The Stranger That Changed My...

By IGOT7_Elf

13.5K 427 90

Ever Since HyukJae Mother died , his father changed . He became abusive , he always came home drunk at night... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

1.3K 52 11
By IGOT7_Elf

I won't be warning you if there is any smut , it will just happen xD but to those innocent readers . Once you know there will be a smut scene . Just skip through it until you stop seeing those sexual speaking words xD . But I'll just warn you guys for this chapter will have light smut at ending .


"Work for you?" HyukJae exclaimed again even though they were on their way to the older man's place at the moment. "How?" he asked again.

DongHae rolled his eyes while driving. "I already told you. You can be a worker around my house and live there. I'll pay you and everything is covered." he said turning the corner on the street. "It's not that hard of a concept."

"But..." HyukJae was about to protest again when the car stopped.

"We're here." DongHae said and unbuckled his seatbelt. "Are you coming or not?"

HyukJae removed his seat belt and hopped out of the car. "When do I start?" he asked.

"Today." DongHae smiled and opened the door. "But you can just take it easy today to get yourself organized at my place first. I'll still pay you for today." he replied as he took off his jacket and hung it on the hanger next to the door.

HyukJae took off his jacket and hung it too. "What about my clothes?"

"It's fine. I have a tonne of clothes that I haven't worn before so you can have them." he smiled.

"Are you sure this is okay?" the younger boy protested again. "This is so sudden. I can't trouble you like this."

"I already said that it is okay. As long as you're fine with it then it's fine with me."

HyukJae nodded. "Oh..."

"What would you like to eat?" DongHae asked. "I can make us some pasta or pizza and other stuff."

HyukJae took a seat on the couch smirked. "Shouldn't I be the one to do all that if I'm your maid?" he teased.

DongHae walked over and ruffled his hair. "Very funny. I told you to take it easy today. Now tell me what you want to eat. You can come help me if that'll make you feel better."

"Pasta sounds good and sure!" HyukJae hopped off the couch and followed DongHae into the kitchen.


"Oh my God." HyukJae wiped his watering eyes. "These onions are stinging my eyes." he wiped away his tears. However, instead of wiping away his tears his wiped onion juice into his eyes that stung him like crazy, making him scream in pain.

DongHae washed off his hands and reached for a papertowel that he ran under cold water. He took the young boy's face in his hands and starting wiping away the juice. "You're so clumsy." he joked.

"Thanks." he blinked a couple of times until the stinging sensation left both his eyes. "I'm good in the kitchen but I make a mess."

"I can tell." DongHae laughed as he threw out the used towel. "Earlier you even spilled all the cheese on the floor." he laughed.

"That wasn't my fault!" HyukJae blushed.

"Oh really?" DongHae asked. "What excuse do you have? My kitchen is too small? We're crowding each other? No? I thought so." he chuckled.

It was true DongHae's kitchen was neither small nor crowding. They both had a lot of space between them while they worked and the kitchen space was the biggest he's ever been in. It's probably even bigger than the one in the cafe. So the older man as right. There was no excuse.

"Okay, I am clumsy." the younger boy pouted as he poured the finished pasta in the bigger bowl, being careful not to spill anything again. He grated some cheese over the sauce covering the pasta and added some parsley.

"It's okay." DongHae wiped his hands and started moving the food to the dinner table. "It's cute."

HyukJae nearly dropped the whole pasta bowl but was saved when DongHae stretched out a hand to catch it.

" don't want to make this over again, now do we " DongHae said , teasing the younger boy and placed the bowl back on the table . HyukJae just blushed , looking at the opposite direction from the elders face , trying to hide the light pink shade that was on his face. DongHae just chuckled at the boys reaction .

" should we eat now? " The elder asked, setting the plates and utensils on the table . HyukJae quickly nodded, taking a seat at the table. DongHae took the seat beside HyukJae and they both began to eat there dinner. The whole time they were eating, they were eating in silence. The boy was to shy to make a conversation from what happen before. He couldn't believe the elder was willing to let someone like him work for him. Even to let him live in his house. He didn't know anything about the boy or what he was going through but he still let the boy stay . Why is he being so nice to me?- HyukJae thought to himself .

" HyukJae " DongHae called the younger boys name, HyukJae turned his head in response to look at the elder but his eyes widen noticing how close both their faces were. HyukJae face turn a light shade of pink. The boy's body started to tense when The elder started to bring his face closer to his own .

" W-What are you doing?" HyukJae said , stuttering . The elder didn't respond but continued to bring his face closer. The boy closed his eyes thinking DongHae was going to kiss him but he didn't feel another pair of lips touched . What he did feel was a thumb rub against his lips. He quickly opened his eyes.

" you had sauce on your lips " DongHae said while he was sucking the sauce of his thumb that he used to wipe The boys lips. HyukJae quickly put his head down in embarrassment. He thought that was the most embarrassing thing he have ever done . He knew the elder wouldn't kiss him but he still closed his eyes , why? . HyukJae quickly stood up from his chair, which cause the elder to look at him in surprise .

" I-I'm going to take a shower now" HyukJae said quickly , heading to the bathroom after .

" W-Wait HyukJae!- " DongHae didn't get a chance to say anything else . The boy was already in the bathroom and had locked the door once he entered . The elder sighed wondering what he did wrong to cause the boy to act like that .

Once HyukJae entered the bathroom . He placed the toilet seat down and sat down on his . He placed his hand on his head and began do ruffle of his hair from stress.

"Damn it." he cursed under his breath while quickly whipping off his shirt. "I thought he was really going to kiss me. That jerk." he threw the shirt into the laundry basket and started to undo his pants. "He even had the nerve to bring his face so close to mine to." he threw his pants and boxers even hard into the basket causing it to almost tip over.

He stepped into the shower and turned on the water, flinching from the initial cols water that hit his skin. As the water slowly started to warm up, he poured some body wash in a loofah and started to scrub himself down. Since the day was so jam packed, he didn't notice how sweaty and sticky he really was. With each time the water rinsed away the soap, he felt such a sense of comfort that he sighed each time. The bathroom started to fill with a scent of lavender as he washed from head to toe and taking his time to let the warm water run down his body.

If only he could stay in there forever and enjoy the warmth that loosened his tensed up muscle but he didn't want to look like a prune. He shut off the water and stepped out of the shower.

He grabbed a nearby towel and dried himself off quickly before changing into the clean PJ's he had grabbed before entering the washroom. They were a tad too big but good enough to be comfortable. The warm material hugged his body as he realized the previous person who wore this.

The thought made him blush again.

HyukJae opened the door and came out of the bathroom to fin DongHae cleaning everything up.

"you can leave the dishes for the morning." he began. "I can clean them up."

"No, it's okay. I'm done them anyways." DongHae smiled as he placed the last dish on the rack to drain. "I'm used to doing them."

HyukJae went over to the couch in the livingroom and sat down the relax. Finally being able to sit down in warm PJ's made him feel so good that he was almost falling asleep.

"What are you doing over there?" HyukJae asked when he heard the fridge opening and the sound of glass bottles.

DongHae made his way over to HyukJae and sat a bottle of beer in front of the younger boy before opening his own.

HyukJae looked at him confused.

"Never drank before?" DongHae asked before taking a sip of his own.

"No. I never tried it." he stared at the bottle. Was he expected to drink that whole thing?

"Oh...don't feel pressured if you don't want to drink. I only assumed because most kids do it nowadays." he said about to take the bottle back.

HyukJae stopped him and took the bottle off the table. "No, its okay. I'll drink it. I've always wanted to but just never had the chance." he laughed.

"Are you sure?" DongHae asked again to make sure.

HyukJae opened the bottle "Yeah. It's fine." he took one big gulp and choked frantically.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?!" DongHae set his drink down and rubbed HyukJae's back. "Don't force yourself."

"I'm fine." HyukJae said as he felt a bit dizzy. He wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or the fact he was coughing so hard. His throat was starting to feel irritated from the coughing so he took another drink except smaller one this time.

"Maybe I'll get you some water." DongHae said about to get up.

"Now it's fine!" HyukJae giggled loudly. "Don't worry your pretty face off about me!" he laid on the couch this time, making the older man a bit uneasy.

"I'll get you some water anyways." DongHae got up and walked to the kitchen.

"I hate it when you leave but I looooove watching you go!" HyukJae called out. "Because you have a fine behind."

DongHae's cheeks started to heat up while he poured water into a glass for HyukJae. "That's just the alcohol talking." he said under his breath.

After he poured water into the glass , he handed the glass cup to the younger boy and watched how the blond gulped the whole water down .

" I'll be right back , I'll go get a notebook and pen so I can tell you about your schedule for everyday " The elder said . The boy just nodded his head in response and rested his arms on the table and placed his head on his down , letting it rest on his arms.

DongHae chuckled and headed towards his bedroom. Once he entered his room he started to search around to look for a notebook . He found his bed on his coffee table and found his notebook on his dresser . He left his room and started to head back to the kitchen so he could explain everything to the boy .

Once he turned the corner of the hallway the lead to the kitchen he saw the blond peacefully sleeping on the table . The elder just chuckled and shook his head .

" note to self , don't let the younger boy drink again " DongHae mumbled to himself , walking towards the boy . He placed the pen inside notebook and placed it on the table . The elder slowly wrapped his arms around the younger boy , lifting him up and carrying him bridal style.

DongHae carried the boy towards the bedroom.

" mmmmm" The younger boy mumbled , making the elder stop moving . The elder looked down and seen the boy moving his face into his chest . He smiled and He used his foot to opened the door to his bedroom.

After making his way to the bed , he placed the blond on the bed and took the blankets , covering the younger boy .

Once the elder made his way back to the kitchen , he sat down at the table, took the notebook and pen and started to write the schedule for the younger boy for tomorrow .

An hour later after writing the schedule and cleaning the kitchen, he started to here mumbling coming from his bedroom .

" Stop , please stop " The elder heard the younger boy say . Maybe he is having a nightmare? - DongHae thought to himself. He quickly made his way to his bedroom .

He quickly ran to the bed looking at the boys face, seeing that tears were escaping his eyes and sliding down his face, making the elder look at him In surprise.

"What's the matter?!" DongHae frantically asked as he grasped the young boy's shoulders and shook him, trying to wake him up from the nightmare he was having.

"No...stop!" HyukJae yelled, still dreaming. He tossed and turned as his face started to bead in sweat. He grimaced and his eyes snapped open.

"Ah..." HyukJae panted while more tears streamed down his face. He looked over at the older man standing above him with concerned eyes.

"D-DongHae?" he panted.

"Are you okay?!" he asked the younger boy with panic. He was starting to worry that he might have been suffocating in his sleep. He brushed the sweat from HyukJae's forehead.

Suddenly HyukJae collapsed into the older man and held him tight as he tried not to shake from the fear he felt from the nightmare. His heart raced as his body was trying to calm itself down and failing.

DongHae held him tight and rubebd HyukJae's shaking back. "It's okay. I'm here." he whispered quietly to sooth him. Slowly, HyukJae started to quiet down and his shaking also stopped as well. HyukJae peaked up with tear stained eyes and looked at DongHae. The older man brushed a thumb under his eyes to wipe away any remaining tears.

"Do you feel a little better now?" he asked.

Without thinking, HyukJae started to inch closer to DongHae's face. "Yeah, I do." he replied feeling a warm sensation creep up on his cheeks.

DongHae blushed as he felt himself subconsciously inch closer to HyukJae's face too. "That good."

The two closed the distance between them as their lips touched, immediately sending a spark flying through both of their bodies. HyukJae couldn't even think properly since the only thing running through his head at the moment was wanting to be as close to DongHae as possible. Was it possible? Was it possible that he could be even closer than he already was with the older man? Before he knew it, his question was answered when DongHae's tongue was begging for entrance into the young boy's mouth by constantly rubbing against his lips and brushing against his teeth. The feeling increased HyukJae's excitement levels, making the boy immediately open his mouth and pulling DongHae on top of him.

"Ah..." he moaned as he felt DongHae's tongue explore the insides of his mouth, rubbing and brushing against every inch of his pallet and battling his own tongue for dominance. The very act turn him on so much that he couldn't help but grind his hips upwards towards DongHae's crotch.

DongHae pinned HyukJae's arms down and made his way down his neck, leaving bruises to mark his territory. He could feel the younger boy's arousal poking through his pants and grinding on his own. If he didn't stop doing that then he won't be able to hold himself back. Not that either of them was holding back anyways.

DongHae sucked on the skin of his neck and his voice hitched. The nightmare he just had cam flooding into his thoughts and plagued his heart again. His heart started racing and his breathing quicken, making him sweat again. The room was getting hot and dark. So hot and dark that he was beginning to have problems breathing and ended up pushing DongHae off of him. The older man rolled over and looked questionably at HyukJae only to find the younger boy curled up and shaking again.


"Stop!" he yelled with tearful eyes. "Don't come over!" he sobbed.

DongHae looked at the shaking boy sadly and patted his head. Just what the hell happened?


"How's breakfast?" DongHae asked sitting down across from HyukJae.

HyukJae finished the last bit of pancake and smiled. "It's good!" he said as he downed the glass of juice. "Thanks for the meal!"

DongHae nodded. "No problem." he smiled despite feeling saddened by last night's incident. The younger boy was acting like nothing had happened. After he had cried himself to sleep, DongHae stayed in his room and when morning hit HyukJae was still asleep. Maybe he'll refrain from asking him anything in case he didn't want to talk about it.

HyukJae started to take the plates to the sink. "Are you going to let me know my schedule for the week?" he asked while placing the plates and cups into the sink and turning on the facet.

DongHae snapped back from his thoughts. "Ah yeah." he took a piece of paper from his pant pocket and looked it over. "The morning will mainly consist of laundry and washing dishes and whatnot. Then you get a break at 11:00 before you start lunch. You get another break after lunch and then it's cleaning up around the place before you prepare for dinner. Does that sound okay?" he asked, feeling a bit of guilt tug at him for already bossing the younger boy around when he wasn't even sure if he was alright. Perhaps he'll wait until HyukJae was ready to talk to him.

"Sounds good." HyukJae said from the sink. DongHae could hear the water running as he rinsed off all the soap. It was strange that they only meet a short while ago and now he has HyukJae standing in his kitchen doing his dishes.

What a weird and fucked up world.

Then again, maybe in a perfect world, they wouldn't even have met.

" I'm going to go to work now , I'll be back around 8:00pm " The elder said as he started to make his way out of the kitchen, making the younger boy quickly turn around

" alright! , I'll see you then" the younger boy yelled , waving good bye to the elder

After washing the dishes , HyukJae decided to get the laundry started. He headed to the elders room seeing a stack of clothes in a basket near the wall with a sticky note on the basket saying " laundry " . The boy chuckled before picking up the basket and heading towards the basement .

After starting the wash he decided to start cleaning the house , starting with the bathroom then the living room. Once he finished that which took him about a hour to do . He went back down to the basement and placed the wet laundry into the dryer .

The younger didn't bother making lunch since he wasn't hungry and he knew the elder was coming back late at night so he will make dinner once he finishes the other chores .

The younger started to clean the kitchen and the hallways and soon he was already finished cleaning the elders bedroom .

The younger looked at the time noticing that it was already almost 5:00pm

" wow , it seemed like time was going by so slow since I was cleaning but I guess it went by pretty fast " the younger boy mumbled to himself .

" oh well , I better get the laundry out of the dryer and start cooking dinner " HyukJae continued , heading back down to the basement .

Once he got the dry, clean clothes , he placed it in the basket and made his way back to the elders room.

He sorted the elders clothes and placed them nicely, putting the elders casual clothes in the dresser and his formal suits in the closet.

Once done , he made his way to the kitchen and started to make dinner for the elder when he gets back to work. The younger choose to the make the basic dinner he knows , ramen , adding meat and other ingredients inside .

When he finished he wrapped the top of the bowl , placed a sticky note on it saying " here is your dinner " and placed it on the counter , hoping that it doesn't go bad .

The younger made his way into the living room and laid on the couch. He lifted up his head lightly to stare at the clock on the wall . It was already pass 5:30 . He laid his head back down on the couch .

" maybe I should take a nap ? There is only two hours left until he gets home , I'm sure he won't mind " HyukJae mumbled to himself , closing his eyes and before he knew it , he fell asleep.

The elder was unlocking the door to his house and once unlocked , he entered the door , closing it behind him , noticing it was slightly dark in the house , he made sure to close the door slowly and quietly with a soft " click " sound .

First he made his way to the kitchen , turning on the light , first seeing the bowl on the counter he walked up to it and grabbed onto the sticky note

" here is your dinner " The elder mumbled to himself , chuckling after , seeing what the younger cooked him .

The elder then made his way to the living room , seeing the younger boy sleeping on the couch DongHae crouched down so his face was levelled with the blond .

He notice the blond was sweating and a tear was going down his face .

He remembered what happened yesterday night when the blond pushed him away. He started to think why the younger boy was acting like that . Okay so he hated how I touched him - the elder thought to himself . Remembering how KyuHyun was helping him hide from his father .

" come on donghae , your not at that old to be stupid yet " The elder mumbled to himself quietly .

" so he doesn't want to be by his father , he had ripped clothes that time , he hated how I touched him ...... He also never mention about his mother .....and he has so many scars , cute and bruises all over is back , legs and body" Donghae started to mumble to himself .

Donghae eyes widen knowing something . Was his father abusing him ? Or has the younger boy been raped ? .

The elder boy frowned while looking at the younger boy .

" you must of been through so much " DongHae whispered , while he moved a strand of hair away from the younger boys face and then started to bring is face closer to Hyukjae's face.

He closed the large gap between the both of them and placed his lips on the blond lips .

That action cause the younger to wake up and push the elder back .

HyukJae stared at Dongahae in shock . Donghae went to kiss the younger boy again but the boy backed away .

" I-I can't , I'm sorry " The younger boy said in a panic and was about to stand up from the couch but donghae pulled him back on the couch and got on top of the boy .

HyukJae was about to speak but donghae placed his finger over the boys lips , stopping the younger boy from saying anything .

" shhh .... What ever those bad , horrible memories are . Ill make you forget about them ..... I'll make those horrible memories .... Become good ones " The elder said bringing his face closer to the younger boys face . The younger just stared at him in surprise , his body stiffen from how close the elder face was .

Once the brunette lips were almost a centimetre away from the younger boy's plump lips , The elder stopped .

The blond could feel donghae's breath on his lips . The elder smiled and parted his lips to speak .

" do you trust me ? "
That's the ending of this chapter !
Hope you guys liked it ^^

It may take awhile to publish the next chapter since I'm trying to make ideas for chapters that will be at least over 4K so I hope you guys don't mind waiting xD .

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