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A couple months later, Team Like Jolt was doing well. Sure, their motivation took a hit because the teachers of the magic class said they weren't going to teach magic this school year, since they wanted to focus more on the teamwork aspect, but that didn't stop them. On this day, they were going to have a little activity. Cactus announced a week ago that they are going to the nearby woods and they left a few clues to the code for the treasure chest they left in the Magym for the final test. "Okay! Now, we are going to start the final test. Darling, can you start the countdown please." said Cactus. Bonfire quickly scolded Cactus for calling him darling in front of the students again. Bonfire started a countdown of 10 seconds. Team Like Jolt prepared themselves, and nodded to one another. "Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One!" announced Bonfire. All the teams rushed out at the same time.

Red and the rest of the group ran to the biggest tree. "Surely they put one here, right? Who's going to climb it?"asked Red. Pyro responded as he started to climb "I can! Yell if you need any assistance!" "I'll follow him, just in case." Trace mumbled, following Pyro. That leaves Red and Silvia alone. "So, what do you think is in the chest Red?" Silvia asked. Red answered smugly "A prize" Silvia softly punched his shoulder. Then they heard a scream from up above. A few moments later, Trace fell on top of Red. "Oops, sorry Red, I'm going to climb again, don't worr-." Trace was about to continue climbing when they heard a very loud "WOOOOHOOOOO!" Red was getting up when Pyro fell on top of him. Red let out a weak "oof..." before getting up. "Sorry Red for using you as a cushion." Pyro quickly apologized. Red said it's fine before asking "Did you find anything Pyro?" "Oh yeah! I found this!" he quickly pulled out a cube from his fluff. "Good stuff, now, put it back before anybody else sees it. Trace go back to the Magym and see how many things it needs." Red commanded. Trace nodded and ran back. The trio started to search bushes and stuff near the area while they waited for Trace comes back. They heard exhausted huffs and puffs from Trace. He said that it had 4 holes, and the others were in shapes of a pyramid, a ball and a diamond.

They decided to split into pairs, Red and Trace, and Pyro and Silvia. The former decided to find the preschoolers toys area, since for training, they come here and put their things in boxes. "Okay, so the cube as about a paws length and had a metal sheen, so let's assume that the rest are like that. So what's our play Leader?" Trace asked. Red rolled his eyes and answered "First of all, call me by my name, second, I check the boxes, you the storage room, is that clear?" "Yes Le- I mean Red!" Trace said while he ran to the storage room, leaving Red alone to check the boxes, or so he thought. He went box by box checking to see if he saw a pyramid, ball or diamond with a metal sheen. When he did find a pyramid that matched Trace's observations, he quickly said yesssss, before getting tackled by the side, dropping the object. His mysterious attacker was an Absol. Red got his footing straight and rushed to get the object, but got tackled again by the Absol. "Tsk tsk tsk, not yet shorty, you gotta face me first." the Absol mocked. Red called for Trace but he didn't come. "Don't worry, my friend has him all nice and tidy locked up, now, face me!" the Absol yelled. He rushed to tackle Red again, but a strange barrier protected him.

A familiar voice scolded the Absol. "Shade, when I explained the rules one week ago, I said no attacking other students, didn't I?" The figure was revealed to be Cactus. Shade struggled to come up with an excuse, but settled on "But he was originally a wild Pokemon, my mom said so! And my dad told me wilds are killers!" "SHADE!" Cactus yelled, which was surprising for both of them, since normally he never raised his voice. he never raised his voice. "The truce of Sunnytown was declared years ago! But you and you fu- racist father still believe their murderes! If you just stopped being like this, you would be in the same grade as Frost and your brother. I really had faith in you, you know, but after this little affair, I have you expelled!" Shade was dumbfounded, but regained composure and countered with "Expell me then! (Sorry for interrupting, but too convey this sentence I will need to use the fa- slur, if you are not comfortable with this, scroll down to the next paragraph, kay? You have been warned) My dad will beat you up faggot!"

Cactus was furious, froze Shade with a spell, and said to Red calmly "Come here real quick Red" Red walked slowly and whispered something to him. Reds eyes were extatic, and chanted "Thündér Bûršt!". This caused Reds hands to pulsate electricity, then Cactus helped aim them at the frozen Absol. "Now say 'rėleãśé'! Quickly now, the spells timer's running out!" the teacher told. Red nodded and said the encantation. The electricity shot out of his hands and onto Shade, leaving him completely paralyzed for a long time. "Now promise to not tell anyone Red about this whole... ordeal, alright? We don't want anymore problems." Cactus instructed. Red nodded but then asked "Can you help my friend? One of Shades teammates locked him up in the storage closet." "Of course" the Meowscarada replied. Red said his thank you and grabbed the pyramid.

With Pyro and Silvia, the two decided to look down to the school made mini mine. Pyro had a brooch that illuminated if you touched the button and they decided that that will be their light source. They quickly found the object but when they exited, they got ambushed by a Mankey and a Houndour. Silvia quickly head butted the Ekans and Pyro kicked the Ekans. Turns out, the ambushers were not so strong, so they got knocked out by just those hits. They quickly ran to the preschoolers area to arrive just in time to watch Red blast Shade. They waited until Red and Cactus finished talking to congratulate Red. "How'd you do that Red!?" Silvia asked before hugging him making him blush a bit, which prompted Pyro to giggle. Silvia let go and let Pyro talk "What happened to result in that?" "I can't really say, Mr. Cactus told me to not tell anyone." Red said before he saw Trace running out the corner of his eye.

After Trace told what happened to him, that was just a glorified 'I didn't get swayed to stay in the locker by a cute gal', he also mentioned that he got the ball shape. They quickly ran back to the Magym and put the shapes inside their sockets, but they popped out again. "Maybe we need to slot them in at the same time?" Trace reasoned. Red said that it couldn't hurt and counted down "Three! Two! One! Slot them in!". They did just that and it worked. When Red pushed the lid up and a buzzer beater played. The team celebrated and checked what was inside. It was vouchers for free sundaes of the best ice cream shop in town, and there were four of them. Bonfire congratulated and told them they could go now if they wanted. Pyro and Trace went outo do just that, but Red and Silvia decided to use them for the weekend.

Before going to sleep, Blue noticed that Red was unusually lost in thought. "So, whatcha thinking bout?" Blue said to Red. Red jumped up in shock. "Blue, you scared me half to death!" Red scolded lightly but told her it was nothing. Blue didn't what to say anything else, but she knew that he was thinking of someone special.

Love Zap, An ES AU volume one (SpeedxSilvia)Where stories live. Discover now