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By maki_neko7

61.5K 2.4K 760

You couldn't tell by looking at her, but [Y/n] is an assassin, is surprisingly good at her job. She only has... More

Piece of Cake
Kiss of Death
Spice of Life
What Will Be, Will Be
Crunch Time
Wishes & Command
After Rain Comes Fair Weather
No Sweet Without Sweat
Lost At Sea
Everyone Will Be Hypocrites
Daughter Daddies Plus Mommy

Nothing Seek, Nothing Find

4.3K 189 55
By maki_neko7

[A/n: I'm smiling and kicking me feet I think this one is my favorite character yet. Hope you enjoy! I love to hear what you guys think.]

Rei's suit laid on the bed as he got dressed. It was now his turn to be summoned to the Suwa manor. He looked over at [Y/n]'s sleeping form. She'd offered to go with him, but Rei turned her down.

His eye narrowed. He had a feeling that he knew what this would be about. Once he got dressed, he placed his gloved hand on [Y/n]'s cheek. He placed a kiss on her forehead then left her room.

Rei stopped when he saw Miri. "Papa Rei? G'morning." Miri said adn rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning." Rei said.

"Are you going out?" Miri asked, "I had to go pee."

"I'm heading home for a while." Rei said, and Miri looked confused.

"But your home is here."

"True." Rei said and continued to walk down the stairs.

Kazuki and [Y/n] came peeking out of their rooms. "Keep it down, you guys."

"Aww, you're leaving already?" [Y/n] whined, dressed in one of Rei's kitty t-shit.

"Huh? Did we have a job today?" Kazuki asked. 

"No." Rei answered.

"No kiss goodbye?" [Y/n] asked.


[Y/n] pouted. "Come home soon, Papa Rei! Today we're gonna-"

"Miri!" [Y/n] and Kazuki said, and Miri covered her mouth.

"Shh!" Miri said with a smile.

"Don't stay out too late!" [Y/n] said.

"Have a good day!"

They listened for a response, but there was nothing but the sound of the door closing. "Where'd he say he was going?" Kazuki asked.

"Home, he said." Miri said.

"Home?" Kazuki repeated and looked at [Y/n]. She did have a worried look. "His dad called him home, huh?"

[Y/n] nodded. "Well, saves us the trouble of getting him out of the house." Kazuki said.

"Boo. I wanted to take him out." [Y/n] pouted.

"Okay, Miri! [Y/n]! Mission start!" Kazuki said.

"Start!" Miri and [Y/n] cheered.


Rei stared at the giant gates in front of him. He hated it here. As kid both him and [Y/n] would have done anything to get away from this place. The gates opened, and he made his journey all the way to the mansion.

It's been three years since he's been here, two years since [Y/n]'d found him. Rei continued to make is way to the Boss' office


"Does Papa Rei have two homes?" Miri asked while they were at the store.

"Yeah, there's the house he and [Y/n] lived in with Rei's dad." Kazuki said.

"Mama [Y/n] and Papa Rei lived with Papa Rei's papa?" Miri asked, and [Y/n] smiled at her then nodded.

"Rei's papa and my papa's were best friends." [Y/n] said while checking things off of the list. 

"Papa Rei's papa? Grandpa?!" Miri said.

"I guess that's what he'd be, sure." Kazuki said.

"I wanna meet him!" Miri said.

"Sorry, can't." Kazuki said.

"How come?"

"Rei's dad is one diabolical dude." Kazuki said.

'You're telling me.' [Y/n] thought while looking away. "Yes, he's really scary." She said.

"Oh! Hey, when Miss Anna teaches us a song, it's diabolical!" Miri said.

"N-Not quite in the same way." Kazuki muttered, nervously.

"Definitely not." [Y/n] said.


Rei walked down the hall, and he finally made it to his father's office. Rei knocked. He walked in and bowed. "Forgive my long absence, Boss. You seem well." Rei said.

"So, living among little people has taught you proper etiquette? Kurusu Kazuki, was it? He's a peasant, but I see he's not entirely useless." The boss said, "Still, his skills seem poor. Jigoku [Y/n]'s been slowing down as well lately. Is he the reason for the numerous mistakes on your recent jobs?"

Rei's eyes narrowed. "The time may have come. Return to this home."


"So is Grandpapa mad at Papa Rei?" Miri asked while [Y/n] and Kazuki made the cake together, "Did they get into a fight, maybe?" Miri continued to cut decorations.

"Kind of." [Y/n] said, "Rei's papa is a little upset that Rei doesn't want to be in their family business and do as he's told. He doesn't agree with a few things that his papa is pushing on him. So, he left."

"Like?" Miri asked.

"Marrying me for one." [Y/n] said with a sad smile.

"EHHHHH???!!!!" Kazuki and Miri screeched.

[Y/n] blinked in confusion. "Eh? You didn't know that Rei is my fiancé?"

"No! Since when?!" Kazuki questioned.

[Y/n] hummed in thought. "About three years now, his father and my mother announced our engagement, and I guess that was the last straw." She said.

"And you've been pining after him for three years." Kazuki said, shaking his head.

"It's been longer than three years actually. I left the year after Rei and my job was to bring him back."

"Did Papa Rei tried to run away when you found him?" Miri asked.

"Surprisingly no." [Y/n] giggled, "Wanna hear how I found him?"

"Yess!!" Miri cheered.

"Okay, so, at the time I spent a few months looking for Rei around Tokyo, and one day, I got lucky..."

[Y/n] sighed putting on her makeup for her show that night. Being an entertainer has led [Y/n] to be able to connect all lot of information about the man she was hunting down.

Not for her mother.

Not for the Boss.

For herself. She'd been in love with Rei for years, and she wanted desperately to find him. She rejected man after man, in hopes that Rei would walk into her life again.

Meanwhile, Kazuki wrapped his arm around his friend, Rei. "Come on, man. You can't be a shut-in forever." Kazuki said, taking Rei to a new underground club that had become popular.

Rei glared at Kazuki.

"Don't give me that look. You said you'd watch one act." Kazuki said. Soon, they got to the club and stood in the back.

Rei's eyes widened see [Y/n] on stage. A part of him wanted to run away while a major part of him wanted to push through the crowd and hug her. "Hey, the singer's kind of cute. I might talk to her after the show."

Rei shot him a glare, grabbing him by his collar. "I'll kill you." He grumbled and left out of the club.

After the show, [Y/n] would greet guests as they complimented her and her song, and in return, she'll ask if they've seen Rei Suwa then show a picture.

Finally, it was Kazuki's turn. "You have such a beautiful voice." Kazuki complimented.

"Thank you." [Y/n] said and without missing a beat, "Have you seen this man?" She showed a picture of Rei.

"Hmm... that looks like Rei..." He muttered, and [Y/n]'s eyes widened.

"Yes! Rei Suwa! Do you know him?" [Y/n] asked, getting in Kazuki face.

"Y-Yeah, how do you know him?"

"He's my childhood friend. I've been looking everywhere!" She said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Okay, come by to Yadorigi tomorrow. I'll bring him there. I can give to directions."

[Y/n] nodded. "Thank you!"

The next day, Kazuki and Rei sat in Kyutaro's cafe, drinking and talking about their next job. Suddenly, the door flew open.

Rei's eyes widened, seeing the girl that he'd left behind. "[Y/n]...?"

"Rei!" [Y/n] cried and tackled him out of his seat, hugging him. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"


[Y/n] said and her eyes softened, "But, I couldn't bring him. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he loved his freedom."

"Wow. So, Papa Kazuki help?" Miri asked, and [Y/n] nodded.

Miri hummed, "You think Papa Rei can make up with Grandpapa?" She asked.

"Hmm, I don't know." [Y/n] said, "If he did, we would have to go back." Remembered the unhappiness she felt when she was there.


"The blood of the Suwa family is the blood of assassins. Among those who make their living in death, it could even be considered noble blood." The boss explained to his son, "Wherever there is light, darkness inevitably arises. Those who shine brightest require the aid of the deepest darkness. The Suwa family is the pinnacle of that darkness, its sovereign. And that blood flows through your veins as well. Carry on the family. That is the reason for your existence. That's what I raised you to do. Marry that Jigoku girl and breed the next heir. I've given you more than enough leash. It's time for you to learn the business of being the head of the organization."

Rei continued to look down at his feet. "You don't like that?" His father asked, surprising Rei a bit, "The reason I allowed you to live on the outside was because of the oath you took to return one day."

"Yes, sir."

"Did you find true belonging on the outside?"


"You belong here with us." Boss said, "It seems you've formed pointless ties. Bad influences are common enough in our business. If one influence has sullied the Suwa family blood-"

"No. Kazuki and [Y/n] have nothing to do with this. [Y/n] wanted to bring me back, but I refused." Rei defended, "Please, give us time."

"Need to tie up your affairs?" Boss questioned and reached into the drawer. Then threw a folder towards Rei, "Finish this before the day is over."

Rei collected the papers. "I know this man." He muttered.

"He betrayed the organization. You'd better not betray my expectations."

"Yes, Boss." Rei said. Once Rei left the office, he decided to call Kazuki. "Huh? You're gonna be late?" Kazuki questioned.

"Sorry." Rei said.

"We kinda got stuff planned here!"

"I wanna talk!"

"Is that Rei? Is he okay?"

Rei could hear Miri and [Y/n] in the background. "Papa Rei!"

"You finished your talk with your dad, right?" Rei didn't answer. "Hello! Am I being heard?"


"It's okay, Rei. Tell us what's going on."

"It's not okay! He needs to make it home before dinner!"

[Y/n] and Kazuki argued. "Make it home before dinner, Rei-chan." [Y/n] said into the phone. They didn't hear anything, so they ended the call.

Rei shoved his phone into his pocket and walked out of the manor. Ogino was standing outside with a car to drive Rei to his destination. "So you're the heir to the great Suwa family?" He said, "Get in."

Rei got into the car, and Ogino drove off. "That man. You worked with him previously, I'm told?"

"He taught me and my fiancée how to use various weapons. And how to do the job."

"Jigoku [Y/n]... Her family name means 'hell'. Her family is known for 'sending everyone they've killed to Hell.'"

Rei eyes narrowed, not liking how much Ogino knew about her. "Dangerous yet beautiful..." 


"'Why did he betray the organization?'" Ogino said Rei's question before he would even say anything. "A pointless question. You should spend your mental energy elsewhere."

Rei turned the page in the folder and saw his target with a woman. "Is this the reason?" He questioned and turned the page then his eye went wide.

Ogino smirked, "He can wail all he likes, but she won't be there."

Rei looked down at the picture of the woman with a bullet in her head. He tried not to think too much. He'd rather die than to let [Y/n] be put in danger. She was already on thin ice with his father and her mother.

"Why do you kill? For the Suwa family? For your fiancée? For fun?"

"What about you?" Rei asked.

"For the concept." Ogino said.


"A car exist to be driven. Money exists to put form to desire. Gun exists to inflict violence." Ogino explained, "So, what does he exist for? I look through the materials, and I wonder these things. 'What is this person's reason for being? What will he see as his life passes before his eyes? What's the thing he cares about more than anything?' I speculate on the answers. Killing is a way of checking those answers." He had a crazed look in his eyes.

"Distastful." Rei muttered and looked out the window.

Soon, it was nightfall, and Ogino pulled the car into the dock. Rei checked his gun. "I have a favor to ask." Ogino said, making Rei stop. "Tell me what he says just before he dies. I collect last words. I'd like to record his next to hers."

Rei stepped out of the vehicle and walked toward the boat where his target was waiting. The target soon noticed him walked. "So you were the one following me? How appropriate."

"I'm here on a job." Rei said.

"Where is she?"

Rei didn't answer, but the target knew what that meant. "I see. May if the boss loses you, he'll understand a bit how I feel?" He grabbed his gun, "No, probably not. Well, let's see how you do."

The two men shot at each other.


"Papa Rei just looks sad sometimes." Miri said, sitting with [Y/n] at the table with their party hats on.

"Nah, he's just got one of those faces." Kazuki said, putting the cake in the fridge.

"Men are such a mystery." Miri muttered.

"Miri." [Y/n] nervously laughed.

"Where'd you learn that phrase?" Kazuki asked.

"Sometimes Mama would be drinking, and she'd look happy but also sad. Mama [Y/n] does it, too." Miri said, "Papa Rei's the same. He looked all snappy today, but he also looked sad."

[Y/n] gave a sad smile. "That's why we're doing the party today." She said, "We got all his favorite food to make him feel better."

"You think he'll smile today?" Miri asked.

Kazuki ruffled Miri's hair. "Yeah, I bet he will." [Y/n] nodded.

"But when's he coming back?!"

[Y/n] gave a worried look.


Rei chased the target to the roof of a building. He pulled out his knife and scouted around. He heard a sound and turned a corner, no one was there.

The target came flying at him from above and tried to cut him. Rei dodged him. The two men got into into their fighting stance. "Reminds me of old times." He said and charge at Rei.

Rei dodged his knife and grabbed his wrist. "Acting as a mindless kill tool, following the organization blindly, not hesitating to turn your blade on anyone... You're truly the perfect assassin!"

"That's the law of the organization." Rei said, "You know you can't ever leave it!" Rei said and tried to cut him.

"Of course a puppet wouldn't understand. I found something worth protecting so I changed how I live! That's it!" He caught Rei's wrist and held the knife to his throat, "But you people stole the thing I care about more than anything!"

Rei pushed the target away and tried to trip him. The target cut Rei, making the knife fall out of his hand, then tackled him to the ground. The target went to stab him, but Rei pulled out his hidden gun.

Rei glared at the man. "I have something worth protecting, too."

"You'll never change either!"

Rei blocked the target's knife with his gun then headbutted him. Rei shot the man in the leg then pushed him into the railing. The rusted railing broke, sending the man falling.

Rei reached for him, but it was too late. The target accepted his death. "I'm on my way." Then he hit the ground. Rei ran out of the building, seeing Ogino standing over the dead body.

"Dies just like that. A disappointment. He wasn't as skilled as the rumors say. Did he have any last words?"

"...hear them." Rei muttered.


"I couldn't hear them."

"Worthless." Ogino muttered and put the dead body in the trunk. "Let's head back. "

"No. I'll say here." Rei said.

"I'd have taken either one, you know. His last words... or yours." With that he left.

"You'd better not betray my expections."

Rei thought about what his father said. "Am I the same?" He muttered, staring out into the ocean. Caring about someone was a weakness in this business. That's another reason why Rei wanted to leave.

He felt himself began to care about [Y/n]. So much so that he would put himself in danger just to protect her.

He loved her.

He didn't want to marry her just because his father wanted in heir to the family. Rei didn't think he was suited for married. [Y/n]... was beautiful and pure in his eyes.

Though tainted by the world and the family she was born into, she still gave his life light and sparkle. And when she found him, and he saw how much he's made her cry being gone, Rei began to hate himself even more.

He didn't believe he deserved happiness in being with [Y/n]. His phone began to ring.


"I told you to get back. Where are you right-"

He heard [Y/n] and Kazuki. "Sorry. I need time to cool off." Rei said.

"Hey! Wait—"

Rei hung up. He sat with his thoughts a little while longer. Rei tried for so long not to think about his actions and just do as he was ordered.

To kill.

To kill some more.

And to kill again.

He was at a crossroad. If he accepted his father's conditions, he'd be marrying [Y/n] for the wrong reasons, he'd be taken her from Miri, and putting her back in her mother's grasp. Rei glared as the thought. One of his bullet wounds came from him trying to protect [Y/n] from her mother.

Rei wouldn't be able to do that as the head of the organization.

Rei looked up, noticing a light shining on him. "Hey, damn it! What're you doing, dumbass?!"


"There's no time. Get in!" Kazuki said.

"No, I-"

"I don't wanna hear it!"

Rei got into the car, and Kazuki began to drive home. "Where's Miri?"

"Home with [Y/n]. I'm taking a page out of her book and gunning it." Kazuki slammed on the gas.

"How'd you know where I was?" Rei asked.

"Did you forget who set up your phone?"

"You're overprotective."

"Miri and [Y/n] were upset that you wouldn't come home. You forced my hand, asshole. Miri asked all about you. It took me back to old times. And why didn't you tell me that [Y/n] is your fiancée?! It makes so much sense now. I always wondered why she'd put up with you."

"I didn't ask her to marry me." Rei muttered looking out the window.

"Will I be invited to the wedding?"



"Hey, Kazuki." Rei said, "You think we can change?"


Soon, they made it home. "I'm bac-"

Rei was surprise to see all of the decorations, food and the cake. Miri and [Y/n] laid sleep on the couch. "Oh, it was today."

"[Y/n]! Miri! Rei's back." Kazuki said as he lit the candles, "They helped with everything! While [Y/n] told us stories about you! All day long! They wanted to make you happy."

Rei stood in shock for a moment as Miri stirred awake. "Oh, Papa Rei. Welcome home. Mama [Y/n], Papa Rei is home." She shook [Y/n] awake.

"Huh? Oh, right, right..." [Y/n] said, sleepily. Miri and [Y/n] attempted to sing happy birthday to Rei, but they were too tired.

Rei smiled.

"Hey! You did it, guys! He smiled!" Kazuki said, but they were knocked out. "Go on."

"Sure." Rei blew out his candles.

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