EP18: Jamie's Sad Woeing Fate

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This Has Made My Heart Strain Writing The End Of This Chapter. I may be a wimp. But that's just me. Enjoy.

Jamie was walking through Nevermore with his black uniform and black jacket in which he had menace in his eyes, in which he walked on the floor with pure force, in which his grandfather was invisible somewhere in Nevermore ready to wreak havoc if he wanted to, but in the safety of Jamie. He didn't. Wednesday was in her room in which Jamie decided to do the talking for her, as they wouldn't believe her. He barged open the doors of Miss Weems' office and walked towards her desk.

"Principal Weems, it's important that we may communicate about Doctor Kinbott." Jamie said not taking 'no' for an answer.

"Jamie. Ah. We were talking about you." Principal Weems said with a smile.

"Speak of the Devil." Doctor Kinbott said behind him, Jamie turned and faced her he had an emotionless look at her.

"Devil isn't enough to describe me." Jamie replied.

"Dr. Kinbott was just discussing the amount of absences that you've had for your therapy sessions." Principal Weems said which made Jamie have a tingle down his spine. "We were discussing ways that you'd turn up to these sessions, you have a set amount of days to have your therapy sessions and it says you have another fifteen sessions booked. You can't be rid of them until you turn up to all of them and then it's signed off, but you need to turn up." She added.

"I've said to you before Principal Weems, I don't need therapy anymore." Jamie hissed.

"What happened to all that grief about losing the one you cherished most." Dr. Kinbott said.

"I resurrected her. She's alive. So I don't need to worry about her anymore." Jamie replied.

"Have you?" Dr. Kinbott asked not to take him seriously.

"Weems, Tell her." Jamie requested Weems' assistance.

"Yes. She is alive and well and Jamie couldn't have been happier. But therapy is there for a reason. You killed two kids for bullying you. Suicide isn't a game you know." Principal Weems smiled.

"You haven't heard of Blue Whale, have you?" Jamie questioned.

"You can be as sarcastic as you want, but the Judge won't find it so amusing reviewing the case. Two poor families losing their sons." Dr. Kinbott said empathetically.

"As well as those Pilgrims you almost beat to death on Outreach Day."

"Cut the fake sympathy out, Kinbott. I never cared for bullies or disgraceful Pilgrims. They're the ones who killed Mia in the first place. And people like them deserved to be eaten by worms." Jamie vulgurly said.

"I've explained to Dr. Kinbott that you have been taking tiny yet so powerful steps to adjust yourself and park yourself and become a member of the Nevermore Family." Miss Weems smiled.

"Well, she's partly right, she's happy that I'm socialising, I know how to talk to people, I had my first hug and embraced a best friend. But I'm willing to try techniques to unleash my soul version of Jamie, if you want. Maybe spirituality is my way to go. Are you interested?" Jamie asked with a smug look.

"Yes. Very much so. I'm empowered to know that you have some willingness to understand the frustration and stress and make them into positivity and put this newfound energy into something great. A new leaf will begin on Monday Afternoon, hopefully I can see you then and we can make a spiritual start." Doctor Kinbott smiled proudly.

"What did you urgently need to discuss, Jamie?" Principal Weems asked.

"My issue isn't as important as I thought it was. I'll save it for later time, and I have some work that needs doing, I'll be heading . Good day." Jamie said walking out.

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