-Spiritual Kinship- 2nd half

By Red-woodstorm

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The second half of Spiritual Kinship. In this part, Syouji becomes slightly Overpowered. But not totally Ove... More

Chapter X - A few things before you read
Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Disaster Aftermath
Chapter 2 - Christmas Spirit
Chapter 3 - Christmas Spirit part 2
Chapter 4 - Christmas Spirit End
Chapter 5 - Enter! The Second Spirit!
Chapter 6 -Spirit Date Plans
Chapter 7 - Date-A-Akiba
Chapter 8 - Date A Akiba part 2
Chapter 9 - Nia Otome
Chapter 10 - First-born crisis
Chapter 11 - Spirit Doujin
Chapter 12 - Comico
Chapter 13 - The Rumbling
Chapter 14 - Sold out
Chapter 15 - Honjou strike
Chapter 16 - Panic! At the Comico
Chapter 17 - Nia Truth
Volume 2 - Chapter 18 - Shrine Visit
Chapter 19 - Happy New Year!!
Chapter 20 - Long-Distance Conquering
Chapter 22 - Fraxinus EX
Chapter 23 - Shattered boundaries
Chapter 24 - Fairy tale revelations
Chapter 25 - Body switch
Chapter 26 - King's rule
Chapter 27 - Clearing Doubts
Chapter 28 - Space invaders
Volume 3 - Chapter 29 - Cosmic War
Chapter 30 - Cosmic War part 2
Chapter 31 - Cosmic War part 3
Chapter 32 - Memories
Chapter 33 - Aftermath
Chapter 34 - Wet-fold Origami
Chapter 35 - Goldilocks
Chapter 36 - Love and Memories

Chapter 21 - Mukuro Hoshimiya

712 6 7
By Red-woodstorm

"Stop freaking out, you're fine no one's dead."


"Thank goodness. I thought he actually died."

That's right. In reality, only Shidou's volumetric hologram was hit. Shidou embarassingly stood back up as Syouji assisted him.

"Perhaps she's still agitated by DEM's assault. I wouldn't be surprised if she suddenly heard a voice behind her and thought it was an enemy. Let her know we mean no harm."

"Right. My turn then." Syouji said, stepping forward as Shidou backed away as his projection went away.

"Please calm down. We mean you no harm."

"...huh?" The girl looked expressionlessly at Syouji and inclined her head in confusion. At that moment, for some reason, Syouji felt as if he could see his younger self staring back at him. Yes, back then, his expressions were the same.

Immediately after however, the blonde girl immediately flew towards the pile of rubble, accelerating past Syouji.

"Hmm?" Syouji's body tensed up instinctively as he shifted his stance.

"Don't! like I said I mean no harm to you!"

Syouji shouted as the girl, accelerated towards him. It was true that he meant no harm toward her, it seems she did not share the same intentions as she used her staff to ruthlessly pulverize his head, again as his body instinctively moved out of the way.

Although it was a strange feeling as he was unable to use his heightened spatial awareness since he was not actually in space.

"Guh— Dammit you don't listen do you?!"

Syouji shouted as she sent fragments of scrap metal towards him in high speeds as Syouji used acrobatic movements to dodge and weave out of the way making use of his Spiritually reinforced body.

"Listen to me!"


She looked at him expressionlessly as rays of light shot out towards Syouji who was too slow to dodge as he was unable to use his power to teleport.

"Ugaaahh!!" Syouji mourned as his body was torn to pieces.

"This girl... she gave me quite a workout." Syouji said with a slight smile as Reine touched her chin lost in thought.

"Hmm... I didn't expect her to be so violent. It looks like using the hologram was the right choice."

"—Alright I'm going in again," Shidou said as he stepped forward. The girl was engrossed in the twins regenerative body. She gave a bewildered yet unexpressive face, but her movements were now changing.

"—Inconceivable. Why dost thou not die?" Her intonation lacked modulation, but even so, she had finally replied in a way unrelated to combat.

"Ah!" Shidou gave an exaggerated nod. "We wanted to talk to you so I placed a three-dimensional projection here."

"Verily, which is why I implore you to cease your attacks, most especially when other people are in the middle of their words."

When they said that, the girl then used the front end of her staff to wave through their bodies as if to inspect them.

"Three-dimensional projection, you say? Inconceivable in sooth. Better in my mind not undertook."

"O-Oh? What?" Shidou tilted his head in confusion.

"In any case, if you don't mind, may I know your name?" Syouji asked as the girl stopped waving her staff.

"Mine name? It matters naught. 'Tis Mukuro. Hoshimiya Mukuro."

"Mukuro huh?" Shidou spoke.

"So that's your name, huh?" Syouji said and put his hand under his chin.

"By my troth," Nodded Mukuro. "Thou art? To enquire another's fore claiming thine own— deplorable morality."

"What did she say?" Shidou asked.

"She basically said it's rude to ask for one's name before giving your own." Syouji explained before turning towards the girl. " I'm—waahhh!!"

Halfway through his vision was thrown and was shown a blue screen as options appeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

"Syouji? Are you okay?" Shidou asked

"Pray tell. Hast thou some I'll a'brewing?" The girl, Mukuro said that while pointing her staff at Syouji.

"I'm fine... I just... It's a little disorienting." 

Yes, usually the options would be show on his bracelet. But this time, it seems they took advantage of the headgear.

[1] <Introduce Shidou> and I'm Itsuka Syouji let's be friends.

[2] <Introduce Shidou> and I'm Itsuka Syouji. Be my lover.

[3] <Introduce Shidou> and I'm Itsuka Syouji. I'll be your master from now on. Be my obedient slave. I'll train you until you can no longer live without me.

"Everyone choose!" When Kotori said that, the sound of button pushing could be heard as the statistics were shown in a pie chart which Syouji and Shidou could see with the headgear. The option that was the largest was:

"Hmm...[3] huh?"

"Affirmative. At first glance [1] and [2] look safer and more reliable, but we need to go on the offensive."

"That's true. Right now we're unaware whether her state of mind is favorable or not, so we'll need to see her response pattern."

"That makes sense. Well, it's just a hologram anyway so no one will get hurt. We have to exploit this advantage. Syouji, do option number 3."

"Now hold on a second!" Syouji said defiantly as Shidou chuckled. 

"I am so glad I'm not the one making this decision." Shidou said.

"What's wrong Syouji? Is something wrong?" Kotori questioned with an innocent tone.

"Don't you dare ask those questions! Everything is wrong in this situation!"

"You're overreacting. It's not like you'll die, so you need to test her reactions with tougher words. Hurry up, Mukuro's waiting."

Hearing that, Syouji had no choice as he clicked his tongue as he opened his mouth hesitantly.

"This is my brother, Itsuka Shidou and I'm Itsuka Syouji. I'm going to be your master. Become my slave, I'll train you until you can't live without me."

"Hm...Itsuka Shidou and Itsuka Syouji huh?" Mukuro repeated while hoding her chin and with an emotionless face.

"She didn't care at all?!" Kotori screamed loudly towards her subordinates as Shidou cringed. For some reason however, Syouji felt a strange familiarity in the situation.

"How is the Spirit's emotional state and happiness level?" Kotori questioned.

"No changes at all!"

"The values are too stable!"

"How is that possible?! Did she not hear Syouji? But she their name..." Kotori retorted her words in astonishment.

"If I end up with another Tobiichi Origami, I will never forgive you. Although..." Syouji said that and pondered a bit. The thought did not sound bad at all.

"Curiosity I have. Woulds't the both of thou talk with me?"

"Eh? A-Ah..." Shidou stuttered.

"Oh? I don't mind." Syouji said with a nod.

When the twins answered however, Mukuro pointed her staff towards the earth below her.

"Three-Dimensional Projection... Thy flesh must be on I heavenly body from whence thou appeareth. Loathsome sham! Dare thou spit falsehoods, I shall punish thy ground from whence thou cometh."



Shidou and Syouji looked at each other in shock dreading the meteor which had fallen in the sports ground previously. Syouji was not sure he could even compete with that power. He did not want to know whose control over <Space> was more superior.

"What say thee?" Mukuro asked as Kotori sighed.

"She's serious. Talk with her. Complicating things will be troublesome."

"The person with  the blue hair shalt go first." Mukuro said as Shidou looked around in surprise.

"A-Ah okay." Shidou stumbled. "I want to save Spirits like you." 

Shidou then revealed everything, his objective, the existence of Ratatoskr and the hostile corporation DEM, as well as his powers.

"....Hmm" Mukuro contemplated without any expression. Shidou looked at the pair of Golden eyes staring at him between her flowing hairs and held his breath.

"True to thy heart, my deepest thanks. I hath undergone tremendous change early to venturing herein." Mukuro said as Shidou looked towards Syouji for help who simply rolled his eyes.

"Seriously... you know you used to talk like this right? You should be able to understand her..." Syouji said with a sigh. "She said "thank you for being honest. I have been through alot of changes before coming here.""

"Ah... then, will you come to the surface for your powers to be sealed?" Shidou asked nervously as Syouji crossed his arms observing while looking for the device they used to project their images.

"Me thinks thine offer best unheeded." Mukuro replied without hesitation. Although that was well anticipated as there have been similar cases before. After Syouji translated, Shidou then continued. 

"Well I can't force you to believe in me. But what I said is true."

"I don't think she doubts you. She just honestly believes she doesn;t need our help"

When Syouji said that, Shidou looked towards him in surprise as Mukuro nodded her head as if to agree.

"Fair intentions imbue thy words, I suspect naught."

"Then why?" Shidou asked.

"Thy gist I have procured. But I shan't take any alms. I simply be as I be."

"B-But DEM may attack you again."

"DEM..." Mukuro enunciated clumsily as she tried to recall something.

"The crude iron I dismantled? I will obliterate every mortal instruments disregarding their numbers."

"That's not it. DEM has even more powerful weapons called wizards which are dangerous!"

"There exists nothing that can triumph over my Angel. If I become entrenched in peril, <Michael> will open a gate for me to flee. Or can this D,E,M, thou speak of pursue me at that rapidity of light?"

"That..." Shidou was at a loss for words at this point.

Sure enough, whoever tries to capture her will face near impossible difficulties. However, there were still Ellen, Artemisia, and the now wielder of <Beelzebub>, Westcott. Shidou then continued to persuade her.

"But there's a lot of fun stuff on earth and there are other Spirits like you. Isn't it lonely being in this place by yourself?"

"....Lonesome eh?" Upon Shidou's words, Mukuro shook her head. "As terrified as I am with thine anxiety, loneliness remains unfelt."

"But how?"

"All perceptions, be it mirth, melancholy, wrath or grief, art bygone from me. Including love. Long a gone hath I locked mine heart."

"....Eh? Lock?"

"Aye, <Michael>'s ability." Mukuro showed her staff. <Michael> and <Segva-Lock> one of its abilities that seals its targets.

They witnessed it before when Mukuro locked the <Bandersnatch> units, snatching away their power and rendering them useless.

If her Angel could affect even intangible objects, then it could indeed seal Mukuro's feelings.

"Why did it come to that? Not only sadness and sorrow but even joy...?!"

"Ask thou why? dispensable aspects of misfortune I say. I know not what I used to anymore."

"B-But you can talk to me normally like right now!"

"Speech retains, though gentle riddance grieves me not. At root, serenity was all I desired, thusly this me journeyed this untouchable universe. To be infuriated or to endeavor kin affection, everything would disrupt the status quo. The aerolites I dropped were mere admonishments to ward off humans invading my domain." Mukuro explained with an unchanging look.

As Syouji observed, it became more apparent that she was not like him at all. All he did was hide his emotions from everyone. However, this person simply resembled an introverted hermit, a dull celestial being who locked her feelings away and hid from everyone. 

Whereupon, Shidou clenched his fist and continued.

"That's... too sad. Please return to Earth. I want you to be happy!"

"..." Mukuro remained speechless. After a Modicum of moments, she started to move her mouth.

"I pray thee, Shidou thou seem to have misunderstood."


"What I deem as happiness— 'tis unjust for thou to resolve hither and thither."

"...!" Shidou felt suffocated by her words.

"Thou may have saved Spirits from damnation before, which I believe. But I am me. Why doth thee wish to aid me?"

Shidou was dumbfounded by what she said. Mukuro continued, ignoring whatever reply he had.

"Ere I be redeemed or happy, in sooth I would be not. Thine infallability marks thy words. This me thinks thou has taken me for granted."

"T-That kind of thing..." Shidou's voice shivered, wanting to deny what the girl said but he didn't have any strength to refute. Mukuro seemed to have noticed something and stared at him.

"All drained of rebuttal?" It came from a voice behind him.

"What do you mean...?" Hearing that, Shidou remembered that Ratatoskr as well as his brother was still supporting him. As he reflected on his issues, Mukuro resumed her interrogation.

"This DEM originates from whence thou came right? If thou hath sealed me, couldst thou also ensure my protection? Hath thy sealed Spirits never sustained another fiendish foray?"

"...! Th-That's...!" Shidou couldn't speak up anymore as the countless battles against DEM flew through his mind and even the times his own brother died in front of him. Seeing Shidou's inner conflict, Mukuro softly declared her standpoint. 

"All in all, Shidou, thy hypocrisy is like a maze lest I be snared. Cease ever returning and begone."

"...!" Shidou pained from rejection, as if he got hit by an iron bar on the head. Mukuro's painful words spread throughout his body.


"....Shidou don't be too upset. What you have done for the Spirits definitely isn't a mistake."

Kotori responded to him as Syouji put a hand on his shoulder. The hand on his shoulder further adding to the guilt. Just how many times has his brother been in harms way protecting him and the Spirits? Shidou couldn't live with himself. But—

"Tis the end of our banter. Where I depart lays only tranquility, only preservation. Where no soul may bother me. I bid thee farewell."

Mukuro said in a monotonous voice.

"With this, it shall be Syouji's turn. This shall be our eternal parting Shidou. Henceforth, adiue."

Saying that, Mukuro raised her staff and stabbed the front end through Shidou's projection camera.

"—<Segva-Lock>." Mukuro turned her key as Shidou's projection disappeared leaving only Syouji.

"Now then, let us continue. It shall be your turn to speak. Dost thou have similar intentions to your brother?" Mukuro questioned as Syouji nodded.

"Indeed, I do." Syouji answered.

"In that case, what action shalt thou undertake if DEM were to attack the Spirits thou hast so dearly sealed?"

"I will protect them with my life, no matter how many times I keep dying. Unlike my brother, I think of myself as the biggest hypocrite in the world. I have to be in order to seal a certain Spirit." When Syouji said that, Mukuro tilted her head.

"This self understands, thine hypocrisy. However, Dost thou have no value for thine own safety?"

"It's not that. I just have the sheer will to protect them at all costs. I choose to protect the Spirits from DEM with all of my powers." Syouji answered.

"This me admires thine own dedication. However, what dost thou mean with thine powers? Art thou a human or Spirit?"

"I....I'm...." Upon hearing her question Syouji froze for a moment as his eyes widened. "I'm... human. Of course I am." 

"Art thou able to say so free from doubt?" Mukuro asked as Syouji stared at his hands. 

It was something he had been thinking about in his subconscious. The knowledge of him being the biological child of the first Spirit, went through his mind as he stared in shock. 

"All drained of speech? Perhaps thou hast thinking to be done. Tis the end of our discussion. I bid thee farewell."

Saying that, Mukuro raised her staff and stabbed through Syouji's projection camera before turning it as if like a key and sticking her tongue out moments before as if to taunt.

with an accompaniment of static noise, Syouji's vision was lost as he removed his head gear along with his earpiece.

"I'm...." Syouji said in a weak voice as his eyes stared into nothingness.

"Syouji are you okay?" Kotori asked as Syouji weakly nodded and turned towards his brother.

"It.... it hurts... what do we do now?" Shidou said with a look of resignation.

"Why are you giving up just because you couldn't convince her?" Kotori mocked as she sat on the commanders chair gesturing for the twins to come over.

"Of course her words aren't meaningless and of course you're human. As meaningful as her words were, abiding by them won't do any good."

That's right. The Spirits needed to be saved. They represented natural disasters in themselves. But Shidou refused to accept it.

"If I just sit here and do nothing, wouldn't that be worse than trying to talk to her?" Shidou asked.

In response to that, Syouji then fixed his posture before responding.

"But didn't she mention DEM as well? Even if we do nothing, DEM would then get away with her first"

"Right..." Shidou muttered.

If they ceased contact with the Spirits, due to their danger, it would be nothing but a cruel joke. There was no difference between that and Ratatoskr resorting to attack.

"I know what you're thinking just from your face" Syouji said with a sigh.

"Now that DEM knows about Mukuro, they will definitely dispatch more forces to attack and perhaps even murder her. If they succeed, her Sephira crystal, along with her powers will fall into the hands of Isaac Westcott. If they were to fail, she would suspend the Earth's motion to continue her beauty sleep. Forever. Without disturbance. After all, who's going to disturb her if all the disturbances are dead? Either way is terrible for humanity."

"Yeah... You're right."

"That's why we have to seal her. That's all there is to it."

"Right... Sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly."

Shidou said as Syouji stared off into nothingness. The concept of his humanity, bubbling up to the surface.

Seeing this, Kotori chimed in as if she knew what he was thinking.

"I can understand how you feel, but that's enough of that for now" Kotori continued as she stared off into the distance. "The Spirits that you saved, they can at least stay here and have a happy life. You still have one target remember?"

When Kotori said that, Syouji could not help but think about a certain Spirit clad in crimson Astral Dress.

"Yeah. You're right. I don't have time to be distracted."

"Yeah... We can do this."

The twins said as Syouji and Shidou looked at each other before bumping their fists on each other.

At that moment, MARIA emitted a sassy voice.

[I have a feeling that determination won't last very long.]

"What's wrong?" Syouji questioned as MARIA once again entered Kotori's console.

[Look at this] MARIA motioned a statistical table on the monitor as a display of Mukuro's happiness levels and mental state appeared.

The numerical tables shown in the chart indicated absolutely zero deviation. Meaning to say, her levels did not change since the beginning.

End of Chapter

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