Fake Friends and Friendly Foe...

By BloodyBooMimi

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Sometimes, things occur across the timeline. That doesn't mean the changes are necessarily bad. Harry's life... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Seven

155 5 0
By BloodyBooMimi

"And exactly who do you think you are?" A familiar voice said. Both the teens whirled around to see a sandy haired man standing a few away from him. The same sandy haired man they had met at Diagon Alley.

"You! You were the man at Diagon, with your dog." Malfoy said with as much calmness he could muster. There was nothing calm about the situation though. They both have been caught snooping into an abandoned building in Knockturn and Harry was pretty sure that was illegal. The sandy haired man's eyes widened.

"You can't be here. You have to go. I won't tell anyone if you leave now." His voice was stern yet so soft laced with enough urgency one can add.

"No, not yet. Who are you and what are you doing here?" Malfoy asked. He sounded curious.

"None of your business." The man said looking very irritated.

"Malfoy, I think we should go." Harry said, agitated. He didn't want to stay much longer.

"Not yet." Malfoy looked back at the man and smirked.

"Well if you're not going to tell us. We'll find out ourself." Malfoy turned the knob and pushed open the door. Harry would be lying if he didn't want to find out what is past the door.

The door swung open and inside left them shocked. No shocked was an understatement. No one seemed to notice them. The inside was painted in dark red and maroon stripes with gold and blue detailing. God, the room was beautiful. There were tables lined up with different people sitting in them. It was a diner. A restaurant. The sign on top of the door read The Full Moon. Everyone looked so happy and cheerful. Not what Harry expected when he entered an abandoned building in Knockturn. The sandy haired man walked up behind them.

"Well, are you going to come inside or are you just going to continue gaping as if you had never seen the inside of a resteraunt." The way he spoke, it was almost like a different person, his agitation and hesitancy dissipated and was replaced with a extroverted vigour, almost like a host inviting his new guests.

"I, this was not what I expected." Malfoy said.

"Neither did I? But then again who would expect a secret underground resteraunt in an old abandoned building in Knockturn no less?"

"Why isn't this located in Diagon. I mean it's perfectly legal isn't it." Malfoy asked. The teens were now located behind the counter with the sandy scarred man.

"Ahh, but it's not." He said chuckling lightly.

"What do you mean? I mean it is a resteraunt is it not. Unless it's not meant for wizards." Harry said. This man, felt very familiar to him. It simply must have been dèjá vu. The man chuckled.

Just then, "Remus, good to see you in full health again. It's been quite some time has it not?"

"You too, Matt. How is your wife?"

"Good enough. The procedure was successful. Twin cubs. Perfectly healthy. All thanks to Ellen." The man named exclaimed joyously.

"Well, see you around." And with that he walked off.

The sandy scarred man or Remus looked at the teens with a raised eyebrow as if dading them to ask him questions. "This diner place isn't for... wizards isn't it?" Harry said warily as a new dawning realization struck both boys. Malfoy sucked in a sharp breath beside him.

"Werewolves. This diner is specifically made to help werewolves. Vampires come too along with other creatures. But the majority are werewolves." The man, Remus said softly.

"But, you... you were so nice. Werewolves are... Aren't they supposed to be extremely ferocious or anything." Malfoy asked. The man, Remus' eyes flashed furious amber before settling on deep green.

"I'm surprised you actually figured it out. Must of used up a lot of brain cells to realize that werewolves are human too." Both Harry and Malfoy snorted at the statement.

"Wouldn't take much to figure it out don't you think." Harry said sardonically.

Malfoy looked around nervously questioning if he should run and never come back. Remus smiled "Relax, you two are safe here. No one is going to harm you both."

He walked towards the back towards the kitchen with the teens in tow. The kitchen was brighter. The walls were painted a warm white. Two others were also present while one was dicing vegetables the other was pulling something out of the oven. Remus was leaning against an empty countertop. "Do we look ferocious and uncontrollable to you?"

"N-no. I mean it is what the Ministry says about you. Isn't it." This was Harry's first time hearing Malfoy stutter. He couldn't help it, Harry snickered causing Malfoy to give him a scathing look that only half-promised revenge which inturn caused Harry to snicker more.

"I still don't get how it's still illegal. I mean, it's just a diner." Remus sighed and looked at Harry, then his forehead and back to his eyes.

"Where is your scar?"

"Umm, I hid it, with concealor."

To which Remus only raised an smiled. "Impressive."

"Don't think we're letting the topic drop. I still don't understand how it's illegal." Harry said.

"The Ministry passed a law on werewolves." Malfoy looked up at Remus, his silver eyes alight with realization.

"Surely you don't mean..."

"Yes." Was his only answer.

"I'm not following." Harry stated confused.

"Well, the Ministry recently passed a law on werewolves by order of Undersecretary Umbridge. I don't know what it states exactly but it has something to do with werewolves."

"And how do you know this?" At Harry's question Malfoy only scoffed, "Well father is part of the Wizemgamot. He tells me things."

"Well we now know who the Daddy's boy award goes too." Harry said snickering once more. Malfoy turned a light shade of pink before glaring at Harry. Remus watched them amused.

"You guys must be close friends. You remind me of people I used to know." He asked chuckling slightly. 'Used too' was emphasized. Harry head swiftly turned around and looked at Remus.

"Us, friends. Never ever in a billion years." He stated. This was a one time thing cause they were both bored. Nothing less, nothing more.

"Aww come on Potty. You wound me." Malfoy exclaimed dramatically with a hand over his heart. Harry pointed a finger at Malfoy," You shut it. Otherwise I will dye your hair Weasley red." Malfoy looked at Harry bewildered.

"You wouldn't."

"I would." They were currently glaring at each other. Remus watched their conversation, eyes moving back and forth. They seem close enough to be friends.. Shame though. Remus thought but was cut out of his musings when Malfoy asked him,

"What is your name?" Remus eyes shot to look at the pale blonde. "Remus Lupin."

Malfoy snickered. "What's so funny?" Harry asked. This was a change.

"Remus Lupin can loosely be translated to Werewolf McWerewolf." Remus shot Malfoy a scathing look. He did not like where this was going.

"Seriously?" Harry asked a grin making its way onto his face.

"No, not really but if you know Roman mythology it would be easy to spot and this literally a werewolf café. So..." At this statement Harry laughed.

"Ha ha very funny. Now can you please stop mocking me." Remus stated petulantly. Harry and Draco laughed at the offended look.

"Are you a werewolf though?" Harry spoke quietly.

"Yes." Was the only replied he received before the topic of the conversation changed. They spent their time in the kitchen talking and laughing and eventually eating. It was enjoyable and they learned a lot about werewolves. This man, Remus was nothing like people depicted werewolves to be. Nor were the others. But, as always, time flies when you are having fun. And the teens had a home (or in Harry's case a room) to get back too.

"We have to go. It is getting late." Harry said.

"You wouldn't tell anyone about this place right?" Remus asked. His joyful demeanor dimishing and replaced with something more stern.

"No, we won't. " Malfoy replied. Remus looked at him skeptically. Draco smiled snarkily before adding on,"We won't tell anyone if you never tell anyone we were down here."

"Saving your own ass then." Remus asked amused. Slytherins.

"That and the law. You would be imprisoned. All of us will be." Harry added in response.

"Well, I guess we should be going now." Harry said cheerfully waving goodbye. The teens were about to leave when something ran towards them knocking them both over in there haste. "Padfoot. Back." Remus said pulling the collar. Pad foot looked different. Bigger almost. Instead of play grey eyes he now had a shining silver.

"Is it just me or does the dog look different?" Malfoy asked pushing himself up.

"You could say that." Remus said nonchalantly waving it off. "You should get going." He said helping Harry back up.

"Right. See you around Remus. You too Padfoot." Harry said patting the dog on the head. And with that Harry and Malfoy left the abandoned-but-not-so-abandoned building.

Harry and Malfoy walked in silence for a while till, "I didn't know you liked Roman mythology." Malfoy looked at him.

"There is a lot you don't know about me." He replied. Harry snorted.

"What's so funny?"

"Who knew you were such a nerd." Harry broke into a laugh as Malfoy chased him down Knockturn intent on hitting him with the bookbags they had been carrying. Malfoy finally caught up with him and glared.

"You know, if you were like this more I would have actually considered being your friend." Harry said as as slowed down and the let the blonde catch up to him.



"Would you, be friends with me, now?" Malfoy asked slowly. Considering his chances. He didn't want to be rejected, not for a second time.

Harry stopped for a second and an awkward silence befell them. He hesistated regretting if to for a second, what he had said a few seconds prior. He contemplated before replying affirmatively while smiling.They were now reaching the entrance to Diagon. Draco too seemed to give a genuine smile at his answer. Something Harry thought he wouldn't quite see in his lifetime.

"Where do you stay?" Malfoy asked.

"Leaky Cauldron. Why?"

"Just curious."

Harry and Draco reached Fortescues, their original meeting spot. Today was oddly fun. Harry never imagined in a million years that he would ever enjoy Malfoy's company. But hey, stranger things have happened.

"You know Potty, today wasn't all that bad." Harry glared before replying.


"Well, I'll see you on the train." And with that Malfoy walked in a different direction. Harry couldn't help but feel a bit dull, he wouldn't see his new 'friend' until September. But he didn't let it bother him much because he had other things to do and worry about, like his Defense essay. He walked back to the Leaky Cauldron and up to his room. The door closed behind him with a creak. It was nearing 7 o'clock.

He sighed in contentment. Today, was... brilliant. That's it. All he could say. Brilliant. He was scared to say Knockturn wasn't all that bad and he actually enjoyed Malfoy's company. He was snarky and had a dark sense of humor. He wondered if that's all Slytherins act. Were they all quirky and careless but simply hiding behind a facade? Were Slytherins just as loud as Gryffindors when there weren't people looking?

It was safe to say he knew exactly what he was going to do when he went back to Hogwarts. He smiled and then looked at his bookbag. He forgotten about it. His cheeks colored slightly when he remembered Malfoy paid for them. He picked up the first one Defense and Offense: Theory and Practice and was promptly lost in the book. He finally understood Hermione's obsession for knowledge.

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