Emerald Gaze | Ominis Gaunt x...

By Stellar_Samwize

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After the events of the previous year. Y/n begins to develop unexpected feelings for his friend Ominis Gaunt... More

~ Authors Note ~


210 7 0
By Stellar_Samwize

"Ah, my favorite Hufflepuff has returned." Sebastian called out, standing up to greet me. Poppy elbowed him in the side and glared. "Ouch, you are my favorite too Poppy, don't you worry." He smirks at her. It was quite shocking seeing Sebastian, he was taller and his hair a bit longer. He was sporting a bit of facial hair that outlined his new sharp jawline as well, he was quite dashing. But his voice was most jarring, it was deep, no longer high pitched and riddled with cracks.

I giggle at their play. It was refreshing seeing Sebastian with his charming smile again. Our last meeting was when me and Ominis had decided whether or not to report him to the ministry. I of course couldn't but Sebastian still didn't show his smile, it was a rough time.

 "Hello Ominis, Y/n!" Poppy greeted us happily. Poppy hadn't changed much since I had last seen her about a week ago, but she sure had changed since fifth year. Her chest and body filled out, giving her a curvy silhouette. She grew her hair out, it was now down her collar bone, and she had bangs shadowing her eye brows. 

"Hello to you both." I smiled. 

"How does it feel to be back 'Hero of Hogwarts'?" Sebastian crossed his arms and leaned in towards me, awaiting my response.

I was hesitant to respond. I didn't think Sebastian would be the first to bring up my legacy as a hero. "Oh, It feels...um, something." I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"Goodness Y/n, are you nervous! You defeated Ranrok, being back to school shouldn't scare you this much." Sebastian unsurprisingly didn't catch onto my feelings and began rambling about how impressive it was that I had defeated Ranrok. I guess it was good, get it out of the way, so throughout the year I wouldn't have to deal with it. I felt a build up of magic in my stomach with each mention of the goblin, my anxiety triggering a violent response within me. I held back though. I've been here for only twenty minutes, no need for an outburst yet. Ominis put a hand on my back, rubbing gently, a shiver ran down my spine. I wonder if he knew what I was feeling, he had always been good with interpreting how people felt. The build up in my core dissipated upon his touch. 

Ominis cut off Sebastian, tired of hearing him speak, "I think dinner is going to start soon, we should head in."

"Yes, I want to get a good spot to watch the sorting." Poppy added.

Sebastian looked offended at his friend for stopping him. Ominis shot him a stern look, and Sebastian blushed, once again crossing his arms, this time defensively. 

We headed into the great hall. I take a long look around, taking a moment to absorb everything. The ceiling was enchanted to appear like the night sky, floating candles populated the magical sky, looking like stars. Floating loosely above the head each house table were banners depicting the mascots corresponding to the house. A dark green tapestry with a large silver snake slithering upon it was above the Slytherin table. A royal blue banner with a large brown eagle with its wings spread, looking as if it was mid flight for Ravenclaw. A maroon red one with a golden lion on its hind legs, roaring, showing its dominance was above the Gryffindor table. And lastly, a sunflower yellow banner with a black badger for my own house, Hufflepuff.

The hall was bustling with students and staff. Headmaster Black stood behind the podium in the front of the room, he looked to be yelling at his house-elf Scrope. I was not looking forward to any meetings with headmaster Black, he was very rude. Seeing Scrope reminded me of the house-elf that took board in the room of requirement, I hadn't thought of him at all in my time away, I wonder how he was.

Poppy grabbed my arm and ushered me towards the Hufflepuff table, while Sebastian guided Ominis to the Slytherin table. I waved to the boys, but they were already caught up in the swell of people.

Poppy and I sat next to each other, sandwiched between two Hufflepuff boys. They weren't wearing their school uniforms, but rather quidditch uniforms. I was glad they didn't smell from playing but the abundance of padding and layers rubbing against me was quite annoying.

I leaned over to Poppy, "Hey Pop's, why are they wearing quidditch uniforms?" I gesture towards the boys.

Poppy looks at them, examining their outfits, "I think I heard something about tryouts over the summer, they must have carried over to today." She shrugs, not confident in her analysis.

"So quidditch is back a Hogwarts? I've only ever watched professional quidditch, is student quidditch the same?" I rest my head in my hands, leaning against the table in front of me.

"Well, it's much more competitive I believe. Students go mental over a loss in their house, while the students who win throw parties and such to celebrate. Hufflepuff barely wins so I suggest making some Gryffindor friends so you can go to one of their parties." Poppy giggled.

I hadn't attended a match in such a long time, large crowds aren't something I can handle much anymore. The current crowding of the great hall was getting to me a bit, but having Poppy next to me helped. I told mother Poppy was helpful, why can't she just trust me.

Poppy pulled out a leather bound book from her robes. "Want to see my sketches from over the summer? When I wasn't with you I traveled, a lot, saw loads of creatures."

I wondered why she hadn't shown me during our last meeting, but that didn't matter now, "I would love to see them Pop's." Pop's was a nickname I had given Poppy.

She undid the knotted leather strip that held the book closed and peeled back the cover. The first page had "The Creature Guide of Poppy Sweeting' written in calligraphy. Bellow the title was a small drawing of a demiguise. I hated demiguise, those bastards were so annoying to collect. I will never forgive mr Moon.

Poppy flipped through the pages, making sure to give me a good look at each entry. She stopped at a page depicting a beautifully drawn and colored Occamy. Each scale and feather individually drawn.

"This is amazing Pop's, I didn't know you could draw this well. I love the details." I pointed to the beak of the drawing, "The highlighting is amazing."

Poppy beamed at my compliments, her cheeks red. "Thank you Y/n, it's my favorite entry. Occamy are such beautiful creatures, so powerful, graceful. I ran across one during my time in India."

My smile faded a bit. I hadn't know Poppy went to India, I didn't know of her affinity for art. I barely knew her anymore, so much time away has left me on the outskirts of her life.

I thought back to when I first saw Ominis again, I didn't even recognize him, he was a stranger. I didn't realize how far apart my friends and I had drifted. I wanted so bad to know every thing that has happened in their lives, their hobbies, their interests, their passions. I shook off the thought, I wanted to know more about Poppy, her travels.

"Where else did you go Pop's?" Before she could answer headmaster Blacks voice echoed through the hall.

"Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts!" His voice wavered as he spoke, headmaster Black had never been good at public speaking so this was expected. Never the less, it was very funny.

Students clapped at the announcement. I held my hands over my ears, blocking the noise. As I said, crowds make me anxious, loud noises do as well. After my fight with Ranrok, any sudden or loud sounds brought me back to the rocks crashing next to me, or a barrel exploding. The boys around us were quite rowdy, their cheering hit me like a brick. The overlapping claps made my mind scramble, the yells piercing through the barrier my hands created. I'm okay, everything is alright. I repeated those words till the applause ceased.

I took a breath as everyone sat back down and headmaster Black continued his speech. It was nothing I hadn't heard before, announcements, changes, a pep talk. Finally he introduced the new students. A large group of first years filtered into the hall.

One by one each eleven year old was sorted into their houses:






With every child sorted my mind wandered farther and farther. I didn't think about anything in specific, just daydreaming about tarts and tea with a good book. It wasn't that the sorting wasn't exciting, getting sorted is a wonderful thing to experience, but having to wait all night on an empty stomach for some kids to get a personality test was brain rotting. Every time we gained a Hufflepuff the quidditch boys would make an ear splitting whistle sound in triumph.

I was shaken from my thought by headmaster Blacks yelling, "Now that the sorting is done, we may eat." The moment the word 'eat' left his lips each table erupted with food.

In front of me a golden plate appeared, followed by a goblet filled with a red drink and matching set of utensils. A large ham sat just beyond the plate, it looked to be glazed with a shiny substance. I give it a quick smell: honey. Next to that was a neatly stacked pile of steamy bread rolls. Green beans, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, and many other delicious foods lined the tables.

The yellow and green table runner that covered the table was splattered with food from every one rushing to devour their meals. I couldn't blame them for acting so desperate for food, my stomach was grumbling with hunger. I reach out to slice a piece of ham for myself when the boy next to me swat my hand away. 

It was like a switch was flipped in my brain the instant the sting hit. It was as if a fire had been set in my core. My body tingled with rage, it felt as if pins and needles were stuck into every inch of my skin. I wanted to hold back but it was difficult. I grip the wooden bench I sat on, my nails bent, failing to dent the dense wood. I cringe at the feeling, my body irking at the feeling. I shook my head forcing down my anger. I knew I shouldn't do that, repress my feelings but I couldn't just let lose the inner most anger I felt because a boy swatted my hand. Beads of sweat ran down my forehead, it took a lot of effort to suppress my magic.

"Are you alright, Y/n." Poppy's hand met mine.

I turn to her, tears swelling my in eyes, "I am alright Pop's, just need a moment." I threw my legs over to the open side of the bench and stood up. Poppy gave me a worried look, still holding my hand, "Poppy, I am alright." I gave a convincing smile and she released me.

I reached for the door that led out of the great hall but was stopped by professor Weasley.

"Where are you headed off to, Mister Y/ln?" Like everyone else, I hadn't seen professor Weasley in almost two years. She was relatively the same, the roots of her hair were a silver gray, and a few new wrinkles popped up, but other than that she was the same, stern, intimidating woman she always was.

"I was on my way to the hospital wing, to see madame Blainey. I didn't mean to attract any attention, professor." My hands interlocked behind my back.

Weasleys brows raised in realization, "Oh, yes of course, get along now. If any one gives you trouble for being out tell them I sent you." I nodded as she shooed me off.

The doors closed. Quiet. I couldn't hear a single thing that happened behind those doors and it was wonderful.

I walked through the empty halls, admiring the architecture of the spandrels and the carved stone columns. The flickering light from the flames that lit the sconces on walls were calming. The quiet clicking of my boots on the floor was the only noise I heard. I lived for moments like these, getting to take in everything at my own pace, examining every insignificant detail.

I found my way to the hospital wing. It was empty except for a  young woman.  Her hair messily laid on her shoulder, it was a dull brown color. Covering it was a nurses cap, was that madam Blainey? She was scribbling something down onto a piece of parchment, most likely last minute reports.

I knocked on the door to alert her of my presence, her gaze flicked to me, "Y/n, I am not supposed to see you till Friday, is something the matter?"

I stepped through the threshold of the room, "Sorry madame Blainey, I just wasn't feeling well during dinner."

She scoffed, "Dear boy, you mustn't call me 'madame Blainey' its terribly formal, and if we are going to see each other so much this year I'd rather you call me 'Noreen'."

"Oh, alright Miss Noreen." I blushed. "I was wondering if you had anything to calm me down a bit?"

Noreen opened a drawer in her desk. She searched for a moment before pulling out a small vile of blue liquid. It sloshed around in the bottle as she showed it to me. "This is calming draught. Take a sip whenever you are feeling a little over the top." I walk over to grab the vile but she snatches it away last second, "You cannot rely on this Y/ln. This must only be taken when you are completely unable to control your actions. Do not take this whenever an inkling of anxiety brews. Understood?"

I nod, "Yes ma'am." I grab the potion and slide it into my pocket. "Thank you, Miss Noreen." Her nose was already back in her work, she hummed a 'mhm' as I left.

I stood face to face with the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room trying to remember the damned password. It had been so long that I had forgotten the most basic things.

I decided to try something.

"Hel-Ga-Huffle-Puff" I said along with my knuckles as they hit hollow barrels in the same rhythm. To my surprise the entrance swung open revealing the common room. "Damn." I muttered under my breath in shock that it worked.

I step into the plant filled room, smelling of fresh flowers and firewood. Vines scaled the walls, twisting and turning around the arches below the upper ledge. Blue moon light beamed through the skylight window, clashing with the red flames in the fireplace causing a sort of purple tinted lighting.

An intricate woven rug sat in the middle of the room, spanning the entire space. Couches and chairs were spread around, giving many seating options. I ducked quickly as a watering can whipped by my face, just barely missing me. I hated those thing, every time I stepped into the common room I swear they came at me.

I ignored my near death experience and entered the boys dorm.

"Oh bed, how I miss you." I fall dramatically on my bed. The blanket covering it fluffed and fell around me. I looked up to the ceiling but it was blocked by a canopy sheet.

I get out of my robes and practically rip off my tie, throwing both to the floor. I kick off my shoes, undo my belt, and those as well get discarded to the floor. I dive under the covers with a huff.

"Alright, two-hundred more days to go." I shuffle to kept comfy, adjusting my pillow for maximum fluffy-ness. I close my eyes, "I'll be okay." I softly spoke into the empty room as I drifted to sleep.

A/N ~ I really liked writing this chapter, descriptions are freaking fun. Hope you dudes like it, and have a great day! xx

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