shining twins ~svtfoe y/n but...

By froggi_pancakes

2.9K 66 10

twins y/n and star are finally turning 14 which means they are eligible for the use of the butterfly wand. wi... More

y/n and star come to earth
party with a pony
match makers
school spirit
monster arm
the other exchange student
quest buy
diaz family vacation
brittany's party
lobster claws
sleep spells
blood moon ball

cheer up star

83 4 0
By froggi_pancakes

Y/n, star, and marco are running from ludo's monsters, marco screams. "Woah!" Marco says. "Cupcake Blast!" Star shouts. A monster breaks off the head of a coyote statue that star y/n and marco were hiding behind. The three of them race to the open shed.

Ludo laughs. "We've got them cornered!" Ludo says, the monsters going over to the shed. Marco locks the door, and star and y/n use their wands to brighten up the shed. "How could I have been so stupid?" Marco asks himself. "I told you this was a bad idea, marco!" Y/n says, as marco pushes paint buckets to barricade the door, and goes to get a skull head thingy on a shelf.

"Marco y/n, what the heck is going on?" Star asks them. "Uh... this may be all my fault" marco says. "what?! what did you..." star stars, before she notices a three eyed monster peering through the window, she closes the blinds. "what did you two do?" star asks. "um.." both marco and y/n say. marco falls off the shelf and hands star the skull thing. "hold this, uh we're going need to make some armor" he says.

marco walks over to a work bench and y/n pretends to whistle. "marco? y/n?" star asks. marco puts on a protective mask. "Okay, where does dad keep his blowtorch?" Marco asks himself. The monsters outside shake the shed, and the blowtorch falls into his hand. "Heh heh there it is" marco says.

"Marco!" Star shouts. Marco pulls the mask down and turns the blowtorch on. "marco diaz!" star shouts. marco lifts up the mask and turns to star, who drops the skull. "what... is going... on?" star asks. "look, do you remember when i had that really bad day?" marco asks.

~flashback 1~

Marcos running trying to catch the school bus, panting. "Wait! stop!" Marco says, pounding on the school bus. Star opens a window from inside the bus. "Look at you, jogging to school, in the zone" star says to marco.

"I'm trying... to catch... the bus!" marco says, out of breath. "Got to keep your focus, i get it, stay in that zone" star says, before closing the window. The bus halts to a stop, and marco runs into the bus' stop sign. "Oof" marco says, falling on to the ground.

The bus driver opens the door. "Who punched my bus? Who does that? Bus never did nothin' to you" the bus driver says. "Ow.." marco groans and sits up. The bus door closes on his hood, and starts driving again, pulling Marco along. "Woah" marco says, panting.

marco jumps over a speed bump, causing his hoodie to rip, making him crash into a pile of trash. "oof.." marco says, groaning in pain. marco comes out of the trash, with a black eye. a guy on a bicycle rides up to him. "woah..." the bicycle guy says, laughing afterwards. "you kissed a ninja!" the guy says, continuing to laugh.

marco covers his shirt with a newspaper, and runs away. marco runs up to the school, and opens his black eye. "you have got to be kidding me, school picture day?!" marco says. "smile!" a girl says, taking marcos picture. marco groans. "i wanna go home" he says. "well well well, marco diaz" jeremy says. "not today jeremy" marco says.

"i came to give you a black eye for picture day, but apparently there's no need" jeremy says. "i said not today!" marco says, stamping his foot, accidently braking jackie's skateboard in half. "marco... you broke my... skateboard" jackie says. "ooh hoo hoo!" jeremy says. "jackie, i..." marco starts. "its fine marco, i'll just live with it" jackie says, rolling off on a half of her skateboard. "i think my work here is done" jeremy says.

~end of flashback 1~

"i'm sorry you had a bad day marco, but what does this have to do with right now? and how does y/n fit into this?" star asks marco. "i'm getting to that" marco says, sawing the skull thing. y/n meanwhile was sitting on the ground to not be seen by star or the monsters. man arm's arm crashes through the wall.

"woah!" marco says, falling backwards. the arm swishes back and forth, marco puts the skull thing down onto the table and man arm grabs the head. "thank you!" marco calls out, he then covers the hole on the wall with a painting. "i was so bummed out, but you and y/n did everything you could to cheer me up, and then you met oskar" marco says.

~flashback 2~

terrible keyboard sound fill the air, and people are screaming its so bad. "make it stop! make it stop!" someone says. "no, no, no, no!" janna says. star looks over at oskar wide eyed, y/n is with her with earmuffs on (she made them with magic :) "skeeves, who is that fresh of breath air?" star asks.

"oh that degenerate is oskar greason, id stay away from him if i were you, that boy has a record" skeeves replies. "ohhhh, a record..." star says excitedly. "star, i know that look of yours.... star?" y/n says. y/n turns to oskar to see star sneaking up on him. "oh well" she says.

"ah ah ah ah, my car is a flying snail lets ride him far away, yeah to mermaids pools filled with puppies' drool and centaurs pulling candy sleighs, ah ah ah ah" oskar sings.

~end of flashback 2 part 1~

"Star!, can you please keep you fantasies out of my flashback?" Marco asks, splattering a wall with red paint. "Almost done" star says.

~flashback 2 part 2~

Star takes our some sticky notes and writes marcos number on it. She sticks the sticky note onto oskar's keytar. "Call me" star says, she sighs and slinks away.

Y/n had already left to go get some food.

~end of flashback 2 part 2~

Marco holds up a circular slide rule and star sighs. "I couldn't wait to talk to him" star says. While the flashbacks were going on y/n started making her own armor.

~flashback 3 part 1~

Marco and y/n are sitting at the table, and marcos playing on his phone. Star runs up the stairs and snatches marcos phone. "I'm expecting a phone call! From oskar" star says, tittering."Why don't you just give him the home line?" Marco asks.

"Mmm, I like your ring tone better" star says. "space unicorn, soaring through the stars" marcos ringtone says, and star bobs her head to the music. she giggles. "so cute" star says, running upstairs. y/n giggles too. "it is pretty cute" she says. marco sighs. "its supposed to be ironic" marco says.

star runs up to her room, with her wand in her mouth holding marcos phone. she sits down at a table, sets the phone down and stares at it. "space unicorn-" the ringtone says, as star quickly answers the phone. "hello?" star answers.

"hola, marco, its grandma" marcos grandma says. star hangs up and groans. star lies on her bed waiting for oskar to call. she laid there through the day. y/n came in to check up on her a few times to see her lying on her bed awaiting his call.

~end of flashback 3 part 1~

star is wearing the circular slide rule as a protective mask. "i guess i'm just not cool enough for a guy with a record" star says sadly. "are you kidding? you and y/n are the coolest girls i know!" marco says, looking over to y/n, whos now fully covered in some kind of armor

(imagine how you'd like it, has to be stuff you'd find in a garage though)

"woah, y/n how'd you do that?" star asks. "um well i uh don't exactly know hehe " y/n says. the shed shakes violently again, and star and y/n fall over along with everything on the shelves. "anyway you were so sad, it was my turn to cheer you up, and y/n wanted to help" marco says.

~flashback 3 part 2~

marco and y/n stand at the door to star and y/n's room. they both frown from seeing star sad and look at each other and smile, walking away from the room. the door the room creaks and shadowy figures approach stars bed.

star turns to the shadowy figures, and flashlights light onto the shadowy figures showing marco, and y/n in full clown attire, and makeup. "hey star!" marco and y/n say. star shrieks and turns the lights on. "i though you liked clowns! sorry!" marco says, walking away quickly, and pulling y/n with him.


star's still lying on her bed waiting. "hey, star, up here!" marco says from the top of the room. star looks up to see marco in a shopping cart, with a rocket strapped to it, wearing a sombrero with sparklers and a foam finger. y/n is standing up there too, in case something goes wrong.

"ha ha, watch this, im gonna.... i can't do this" marco says, he tries to get out of the shopping cart and y/n goes to help him but the cart takes off with the both of them pushed in. both of them scream in terror the whole way down.

star watches in shock as fireworks flood the room, her sword sticks into the floor, y/n and marcos shadows are seen on a wall, they then crash into a tank. the tank floods the room and y/n and marco ride the water down the stairs. marco has a sparkler in his mouth and spits it out.

"ta da" marco says. "ugh" star says. y/n groans. marco goes over to the table where star and y/n left their wands to get up. "and that's when i realized - nothing makes you happier than when your narwhal blasting a monster, so y/n and i tried to lure on with her wand" marco narrates.

(here's how that happened real quick :P)

"hey y/n! i thought of the perfect way to cheer up star!" marco says running down the stairs, holding y/ns wand and the dimensional scissors. y/n gasps. "how!" she asks. "well you know how star loves narwhal blasting monsters?" marco asks. "yep!" y/n says.

"i say we lure a monster in with your wand for her to fight to cheer her up!" marco finishes. "um... marco are you sure that's a good idea?" y/n asks. "we're just gonna lure one monster it shouldn't be a big problem" marco answers.

"okay... i guess that makes sense, but if this goes terribly wrong you can't blame me!" y/n says. they soon make their way outside. y/ns wand is tied to a fishing line, that marcos holding. y/ns holding the dimensional scissors. she opens the portal and marco throws the wand into the portal.

a monster soon comes out of the portal chasing the wand. "Oh, star!" marco and y/n say in sing songy voices. more monster come out of the portal, and y/n looks at marco with an 'i told you so' face.

~end of flashback 3 part 2~

"so you brought these monsters here to cheer me up?" star asks them. "yeah... i just didn't expect so many" marco says, he chuckles. marco puts a bucket onto stars head. "but don't worry, this armor will hold them off" marco says. the roof of the shed comes off and man arm grabs marco, his armor falls off.

"marco!" y/n and star say, jumping out of the shed, their armor coming off as well. marco screams. ludos army surrounds them. "give it up star, and y/n butterfly! you're outmatched!" ludo shouts at them. "ludo, whats up with all these new monsters?" y/n asks.

"What? These are all the same monsters I already bring" Ludo says. "Mmm, I don't know" star says. "I've never seen this dude in my life" marco says, pointing at man arm. "You mean you've never met man arm?" Ludo asks.

"Hey" man arm says. "Surely you know spikeballs" Ludo says. "Well we were never formally introduced" spikeballs says. Spikeballs walks up to marco and shakes his hand. "Hi im spikeballs, I'm usually in the back" spikeballs says.

Ludo sighs. "Now that you all know eachother..., 'he chuckles' get the wands!" Ludo shouts. Ludos monsters charge at them. Star blasts man arm with a rainbow fist punch, causing him to drop marco.

Y/n, star, and marco team up against the monsters. Y/n jumps high up into the air. "Honeybee Tornado Swarm!" Y/n shouts, blasting the monster with a swarm of honey bees. "You were right, Marco! I'm totally cheered up! 'Star blasts big chicken' I don't even care if oskar calls!" Star says, marcos phone rings afterwards.

"Space unicorn, soaring through the stars delivering the rainbows all around the world..." marcos phone sings. "Ugh, what is that terrible ringtone?" Ludo asks. "It's supposed to be ironic" marco says. Star looks at the phone and gasps. "It's oskar" star says.

"Well, talk to him" marco says, within a headlock. "Oh, right, right, right, right, right! 'She answers the phone' hello?" Star says. "Hi im calling this phone number on my phone?" Oskar says. "Thank you for calling, no I mean, hiiii" star says.

"Hi" oskar replies. "So what are you..." both star and oskar say. "Oh i-i-im sorry, I interrupted you" star says. Bearicorn roars loudly in stars ear. She turns to him annoyed. "Ugh, oskar, can you hold on for like one second?, hey! I am on the phone! You monsters are so rude!" Star says.

Ludos monsters look surprised. "Syrup Tsunami Shockwave!" Star shouts, washing the monsters, y/n and marco away with a tidal wave of waffles, pancakes and syrup. Ludos army screams and star sighs. "Sorry about that, 'star giggles' cool" star says.

"Cool" oskar replies. "Cool" star restates. "...okay, bye I like your phone voice" star finishes, hanging up the phone and sighs. All of ludos monsters are covered with syrup along with y/n and marco. One of the minions grunts. "Sticky. All sticky" the same monster says.

"Mmm, thanks marco y/n, you did know just how to cheer me up, and oskar called anyway! 'Star giggles' hugs!" Star says hugging y/n and marco. The three of the get stuck cause of the syrup. "Blecch" y/n says.

The bicycle guy, rides up to them. "Woah..." he says, he laughs afterwards. He suddenly stops laughing and rides away. Star, y/n and marco look at eachother confused.

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