The Nevermore Experience

By JaminusLandonus

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Meet Jamie. He's a recent edition to Nevermore, but not the last to join. He has a deep hatred for Jericho, w... More

Apply To Nevermore
E1: A Child Full of Hate and Woe
E2: This Girl Is Full Of Woe.
EP3: The Therapy For Healings Woes
EP4: Festival with a Friend or Woe
EP5: Murderous Woes
EP6: Woe is Full Of Mystery
EP7: The Poe Cup
EP8: Uncovering The Nightshades Woes
EP9: Outreach Woes
EP10: A Woeing Monstrous Encounter
EP11: A Woeing Stealth Mission
EP12: Woe What A Night
EP13: What Would You Woe About Me?
EP14: Woe, What a Birthday
EP15: A Gruelling Woe Of Friendship
EP16: Family's Bloody Woes
EP19: Connecting The Woeing Wires
EP20: Woeing Tyler vs Jamie's Mental Warfare
EP21: The Brick In The Wall

EP18: Jamie's Sad Woeing Fate

303 5 2
By JaminusLandonus

This Has Made My Heart Strain Writing The End Of This Chapter. I may be a wimp. But that's just me. Enjoy.

Jamie was walking through Nevermore with his black uniform and black jacket in which he had menace in his eyes, in which he walked on the floor with pure force, in which his grandfather was invisible somewhere in Nevermore ready to wreak havoc if he wanted to, but in the safety of Jamie. He didn't. Wednesday was in her room in which Jamie decided to do the talking for her, as they wouldn't believe her. He barged open the doors of Miss Weems' office and walked towards her desk.

"Principal Weems, it's important that we may communicate about Doctor Kinbott." Jamie said not taking 'no' for an answer.

"Jamie. Ah. We were talking about you." Principal Weems said with a smile.

"Speak of the Devil." Doctor Kinbott said behind him, Jamie turned and faced her he had an emotionless look at her.

"Devil isn't enough to describe me." Jamie replied.

"Dr. Kinbott was just discussing the amount of absences that you've had for your therapy sessions." Principal Weems said which made Jamie have a tingle down his spine. "We were discussing ways that you'd turn up to these sessions, you have a set amount of days to have your therapy sessions and it says you have another fifteen sessions booked. You can't be rid of them until you turn up to all of them and then it's signed off, but you need to turn up." She added.

"I've said to you before Principal Weems, I don't need therapy anymore." Jamie hissed.

"What happened to all that grief about losing the one you cherished most." Dr. Kinbott said.

"I resurrected her. She's alive. So I don't need to worry about her anymore." Jamie replied.

"Have you?" Dr. Kinbott asked not to take him seriously.

"Weems, Tell her." Jamie requested Weems' assistance.

"Yes. She is alive and well and Jamie couldn't have been happier. But therapy is there for a reason. You killed two kids for bullying you. Suicide isn't a game you know." Principal Weems smiled.

"You haven't heard of Blue Whale, have you?" Jamie questioned.

"You can be as sarcastic as you want, but the Judge won't find it so amusing reviewing the case. Two poor families losing their sons." Dr. Kinbott said empathetically.

"As well as those Pilgrims you almost beat to death on Outreach Day."

"Cut the fake sympathy out, Kinbott. I never cared for bullies or disgraceful Pilgrims. They're the ones who killed Mia in the first place. And people like them deserved to be eaten by worms." Jamie vulgurly said.

"I've explained to Dr. Kinbott that you have been taking tiny yet so powerful steps to adjust yourself and park yourself and become a member of the Nevermore Family." Miss Weems smiled.

"Well, she's partly right, she's happy that I'm socialising, I know how to talk to people, I had my first hug and embraced a best friend. But I'm willing to try techniques to unleash my soul version of Jamie, if you want. Maybe spirituality is my way to go. Are you interested?" Jamie asked with a smug look.

"Yes. Very much so. I'm empowered to know that you have some willingness to understand the frustration and stress and make them into positivity and put this newfound energy into something great. A new leaf will begin on Monday Afternoon, hopefully I can see you then and we can make a spiritual start." Doctor Kinbott smiled proudly.

"What did you urgently need to discuss, Jamie?" Principal Weems asked.

"My issue isn't as important as I thought it was. I'll save it for later time, and I have some work that needs doing, I'll be heading . Good day." Jamie said walking out.

"I know I'll have a good day." Kinbott called.

"Yeah, I know you'll have. Demon." Jamie said under his breath, slamming the door.

Jamie was walking annoyed that he didn't get any information about Kinbott being Xavier's master but he wasn't giving up just yet. Actually, Fortunately, Great Grandpa Jules had found something. He walked into his room, in which there was a board in which he had pins on. He looked on and they were photographs of an unknown castle, It was smaller than Nevermore, it had the same LG logo as they saw in the Mansion in the little box.

"Jamie, Great that you're here. I have some fortunate news. I have found a link to that logo that you found on that Box." Great Grandpa Jules smiled as he pointed to the photos. Which were all put together with red thread and pin tacs which all point to the logo of LG.

"So, what are these photos then?" Jamie asked, looking at them.

"I took them on the way here, It gave me huge recognition from back when I was an Angel Axis Force Member. It's a castle just 10 miles next to the Old wrecked Meeting House, I'm guessing you were there at some point." Great Grandpa Jules said. With a squinted vision.

"Yes. I was with Wednesday." Jamie said remembering the Old Meeting House.

"The place is about to crumble but it still has it's bones left. It's got scaffolding on it now, as you can see from the pictures." Great Grandpa Jules smiled.

"There's a clocktower now in my hometown, from what mother tells me, where the names of the dead are inscribed. We need to honour their deeds even as their faces fade from memory, those memories are all that's left, when evil has taken everything else." Jamie said very saddened.

"How's your Great Uncle Éliott?" Jules asked with a smile trying to make him smile.

"They killed him. He's gone, Jules." Jamie replied, saddened, Mia had noticed Jamie's weary voice and walked in.

"Jamie?" Mia said.

"My covers have been blown, I need no witnesses." Jules called as he grabbed Jamie's dagger.

"No. No. No. That's Mia. Don't you remember." Jamie asked standing in front of her and him.

"She's the one that's dead. That means she's a ghost. Cool." Great Grandpa Jules smiled.

"No. Remember when I told you I resurrected someone." Jamie asked.

"Yes." Jules replied.

"She is the one I resurrected, she is my future wife anyway." Jamie said holding her.

"You should know me, because of this certificate." Mia held up the same certificate Jamie had in his diary.

"Wait a minute." Jamie said, walking to his desk and holding his diary and opening up and pulling out the certificate. And looks at hers.

Mia Reine Ferdinand

This Certificate Confirms Your Cooperation Into The Infamous 'Angelic Axis Forces'

Job: Wetwork Specialist, You are a key to gaining information and moving with shadows. Your nickname is known as 'Shadowblade'.

Signed: Jules Jackson Axis

Jamie looked at Mia in absolute disbelief and she gave him a reassuring smile, As well as Jules, he smiled as he looked at the certificate and recognized her.

"Yeah, You are Mia. It's good that you're still alive." Jules said with a smile as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry for not recognising you. My memories are fading a little bit, you know." He said as Mia giggled.

"Allow me to fill you in. This Logo that we found at the Gates Mansion on the music box has been sighted ten miles from the Old Meeting House. We need to conduct espionage." Jamie began staring emotionlessly at Jules as he gave in to ask the question.

"What do you need from me, son." Jules asked in a monotone voice.

"I need the coordinates." Jamie said, gaining a piece of paper. "We're going tonight, we're getting that location so we can sneak in and find the information we need, Wednesday needs it." Jamie added.

"Can you trust her?" Jules asked.

"What choice do I have? She's gone to another reason why she wants Laurel found, as much as me." Jamie replied.

"I'll give you the coordinates there on my Intelligence Laptop." Jules said as pulled out his laptop and set a projector from the laptop shining onto the wall. "Originally, my team ran drones over the odd castle back in the Washington DC years, but we never used it or at least uncovered it's secrets to Nevermore or Laurel. But we have another scan." Jules said as the projector shined the wall a model of the area.

"So.. What are we up against here?" Jamie asks as he and Mia stand up and look at the wall. It has a model area of the castle labelling key areas, knowing where everyone is.

"The place is a fortress. Only one way in or out of the complex....unless you've learnt to fly. There is a security office on the far side of the compound, and the command centre in the centre of the castle. Both are guarded to the teeth. If Laurel's gonna be anywhere, it's gonna be in that control room." Jules said as Jamie grabbed a pen and wrote the coordinates and began writing a list and handing it towards Jules.

"What's this you've given me?" Jules asked, taking the note.

"Equipment List." Jamie replied authoritatively.

"That's a lot of hardware, Jamie. What'd you plan on doin'?" Jules asked.

"What you and Dad taught me to do......Kill them all." Jamie said with a snarl.

"Well, I can get you the gear. The weapons are prototype, we need testers. This might be the best time to use it. We have bullets which give out Chloroform usage, In which once direct impact, they're knocked out. This can pierce anything." Jule said holding a Chloroform Bullet.

"Clever. Get the gear by ten tonight. We'll be grateful." Jamie asked.

"Done." Jules agreed as he smiled. "Thanks for the testing. When you return, let me know how good they are? We could use them in the future."

Jamie and Mia took the photos and walked to Jericho town square in which many of the Pilgrim Bullies had spotted Mia, in which a wave of terror had washed over them, Mia's eyes bulged as she stared death in her eyes at them and they ran away. They saw Wednesday at the Weathervane with Uncle Fester and Tyler and they walked into the Sheriff who gave them a huffing look and they walked in.

"Wednesday." Jamie said as he easily got Wednesday's attention.

"Jamie. Did the Principal say anything about Kimbott being the killer?" Wednesday asked.

"Negative. I couldn't say it. She was in the room at the wrong time, so I had to back down. But, My grandfather has gotten these pictures." Jamie replied by putting photos of the castle and LG logo on them on the table.

"Holy Shit." Tyler whispered. "That's the logo from the house." He added.

"Affirmative. We are going tonight or tomorrow to that castle to perform espionage. You in?" Jamie asked with a smile from Mia.

"Actually she can't." Tyler said. "She's coming on a date with me tomorrow." He added with a smile.

"Gotten another lover now, have we. Wednesday?" Jamie teased. "It's fine, Me and Mia have got it under our control, We'll let you know how it goes when you come back from your date tomorrow." Jamie smiled.

"Good Luck, Tyler." Mia smiled. As Tyler left.

"It's not a love date. It's just my repayment to him after we almost killed him and Jamie inside the Gates mansion." Wednesday said annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Wednesday. Did I get under your skin again." Jamie said with a smug grin.

"Anyway, how are you supposed to get to your date, when you can't sneak off campus. Remember , Weems is like a vulture. She has all her eyes on you." Mia said.

"We're meeting at Crackstone's Crypt." Wednesday said.

"What a place, filled with so many memories." Jamie said. "Your birthday party, the Poe Cup and now your first ever date." Jamie added.

"Where we're going to have Jamie's funeral." Wednesday darkly threatened.

"I don't think so." Jamie said, stepping backwards.

"Well, we'll go tonight, gain information and hopefully use a microphone and record everything they say, and this will mean we could uncover who Laurel is." Mia explained.

"Why, me and Jamie know it's Dr.Kinbott and Xavier is the Hyde." Wednesday replied.

"How do you know it's Xavier and Dr. Kinbott. She's a therapist?" Mia asked, confused.

"We saw her and Xavier alone together in the middle of the woods and he was saying something suspicious to her and we need to get her arrested and locked away before she makes Xavier into the beast and kills everyone in Nevermore." Wednesday warned.

"Even if it was Xavier, how are they going to believe it's him?" Mia asked.

"Because if they were competent police officers they would've done the DNA scan and they would've found the DNA results which will be Xavier. Jamie is a negative and we already know he's an Angel or how they say Death Angel, when enraged." Wednesday replied.

"Well, We'll come back to the dorm tomorrow before your big date with Tyler. With recorded evidence if possible." Jamie said.

"How will you get there? Heard it's near a cliff, you need to fly there." Wednesday said.

"That's my Great Grandpa stocked to the teeth with Equipment. He'll fly us using his team's Helicopter and we'll jump out with parachutes and land there. Simple." Jamie noticed Mia feeling cold feet. "What's up, I'll go by myself if I have to." He said in a tough tone.

"No. No. Don't go on your own, you have no idea what forces are there. I can't risk you dancing with the devil." Mia said protective of her boyfriend.

"What do you think I've been doing ever since half of the term started, when I meet this she-devil?" Jamie said.

"Don't Insult Me. She-Devils are ugly foul creatures, I find myself to be complex, as you once said 'gorgeous' and encrypted." Wednesday spat back.

"Well, we must be heading off, we need to fetch the supplies for the espionage mission tonight." Mia said, pulling Jamie's hand with her.

Later, With Rain Heavily Washing the Floor below, Helicopter is turning. 10:48pm. 'Operation Stronghold'. Angel Axis Force. Jericho, Vermont. Jamie is putting on his gas mask and then his Second World War style German helmet on. Mia was putting on her bulletproof vest, and then her parachute. In the Helicopter, Great Grandpa Jules, Lyam, Maël, Mylan were all sat in the helicopter with them looking at them as the pilots fought against mother nature in this huge storm.

"The Castle is in sight from here, Axis." The Pilot called from the cockpit as Jamie fit his parachute on as Great Grandpa Jules was holding a submachine gun in his hand as well as pistols, both with lasers and suppressors, which got rid of the noise of bullets flying out. They have night vision gas masks. And the black clothing for concealment.

"Right, these weapons are the weapons that we need testing out today, and this is the best time we can use them. It's the regular MP5 you should know, just let us know how the bullets are, successful or unsuccessful." Great Grandpa Axis smiled as they both took the weapons and ammo.

"Here. Mia. Take them." Great Grandpa Jules threw her a backpack, she opened it, it was full of explosives and she notes and puts it on her back.

"Welcome to Castle Laurel, Gents." Jamie said throwing his drink bottle out of the helicopter as it was empty as Mia puts on her gas mask and helmet. "Let's get this over with." He said standing up and walking gently to the edge and jumping out and pulling the strings of the parachute. Mia did the same, she was behind him with the parachute. They glided through the air towards the cliffs' open space, and Jamie shot and knocked out two security guards, they fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

"Keep up or I'll leave you behind." Jamie ordered as he moved along the grass seeing some light nearby as well as Mia behind him.

"Get down." Jamie commanded.

They start their way through the castle grounds. Jamie sees two guards with flashlights. They hide behind a small wall, in which Jamie peers his head over the top seeing a huge light patrolling the area.

"Get caught in those lights and we're done before we've started." Jamie warned as he looked around the wall again seeing the guards moving away.

"Move." Jamie said getting up and running to another wall with Mia behind him as they hear guards talking.

"Can you believe Laurel faked her own death so no one could trace her?" One of the Guards asked the other.

"To be honest, It's believable to fake your death nowadays with the internet the youth use now." The Other Guard replied, and they began to wander away, giving the greenlight for the two Angels to move.

"This way. Now." Jamie said moving away from the wall took a different route than the guards in which he saw a crack in the wall and saw a bunch of army yet normal looking vehicles all parked and Mia caught up to him.

"When we're down there, you move when I move. Do as I do. Understand?" Jamie asked authoritatively.

"Yes. Like I always have been with you, It's always you." Mia said bitterly as they both looked over the parked vehicles.

"Ok. Fine, I'll let you command next time, I promise. Let's go." Jamie said, jumping down and crouching behind an enemy vehicle, looking around for hostiles, he moved around and then stopped to see security walking between the cars.

"This place is secured to the teeth." Mia said as she watched the guard.

"Only shoot at what you can kill." Jamie stated as he let the guard pass and he and Mia slowly walked behind him, and he looked through the cracks of the cars for security and he moved up, Mia did the same. He then got onto the floor and crawled under the cars.

"Under the Vehicles." Jamie said, crawling slowly underneath the huge SUV car. He then stops to see two more guards and another two guards standing and smoking, "Stop. Let them pass." He said.

"Stick an explosive to the bottom between the two cars to cover our escape. We'll burn this place down if we have to." Jamie said as Mia opened her backpack, placed a C4 under the car and stuck it on tight and she smiled.

They come out from under the truck and hide behind a jeep, a single patrol just in front of them. Jamie hands Mia a Syringe which was full of Chloroform.

"Quick, Mia. Take him out, but don't get caught in the spotlight." Jamie requested as Mia gave a devilish smirk, held the syringe and pulled the guard back and stabbed him in the neck with the syringe and he became unconscious.

"Oh, I love you so much more when you take people down like that." Jamie smirked as he pulled the body under the car. They were in a sticky position, the spotlight was covering their only access area.

"Wait for it......" Jamie patiently waited for the spotlight to move.

The tower's searchlight moves across the courtyard. Jamie smiled and he began moving up.

"Now." Jamie whispered as they moved across the road and went up the white brick steps behind boxes and saw guards standing on a metal platform talking.

"Are you trying to entertain yourself, Meislier?" A guard chuckled.

"What are you chuckling for, Laurel has put us on the worst jobs ever. I'm glad that I'm getting paid for this." Meislier complained.

"At least some people do something to make themselves occupied." The Guard smiled.

"I'll be dead by boredom before that happens." Meislier dramatically sighed.

"Now let's get going." Jamie said coming out from the wooden boxes and getting on the floor. Jamie and Mia got on the floor and crawled under the platform. One of the guards has a flashlight, which he shines through the platform.

"Stop. Don't move a muscle." Jamie said slowly but loud enough for Mia to hear as the shine began to fade away and the guard walked away.

"Thank God. Right, another time to use the explosives. Stick on here." Jamie said pointing on the metal platform, in which she giggles and plants a C4 again on a platform tightly yet softly.

"Easy......" Jamie said as he saw a guard stop just by the edge of the platform. A guard is just above them, Jamie put his hand on Mia's mouth as she was heavily breathing. "Sorry, could you do that a bit quietly please." Jamie whispered.

"Give me a minute." Mia softly spoke as she took off the mask and breathed deeply and then breathed out and then put her gas mask back on. "Love you." Mia tugged Jamie's bulletproof vest with a smile as The guard jumps off the platform and walks away.

"I love you too, Babe. We're in the clear. You go first." Jamie said moving to the side, Letting Mia go through first and they walk up the steps and hide behind a few crates. "We're doing great. Well done, Mia. Let's keep moving." Jamie said as Mia blushed under the mask.

"Found the security office." Jamie smiled and whispered as he steadily speed walked over the road to the security office and crouched beside the door as Mia did on the other side.

" I'll handle this." Jamie said banging on the door swinging his machine gun away and switching to a syringe and pistol loaded. They took the bait and noticed the huge leaver being brought down as they began to open it Jamie barged in, stabbing the syringe into the first guard and silently knocking out the other three inside.

"Clear." Jamie smiled under his mask as he looked at the security feed and the screens which showed everywhere of the castle, inside and outside. "They've got cameras outside the command centre. Both sides – here, and here. Eh, well, we'll just have to knock on the door." Jamie suggested after pointing at the camera screens. He looked to the knocked out guard on the floor, Mia had an idea, she pulled an arm of one of the guards and put his finger print on the scanner and the door opened.

"That's my girl." Jamie nuzzled her as she smiled.

"Thank you." Mia said as she dropped the knocked out guard's body on the floor and they moved in. They move down the stairs to the dungeons.

"Quiet....." Jamie watched and heard voices In which Jamie saw was dark as his eyes. In which the cells were abandoned but guards everywhere in sight. Jamie saw the electric box beside the door.

"Night-vision on. I'll take care of the lights." Jamie said as he brought a dagger out and stabbed out the wires causing the electricity to go out. Mia and Jamie turned their night vision on. "Ready?" He asked and Mia nodded.

"Weapons Free." Mia giddily said as they walked in. She took out the first guards as they both fully saw the area.

"Sweep through this area fast. They won't know how few we are in the dark." Jamie requested as Mia nodded.

They sweep through the dungeons and take out all the guards. At the hall, a guard tosses a flare, lighting up the room and flaring up the night-vision.

"Jesus Christ, Screw the night vision, they're using flares, we'll do this the old Jules way." Jamie said turning night vision off.

Mia removes his night-vision and resumes engaging the guards at the halls, knocking them all down and stabbing them in the neck with chloroform and they move out of the cleared dungeons.

"I never realised castles had dungeons." Jamie said moving out of the way of the unconscious bodies.

"Really? Thought you were good at history." Mia teased as Jamie rolled his eyes.

"You're on point. Go." Jamie ordered as Mia went in the lead. There was a guard which was overfiring the location they were at, Mia poked out and fired a bullet hitting the guard in the neck and falling to the floor. "Nice." He said moving to the door.

"We have about ten minutes until they find their unconscious corpses." Jamie said as he walked outside of the dungeons and they came to a brick wall and a lot of scaffolding which was attached to the huge bridge they saw on the model shown by Jules.

Jamie climbed onto the ladder on the scaffolding as rain was throwing as much water down as possible, he stopped at the top of the ladder for Mia to climb up, when she reached the top he crouch walks ahead and moved past a column and stood.

"This bridge is the only way in or out of castle Laurel." Jamie said as he saw Mia walking and standing next to him taking her mask down and slowly breathed in and then out and then put her gas mask down.

"Plant some more of Jules' C4's on the column." Jamie requested. As Mia rolled her eyes.

"Don't say it like that?" Mia scoffed as she attached the explosives to the column.

"Why?" Jamie hissed.

"You'll make me feel bad for wasting all the explosives." Mia said, looking at her feet.

"How can you, I've told you to put them there, silly." Jamie smirked as she still stared down. "Hey, gloriousness is up here." He added gently lifting her head up looking into his eyes as Mia couldn't help but smile. He moved and saw that They came to a narrow plank and moved across.

"This whole thing looks like it's about to please take it slow." Jamie said worryingly. Mia noticed and slowly sidestepped on the wooden plank.

"The storm isn't doing us any favours." Mia replied putting her gun away and holding Jamie's hand in which he grips tighter than normal.

They continue moving on the bridge, up another ladder, and up the stairs. Jamie sees a line of cables leading into a wall a

"Actually scrap the plan of just walking in. The control centre is just above us. We can sneak our way in. Mia, can I have the backpack please.?" Jamie asks as Mia throws him the back pack and opens it and finds string explosives, starts putting a string charge on it.

"What is that?" Mia asked.

"String Explosives. Just put the string on the place you wanna blow up, and just get this and make the string in any shape like a square." He finishes placing the charge and gets to a wall, throwing her the detonator. "You can have the pleasure." He added.

"The thunder will hide the sound of the blast. Wait for my signal" Jamie said as he hid beside the window. Mia takes out the detonator. Jamie waits for the thunder. The thunder is heard and Jamie signals.

"Now!" Jamie called as Mia detonated the wall charge. They move in and see logs holding together between two walls. "You can climb can't you?" He asked.

"Of course I can." Mia said in an annoyed tone as he walked past him and began climbing up.

"I'm sorry, Mon Amour." Jamie said Mia looked down at him and fluttered her eyelashes, her sign of forgiveness. Mon Amour must be her 'buzz' word.

"Are you coming or not?" Mia asked impatiently. Jamie walked in and began climbing up. They climb the logs up the walls and come to a boarded hole that looks into the control room. The guards watch a live video feed of what appears to be Laurel, but she's wearing a mask, and a voice changer. Jamie opens his pocket of his jacket with a microphone and sticks it inside the room beside the hole they're looking out of.

"Right, is the place safe and secure, Jesse?" Laurel said with a cold and tone voice change.

"Laurel Gates." Jamie whispered.

"She has a voice changer on, we have no clue who Laurel is." Mia replied whispering.

"Yes, this place is safe and secure for when you resurrect him back from the dead soon, Laurel." Jesse replied as two other guards were on computers.

"They're just cursed people who are going to ruin lives for America, they should be extinguished from life and especially the people who are coming too close. Wednesday Addams, Jamie Axis and Mia Ferdinand as well as the Nightshades. They should be eliminated." Laurel spiked with a deep voice as a guard walked in.

"Sir, there is still no response from the security room." The guard said.

"Get down there. Find what the hell is going on down there." Jesse ordered as the guard left. "Is the time right?"

"I can't murder Jamie or Mia, they're not available to be slaughtered. Wednesday is available but it's too risky right now. I'll have to try tomorrow. Get someone at least." Laurel smirked under the mask. "They shall never find my secret."

"Just hope that the three of them are asleep in their little beds knowing one of them will be slaughtered by morning." Jesse chuckled.

"Keep me updated." Laurel took the mask off showing brown hair and then the call cut to static. Jamie and Mia looked at each other wondering who has brown hair. But they have more worrying things to do.

"Time to go." Jamie whispered as the alarm rang.

"What's going on there? Have you got the response from the security or not? Search the people, search the grounds!" Jesse ordered with fury.

"They must have found the bodies. This should buy us some time" Mia whispered with a smirk and picked up a gas bomb, in which the gas was Chloroform, she threw it in and grabbed the microphone. The Bomb explodes releasing the Chloroform knocking them all out.

"Down! Now!" Jamie ordered and they both nodded.

They slide down the walls and they land on the bottom as the grenade explodes, shell shocking Mia and the impact of the fall. The impact has knocked down a wall into the kitchen. Jamie pulls out his weapon and fires at the stove, burning one of the hostiles.

"On your feet! We are leaving!" Jamie said, pulling Mia up, in which she still feels dazed. He clears the room and grabs her shoulder, glowing her vision back to normal.

"Thanks." Mia said she had the strength to pull herself up .

"Jules, Laurel has a hit list and me and Mia are on it." Jamie called as he began rushing into the cellar.

"I'll let Wednesday know." Jules replied on the other side of the microphone.

"We need some assistance in getting out, do you still have the heli available?" Jamie asked running up the stairs.

"Yes, It's available, We'll be on our way to you in around five minutes." Jules said down the other side as they moved through the cellar and back up outside.

"Flashbang!" Mia screamed as she and Jamie ducked down beside stairs as the flashbang went off, they became dazed but still being able to see and eliminated the threat.

They go up the stairs and into the next floor inside the building. They engage more hostiles.

"Mia. Don't slow down now! Sort 'em out!" Commanded Jamie In which they become victorious and they move on to the office room.

"Through here." Jamie said as they began clearing the office room.

They move through the courtyard, taking out more hostiles. A bunch of vehicles arrive and security enter out into the yard. Mia and Jamie dispatch them all.

"Stay with me, Mia." Jamie called as they moved through a brick hallway and up the stairs of the building and they came across a balcony where they saw five trucks carefully crossing the bridge along with more security.

"They have a lot of vehicles to give to the scrapyard." Jamie smiled.

"They're just in time." Mia smirked holding the detonator.

"Do It." Jamie said, she pressed the detonator and the bridge exploded and collapsed bringing all the vehicles with it. Jamie runs back into the room.

"Let's go, Out this window." Jamie suggested as he climbed out of the window and onto a truck and then jumped down. And begins walking quickly but safely across what's left of the broken bridge and enters the mouth of the castle and engaging hostels and this time they bring heavy machinery, with larger guns than they could fight.

"Screw this. We do not know how to drive but I'd rather drive out of here rather than just get shot at." Jamie said finding an open SUV and he opens the door and gets in and Mia gets in the back. He gets thin wire and enters the key hole and the car begins to start.

"I'll watch out for the backs." Mia said, pulling her weapon to the back window of the SUV as Jamie began to put his hands on the steering wheel and foot on the pedal full force as he turns out of the courtyard. He remembers the C4's planted around the courtyard.

"Mia detonates those explosives now." Jamie said as Mia held the detonator and pressed the button and four areas around the courtyard exploded as they got their route out, allowing them to break out of the gates and escape. As Jamie drives, he nears the side edge of the cliff road. "Hold on, Mia." Jamie said as Mia put on her seat belt.

A Huge Gun brought by the security forces hit the car in which Jamie had no choice but to open the car door. "Mia do you have your reserve parachute?" Jamie asked in worry.

"Yes. I do." Mia called out. "Why?"

"Get ready to use it. Open your car door!" Jamie ordered as she opened the car door.

"JUMP!" Jamie screamed as he jumped out the car with her and they both pulled their chords of their parachute as the car fell to its destruction.

"Jules, Where in god's green earth are you! Get us out of here!" Jamie called.

"We'll be there in a minute. We've now just tracked your location." Jules said as the helicopter began flying just over them and flying down and they stepped on and sat on and Jamie passed the weapon to Jules who smiled.

"I take it they worked?" Jules smiled.

"Yes. They did." Jamie replied.

"The Explosives were useful." Mia said, chucking the backpack to him.

"What did you use?" Jules asked.

"String Explosive and A Bunch Of C4's." Mia replied.

"Ahh, C4's are very reliable. Well, I guess the mission was a success, you got what you needed." Jules smiled, patting Jamie on the back.

"Yeah, we got the recording but the worst thing about it is that the voice was in the voice changer, so we don't know who it is. But what we do know is that Laurell has brown hair and she knows us." Jamie explained.

It was the Next Day and Jamie and Mia were in Wednesday's Dormitory. Mia was sat on Wednesday's bed and Jamie was leaning on Enid's old bed both giving each other teasing looks.

"It's clearly a date, Wednesday." Jamie teased as he felt comfortable on Enid's old bed as Wednesday put on a black Jacket.

"It's not a date, for the fiftieth time." Wednesday frustratedly said. "It's just a quid pro quo. I've kissed you for goodness sake, I prefer you over Tyler anyway." She added.

Thing was on Jamie's side. And he gave her sign language in which he signalled and then pointed at Jamie.

"No. I can't do that, he is with Mia. And I don't want to break them up." Wednesday said in which Thing replied with a gun finger. "No I can't kill her, If I can get Jamie on his full power, I would play a vital role to get his power. Remember what the book said, Death Angel's are the most powerful outcasts in Nathanial Faulkner's diary.." She added.

"I hope Tyler gives you a good old smooch." Jamie teased as he stood up.

"I hope to give you a good old stab, in a minute." Wednesday threatened in which Jamie gave a smirk as he walked to her.

"Just a heads up. Someone is after you, I heard yesterday from the secret live meeting. I have the voice recording on here." Jamie said pulling out his microphone.

"You got the recording. Nice work." Wednesday smiled. As she took it from him and pressed play.

"They're just cursed people who are going to ruin lives for America, they should be extinguished from life and especially the people who are coming too close. Wednesday Addams, Jamie Axis and Mia Ferdinand as well as the Nightshades. They should be eliminated." The voice recording spoke in which was a deep voice.

"The voice was on a voice changer and when the live call ended the woman who was behind the mask, had brown hair." Mia said after Wednesday stopped the voice.

"Just guard the book. One of you two." Wednesday requested.

"I need to go to the Nightshades Library, My Mom said she had a diary there, I wanna check it out." Mia smiled as Jamie nodded.

"I'll keep guard of it." Jamie nodded. "While I'm here I can do my Novel, If it's okay to use your desk, Wednesday?" He asked.

"Fine." Wednesday Answered as she pinky promised Thing it wasn't a date and Shook Jamie's hand and walked away as well as Mia, she shut the door with force behind her.

Now it was just Thing and Jamie left in the room. And Jamie brought his vector and pieces of paper as he budged Wednesday's typewriter out of the way and he began writing. When he began writing, Thing flicked a fluff ball at him and he turned his neck the whole way round. Thing gestured 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'.

"Really? I've beaten you six times in a row at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Are you seriously trying your luck again?" Jamie asked with a smile, while Thing gave him the thumbs up.

"Fine." Jamie sighed as he got out of the chair, walked over to Thing and grabbed him and placed him on her desk. "Ok, Rock.......Paper......Scissors......Shoot!" Jamie called as he put scissors and Thing gestures to Rock. "Hey, That was lucky!" Jamie said as Thing pulled the middle finger.

Suddenly, A mysterious figure bursted through the door and Jamie was horrified and he began walking back, and he squinted and he saw the mask, it was Laurel Gates and he gave an angered look.

"Well, Well, If it isn't Laurel Gates. I know what you're up and you're gonna face dire consequences when your plan fails, just like every villain." Jamie snarled as Laurel Got closer.

"Oh, That'll be fine because at least I'll know that you won't be there." Laurel began to wield a huge dagger similar to his malice he normally uses.

"You wouldn't dare, I'm an Angel Soldier, Not the taker of innocent lives." Jamie said walking backwards even more as Thing began to hide under the table in fear.

They began fighting in which Jamie used his fencing and martial arts skills in use, absolutely ruining Laurel on hand on hand combat in which and one point He pulled her hood down and saw the brown hair, but his curiosity was broken when she overpowered him and straddled on top of him and made him struggle to move as she picked up her dagger.

"I know what you have done, Jamie. I know what you have told them. My friend, My Ally, My Betrayer, What happens today, will change Nevermore forever. Nothing can stop this. Not even you." Laurel Deeply said as she raised her dagger and stabbed Jamie in the chest.

Thing watched and took Jamie's phone, he unlocked it and accessed the camera and recorded the scene he's watching, she continued to stab Jamie in the chest, until he couldn't move unless he crawled. In his eyes, his eyes rang as he began breathing heavily and he wrote a final message in blood 'Help' as Laurel walked over him and took the diary and slammed the door. He tried to crawl but he bled out and didn't move.

When Laurel Left, Thing frantically ran out of his hiding place putting the phone down nad used his fingers to check his pulse on his neck and wrist and there was a very slow pulse, and he made a small twitch, Thing soothed his hand and he ran out of the room from opening the door and tried to find anyone, and then he spotted Enid.

"Thing. What's the matter?" Enid said to the limb gesturing to her, he pointed to the right which was where he wanted her to go. "What is the matter with you, you look really scared." Things were frantically signing until she gotta Wednesday's dorm and she was concerned that blood was coming from under the door. "That's not what I think it is right?" Enid squirmed and Thing led forward, and latched onto the doorknob and it opened revealing Jamie's blood soaked body and she began screaming.

Meanwhile In Crackstone's Crypt, Wednesday was walking away from the Tyler after he revealed that he made the place a date and began to watch a 'horror film' in which he explains everything that was good about him compare to Jamie in which he thought Wednesday had a crush on Jamie in which she thought was utter bogus, in which she preferred Jamie, he was her right hand boy. The boy, who would do her dirty work for her.

When she began walking Tyler tried to go after her, but after she went through the forest, he had lost sight of her. She was walking wearily into Nevermore and back to her dorm room, confused at the blood that was dropped on the floor she saw a huge pile of blood. She walked to her desk and saw a bit of paper which had a sentence on it. 'Check the phone'.

She followed the writing and opened up Jamie's phone and saw a new recording on the phone and she saw the unknown figure on top of Jamie stabbing their dagger into him, her eyes widened and dropped the phone and began sprinting out of the room and knowing where he went from the blood being spilt on the floor, she saw the door to the 'Infirmary'. She barged in with Mia putting her hands on Jamie, with her glowing red eyes forming in tears and fury. Enid, Xavier, Ajax and Bianca, Kent, Divina and Yoko all stood there looking horrified.

"Mia.....Laurel....." Jamie uttered words to her weakly as his blood was dripping.

"Not now, Jamie. Just rest." Mia tears dropped. "GET THE MEDICS IN HERE!" She Screamed as Weems and Thornhill walked in, Weems was horrified as tears began to come out her eyes.

"C'mon, Stay with me soldier!" Mia grabbed onto his hoodie.

"Mia.....Yoko...Xavier.....Ajax....Bianca.....Kent.....Wednesday.....Divina." Jamie weakly whispered. As Mia wasn't wanting to let go of him. "You need to" Jamie whispered weakly as he began to drop.

"Oh, no, no, no no no! JAMIE! NO, NO! NO! JAMIE!" Mia screamed as the medical team ran in with all their equipment.

"Are you all alright, Excuse me Ma'am you need to move now." A Female Paramedic said to Mia and begin to gently pull her away, but her red eyes took over and with force she pushed the paramedic away.

"Get off me!" Mia called as she watched everyone look in shock as her red eyes glowed up, but as she began to cool her eyes glowed down.

Mia took out from her pocket a flower which was known as the Hollyhock, a Purple and Black mixed flower that he gave to her gravestone when he came to play her song on the violin on that magical night. It was also the flower that he first gave her on their first ever date as a couple, she brought out the flower and placed it on Jamie's chest and looked at the paramedics with an empathetic look as she looked down as she began to cry.

"I'm so sorry." Mia apologised stuttering with tears dropping from her eyes as she took Jamie's hand and kissed, and walked backwards as everyone began to comfort her.

Jamie is lost.   

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