Not As It Seems (Wally Darlin...

By Kyoko_Hirai

9.4K 331 311

Where a naive fairy thinks that leaving her home was the best decision she could've ever taken. Only to find... More

•Chapter One•
•Chapter Three•
•Chapter Four•
•Chapter Five•
•Chapter Six•
•Chapter Seven•
•Chapter Eight•
•Chapter Nine•
•Chapter Ten•
•Chapter Eleven•

•Chapter Two•

916 32 18
By Kyoko_Hirai



As Hunter and (Y/N) followed after Wren, the fairy girl let her mind wonder on all the possibilities what this meeting would be about. Their parents never made all of them reunite to talk unless it was something very important.

(Y/N) had no doubt that the missing presence of her older sister had to do with everything.

Once they entered the house again and made it to the living room, the first thing the three teens saw was their angered mother and a way too calm father. "Uh, what's going on?" Hunter was the first to ask. Also, he still had his sister's plate of breakfast. Which she wanted back.

"That's what we would like to ask you three." Their mother replied back, her tone dripping with a tint of anger. She was holding herself back to not yell at their children. Mist wanted to have some sort of doubt that they didn't know anything, but she just had this feeling that one of them did know.

"I don't understand..." Wren said next as he fiddled with his fingers in anxiety. You see, Wren was a good child, it was very rare for him to get scolded. So every time their parents raised their voices at them, Wren would become a nervous wreck on the inside.

"Where is Silver?" Their mom finally asked. That's the question (Y/N) wanted to hear from the start. There was no reason to beat around the bush. "Silvie? Isn't she getting food?" Hunter replied with a questioning look.

"It was your father's turn today, not hers. She didn't go get food so where is she?" Mist started growing impatient as her worry began to grow for their first born. She wanted to think positively but in situations like these, she could only let her mind wonder for the worst.

"I don't know." Hunter replied once more as he scratched the back of his head. He knew their mother was growing angry by the second but he genuinely didn't know. Wren was confused as well. "Me neither.." He replied after his older sibling.

"Don't you two lie to me. This is really serious!" Mist began arguing with the two boys as (Y/N) stayed quiet the whole time. Not once did she make eye contact with her parents. Though she noticed one thing.

Her father was awfully quiet.

She had been looking down to the floorboards the whole time when she finally decided to look up. While her mother was still in an argument with her other siblings, she was surprised to see that her father had his eyes stuck on her only.

'Why is he looking at me like that?'

She pondered. His gaze did not waver, not even for a second. (Y/N) knew he was suspicious of her. But, she didn't do anything to make herself look suspicious nor did she say anything about Silver. Maybe that was it.

Maybe her silence was enough answer for their father. He already knew something was up once he saw his three children arriving to the house.

Especially with (Y/N).

Oak would give it to her, she was really good at masking her true feelings but he was always good at reading everybody. That's why every time he knew one of his kids was lying or hiding something, he would just stay silent and stare at them dead in the eyes. If they weren't guilty of anything, there was no reason to avoid his eyes.

Oak and (Y/N) had a little staring contest that the other family members didn't notice. The fairy girl tried not to divert her gaze from her father but the more she looked at him the more guilty she felt. As much as she herself wanted to go out of the forest, she still knew it was against the rules.

Yet, she didn't want to rat her sister out.

'But what if she needs help?'

(Y/N)'s eyes traveled down to where her father's missing wing was, before turning back to look down at the floor. She couldn't keep looking any longer. The guilt was eating her up.

And that was enough answer for Oak.

"Everyone, let's go. We have to find Silverrose." Mist, who was pulling Hunter's ear as she tried to make him confess, turned to look at her husband with a questioning look. "What? All of us? It's dangerous!" She quickly denied.

"I know, but no one is leaving the forest. We're only looking for her inside the area. We can cover more ground if we separate but if anyone sees anything out of place you leave and come back here. Is that clear?"

Mist, Hunter and Wren agreed and without wasting time they flew out the house in search for Silver. (Y/N) was about to do the same before she was stopped by her father.

"You stay here." He told her, as he pulled her back by the collar of her shirt before she could fly off. "What? Why?" She asked as she touched the ground again.

"If your sister comes back we need you here. We don't want her to worry and think something happened to us." He simply told her as he made his way towards the door. "But I can help! I'm the fastest flyer in the family." (Y/N) tried to reason with him, only to be shut down instantly.

"For once just listen to me and stay here. I'll be back soon." He reached for the stairs that were connected to the tree trunk and began to descend. Those stairs were made specifically for him, since he was the only on in the family who couldn't fly.

(Y/N) stayed put as she watched as her father run into the woods in search of her sister.

She hesitated.

'Should I obey?'

(Y/N) thought but began growing impatient. The (E/C) eyed fairy couldn't just sit there with her arms crossed while her family searched for her sister. Even Wren got to go and he was the youngest! But she knew the real reason why her father wouldn't let her go.

He didn't trust her enough to follow the same rules Silverrose had broken every night.

"Okay (Y/N) just be responsible for once and don't break any rules. Don't get in anyone's way and everything will be just fine! They'll get Silverrose back and we'll all go back to normal and forget this ever happened!" She tried reasoning with herself. A smile took over her face and she puffed out her chest in pride. "Yep! I'll just stay here and wait for everyone to come back like the good girl that I am!"

Three minutes went by and the fairy with (S/C) skin was already flying through the forest with her max speed.

She just wanted to help that's all! No other reason. Not like she wanted to take this chance and explore the forest even deeper. Of course not.

"Okay get Silvie back, get back home before dad notices I left, help Silvie come up with an excuse as to why she wasn't home. Perfect plan!"

It was not a perfect plan.

The naive fairy quickly got sidetracked by flowers. She was very easily amused. Especially by new things. "Wow!" She lowered down to the ground and hovered over different kinds of plants. She'd never seen them before. "It's like a rainbow on the ground!" She exclaimed joyfully as she touched the soft petals of a midnight blue flower. There was a whole field of colorful plants.

(Y/N) quickly realized she had gone way too deep into the forest. She had been flying for a few seconds, well, more like twenty minutes now.

"This is so pretty. I should take some for Silvie, she'll love them." (Y/N) believed her sister hadn't seen these flowers before. Why? Well, every time her sister would go out she would bring her different kinds of stuff she knew (Y/N) would like. And (Y/N) really did love colors so the fact that Silver never brought her those beautiful flowers made her think that she'd never seen them herself before.

"I hope she likes them.." She muttered to herself as she picked different colored flowers to take with her.

While the fairy girl was distracted, she didn't notice the presence of someone else behind her. And this creature was in awe by seeing the beautiful fairy girl, since they had never seen someone like her before. "Wow! I really love your wings!"

The sudden voice behind her made the (E/C) eyed girl shriek as she quickly flapped her wings and hid on the closest tree she could find. "Wait! I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm friendly see? Are these your flowers? You can have them back!" The individual creature picked the flowers the fairy girl had dropped and raised them up towards the direction of the trees with the hope that the pretty fairy would come back.

But they didn't see any signs of movements on the trees. "I guess they're gone..." The little creature lowered the flowers down, a frown adorning their round cheeks. She didn't mean to scare them away.

(Y/N) who was hyperventilating on a tree branch, tried to calm herself down. 'I almost died!' She screamed inside her head as she slowly began to calm down.

Finally, she took the courage to peak over the tree to see who had decided to jump scare her from behind. She was expecting to see a big and ugly monster, but she was surprised to have seen the opposite. It was a very beautiful monster.

"Wow... That's not how mom and dad described them.." She muttered as she looked at the other creature in curiosity. It was another girl! (Y/N) took a second to take in her appearance. She had a pink fluffy dress and short blonde locks, she also had tiny little horns sticking from the top of hear head. The girl was also very small.

"I'm sorry if I scared you!" The blonde girl called out again. "I didn't mean to. I was just surprised to see you. I've never seen someone like you.. you're a fairy right? My name is-"

"Julie!" The two girls jumped in fright by the sudden new voice. (Y/N) hid again before slowly peeking to see who had arrived now. It was another creature who looked similar to the blonde girl. "Dad!" The "Julie" exclaimed surprised.

"What are you doing kid? You were supposed to be with your siblings. Why did you wander off without saying anything?" Her dad spoke to her, though his tone was still soft as he spoke to his daughter. "Sorry I just saw..." Julie cut herself off, not sure if she should respond honestly.

"You just saw..?"

(Y/N) grew nervous once again, afraid she has given herself out and her family as well. 'Oh no,  I've put my family in danger. How could I be so selfish?! I should warn them-'

"Flowers!" (Y/N)'s thoughts were cut off by the little monster girl speaking again. "Flowers?" Her dad questioned her as Julie quickly nodded her head. "Yeah! They're beginning to bloom again and I really wanted to see them. I'm sorry for getting separated without saying anything.." She apologized as she looked down and avoided her dad's face.

"You could've just told me. You know I don't mind you exploring, I just don't want you to go alone." He ruffled her blonde locks making Julie look up again with a bright smile on her face. "Okay, I'll be sure to say something next time!"

Her dad chuckled at her daughter and he motioned with his head for her to follow him. "Come on, let's go home. Food is almost ready and your mom and siblings are waiting."

Julie's dad went up ahead as she stayed a little bit behind. The blonde glanced one last time towards the trees, hoping to see if the fairy was still there, but there was no sign of them anywhere. Julie sighed in disappointment and followed after her father.

Maybe one day she'll encounter the fairy girl again.

(Y/N) watched from her tree as they walked away and then she sighed in relief. She was shocked the girl hadn't given her away and the fact that she looked really friendly. Though she didn't want to risk it. For a second she did thought about revealing herself to the girl, but her father's appearance made her hide again.

They both looked nice and not as scary as her parents had told her countless of times. The monster dad was also very nice and he didn't even scold his daughter for sneaking off without permission! Everything was very weird but also intriguing. "Maybe there's more nice creatures like them..."

(Y/N) suddenly gasped, remembering where she was. "Oh no, I gotta get back home before dad notices I'm gone!" She said to herself as she panicked. The girl got up from her crouching position on the tree branch and as fast as she could, she flew towards the direction of her home.

"Maybe they've found Silver already..."


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