Flight of the Butterflies (Ba...

By Lunora0101

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How can someone so fragile, be so strong? °☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆°☆° Disclaimer: This book will mention adult themes s... More

Origin on Titan
A Chip in a Nation's Wing
There is Strength in These Wings
Rival Wings
Gossip Gang
Api Biru🦋
The Symbol of Peace and Plants
Brother Dearest
Search and Rescue
Familial Fright
A La Claire Fontaine🦋
Deal Breaker
Rage and Regrets
Repair 🦋
One for All
Good People🦋


96 8 5
By Lunora0101

Day 18

"Caballito blanco, llévame de aquí," You sang and clapped your hands in rhythm. "llévame a mi pueblo donde yo nací."

Shoto laid in his room alone as they took Katsuki and Izuku an hour before. "Hey, just curious, what does that mean?"

"Hm? Oh it's a lullaby 'Caballito blanco' it means 'little white horse'. The verse i just sang is 'Little white horse, Take me away. Take me to the town, Where I was born.'"

"That's nice, you've been singing a lot of Spanish songs lately."

"I ran out of French songs to sing, so Spanish is next. La Patria Es Primero." (The Homeland is First.)

"Nice, nice." Shoto said before sitting up and stretching. "What do you think they're doing today?"

You strained your ears hearing the boys screaming. The sound once filling you with terror was now just white noise. In addition you heard crackling like shocks of electricity.

"Looks like it's shock treatment today." You said as Shoto scratched his head.

"Mmmm my favorite." He hummed sarcastically as you laughed at him.

You sat with a smirk and began to listen absently to the building around you. You heard Eri, she was doing her own tests. The poor thing. Listening further you heard something pant. Breathe heavily. It wasn't human, an animal of some sort. You heard it walk around. Four legs, claws clicking on the ground. You smelled the air. A scent similar to a wet dog. It was a dog.

The hell? You thought confused. They got a dog here? You pressed your ear againstr the wall and lsitened further. There was more thna one, three, no, four. Two very large ones and two much smaller. One of the bigger ones was on the ground silent not breathing. One of the dogs are dead. You thought taking note of what you heard. You listened to the other large dog walk to the corpse and smell it before whining. Suddenly you heard flapping, like wings. It has wings? That, you assumed, would be impossible. But considering you were in an underground lab that turned you into somethink that looked as if it crawled from hell, a dog with wings wasn't too farfetched.

"There are dogs here." You said quietly, but just for Shoto to hear.

"Dogs? Like pet dogs?"


The male looked off confused. "Why the hell would they have dogs here? Not like they're for security."

"No they have to be for testing, one of em' has wings."

"Wings? As in it can fly?"


Shoto scoffed in amazment as he laid back down. "Well so they turn us into Satan's right hands, and now they're making his dogs. They're twisted as hell but pretty smart to do all this."

"Yeah maybe." You agreed taking your ear off the wall.

The dog sounds big tho, definitely stands over 6 feet. How'd they make it that big tho? You shook your head tiredly. Everytime you tried to make sense of their work it just made your head spin all the more.

"Tch whatever." You muttered leaning against the wall.

Shoto laid there staring at the wall feeling his stomach churn. It was different than the first time they consumed humans. The first it was as if even their stomachs knew what they held was sinful. It wasn't meant to be there. Now, day eight of this diet, it would seem their insides have come to terms with the feeling.

God I miss soba so much. Shoto thought with a frown.


"Yeah Shoto?"

"Do you think we'll get out of here?"

You stayed quiet at his question. Sunlight hadn't touch your body in more than two weeks. You didn't think you'd miss Griffin's obnoxious Spanish singing. Or nearly tripping on Aizawa whenever he slept in the middle of the floor.

"The third night we were here," you started with a hoarse voice. "I listened for some type of exit. I smelled the air and that good stuff. When I smelled the air, there was just a lot of blood. Not ours though, the blood of dozens of dead people. I gave it a better examination two days ago. Same smell as us, same cuts, same injuries. They all died from the testing. People older than us, younger. Some were even stronger than we are. Dozens of people were taken here to be tested and died. Granted they specifically chose us due to our quirks."

"What's that s'posed to mean?" He asked confused.

"I overheard one of them talking the first night one of them raped me."

His eyes jolted wide as he sprung up. "One of them what?!"

"Hm? Oh yeah, you didn't hear that night they stitched Izuku's mouth. Happened the same day, been happening everyday since."

He looked away from the wall and let out an angered sigh. "Fuck. Jesus Christ."

"Anyway," you continued talking normally to Shoto's surprise. "the night it happened, one of the bastards was talking about why they chose us. Me you and Katsuki all have very resistant bodies, you with your fire and ice. Me because of Heracles, Katsuki because of the nitroglycerin in his body."

"Why Midoriya then?" He asked. "He's a late bloomer."

"I worry about him the most. There's nothing special about him. They took Midoriya due to a deal they made with his father."

Shoto scoffed moving the braids of his hair out of his face. "His father made a deal with the devil?"

"Yeah more or less. I guess part of the deal was that they left his son alone. Seems like he didn't keep up his end. So I dunno. Maybe we'll escape, maybe we'll be saved. Or we'll just die." You said with a sigh as you heard footsteps approach.

The door of both your room and Shoto's opened with three men in each doorway.

"We're moving you kids to a new room your friends are already there." A scientist said as the gaurds walked forward and carried you.

"Great, I've been meaning to put in a complaint with the shitty conditions." Shoto remarked with a smirk as you laughed.

"You all have been very smiley recently." the other said as the two of you were brought out. "You wouldn't be planning anything would you? Perhaps another escape attempt."

"Oh no, of course not," you said with a fake smile. "we absolutely love it here. You know what? How bout for the next test you cut off my leg? Hm?"

The man chuckled softly. "Very funny young lady, but your comical remarks won't do anything for you. Now let's go."

He walked away with all of you following. They brought you to an elevator that rose up. Soon you arrived to a different floor. Then something happened suddenly your vision flashed to a brightly lit hall. You looked confused before glancing at Shoto who had a similar face.

They dragged you out and approached a new entrance. A door similar to that of a bank vault. A scientist placed his hand on a screen as it examined his palm. The gears turned and opened to Izuku sleeping on the ground and Katsuki sat in the same corner. You were thrown inside and winced violently at the pain your leg.

Katsuki and Shoto stared at you concern at your pain.

"Gah! Shit!" You yelled out as the door closed.

"You okay?" Shoto asked helping you sit up.

"No, dammit." You said in pain as ypu looked the right side of the room. There was another empty room and separated from yours by some bars. You looked around and saw a small light bulb.

"Guess what?" Katsuki muttered with a glare.

You looked at him to see a tree like scar creep up his neck. "What?"

"We can see in the dark." He said pointing at his eyes. "The muthafuckers made us nocturnal."

"How do you know?" Shoto asked.

He lifted up a digital watch showing the time to be 2:55 am. "Deku stole one of their watches. Apparently we slept all day and wake at night."

"Okay, then that confirms it." You said nodding softly.

"Confirms what?" The blonde asked.

"Nighttime and daytime have different smells. But with all the blood and chemicals it's hard for me to tell. And with wherever we are being a small town that is relatively quiet, it's hard to hear and tell if it's night and day."

"Oh okay." Shoto sounded as Izuku woke up and rose from his sleep.

"What's over there?" You asked looking at the empty room beyond the bars. Suddenly you heard growling.

The tower of black moved, and you could see it better as fur. A head turned and you all saw blood red eyes. The large head bared it's large white teeth and growled louder.

You began to move away as fear entered your heart. The boys stared in horror as the creature rose and towered over all of you.

"What the hell is that?!" Katsuki whispered in terror as the creature eyed you.

You didn't respond hyperventilating quietly as Shoto's shaky hand tapped your shoulder.

"Y/N," he called as none of you could take your eyes away from the monster. "didn't you mention there being a really big dog here?"

You nodded furiously while still shaking. "Yeah, yeah I did." At your words the creature spread its wings for you to see. "Yeah that's the dog I heard."

The animal growled at all of you but not trying to attack.

"Why is this damn mutt so tall?!" Katsuki asked as Izuku looked down.

He gasped through his mouth stitched again and covered by bandages. Izuku waved his hands catching your attention and pointing at something below his legs. You all looked and saw two smaller bundles of fur. One of them stuck out its head. It was a dog like him but smaller.

"Oh he's got pups." Shoto said looking up at the animal.

"Wait." You said reaching to a makeshift pocket in your dress. You pulled out the bag of buns you had.

"You kept those?" Katsuki asked.

"Yeah and they're still good." You said before shuffling towards the dog.

It looked down at you as you raised the bag at him. He smelled the bag as the others watched warily. The dog looked at you before taking the bag in his teeth. The four of you watched the large animal turn around and put the bag on the floor before ripping it open. He spilt one of the buns upon seeing only three. The smaller dogs rose and began to eat the buns as you shuffled away from the bars.

"So he's a single dad," Shoto said as they watched the giant dog examine the puppies. "nice."

"That's one way to put it." Katsuki muttered as he gauged the animal's size. "That thing's gotta be almost 3 meters tall. (7-8 feet)"

"Yeah," you said before looking at the animal's length. "and about 4 meters long. (12 to 13 ft) He's a very big guy."

"How many dogs did they kill to make one that big?" Shoto asked as he watched dog lick one of the pups that sneezed.

The dog flexed his wings and laid back down as the pups finished the buns. He glanced at all of you as Shoto smiled nervously at him and waved meekly. The dog huffed and looked away before turning his head away.

"Okay now he's ignoring us." You said with a sigh before turning to the others. "What now?"

"Did they really turn us nocturnal?" Shoto asked.

Izuku snapped his fingers and began to sign. They didn't tie me to a table today. I looked at one of their logs, and apparently part of their objectives was to reduce our need for sleep. We've only been sleeping for two to three hours out of the entire day for the past week or so.

"Jesus, no wonder the days feels so long." Shoto muttered.

"Did you see anything about the mutt?" Katsuki asked pointing at the dog.

Yeah, apparently his name is Titan. He's a combination of an Asian Shepard, multiple species of wolf, tiger, and other organisms. Apparently he was one of the scientists' siblings pet dog that they turned into that thing. The sibling in question passed away and gave the dog to them.

You turned to look at the animal. "Titan."

The dog's ears perked up before it looked at you with soft eyes. He couldn't recall how long it had been since someone called him with such a soft tone. To be fair he saw no threat among you. You were imprisoned like him.

"Well he answered to that." Katsuki said as Titan looked at all of you with worried eyes.

"We won't hurt you Titan, don't worry." Shoto said as the dog could only whine before turning back to the pups in his care. "Did you see anything about the puppies?"

Izuku looked off in thought before remembering. Yes I did, the female puppy is Yelena and the male is Axol. Their mother was mated to Titan, but she died giving birth to them.

"So that's the dead dog I smelled." You said as Katsuki looked at you confused.

"You knew they were here?"

"I only smelled em' today, I don't just magically know things are there. I have to focus and actually hear and sniff things out. But yeah I heard him, just didn't know what he was."

Katsuki looked at the dog and sighed before leaning against the wall. "We already slept today. So what do we do now?"

You shrugged softly as Izuku laid down. Sighing softly you began to sing again.

"A la puerta del cielo, Venden zapatos, Para los angelitos, Que andan descalzos." (At the gates of heaven, They sell shoes, For the little angels, That go barefoot.)

As you sang the traditional tune Titan turned his head back to all of you and listened. The animal was family with the form of tongue. He recalled entering a giant piece of metal that resembled a bird. A loud rumbling accompanied with the cries of a small human.

Titan remembered spending a long time in the machine before landing in another world. There was music, meat cooking in the street, and a speech that was synonymous with the singing men he once heard with trumpet and small guitars.

Shoto looked at Titan who watched you sing with soft eyes. "Looks like
Titan likes your singing."

You looked at the dog who whined when you stopped. "Oh sorry Titan. De la Sierra Morena, Cielito lindo, vienen bajando, Un par de ojitos negros, Cielito lindo, de contrabando." (Down from the Sierra Morena mountains, Pretty little darling, they come, A pair of black eyes, Pretty little darling, they're contraband!)

As you sang the dog wagged his tail softly as Katsuki scoffed. "Either the mutt Hispanic or he just likes your voice."

Could be both. Izuku signed with a shrug.

Whichever it was, one thing was clear. The canine liked all of you, and you were soon to realize the lengths this Titan would go to for your sake.


2529 words

Are you guys dog or cat people? I'm fifty-fifty. Dogs are cute and I love the ones that look like wolves. But then again I want a cat to be lazy with.

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