One Man's Hell: A FNIA Fan St...

By theEmbarrassedWriter

22.5K 367 1.3K

it's gonna be a better version of my first story. I hope it's a lot better now that I've learned how to write... More

Part 1 - Opportunity
Part 2 - Paranoia
Part 3 - Due Diligence
Part 4 - A Sad Loss
Part 5 - First Impressions
Part 6 - Hard Mode Survival
Part 8 - A Well Needed Break
Part 9 - Back to Business
Part 10 - A Shaky Peace Treaty

Part 7 - No Rest for the Wicked

1.4K 30 99
By theEmbarrassedWriter

Welcome back folks! Quick disclaimer as always. I only own the story, and the characters belong to their rightful owner(s). Let's write something a little less depressing now shall we?

You walk towards your bathroom and look in the medicine cabinet for some Aspirin with a sigh, grabbing the bottle and slipping it into your pocket for later. You knew the headache was gonna be a bitch when the hangover kicked in

(You)"Todays the last day of work before the weekend at least, thank God."

You say as you yawn and sit back down on the couch, grabbing a glass of water and turning the tv on for some background noise as you go about being bored.

(You)"I really haven't been doing a whole lot now that I think about it. I really just work and sleep it feels"

You mumble to yourself as you look out the window at the city again as you debate what you could actually go do

(You)"'I never realized how little I actually got out of the house in this city. Even before I worked at the convention"'

You think to yourself with a sigh, grabbing your wallet and heading out into the city yet again, but this time to go find somewhere fun instead of just more work. You don't need long before you eventually find some signs pointing towards some cafes that would probably be open. You make your way towards them as you think to the last time you actually went to a cafe

(You)"'It must have been one time when the wifi was out at home, but the cafe next door said it was still open. What was that place called again? The Spider's Web or something."'

You say mentally as you walk by a group of cars travelling in various directions, the sight being quite different when you're not within the clump of people racing to get to work. You look away from the cars and continue down the sidewalk until you come across a building you hadn't seen before. It was small, and the sign out front advertised it as a building called 'The Bean's Knees'

(You)"I doubt it's too bad. Let's try it"

You say as you walk into the building, seeing a small interior that was still pretty dead. Dead outside of the sole visible employee at the counter

The employee gives a tired smile and a wave as you walk in, you reciprocating uncomfortably

(Employee)"Welcome to The Beans Knees! What would you like to have?"

She asks as you walk up and look at the small menu behind her

(You)"Well, I guess just a black coffee to start and a bagel with a fried egg on it?"

you say as she writes down your order and nods

(Employee)"Anything else?"

(You)"No thank you."

(Employee)"Alright well you are ticket number 1! Lucky person you are!"

She says with a grin as you crack a small smile, going to go sit down at one of the tables. The window beside the table showed the city surrounding it, including the birds flying all around the rooftops. You lean back in your seat and take a deep breath, the fresh air doing wonders for your mood when paired with the early morning sunlight

You are pulled back into the building as a plate taps the table in front of you, almost making you jump as you see the girl behind the counter walk back towards the counter. You look down and see the simple, yet appetizing looking meal. You reach for the coffee and take a sip, the bitter drink washing over your tongue in a much more enjoyable way than just straight booze did

You quickly finish the meal, walking back up to the counter to pay

(Employee)"How was everything?"

(You)"Fantastic really, thank you"

You say, paying her and giving an 8 dollar tip using what was left of the small bills you had

You wave goodbye and leave the cafe, heading back towards about where your home is. It only takes about 5 minutes worth of walking before something catches your eye, that being about 5 people walking towards you that all looked quite mean to say the least, They were quite loud when they talked to each other, and all seemed to have a similar tattoo of a knife on them

You decide to just turn down a different street before crossing paths with them, not trusting them to not mug you when you went by close

You make it home safely and set your stuff down on the table, encountering the note from the night before and that golden bear plush. It was nothing special to say the least, albeit a little outdated given her current state of repair. It focused more on being an animal than it did a woman, a change you were mostly thankful to see

You sigh and set it down on top of your TV, feeling some hints of tiredness in your eyes as you walk to your bed and lay down, getting under the covers and turning away from the sun. You don't need long before you fall back asleep

You have a nice night's sleep thankfully, the good mood you went to sleep with helping or something as you have dreams of white sand beaches and warm water, sadly being interrupted as you feel yourself waking up.

Your eyes pop open to see the world was back to sunset, making you check your phone quickly

(You)"I guess my exhaustion caught up to me then, I wonder where the headache is thou-"

You say as you feel your head start to pulsate as if it was on command, the pain making your hands go up to your temples

(You)"Hell I think those aspirin ran out"

You say with a groan as you go over your night stand, finding the bottle there before popping it open and taking two

(You)"Guh, this is a bad hangover. Guess being the drunk for the first time in years has a negative impact"

You say as you walk your way out to the living room and lay down there, turning on the tv and waiting for your headache to subside

Timeskip because well, I'm over 1000 words in and haven't gotten to the night time

You look over at your phone buzzing beside you as you turn off the tv, the buzz being from the ring of your work alarm

(You)"Well, I guess it's time for an awkward night now that I've yelled something about myself at Bonnie. Wonder what it even was at this point?"

You say as you stand up and stretch, the headache now pretty much gone as you leave for work and walk up to your car with a sigh of relief, glad that you don't have to walk this time as you drive towards the convention

You pull in and see Mairusu standing at the door, looking somewhat anxious as you approach him

(Mairusu)"H-Hey there Y/N, how're you holding up?"

(You)"Doing well boss. Something you needing to tell me?"

(Mairusu)"Well, I'll let the call explain it to you tonight. Good luck"

He says as he walks off, making you slightly worried as you walk into the building and towards the office. You sit down and sigh, looking over to the corner where you spent the majority of the night passed out

You watch the time tick over to 12 am and hear the phone ring right on cue, it ringing just a few times before getting picked up

(Phone)"Oh hello Y/N"

A feminine voice that's all too familiar to you says

(You)"'There's no fucking way"'

You think as the call continues on

(Springy)"See it's my time of the week now. You've made it to the last night of your first week after all, so It's my responsibility to try and catch you. Good luck~"

You sigh as you look at the cameras, seeing Springy missing from her closet, and the other girls all just sitting still

(You)"Alright bitch, lets get this on then."

You say as you begin to cycle through all the cameras available, seeing another one had been added to the list. You click on it and see that it was a camera for the vent directly above you, and had options to seal the grate at the office door

(You)"So that's how it's going to be then. So be it"

You say as you find Springy on the cameras, her blowing a kiss towards it as you stare her down intensely

You go back to checking between the hall and vent cams, keeping a close eye on the ends of the halls in case she decides to try and sneak down while you go through checking the other spots

It doesn't take long before you see a greenish-yellow face coming towards you in the ventilation, surprised that you didn't even hear her enter the vent system

You seal the vent entrance, hearing the familiar sounds of sliding metal and engaging locks as you hear a knock against the grate

(Springy)"Hello in there night guard"

She says with her usual flirty tone

(You)"Oh piss off"

You say, your heart starting to accelerate as she laughs

(Springy)"I can hear that heart of yours, are you truly that in love with me?"

She says, making you speechless as she just laughs at the silence

(Springy)"Well, you take care darling, I'll be testing your mettle"

She says as she crawls back out of the vent, dropping out of view of any of the cameras. You look away from the cameras and take a deep breath, focusing on your sense of hearing

(You)"Carefully listening has gotten me this far. I can survive as long as I'm perceptive"

You mumble to yourself as you hear light steps on your right, looking over and hitting the door not a moment too soon, Springy appearing in the window right as the door closes

(Springy)"Carefully listening is your secret? I was wondering why I hadn't seen the building even run out of power yet. It's much easier if you can just hear the girls isn't it?"

(You)"Seems you have good hearing yourself. Doesn't that get painful to hear everything in such detail?"

You ask, breathing deeply to lower your heartrate and to stay calm

(Springy)"Silly night guard, my eardrums aren't as easily damaged as yours. Yours can handle listening to 85 decibels over the course of a day, while I can easily handle 100-120 decibels. That, and I can intently focus my hearing on whatever I want, that you can thank Mairusu for, as well as simply being able to hear more than the human ear can"

She says, you getting slightly bored as you pull your phone out and start typing, Springy looking at you confused

(Springy)"What're you doing there?"

(You)"Oh you know, just looking something up.

You say as you press play on the video you found, making the confident rabbit gasp and reach up to her ears

(You)"You see, I also know a good bit about hearing. I take care of mine after all. A human cannot really hear outside the pitch of 20 to 20,000 hertz, so I am doing just fine in my little office. Now how is that advanced hearing treating you? This is a video of just a 30,000 hertz frequency, so I can't even hear it"

You say, feeling good enough to monologue. You look down and see that Springy was probably not listening, her gripping at her ears in the fetal position. 

It takes a moment, but she eventually stops gripping her ears and stands back up, staring at you with tears in her eyes

(Springy)"You little shit, that hurt's like a bitch! But like I said, I can handle more pain than you, so you better hope I don't catch you with the thing playing"

She says as she runs off, you opening the door and pausing the video

(You)"That's a good way to keep her from getting the power to drain to get me, but I'd probably damage her ears if I keep playing it. Then I'd be drunk at work, sleeping at work, and destroying valuable property too, basically asking to get fired"

You say with a sigh as you put your phone beside you, it showing you a notification that makes your hopes drop

(You)"5% battery?! Did I not charge when I slept or something?!"

You say to yourself with annoyance at your forgetfulness. You sigh and just turn it off for now, hoping to save power as you go back to tracking springy through the cameras. Since they were open, you look down at the power gauge of the building and see that it was down to about 55% at 2:45 am

(You)"Hm. Not very efficient, I need to make sure she doesn't stay, and possibly plan for a power outage if she does"

You say to yourself an Springy approaches through the vent again, her usual grin replaced with a look of focus as you seal the vent

(You)"The vent takes you too long. It's too obvious"

You say as she scoffs

(Springy)"I don't need to be creative, I just need to be persistent. I only need to get lucky once after all"

(You)"Are you quoting the fucking IRA here?"

You say as she laughs

(Springy)"Someone's paid a little attention in class huh"

She says as she backs back out of the vent and towards the main room camera, giving it a wink as she moves back out of sight

You and Springy continue back and forth, you blocking her at whatever entrance she hits and waiting for her approach whenever she was in between approaches

You watch the vent camera intently, your eyes getting tired from the intense staring contests you've been having. You begin to get nervous, as you haven't heard from Springy in a minute and it was only 4:30 am. You eventually find her back in the closet with Goldy, though this time she wasn't just sitting on the ground. This time she was almost hiding

(You)"I didn't hear her coming down? That closet is really close to this office, if she can get that close I may not have the reaction time I need"

You say, your panic slowly increasing as paranoia sets in, not helped by the fact that she had now disappeared from all the cameras

(Springy)"Missing someone darling~"

She said, her voice coming from right beside you as you dart your hand towards the door controls, feeling a fabric hand grip your wrist right before you can get to it

(Springy)"You've been by Far the most competent guard at this location. It's impressive really"

She says, your heart hammering in your ears so loud you were nearly deaf to her talking. You can't help but just sit silently as she walks up to you in the chair and sits in your lap facing you, her breath warm against your forehead

(Springy)"You're an odd one to get a job here darling, Goldy had quite a few things to say about you"

You eventually are able to squeeze out a response


You ask, your voice breaking as Springy just frowns

(Springy)"Oh just a few things about you and how you just drank yourself half to death last night, and then you passing out"

(You)"W-When was s-she there for that?"

(Springy)"According to her she was in the office most the night. You seem to be quite fascinating to her. You almost hit her with that flask though, which almost revealed her being there"

She says as your head spins, a vague memory of throwing something hard last night coming back but not much else

(Springy)"You seem to have made a fan though, as she doesn't seem to want to really kill you anymore"

She says, making you even more confused then you were now

(Springy)"It's cause of her that I haven't killed you yet"

She says, doing nothing for your fear as you get a similar feeling to when you were in the hands of Freya

Your eyes start to dart around the room

(Springy)"Don't be like that, I'm not hurting you am I?"

She says as you take a shaky breath, closing your eyes

(You)"I-It doesn't matter what you are or aren't d-doing"

You say as you kick your feet down and fall back, bringing the two of you down onto the ground together, giving you enough time to break free and gain distance on her

(Springy)"I told you not to be like that! That's exactly what I didn't want you to do!"

She says as she walks out of the office rubbing the top of her head, you also having some head pain from smacking it off the floor of the office

(Springy)"Can you really just chill out for One Goddamned second?!"

She yells as you continue to back away from her, panic decreasing as you do

(You)"Can you? I'm the one just trying to do my damn job!"

You yell, making her laugh

You turn and run from her, hoping to break line of sight with the rabbit so that you can try to hide out the rest of the night

You eventually round a corner and stick to the wall, steadying your breath and heart as you wait for the familiar sounds of heavy, but soft footsteps coming towards the room you were in. 

Upon further inspection, it looks like you were in pirate's cove. The purple curtain across from you making that pretty apparent

You peak around the corner again and see Springy waiting right there, her being there making you nearly jump out of your skin

She runs up to you while you're stunned and grabs your shoulders, holding you in place

(Springy)"If you would just, Stop PLEASE. I am not trying to hurt you"

She says, your panic turning partly to confusion as she does

(Springy)"Like I was saying, Goldy convinced me to not kill you, but you are Really testing that right now"

She says as she stares you in the eyes

(You)"What now then huh?"

You ask her as she lets out a sigh of relief, releasing your shoulders as you back away cautiously

(Springy)"See? No intention to kill. We good?"

(You)"Not yet, but that's up to you more than anything"

You say as she just sighs

(Springy)"At least you didnt try and pull that shit with the noise again, that hurt like a bitch"

(You)"Well now we're almost even then"

You say, Springy just sighing

(Springy)"Fine then, we are "Almost" even then"

She says, not following it with anything

(You)"What's your endgame here even?"

You ask as she seems to think

(Springy)"Dunno really, I didn't expect this to work"

She says, making you almost stop feeling nervous out of surprise

(You)"Well, okay. How'd you approach the office without me hearing you?"

You ask as she sighs

(Springy)"I did an army crawl all the way to you"

(You)"You're kidding me"

(Springy)"Not even slightly. I'm glad you didn't see it, though it probably wouldn't have looked too bad if you did~"

She says, ending with a bit of a flirty grin

(You)"Don't start teaching the others that trick, I don't need to lose the one strength I had"

You say as she laughs

(Springy)"I hate to say, but it seems your week is about done there. The bell isn't even a couple minutes away from ringing"

She says as you sigh in relief, your body feeling even more tired now that the promise of being at home is so close

(Springy)"Though, I think someone else wants to have a quick word with you"

She says as she points behind you, Goldy just standing silently behind you with her bright white dots trained right on your face

(Goldy)"Oh hello there, I was making sure my sister didn't just outright ignore me"

She says as you look up with less panic than you'd expect

(You)"I-I um, hi?"

(Goldy)"Hello nightguard."

(You)"I guess, thanks for helping me last night"

You say as she gives a warm smile

(Goldy)"Don't worry, I have had to do worse"

She says, walking towards you slowly with her arms at her sides

(Goldy)"See? Not trying anything okay?"

She says as she comes right up to you, her being a head taller than you making the encounter a bit of a pain for your neck. She leans down and plants a kiss directly on your forehead as your body freezes up, unsure of how to react at all

(Goldy)"I suppose it's time to return Springy?"

(Springy)"I 'suppose' it is sis"

She says with a laugh, the two of them walking off as you stand in the room completely stunned. You're brought back to reality as the 6 am bell rings, signaling the time you have to leave to go home as you walk towards the front door, seeing Mairusu standing there peering inside. When you walk into his view he seems to let out a sigh of relief

You open the door and he looks at you

(Mairusu)"Well? Not too bad?"

(You)"Done worse. See you next week, and also I'd kinda like to have these next two days off if I can." 

(Mairusu)"Well, I guess you've kinda earned it. Try and give more warning next time though?"

(You)"Yup sure thing boss."

You say as you walk past him, getting into your car and heading home a with your head a storm of confusion


Ah the rewrite. Already turning out much better than the original I may say. Will our reader be moving beyond his, albeit rational, fear of women? Stay tuned to find out! (Also read Duality).

is theEmbarrassedWriter,
signing off once again this week

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