Operation Charming Jordan

By angelsho

173 21 2

Seventeen-year-old high school graduate, Jessica has her life sprawling out of control until she meets a stra... More

Before you begin
1: A Great Day
2: The Boy
3: A Dinner To Forget
4: Out of Mind, Out of Sight
5: Books & Sleepover
6: Breaking The Ice (Messy Puddle)
7: Dine & Rain
8: A Ride, Rain & A Singalong
9: Her Favorite Place
10: Messy Barbie (Not Your Barbie)
11: Story of My Life
12: Do You Want To . . .
13: Stray Kids
14: Team JeJo
15: Play Time
16: Lemonade Talks
17: How To Paint The Truth
18: His Story & Her Escape
19: His Normal Day
20: Fun Ride
21: Truth Confrontation
22: Accident Worth . . .
23: Fall Fair
24: Heart Plays
25: White Pond & Their Songs
26: Our Song, His Return
27: Low
28: A Marshmallow Truce
29: Harper's Wish
30: If You Ever Want To . . . .
31: His Confession, His Sins

32: Reunite, Reignite & Goodbyes

4 1 1
By angelsho

Over the past weeks, the house of the waters got better. Lively again but the air of loss still lingered and this time, they embraced it.

Uncle Sam had to travel back to  his wife, Zara who was fast approaching her delivery date which was good news to all after every miscarriage she faced.

Owen had invited friends and family to his graduation that was near the corner. He is still  a single arrogant idiot, Jessica said.

And her grandfather offered them comfort and a place to stay before he went back.

Jessica and Emilia had gotten a better relationship as they spent their evenings recounting memories of Norman, her mother and Emilia's father. Emilia even offered to read some of Jessica's works.

Delia had her friend and her boyfriend had come over to the house to keep her company time and time again. And they couldn't refuse. The three had become a trio in a sense.

Harper became a resident in Sarah's house, playing with her daughter and his friends who loved nearby.

Jordan had gotten better as he talked to Zara and Vincent, Jessica's grandfather. Drives Delia and her friends to get art canvas and take Harper to stay at the Uncle John and Aunt Sarah's place.

Also, he had made the cups of tea as he listened to Emilia and Jessica talked every evening.

Jordan had talked to Owen about his family's recovery and spent the late nights sitting beside Jess, just holding her hand. He was better than ever.

The snow had melted and so did their hearts. Spring had set in and the month of May shone through it.

They had only a week before Owen's graduation. And they were all at peace and made their peace.

"Jordan!" Jessica called from downstairs.

Jordan made his way down to see her sitting with a smile that brightened her face.

"Someone's at the door." She said.

Jordan made his way to open the door and his heart froze at the sight.


Jordan moved back with tears running down his cheeks.

"Mama, " He called.

And the latino woman nod beside an older man and a young brown skinned woman with a baby.

"Papa, Antonia," He called their name unable to breathe until he felt Jessica's hand on his back.

"It is okay," She said, unconcerned of the footsteps down the stairs.

Jordan dropped on his knees to the floor and hung his head in his hands. "I am sorry. Forgive me." He cried as he repeated those words like a mantra.

He felt a soft hand move his hair away. He looked up to see Antonia.

"It is alright. Marco wanted the best for you and for me," She smiled with tears in her eyes. "And for Marco." She said, turning her head to the baby boy in his mother's hands.

Jordan followed her eyes. "Meet Marco Antonio Alonso, your nephew." His mother said as she brought the baby near.

The baby smiled at him in a way that he reminded him of Marco, his father.

His own father walked to them and knelt down in front of him like Antonia.

"It wasn't your fault. We are sorry for making you feel that way. Please, come home." His father's deep voice said as gentle as he could.

"I am sorry. I-I thought I did the best thing."

"We are sorry for not finding you soon to atone for our sins. We need you, your grandfather needs you. Our family needs our trickster." With that, he hugged his son. Soon, the whole Alonso family hugged him.

"You look so grown up." His mother said, laughing as she rubbed his back.

Jessica met her mother's eyes and smiled conveying a message.

"You people should catch up with a cup of tea." Emilia said, in her best hostess voice.

"Oh! We are sorry for barging in on you. I am Maria." Jordan's mother apologized for their manners.

"If I was you, I can imagine the world disappearing and he is on the limelight." Emilia laughed for a second. "Familia supra omnia is the motto."

"You are right. We really want to know  the wonderful family who kept our baby boy for us." Maria brought her hands to her heart before hugging Emilia.

"I am Tonia and this is Fred." The younger woman said.

"That is baby Marco." Emilia cooed softly at the little one.

Antonia nodded her head in response before moving her gaze to the other person in the room. They all did as Fred helped Jordan up to clean himself.

"I am Jessica, Jordan's friend." She  moved too quickly noticing the hint.

"Nice to meet you." Maria and Tonia said to her with warmth.

"Thank you." Fred took Jessica's hands.

"This way," Said Emilia as she made her way into the dinning room.

The family finally made their way to the table when they got to know more about the family that took care of their son.

"Oh! I could say he took care of us all than we did." Emilia said, at the end of her narration.

"We can't believe our little  trickster has become so mature." Maria, Jordan's mother  teased her son. Telling them of how he nearly crashed his cousin's wedding.

"I have an interesting story to tell you." Antonia said to the baby in her arms, tapping the tip of his nose.

Antonia had to take a minute with the baby upstairs during their storytime. Jordan smiled as he catches up with his family.

He learnt how Antonia's child had brought her out of her grief to raise the only gift she had of Marco. His six siblings missing him and their life so far including Six year old Jason, his little hockey star. And how his grandfather was at the last chapter of his life, very sick.

When Antonia had returned with a well-fed baby. He told them of how he went to Texas and met uncle Sam, stay with him before meeting Waters.

After, he did finish his story, time had passed and there was only one thing left to do.

Fred, his father stood up on his feet and thanked Mrs. Waters for her hospitality and Jessica for being a friend to his son.

"Son, we know you have a nice life here so make up your mind and we will follow your decision." Fred said, moving his eyes from his son to Jessica and back.

Antonia and Maria followed suit   with a nod that told Jordan that It was okay and everything will be okay.

As they left, Jordan and Jessica  followed them to the door where the two men with the guns from earlier opened the door for them.

The two black cars made their way off the limestone track to the road.

Jessica and Jordan turned in and locked the door.

"I know that I should go but I want to stay," He said, meekly with his head to the ground, "With you."

"Do you know how they found you? "

"No, I don't." He said.

He looked at the card waved in his sight and at her.

She smiled. "I did. Listening to your story and finding this card that guy gave you. I had to call."

Jordan knew she was waiting for him to burst and get angry for her actions but he was in fact grateful so he kept quiet.

"I called them and told them that I will plan the meeting. I also cleared the mafia thing and found out your business of making milk products." Jessica laughed at herself. "Holding a gun doesn't make one part of the mafia. Silly me. Bodyguards  stuffs."

"I want to stay with you. " He repeated.

"You can't." She said, "Your family needs you more than ever. Family over everything. Go and see your grandpa."


"Your life doesn't revolve around me. Go home, finish school and do all the things you want to do. You have dreams and goals." Tears gathered in her eyes.

"I don't want to lose you." He said.

"You won't. Every winter, we will  meet at the pond." She said.

"Will you be here?" He asked her like a child would.

Jess shook her head. "After Owen's graduation, we are going back to my grandfather's. We can't take care of the farm."

Jordan took her left hand in his right. "I promised Owen to come for his graduation and I can take care of the farm. " He assured.

"You can't cage to yourself to this town and this life because of me...because of us. I can't let you do that." 

"Just let me love you."

"No, you have to take control of your life. You only live once. You can't keep running." She laughed, "And when you miss me, you know where to find me." She pointed with her free hand to his chest, his heart.

"And the pond." He added.

She nod her head at his words. "I will miss you." She hugged him.

"I love you," He whispered in her ear, "Catherine."

"So do I," Tears slipped from her eyes, "Jordan."

They pulled away from each other, Jessica wiping her tears and Jordan sad at the parting.

"Let's go and pack your things." She said, with a smile.

"I would love that," He laughed when he was feeling anything but that.

They all sat in the dinning table. Emilia, Delia, Harper and Jessica for their last dinner with him. Cheddar cheese and crackers with spaghetti.

No one really touched their food. Delia and Harper played with their food,  Jordan and Jessica just spared each other looks. And Emilia took in the silence before Harper spoke up.

"Can I say the grace? " He asked in humility.

Everyone stopped and looked at him. The grace hasn't been heard for a long time on the Waters table.

"I learnt it from Aunt Sarah." He said before closing his eyes.

"Dear friend in heaven, I want to thank you for sending an Angel to me and my family called Jordan. He is the elder brother that I never had,"

"A wonderful friend," Delia said.

"A great son," Emilia said.

"A best friend," Jessica said, opening her eyes to look at him before closing them.

Jordan smiled. "And I want to thank you for the family who led this prodigal son home and for all the love they showed me." He said, imagining every moment he spent with them.

"Amen." Harper said.

"Amen! " They chorused before opening their eyes.

"We love you, uncle." Delia said.

"I love all of you too." He laughed as he felt like crying.

"You can have her." Harper said, pulling up Perry from his lap.

"Nah, she likes you better besides I haven't seen this orange furry here for days."

The grown cat hissed at Jordan before turning to cuddle his owner with a soft meow.

"Our own daughter rejects us for her uncle." Jessica chimes in before turning her attention to her meal.

Harper dropped the cat back to the ground and joined them to eat their meal.

Jordan looked at the family one more time and smiled before taking a forkful of food. He was grateful for the family that months ago, he dreaded being with.

He looked Jessica beside him then turned to Delia and Harper who sat opposite him and to Emilia who sat at the head of the table, next to Harper and Jessica.

Jordan felt blessed to be with them and her but he knew he wasn't ready to lose his family again. He knew it. She knew it. Jessica knew it.

The night gave up and the morning returned. With a solemn air as all of Jordan's things were packed and downstairs.

Jessica had woken up early to have breakfast with him. The kids had to go to school but hugged him a thousand times before Williams picked them up.

William also wished Jordan farewell before driving off.

They had finished their breakfast before they heard the sounds of cars that indicates the truth.

Jordan and Jessica walked to the door and saw his awaiting family.

His bags were taken in and he was given time for his final goodbye.

Jordan looked into her eyes with tenderness. "I am glad that I met you, Catherine Waters."

She smiled. "I know but I am blessed to have had you. I can't wait  to see you again." She hugged him and it felt like minutes before she moved away.

"I will be back." He promised.

Jordan walked down the stairs to the car where his father stood. And Jessica remained at the door, smiling and waving until he entered and left.

As he got away with a good distance, Jessica wiped her tears that poured out from her eyes.

"Oh! Honey." Emilia said before hugging her.

"I love him but I couldn't bear to see him waste his life like this."

"I know," She rubbed her back.

"I know," She repeated.


Jordan looked outside of the plane and saw connecticut. On a flight to New York City.

"Hey," He turned to see his mother move into the empty seat next to him.

"Yeah, I am." He said, when his body itched him from the airport to now, where he wanted to jump off the plane and meet Jessica, taking her into his arms.

"If you need anything, let us know." With that, she went back to the front seats of the plane.

"Yeah," He said, pulling out the half heart that Jessica gave him on the night in fall.

"I will be back, I promise." He whispered unto the necklace. He turned back to the screen. He will be back. He promised.

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