Boundless as the Sea

By darylas

34K 1.4K 553

This Book is on Hiatus During this time of war, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala struggle with trying to s... More

New Story!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty One

861 40 18
By darylas

Anakin sprinted up the steps of the Senate Building, not caring who saw him. As he entered the building, he noticed that there wasn't a politician in sight, which was strange considering that it was broad daylight.

As he ran through the winding corridors, Anakin had no real idea of where he was going; the Force was guiding him to his wife. After what seemed like a lifetime of searching, the feeling of danger becoming all the more present, he finally stopped at the door to Padmé's office. Yes, she was definitely in there, and so was someone else.

Ready to barge in with his hand on his lightsaber, Anakin suddenly stopped himself.

What if this is a trap? What am I thinking, of course it's a trap! So I must be the one that Bane's after. did he know to get to me through Padmé?

Padmé. Without a second thought, Anakin threw caution and reason to the wind. His wife was in danger, and that was all that the Jedi Knight needed to know.

He pressed the button that opened the door, only to find that it was no longer functioning. Whoever had Padmé must have sealed the door. Anakin drew his lightsaber and thrust the blade into the thick paneling. The smell of charred metal filled his nostrils as the door melted under the intense heat. The portion of the door that Anakin had cut out finally collapsed, and he leapt through it into the dimly-lit office.

As he took in his surroundings, Anakin saw Cad Bane sitting in Padmé's chair, with his feet propped up on her desk. So, his suspicions were correct. It was a trap for him.

"Well, look who it is. Skywalker." Bane said casually as he examined his blaster. "Took you long enough to get here."

"Where is Senator Amidala?" said Anakin through clenched teeth.

"I'm glad you asked." The bounty hunter removed his boots from the desk and stood up. He then proceeded to walk over to a chair with its back facing Anakin. "Oh Senator, somebody's here to see you." When he turned the chair around, not gently in any way, Anakin's blood went cold.

In the chair sat Padmé, whose hands were tied. She had a large, swelling bruise on her forehead, and her lower lip was bleeding. Her eyes bore into Anakin's, and she remained still.


No matter how afraid she was for her husband's life, Padmé's gaze remained strong and her voice was unwavering.

"General Skywalker, I'm so sorry to inconvenience you like this. I'm alright." She stealthily showed him where she had secretly been able to untie her bonds.

Anakin's expression turned from seething anger to sheer determination. She saw him take a deep breath. "No, Senator, you're not alright. First, I'm gonna kill this gravel maggot where he stands, and then I'm getting you out of here." He drew his lightsaber.

"Aww, how touching. No really, this warms my heart. Oh by the way, did the Jedi get the little message I sent them?"

Anakin looked ready to explode with anger. "Yes, we did. I see now that it's me your 'client' wants dead. But why involve Senator Amidala in this?"

Bane chuckled. "I think we both know the answer to that question, don't we, Skywalker? You're here, aren't you? I gotta say, I didn't know you had that kinda weakness in you. Though I can see why; for a senator, she's not bad on the eyes."

Padmé resisted the urge to stand up and slap the bounty hunter. She needed to wait for the right moment.

Anakin charged with his lightsaber, but Bane was obviously expecting this. He threw a small device which struck Anakin in the chest and stayed there. Immediately he cried out as the device electrocuted him.

"Senator- go!" she heard him say.

Padmé stood up and started for the door, but stopped in her tracks. If Anakin died, surely she would die without him. No. She would either find a way to save them now, or they would die here together.


Anakin ripped off the shocking device and crushed it under his foot. "You're a dead man, Bane."

"Wanna know a secret, Skywalker? You're not my target. You never were. I fooled the Jedi into thinking that I was after one of you. No, my client's true target is not a Jedi, but a politician that has become too big of a threat."

Realization hit Anakin like a sandcrawler.

It's Padmé.

Everything that happened next seemed to play out in slow motion. Anakin turned away from Bane, fear rapidly rising in his chest. He opened his mouth to cry out to Padmé, he wanted to run, but his legs would not take him fast enough.

He turned just in time to see a blaster bolt strike his one and only love in the chest.

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