Love Zap, An ES AU volume one...

By Speed0422

398 13 22

In a world that wild Pokémon and Members of the town live together, with no war and no problems, two souls me... More

The Fresh Beginning
Short 1- Sundae Funday On A Sunday!

Like Jolts

63 2 2
By Speed0422

Red, Blue and Green came home from school after getting some sweets. They said hi to their mom and went to their room. Red opened his dummies and was in the process of digesting them until Blue said "Red, did you get a girlfriend already?". He choked on his candy for a little bit while Green giggled. Red replied "No, of course not! We're 5 Blue, it's too early! Plus, it's the first day, we are not going to know people very well.".

Blue then asked "So, what friends do you have now?" Red answered with "I have an Eevee named Pyro, and another Eevee named Silvia, and you Green?". Green replied with "A-an Eeve-e named Le-eaf and he-er sister-r, Lapi-s Lazu-uli.". Blue noticed that no one was asking her and said "Well I found Trace and met an Eevee named Pearl!". Red then pointed out that what she said wasn't possible because they all know Pearl since they live in the same house, which made Blue blush in embarrassment.

They all continued talking until they heard their mother calling them for dinner. They all rushed to the dining room and sat next to each other. They also saw Pearl walking calmly down the stairs. They all said hi to each other and Pearl sat between Blue and
her dad, Bolt, a shiny Jolteon. Mollie and Pearl's mother, Rin, a shiny Vaporeon, carried the dishes to the table and sat down. Mollie asked her children "So, how was your first day of school?" Red answered with "It was good.". The other two nodded to that.

The next day, Red, Blue, Green and Pearl left again for school. Red saw Pyro from a distance and ran to him. Silvia saw Red running and followed him. This caused Red getting tackled by Silvia when got to Pyro, which caused Pyro to fall. This made so that all the Pokemon waiting for school to start saw that. The trio blushed in embarrassment. Red quickly got up and said sorry to Pyro. "It's nothing, just be more careful next time." Pyro remarked. Red chuckled and then turned to Silvia and scolded her lightly. She apologized and got up. These three Eevees got up and entered the school.

Their first class was magic, and they all were in the same class group. This was actually Reds first time to use magic, since their mom only showed them magic, not how to use it. The Magic gym, or Magym for short, was just in the other side of the school. Pyro and Silvia didn't properly meet before, so introduced themselves. Then Red asked "So do you guys have any siblings" Pyro responded "Nope" while Sivia said she did have one, but he is in 4th grade. Red said he had two and are in the same grade as them. When they reached the Magym, Pyro opened the door and held it open for Red and Silvia.

When they entered the large sub building, they heard an unfamiliar voice. "Oh, there's three more? Well, you three arrived just in time, class is about to start!" The voice came from a Delphox, and next to him there was a Meowscarada. From what Red read of the schedule, both are males. The Meowscarada then said "Okay class, my name is Cactus, and my partner's name is Bonfire. How we work in this class is that we divide our class into groups of 4, you can choose who you want to be with, and coordinate which one will be the attacker, the support, the defender and the leader, so, decide with who you want to be with and then report to my darling Bonfire."

Red teamed up with Pyro and Silvia, obviously. But they needed one more member. They looked around and the only one who didn't have a group was a Shinx. Red sorta recognized him but then it hit him. It was Robert's son, Trace. Silvia saw where Red was looking and said "Isn't that Dr. Robert's son?" "Yes, yes he is" Red responded. "So? Why him?" Pyro asked. Red thought for a moment and answered "Because his father found me and my siblings when I was one years old.".

Red approached Trace and said "Hey Trace, remember me?" "Oh, I think I do, your name is 2, right?" Trace replied "Such a weird name" he mumbled under his breath. Red got a little ticked off and exclaimed "That's my sister, my name was 1, but now it is Red!". Pyro mention off to the side "Red, concentrate! Remember what we are trying to do!". Red rolled his eyes and said "Look, that's not the point Trace. Will you be the fourth member of our tea-?" "Before you continue that sentence," interrupted Trace "Who are your team members?" . "Well, we got Pyro, that Eevee next to our other member, Silvia, who is also an Eevee."  "Wait, is Silvia that really cute Eevee with a bow?" "Yes, so?" "I'll join, no problem!" Trace exclaimed. He then rushed to Silvia and started talking to her. Pyro slowly walked to Red and told him "You know, you just admitted that you think that she's cute." "So what? It's not like she heard me or anything." Red replied quickly. "That's the problem, she did hear you." "Aw crap." Red said when he realized.

Red approached Bonfire and told them that he finished assembling the group. Bonfire then said "So, now you need a team name, positions for each member, and that's it." Red went back to his team and told them what the teacher said. "So, what should we do first?" Red asked. "I think we should do positions first." Silvia Recommended, "Yeah, what she said!" Trace said wistfully. Pyro agreed with them "So it's settled! So how's going to be attacker?" "Me!" Silvia quickly replied. Red was surprised by how fast she answered that but then recovered and said "Okay, Silvia is attack... Who should be defense?" Pyro slowly raised his paw. Red nodded and finished by saying "So that means Trace is lea-" "Nope! Red, he is not going to be leader! You should be leader!" Pyro interrupted him. Silvia nodded "Ouch, that hurts guys!" Trace exclaimed sourly. Red was mildly surprised but thought a bit understood. "Mhm, so Trace on support and I as the leader." Red said as he put all this stuff on a paper.

"Okay, now the last thing we need to is figure out a name." Red proclaimed. They all thought for a few minutes discussing what the name should be, with some honorable mentions being 'Melted Marshmallows' , 'Scorched Cave' and 'Colours', but they decided on 'Like Jolts'. Red wrote that down before walking back to Bonfire and showing him the paper. Bonfire nodded and told them they could go to lunch. Trace ran out first with Pyro trailing behind, leaving Red and Silvia behind. They walked together and talked about the last class. Red's opinion was that it disappointed him a little bit, since he wanted to use magic. Silvia agreed, but helped him understand why it was like that. Red knew why it was that way but it still disappointed him.

When they reached the cafeteria, most students were already there. Red and Silvia quickly dashed to the lunch lay. Red ordered a meat lovers pizza slice and Silvia ordered a slider. Red saw Green with two other Eevees and told Silvia "Hey, I'm going to eat with my brother, can you handle Trace?" "I can handle myself, no need to worry!" Silvia responded. Red nodded and headed to his brother. Red said to the latter "Can I sit here Green?". Green responded with "Of course you can Big Br-." "It's May I, doofus." interrupted one of the Eevees. Red rolled his eyes and sat down. The other Eevee said to Green "So, are you going to introduce us Green?" Flare jumped a bit but responded with "Oh yeah! Red, this is Leaf," he said pointing to the more soft spoken one, who waves at Red, "and this one is Lazuli." he tells Red pointing at the one who called him a doofus, who doesn't pay attention because she started to read. "Leaf, Lazuli, this is my big brother, Red." Green finishes. "Good to meet you guys." Red says. They all finished eating and they go their separate ways.

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