all can just chat amongst yourselves or finish classwork, whatever. Just do not get too rowdy." He said, sitting down at his desk. Good, I can finish reading this book. Grabbing the book from beside me, I opened it up to where I left off.

Too into my book once again, I did not notice when the door opened.

"Ms. Watson, you're needed in the front office." I looked up once I heard my name. Nodding, I got up and grabbed my stuff and headed out of the classroom. Following the receptionist, she stopped in front of my locker.

"You're leaving for the rest of the day, go ahead and grab your bag." The receptionist said, I nodded and got my bag out of my locker and putting my books up. Closing my locker, I followed her to the office. Once we got there, I noticed my aunt there.

"Hey Aunt Rita," I greeted her, to which she ignored.

"Do I need to sign anything else?" She asked rudely to the receptionist to which shook her no. "Good." And stomped out, me following behind.

Getting into her car, I quickly put on my seatbelt.

"Why did I get a call about you fighting three girls?" She asked angrily. I looked over at her.

"I did not fight anybody." I said, confused. She laughed; it was a scary kind of laugh.

"Yeah, okay Dillon." She said, "stop lying to me. Why did you fight those girls?"

"Aunt Rita, I promise I did not fight anyone." I told her.

"Do the names Madison, Molly, and Rachel mind at all?" She asked, quickly glancing at me with a raised eyebrow and a scowl on her face and quickly turning back to the road.

Finally realizing what was happening, "Aunt Rita, I did not fight them. They bully me." I spoke. She laughed loudly.

"Do you really think I will believe that bullshit?" She asked.

"It is the truth!" I exclaimed, close to tears.

"What did I tell you about yelling?!" She screamed. Sliding down in my seat in fear, I whispered a quick 'I am sorry.'

"I mean, look at your face, it is all bruised up. You cannot tell me you did not fight them." She scoffed.

"I promise I did not." I whispered, looking down.

"Such a fucking liar." She spoke. "I do not want to hear any more of your lies, shut up until we get back to house. I want you to immediately go to your room. No dinner."

"But I haven't eaten in four days." I said, sadly.

"And I really do not care." She spoke louder.

The drive back was quiet, thankfully it was just a few more minutes of driving left after that talk. Parking her car in the driveway, she immediately got out of the car and walked inside. Doing the same, I gently closed both the car door and front door. Walking to the garage, I went to my room.

Dropping my bag on the floor by my dresser, I flopped down on my mattress.

I honestly hated my life.

I always did something wrong in someone's eyes. I could never do anything right.

Leaning my head back on my pillow, I closed my eyes trying to hold back the tears.

I was taught that tears meant beatings. I cannot let anyone see me crying again. Wiping my eyes, from the tears that were trying to escape, I sat back up. Maybe a shower will help me feel a little better.

Getting off the bed, I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a new pair of underwear and a big t-shirt out and walked into my bathroom. Turning on the shower, I quickly discarded the clothes I had on into the basket I had. Grabbing the towel I used last night, I put that on the sink.

Getting into the shower, I quickly but carefully washed my body and hair. Knowing I had a couple more minutes to spare, I just sat under the cold jet of water. I have gotten used to the cold water these past couple of years.

I have been living at my aunt's since I was thirteen. The same year I got put into the program.

I should have died that day.

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