Style (stan x kyle) dude you'...

By coco217_

36.8K 736 3.2K

Kyle and Stan are no longer friends due to stans point of view on life that was, everything being "shit" Due... More

1-"eveything is shit"
2- "Hi kenny.."
3- "A bet is a bet"
4- "My dad"
5-"The funs just began"
6- "You are driving me fucking crazy dude"
7- "Them leaving is never a good sign"
8- his last card
9- "I need you"
10- "He has something to live for"
11- "I promise"
12- A sudden realisation
13- make a wish
14- safe embrace
15- "like old times"
16- i saw red
17- boyfriend?
18- you cant sugarcoat death
19- questioning
21- 2 wishes
23- i feel safe
25- old enemies
26- 6 months
27- The plan
28- swap places
29- lack of sleep
30- no more secrets.
31- ft
32- fucked up
33- trust me
34- The big game
35-sent away
36- not my home
37- change in demeanour?
38- unsolved trauma
39- Think of me when you see the scars
40- The Letter
42- Electric guitar
43- i love you

41- Court

566 13 39
By coco217_

I took my seat I was sat at the front with Kyles dad and some other fancy court people I had just met.

Over the last week Gerald had taught me about the rules of magistrate court and what was going to happen.

So I roughly knew how the trial will work.

A girl I didn't recognise sat on the same side as me on a different desk.

A fancy looking man that was sat next to her, stood up and walked to the front.

After handing the judge a few pieces of paper he began to speak.

"I am the lawyer of Mia Wilson, I am going to proof today that Lucas Smith is guilty of rape."

I winced at the words, I looked at the girl sympathetically.

No one deserves that

She looked probably a year younger than me, my heart broke for her.

The lawyer gave a summary of the case and provided certain evidence, which was a bag of pills and a few text messages between Lucas and a mystery number, Speaking about what he was planning to do to Mia.

Fucking disgusting.

The lawyer then called up a few witnesses, that all told their side of the story.

Each story matched up.

One of the witnesses began to get emotional, I later on found out that was Mias best friend that found her after the incident.

That hit close to home and made my eyes water slightly.

Then finally Mia was called up

Mia walked to the stand and introduced herself

"Hi I am Mia and I am a survivor of Lucas smith"

The lawyer spoke up

"Mia can you please tell us what happened the night of the incident"

She let out a shaky breath before speaking into the built in microphone

"I was at my friends house for her birthday, she invited me and our close friends. As well as Lucas and some other friends I didn't know, who she knew from her old school. That night we had nothing to drink it was just a fun relaxing evening, eventually we all fell asleep in the living room together. I woke up in the middle of the night and was freezing so I decided to sleep in my friends bed, I knew she wouldn't mind. After a few minutes Lucas had came into the room, he offered me a glass of water which I was stupid enough to drink. After small talk I became dizzy and couldn't really think, I felt confused and could barely move. I felt paralysed. That's when he came onto me, he began kissing me and undressing me. I clearly remember saying stop and that I do not want to have sex with him. He obviously didn't listen.. that's when I was fully unclothed I felt weak, I tried to scream for help but my voice wasn't coming out. He undid his trousers and then began to rape me."

Mia continued into detail, I winced at everything she said

How can an individual be so sick and crawl.

The lawyer nodded after asking a few more questions

"Thank you Mia"

He continued

"I think all of this is vital and clear evidence of what crime Lucas has committed, thank you."

The lawyer sat down

The judge thanked him before speaking up

"Now can we please have Stanley marshes case"

Gerald patted me on the back before standing up

He showed the evidence of my case


The pills he used, and um Kyle.

"I would like to ask a key witness to come Stand up and speak"

I examined the room looking for Kyles fire red hair

After finally finding him I followed his movement, to the stand at the front.

Gerald nodded at Kyle as if to say you've got this don't be nervous. And don't mess this up!

"Hi I'm Kyle broflovski, I am stans boyfriend at the time his best friend."

I smiled hearing Kyle call me his boyfriend

It will never get old.

"And what did you see that night Kyle"

Kyle took a deep breath before looking at me, I stared at him in awe and nodded my head encouraging him.

"I couldn't find Stan anywhere so I decided to go upstairs, after checking a few rooms I finally opened the door to the third one. At first I didn't think anyone was in there but as I looked around the room I saw Stan unconscious laying in the ground. Lucas was hovering over him.. and.. stroking his lower area"

I winced, Kyle had never gone into detail about what he saw and I was thankful for that I didn't want to hear it.

But I guess in court I have no choice.

After a few more questions Gerald thanked Kyle, who left the stand.

After that Kenny, Craig and Clyde were called as witnesses, though they didn't have much to say Gerald said it would still be vital to the case.

Finally I was called up I introduced myself and explained my side of the story,

It was hard knowing my mum was in the crowd, Kyle, Kenny Craig, Clyde, and Sheila

I felt embarrassed

But then realised I have nothing to be embarrassed about

Gerald thanked me as I sat down

Now it was his turn

His lawyers showed some shitty evidence, which was later on proven fake.

He had no witnesses to stand up for him

So it was now his turn to speak

"Hi I am Lucas smith and i am being falsely accused of rape and attempted rape"

I bit my lip this motherfucker.

Kyles Pov

This fucker

Still has the nerve to lie

He literally told Kenny his intentions towards Stan  and I have no doubt he definitely raped that poor girl.

I looked over at Kenny who looked like he was about to kill someone

"Kenny you need to calm down, If you do something irrational you can cause interruptions to the case and get yourself in trouble"

Kenny nodded

I looked at Stan who looked furious

He had every right to be

I wish I could be next to him and comfort him

Kenny's Pov

This fragile little bitch really tried to lie about what he did

I'd kill him if it wouldn't slow down the case

I watched Stan and the girl sympathetically no one deserves this

This guys going to burn in hell

I'll put in a special request for him.

Mias Pov

I looked at the boy beside me, I felt sympathy towards him he's been though what I've been though and yet he seemed so strong

When that monster said he 'was falsely accused' I wanted to scream and sob

Yet he sat there staring daggers into him

I hope I can speak to him once this is over.

Stans Pov

Lucas rambled a bunch of shit and tried to say Mia asked for it and she came onto him

I rolled my eyes

A classic rapist line

I looked at Mia, her eyes were clearly teary

I wish I could tell her everything's okay she looks distraught

"And what about Stanley marsh, what happened that night"

The lawyer questioned him

Lucas gaze landed on me he smirked

"I was at a party with him. He was drinking and was clearly heavily intoxicated.. he winked at me before heading upstairs. I took this as my sign, so I followed him upstairs.. after I found him we began to make out. When Kyle walked in Stan had just passed out from the alcohol, and I was about to stop as I just noticed gahh he wasn't conscious. I can see why it looks bad though"

I want to kill him.

I begin to bounce my knee and bite my lip

My nails dig into the palm of my hand.




Gerald must have noticed me fidgeting in my seat, As he whispered to me

"Calm down Stan, don't worry I think we're going to win this case"

I nodded before slowly calming down

He can say what he wants, but once he's in guilty he's going to regret every thing.

After the jury spoke for a few minutes, the judge spoke up

"Lucas Smith what do you plead?"

"Not guilty"

Obviously I roll my eyes yet again.

"Lucas smith. I and the jury have decided that you are guilty of rape and attempted rape. You will spend  35 years in Colorado prison"

The judge smacked his hammer on the desk.

Lucas face made my day he looked distraught.

"Revenge fucker" I whispered underneath my breath

He really thought he was going to get away with this.

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