Ultraman Legion

By MetaRunner2019

241 0 0

A new hero called Ultraman Legion who wants to take actions for it's destiny from his future descendant Aiyos... More

Chapter 2: Aiyoshizawa's Resolution
Chapter 3: Memories Are Tragic
Chapter 4: Yapool's Revenge to Ace and Legion
Chapter 5: Becoming Ultraman
Special Recap: Legion's Peril to the Earthlings
Chapter 6: Legion's Answers
Chapter 7: Promise to his Descendant
Chapter 8: Aiyoshizawa's Truth
Chapter 9: Darkness Just Went Rampage
Chapter 10: Kaziyu's Assassination Plan Part 1
Chapter 11: Kaziyu's Assassination Plan Part 2
Chapter 12: The Day Has Come
Chapter 13: Newcomers
Chapter 14: Strange Phenomenon
Chapter 15: "The Battle for Forgiveness: Ultraman Legion vs Kaziyu"
Special Recap: "A Hero's Journey: Aiyoshizawa and Ultraman Legion's Bond
Chapter 16: "The Cost of Vengeance"
Chapter 17: "The Cost of Being a Hero"
Chapter 18: "Ultramen: Battling the Shadow of Betrayal"
Chapter 19: Galactic Collaboration: Protecting the Universe from Threats
Chapter 20: "The Shadow of Death"
Chapter 21 (FINALE): "Farewell to the Ultraman Legion"

Chapter 1: Galactic Conflict

42 0 0
By MetaRunner2019

Once upon a time in the far-off planet of Nebula M78, there lived the greatest Ultraman of all named Ultraman Legion. He was the protector of his planet and had been serving his people for many years.

Ultraman Legion was born with a unique set of abilities that made him the most powerful Ultraman of all time. He was faster than any other Ultraman, he was stronger than any other Ultraman, and he had the ability to regenerate himself when he got injured in battle.

One day, an evil force attacked the planet of M78. It was a group of space monsters who were determined to destroy everything in their path. The planet was in chaos, and the people were in danger.

Ultraman Legion knew that he had to do something to save his people. He flew into action, fighting off the monsters one by one with his incredible strength and speed. It was a long and grueling battle, but Ultraman Legion never gave up.

Finally, after hours of fighting, Ultraman Legion managed to defeat the monsters and save his planet.

The people of M78 were grateful to Ultraman Legion for saving them, and they hailed him as their hero. Ultraman Legion had become a legend among his people, and his name was known throughout the universe as the most powerful and most important Ultraman of all time.

Ultraman Legion continued to protect his planet for many years, facing new challenges and protecting his people from harm. He was a true hero, and his legacy lived on long after he was gone.

In the end, Ultraman Legion's sacrifice and bravery inspired a new generation of Ultramen who continued to protect the universe with their incredible powers and talents.

Ultraman Legion and Ultraman Nonarion stood face to face, sizing each other up. Ultraman Legion was slightly smaller in stature, but had a powerful build. Ultraman Nonarion was taller, with long, slender limbs.

"I've heard a lot about you, Ultraman Legion," Ultraman Nonarion said, his voice resonating with a hint of suspicion.

"And I've heard about you, Ultraman Nonarion," Ultraman Legion replied, his tone calm and collected.

The two Ultramen circled each other, neither one making the first move. Finally, Ultraman Nonarion spoke again.

"I hear you come from a planet that values peace and harmony," he said. "But is that really possible? In my experience, conflict is inevitable."

Ultraman Legion thought for a moment before responding. "Peace requires effort and sacrifice," he said. "But it's worth it in the end. We've managed to create a society where everyone has a place and everyone's needs are met."

Ultraman Nonarion snorted. "That sounds like a utopia," he said dismissively. "I prefer the harsh realities of battle. It's the only way to truly test oneself."

Ultraman Legion sighed. He knew there was no changing Ultraman Nonarion's mind. "I can respect your way of life," he said. "But I still believe that there's a better way."

As the two Ultramen continued their conversation, a looming presence began to make itself known. A giant monster had appeared on the horizon, wreaking havoc on a nearby city.

Ultraman Legion and Ultraman Nonarion looked at each other for a moment, before nodding in unison. They were united in their duty as defenders of the universe.

"Let's do this," Ultraman Nonarion said, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Ultraman Legion nodded, and together they charged towards the monster, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

On Earth. As the TPRC team members gathered in their headquarters, they couldn't help but discuss the incredible experience they had as Ultraman's human hosts. They reminisced about the thrill of battling giant monsters and saving the world from destruction.

"I never thought I'd be able to pilot such a powerful entity," Tamami said, still in awe of the experience.

Another chimed in, "It was truly an honor to represent our planet and work alongside Ultraman to save the day."

The room buzzed with excitement as they shared stories and memories of their time as Ultraman's hosts. But amidst the celebration, one team member raised a concern.

"I can't help but worry about what'll happen if we ever face a threat that's too strong for Ultraman to handle," Teruhi said. "What then?"

The conversation fell silent as they all contemplated the possibility. They knew that the fate of the world often lay in their hands, and they couldn't afford to fail.

But as the silence lingered, a voice broke through the tension. "We can't go into battle with doubts," Aiyoshizawa said. "We need to trust in our training and in each other. And if we ever do face a threat that Ultraman can't handle alone, we'll find a way to overcome it together."

The team nodded, feeling reassured by their leader's words. With renewed determination, they stood up and prepared to take on whatever challenges lay ahead, confident that they had the strength, skills, and trust in each other to emerge victorious.

As Teruhi, Tamami, and Aiyoshizawa revealed their names, the atmosphere in the house changed. The group that had gathered around them suddenly became more serious, and everyone's eyes were locked on the three TPRC members.

It was clear that the TPRC was not an organization to be taken lightly. They were known for their ability to carry out complex operations with precision and efficiency, and their members were considered some of the most skilled in the world.

As the group processed this information, Teruhi stepped forward and broke the silence. "We have come to seek your help," Mitsui said. "A dangerous threat is rising in our country, and we believe that it could have far-reaching consequences if it's not stopped."

Tamami picked up where Teruhi left off. "The government is aware of the threat, but they're not taking it seriously enough. We need your help to gather the intelligence we need and to take action before it's too late."

Everyone in the room was silent, trying to take in this new information. But Aiyoshizawa was quick to follow up. "We understand that this is a big ask. But we believe that together, we have the skills, the resources, and the determination to stop this threat and protect our country."

Finally, the silence was broken by one of the guests. "What can we do to help?" he asked.

The three TPRC members exchanged a quick glance before turning back to the group. "We need your expertise," Teruhi said. "We need your knowledge of the political landscape, your connections, and your ability to move quickly and efficiently. Together, we can work to stop this threat before it's too late."

The room erupted in conversation as everyone began working out the details and making plans for action. There was a newfound sense of unity among the group, and they all knew that together, they could make a difference.

As they began strategizing, Teruhi, Tamami, and Aiyoshizawa couldn't help but feel grateful. They had come to this house looking for help, and they had found a group of individuals who were just as committed to protecting their country as they were. Together, they knew they could accomplish great things.

The scientists and engineers at the power plant were scratching their heads as they watched the meters and gauges start to spin out of control. They had never seen anything like this before. Suddenly, there was a deafening roar that shook the building to its foundations. Everyone froze, not knowing what to do next.

Out of nowhere, a towering figure materialized in the center of the power plant. It was a transparent Kaiju, easily twice the size of any other Kaiju that had ever been recorded. This was something entirely new, and everyone was left slack-jawed with shock.

The Kaiju, which the scientists later identified as Gabora, was swallowing up all of the electricity in the plant. Every time it took a breath, the meters would jump up even higher, giving off sparks that lit up the entire room like a strobe light.

The engineers quickly realized that they couldn't let this Kaiju continue to absorb all of the power. They scrambled to shut down the power plant and cut off the source of electricity that Gabora was feeding on. But it was too late.

Gabora had already built up a tremendous amount of energy, and it was just waiting to be released. The scientists knew that if they didn't act quickly, Gabora could unleash a force that would destroy the entire city.

They quickly hatched a plan to try and trap Gabora before it was too late. They called in help from the military, and together they worked to build a giant net that could contain the Kaiju. They knew it was a long shot, but they had to try.

With the net in place, Gabora started to lose its hold on the energy it had absorbed. The scientists and the military held their breath, waiting to see what would happen next.

Finally, Gabora let out one final roar, and then it was gone. The net had been successful in containing the energy, and the Kaiju had dissipated into thin air.

The scientists and the military breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that they had just narrowly avoided a disaster of epic proportions. Gabora may have been transparent, but it had been a force to be reckoned with. They could only hope that they would never encounter another Kaiju like it again.

As soon as Gabora started rampaging through the city streets, Aiyoshizawa knew that he had to act fast. Without hesitation, he quickly ran towards a nearby alleyway, out of sight from any bystanders.

As he stepped into the shadows, Aiyoshizawa began to concentrate on his transformation. With each passing moment, he felt himself being consumed by a bright, blinding light that engulfed his entire body.

In mere seconds, Aiyoshizawa had transformed into Ultraman Legion, his massive armored figure towering above the city’s skyline. With a deep roar, he raced towards Gabora, ready to take on the monster and defend the innocent people of the city.

As the two giants clashed, buildings were destroyed, cars were tossed aside, and people ran for their lives. But Ultraman Legion was focused on one thing and one thing only: defeating Gabora and saving the day.

With each blow, Ultraman Legion weakened Gabora, but the monster refused to back down. Finally, after a long and grueling battle, Ultraman Legion unleashed a powerful finishing move that obliterated Gabora, sending a cloud of smoke through the air.

As the smoke cleared, Ultraman Legion stood victorious, his immense power and bravery saving the city from certain destruction. Overwhelmed with pride and joy, Aiyoshizawa quickly retreated to the shadows, his secret safe once again.

After hours of searching, the TPRC members finally found Aiyoshizawa hiding in a nearby park. She was scared and trembling, but relieved to see familiar faces. The members comforted her and promised to bring her back home safely. As they walked back to their base, they wondered who could have kidnapped their friend and why. The TPRC was determined to find out and put an end to whoever was behind it.

Aiyoshizawa stared in wonder at the portal before him. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. It glowed with an otherworldly light, and he could feel its energy emanating from it.

He took a deep breath and stepped forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been given the task of meeting with Ultraman Legion, and he did not want to disappoint his masters.

As he emerged from the other side of the portal, he found himself in a vast, unfamiliar landscape. The ground beneath his feet was barren and rocky, and the sky above was a deep shade of purple, with no sun or stars visible.

Suddenly, he heard a voice echoing through the air, booming and commanding. "Who dares to enter this domain?"

Aiyoshizawa stood there silently, unsure of how to respond, until a figure appeared before him. It was Ultraman Legion, a towering figure with a look of stern determination on his face.

Aiyoshizawa bowed low before him, showing the utmost respect. "I am Aiyoshizawa, envoy of the Japanese Ministry of Defense. I have been sent to seek your aid in our struggle against the monsters that threaten our world."

Legion regarded him for a moment, his eyes scanning him up and down. Finally, he spoke. "Your people have been plagued by the forces of darkness for too long. I will aid you, but be warned- the path ahead is long and perilous."

With that, Legion held out his hand, and Aiyoshizawa took it, feeling a surge of energy flow through his body.

Together, they set off to face whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to fight for the safety of their people and the future of their world.

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