Disgrace - George Weasley

By runninglike-water

149K 3.4K 704

-"You're a disgrace to this family." -"You... More

Part 1- Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part 2- Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part 3- Goblet of Fire
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part 3- Order of Phoenix
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Part 5- The Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Part 6- The Deathly Hallows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Dorothy Bellatrix Malfoy/Black

Chapter 1

1.7K 39 3
By runninglike-water

Dorothy lies on her back as she stares at the ceiling, a muggle record plays sits besides her playing a musician called Elton John. Since arriving at Grimmauld place in London she has been going out to experience the muggle world.

Book shops, record shops, cafes. Tonks has helped her learn the currency and her way around bur after the first week, she was able to leave the place herself.

She's managed to learn the records off by heart; she only has four in total, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and Rock of the Westie's by Elton John, The Game by Queen and finally Blue Hawaii by Elvis Presley.

She has also been into muggle movies, she's seen a few before, the Star Wars ones but her new favourite is Dirty Dancing.

Ginny smiles as she hears the record playing and lies on her bed across from Dorothy's. "How long do you reckon we'll be here?" She asks.

Dorothy shrugs, "Not sure, you trying out for the Quidditch team this year?"

Ginny shrugs in response making her sigh, "Dottie?"


"What's going on with you and George?"

Dorothy raises a brow and looks over at the red head, "Nothing, why? Did Ron say something again?"

Ginny quickly shakes her head to deny it, "No, Ron didn't say anything, it's just. You're both so blind."

"Thank you."

"I'm just saying, if you both paid a little more attention, you'd realise you're in love with each other."

Dorothy chokes on air as she sits up, "Ginny, love is a very strong word. And I love every single person in this house, except Kreathur, he creeps me out, but I'm not in love with anyone."

Ginny rolls her eyes and turns over to switch off the record, "Whatever you say. Goodnight, Dottie. And don't forget you said you'd take me to that café."

"Goodnight, Ginny and I remember."

Dorothy continues to lay and stare at the ceiling until finally she couldn't take the soft tap of the rain against her window. Although it is June, and her birthday in a few days, the sun is yet to come out making it a miserable week.

But, Dorothy didn't mind, she wasn't really one for birthdays and enjoyed just receiving a knitted hat or jumper from Molly.

Since she's not of age for another couple days she walks down the sitars and pulls on her yellow rain coat before going outside.

She sits on the front steps of the house, her hood pulled up over her eyes as she stares into the starry sky. She wonders what her brother is doing right now, or her father and mother. She wonders what she would be doing if she was with them right now.

Would she be curled up by the fire in the manor reading? Training for Quidditch? Preparing for the ball they used to have in June since the siblings birthdays were so close together?

A zapping sound makes her jump as George appears behind her, he chuckles and sits beside her, transfiguring a leaf into a large umbrella for the pair.

"George," She scolds, "You can't use magic out in the open like that."

He shrugs and pulls her a little closer, "It's your birthday in six days."

"I'm aware."

"The big one-seven." The pair sit in silence for a while, watching the rain drop in front of them as it hits the puddles in the roads.

"Tea?" He asks.

She nods muttering out a small, "Please."

"Okay, but you better be back in soon, I don't want you getting a cold for your birthday." She nods, silently wishing he was still sat beside her for warmth when she hears the door close behind her.

This had become a new tradition over the last couple of weeks. If one couldn't sleep they'd sit together drinking a cup of tea until they both finally fell asleep. They did this in Hogwarts too. When George had off days, he and Dorothy would sit in the common room, he'd make them tea and she'd read to him until they both fell asleep.

After getting lost in her memories for a few minutes she gets up and walks in slipping off her rain coat and wellies and sitting in front of the fire.

George places a cup in front of her and she smiles up at him as she curls up on the sofa and he sits beside her.



"Do you ever wonder what if?"

He looks over at her and brings his cup to his lips taking a long sip, "What do you mean?"

She sighs, taking a gulp of her own tea, "You know, what if I wasn't put into Gryffindor and was a Slytherin? What if we never met? What would our lives be like? We'd probably have never talked again if we were in different houses."

"Then I'd say we're pretty lucky we did meet, and we're pretty lucky you were put into Gryffindor."

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