By DylanobsBitch

386 1 1

"ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴜɴ ɪꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴀɴᴅ; ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ." Maisy Miller was once a pouge on the island of outer banks... More

intro *
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12

Ch 1

47 0 1
By DylanobsBitch

Unforgettable is how Maisy would describe this place. It was if she hadn't spent three years away in a completely different state but instead merely a brief holiday away. The wind tangled in her hair as she naturally gravitated towards the open windows letting the blissful cool air grace her skin in waves of comfort. Despite the situation and what she knew she had to face being back on this island, she couldn't help but breathe for the first time in such a long time.

Buildings became blurs of colour as they passed house after house, all lit up by the vibrant sun that illuminated the island in a natural glow. Like a break of something new and exciting already taking place. This place was the mere foundations the girl stood on as she had spent over a decade living the same days on repeat. She was who she is today because of this place and that will always hold a special place in her heart.

Currently it was just Maisy and her mum in the car surrounded by peaceful silence, no ounce of awkwardness in sight as they relive each and every memory they had created here. Bad and good, each just as important as the other.

Her father had decided to come out slightly earlier than the other two to set up work and their new house on figure 8 in preparation for the other twos arrival. Maisy knew that couldn't have been the full truth as even on his good days he rarely shows a caring side to the female Millers but she let it slide as she wasn't in too much of a rush to get back to the island when it was mentioned.

The comfort it once gave her was shadowed with her guilt and fears to see her old friends and the not knowing. She couldn't imagine what it had been like for her to break every bit of communication with the 3 with no explanation what so ever. On the other hand maybe they didn't care, maybe they were glad she left with no explanation. She couldn't make a decision on which would be worse of a situation.

Pushing them thoughts to the back of her mind she fiddled with the radio instead until a good channel began to seep out through the speakers playing a Fleetwood Mac song "everywhere". She lent back relaxing her once stiff shoulders as she felt her eyelids flutter closed and her lashes tickle her cheek. Letting out a long breath, her seat engulfing her as she became one with it and let the soft melody drift her mind elsewhere.

The wind whistled in tune with the song floating in the summer air as the engine revved slowly as minimal background noise. Woody smells filled her senses filing in her brain to engrave them there at the comfort and familiarity they brung her.

Wearing Blue track joggers and a small white T-shirt, she felt sweat prick at her forehead knowing the joggers probably weren't a great idea as the humidity here was a complete contrast to Chicagos. She thought she would miss the Chicago feel and the city life but being here right now brought her more excitement than she had in the whole 3 years there. She knew it wouldn't be calm sailing here but she was happy to leave Chicago as it had brought nothing but bad news for the girl.

Being here felt like the earth was giving her a second chance to stray away from the bad habits she had created for herself back on the main land. Drugs were done by everyone and it was more rare for someone to not be doing it rather than doing it. She had become just a statistic on a board being dragged into the depth of that world by a group she had surrounded herself with at school.

At first she thought she had found her people in a desperate attempt to forget about the boys back home, wanting to move on so she didn't waste her life away. From that day on it just went downhill from there to the point she barely recognised herself anymore. She still held the same hobbies; she loves surfing despite not having done it in forever, reading , music and that was just the beginning. She still resembled her past self but if the two were to sit down and talk Maisy knew her younger self would be beyond disappointed in who she had become.

Eyes flickered back open as she felt the car slow while it seemed to start to park. As she opened her eyes she was greeted with a huge 3 story light blue house. Despite being very much posh and an expensive lot on the island she loved how it still resembled a homey feel and an old aura.

"well sweetheart, home sweet home" she tilted her head to the side slightly to see her mum sat looking straight ahead as she let out a deep breath and a small smile before exiting the car to retrieve the two's bags. they had been using these bags for the last two weeks and the rest of their stuff already somewhere in the house. Hopefully, in Maisys case, untouched.

Letting out a breath she didn't realise she was holding she walked towards the boot of their car to help her mum who was struggling getting the luggage out. Her mum utters a thanks before going around the car to make sure everything is locked. Maisy begins to wheel the bags in the direction of their new front door while taking In the setting trying to adjust her eyes to the huge change in their lives.

She would admit it was a beautiful lot, there shouldn't be any complaints being in such a big house. However, there was only three of them. Did they really need all this room? she was never introduced to her grandparents, all she was told that her grandma had "opposing" views to the family but that was all she was told and she wasn't allowed to pry.

"my gorgeous family welcome! to paradise on earth" my dad exited the house with the biggest grin on his face contrasting his usual moods. Maisy furrowed her brows with a slight laugh knowing to make the most of his mood as it was a rare sighting.

"this is beautiful Dylan, it feels like home already" they both engulfed each other in a hug of welcome as Maisy drifted off making her way towards the house not wanting to engage in casual conversation.

"how was your journey here? I do hope the plane wasn't too bad, you were never good with planes were you Maisy" he walks up on her left with a smile and a laugh in recognition to the first time Maisy had ever boarded a plane. To say it was a disaster would be an understatement on just how bad it really was. If she learnt anything from that trip it was to never eat a shit ton of banana pancakes just before a flight.

"It was fine thanks, no surprise trips to the toilet that's for sure." her works edged off at the end not understand his cheery nature but not wanting to question it either. as they entered the house and her eyes now fully captivated on how tall the walls were. Straight ahead lied a stair case which ascended to the top of the house where if you looked straight up a skylight beamed down illuminating the entrance of the home.

The wheels of the bags glided on top of the marble flooring, looking as though someone had spilt different shades of grey paint all over it. She placed her mums bag to the side while keeping hers in tow just wanting to make her way up to her new bedroom where she could sleep the day away.

"now I'm sure you will both just want to sit down and sleep but let me show you around a bit, your boxes are In your room which ill show you Maisy." he smiles as he walks over to the kitchen as both women trail along taking in the new area.

"water for you both?" he turns slightly from grabbing the glasses to the two of them, one in awe and one in obvious discomfort. "yes please honey i'm parched" she laughs as he goes to grab one for his wife and daughter despite her lack of replies.

As the cool glass was placed in her hand waves of cooling sensations shot through her body instantly cooling her off and relaxing the girl giving her exactly what she needed. Lifting the glass to her lips the cool liquid hit her throat soothing the slowly building dry throat she was soon to develop. She placed the glass back down after a few sips were taken resting it on the kitchen counter top.

"would you mind showing me my room, i'm exhausted and its been a long day" she doesn't mean to, but cuts her parents of from their hushed tones of speaking before her dad begins to make his way over in her direction. Heart pounding, she over thinks if she had already done something to break the good mood he was wearing. But instead of being greeted by a slap his hand placed on her shoulder giving it a squeeze "of course I can kiddo, this way"

he begins to walk off but she couldn't shake the obvious change in his pupils. He was on another planet currently and Maisy knew she sure as hell didn't want to be around when he came back to earth. They walked up the stairs and down a few coridoors before coming to a stop at a closed door. Her dad stood to the side gesturing to the room so she smiled before turning the door knob ever so slightly letting the door fall open reviling a huge room.

Stepping inside, the room was illuminated with natural light through a balcony window catching her eye as her curtains drifted through the wind ever so slightly in time with the rhythmic breeze.

"now you don't have to stay in this room we can easily move you to one of the others but I thought you'd like this most." still stood at the door he looked around with a smile on his face before his eyes made contact with hers allowing a soft smile to pull at her lips.

"its perfect dad, thank you" after a few seconds she broke eye contact to lie her bag on the bed and look around at the cupboards and her new dressing table, but her heart ached at the hollowness the room held. There was no decorations or character. It was blank white with a few accents of blue here and there but even that was minimal.

"well I'll leave you to it, im downstairs if you need me." as he goes to walk out he pauses before turning backwards slightly to look back at his only daughter.

"its good to have you back kid" with that he was gone as Maisys eye lingered on the door frame wondering if he was even there to begin with. Blinking away the building tears she stretches her limbs out as her whole body aches from the cramped spaces she has pent the last 24 hours in. Maisy had never enjoyed travelling much, not that she went too often anyway.

As a child her family could barely afford rent let alone travelling over seas but over the last few years her father during her school breaks would take her to other exotic islands and countries. However, none really ever stood out to her.

Opening her bag she began to unpack a few bits placing them in new draws and away from sight to tidy the area slightly despite the boxes sitting cluttering up the room. Not having the energy to unpack entirely the girl changed into her pyjamas not wanting to be stuck in her joggers any longer than she needed to.

Looking out of her window she could see the sun beginning to set along the horizon sinking behind the sea to not appear til dusk. Edging herself out onto her balcony she took a deep breath inhaling the fresh air soothing her jittery motions and letting her body sink into the side of the railing. Hands resting upon it, she looked out into the beautiful landscape taking in everything as if she didn't it would all vanish.

Not wanting to tire herself out, she pulled her eyes away from the view to go and get ready for the next day as she made her way into her ensuite with her bag of essentials and cleaned her face away from any dirty residue the day had endured on her skin before making a break for her bed in need of some comforting cushions.

The moment her skin hit the bedding she felt exhaustion wash over her completely pulling her in as her eyes begin to close. Despite not knowing what the next day would bring she couldn't help but feel as completely relaxed as she could in this situation. Her mind began to close and shut down before her body and mind ebbed into a peaceful slumber.


First chapter published AH.
Please star and comment and let me know if this is something i should continue!!
hope your all doing good


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