All The Little Lights

By katedayn09

8.2K 669 317

"You are kidding me, right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Do I seem like I am kidding?" "No, you don't. But I... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Take a look.!!!
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 74

Chapter 47

71 8 1
By katedayn09


"If I get my hands on that bastard I'll chop his dick off and feed it to the street dogs.! Who the fucking hell does he think he is? That motherfucker! Wait till I get my hands on him, I'll show him what hell really is..!" Gwen growled as I sat there quietly, fumbling with my hands.

"You need to calm down Gwen, your anger won't solve anything. We have to find him first." Kevin said as calm as he could with his jaw ticking from the suppressed anger.

"Are you okay.?" Helen asked finally, after a long silence.

"I am better"

I don't know how I managed to say everything to them in my sober state. Recalling that night is still a torture. It doesn't matter how old the scar is. But remembering is like peeling it open just to stab it again and again till it bleeds.

For once, I was thankful for my drunken state that night when I spilled everything to him. I wasn't clear-headed and that made everything more easy. I didn't even want to recall saying all that to Aarvin of all people.

But today I had told them all about me. My past.

I needed to show them those shattered pieces of me just like they had done with theirs.

So we could mould a better us from the same pieces, even when scar remains, it's still a reminder that we tried. They have shared their past with me and I wanted to do that too. We are in this together and they've the right to know everything about me and Jake.

And I did.

Everyone was here including Aarvin and Nordin.

Aarvin was silent throughout my talk and didn't once interrupt. He was sitting in one of the chairs with his arms crossed on his chest.

I was shaking inside even when I put a brave front outside. I spoke like it was just a part of my past, but I knew, all of them here know, that it was still as fresh as the day it all happened.

But they didn't point it out. Because they too know, that some wounds take much longer to heal. To become a scar which will forever be adorn your soul to remind you how strong you are. How much you've endured to become you.

But even though he was silent, he gave me the comfort I was seeking. He didn't move his gaze from mine throughout the time I was speaking. Not even once. He was encouraging me to go on. To pour it all out.

"I give you one word Lexi." Nordin who had gone completely silent on hearing me, voiced. His hands were clenched into a tight fist.

"We will make him pay." His green eyes darkened with anger and vexation of all these years.

I nodded, "We will"

I was not able to complete the sentence wholly before I found myself enveloped in a tight comforting embrace.

"You're okay. Right?" Kevin mumbled tightening his hands around me.

"I am.." I nodded into his shirt, hugging him back.

"I know it hurts like a bitch, but you're going to come out of it all the more stronger." he said, or more likely, stated to himself making me chuckle.

"I'm alright Kev" I smiled leaning back.

"Yeah. You don't have to make her cry with all your hugging and comforting. You stink" Helen grunted covering her nose while making a disgusted expression, making me groan.

"First of all, I was trying to make her feel okay and it was because of my hug that she feels alright now. And second of all, I don't stink" Kevin retored.

"Oh.! But you do stink" She argued, clearly in the mood to start a row.

"I don't"

"You do"

"I don't"

"Yes. You do, Kevin. Go and take a bath."

"No. I don't, Helen. And I'm not taking a bath."

"Don't act like a ki-"

"Enough.! Both of you. Stop acting like kids for God's sake. We have more important matters at hand" Gwen yelled making the pair huff in unison.

With a frustrated sigh, he ran his hand over his face before turning towards us.

"So what is the plan?"

"It's simple actually. I am going to the address Biancca had given me and get acquainted with her. It will take some time to gain their trust but I've to do that inorder to become one of them. After obtaining enough information, when they expect the least... we attack."

"But don't you think it will make them suspicious. I mean you appearing out of nowhere?" Helen pondered and I shook my head.

"No, It won't. It was infact Biancca who gave me the address and I'm going there just like anyone desperate for some stuff would."

"What about Jake then? Do you think he will fall for it?" Gwen inquired.

"Well... He have to. But before he finds me, I need to get closer with some of his gang members so I could get a hint of his actual nature. And I need to try to get in Biancca's good book. It will make things easier."

"But what if Jake doesn't want you anymore? He must've forgotten you since it's been years you last saw each other. And god knows how he would react when he sees you." Helen asked, frowning lines appearing on her face.

"Honestly, I don't know how he'll react, but about him wanting me.. " I trailed out in a small voice, before picking back on. "He is still after me. Even after 5 years. It's like he is kinda obsessed with me. So technically, one could say I am jumping right into his trap" I chuckled awkwardly at the end to reduce the tension that rose in the room at my revelation.

"What?!" Kevin echoed with others.

"What do you mean?" Aarvin questioned narrowing his eyes.

I sighed

"Jake is looking for me. He met with my parents again to make sure I will be in his hands sooner or later. I came to know about this when I was in NY and I didn't want to worry you with all these. That is why I didn't say anything back then. But look at the bright side..! He will be exactly where we want him, thinking everything is going according to his wish, without knowing what is waiting for him at the end." I said trying to act excited and bold under their scrutinizing gaze.

"Can I just punch your parents? Atleast till they become worthless as shit?" Gwen groaned.

"Not now Gwen. They will surely get their pieces of shares." I said assuringly.

Leave them unscathed in all these? Hell no!

"So basically you could say that we are throwing you right in the middle of danger." Aarvin asked looking dead in my eyes.

"She is not alone Aarvin. We are with her" Nordin assured looking at him.

"Everything is going to be alright but before that we need to make something clear"

"What?" Aarvin asked standing from his seat, nodding him to go on while we all looked at each other, surprised by their interaction.

What happened to all the alpha male ego clash? Ever since we landed here, they are acting all buddy-buddy. What the hell did happen for them to be the best mates?

"Jake is not the only danger here. We are talking about letting her into a circle of illegal drugs and human trafficking where people kill each other for the fun of it. And about the place, La Cueva is a shady, damned night club in the east end of the city. That street is almost completely deserted and known to be the centre of illegal transactions in the area, but of course not enough proof for the law to interfere. I am not saying all these to frighten you but if you are going, then better be prepared with the power of at least knowing the ground. No one will give a second glance even if you are lying in a pool of blood in the middle of the road without any limbs. Hell, there have been heads found from the trash bins. So just be aware of the things and people around you. Even the shadows may not be what they seem"

"Well done, Noah! You have done a great job in boosting her confidence!" Helen snapped.

"But it's the truth..! I'm not trying to scare her."

"Alright. What else should I be aware of? It is better to know as much as I can" I asked wetting my lips.

Nordin looked straight in my eyes at my question.

"No matter what you do or how you do, don't let them get suspicious of you. They are a bunch of uncollared animals waiting to pounce on. So at any cost, sticking to Jake is your only way to be safe. At least from the others. That is the main reason I believe you to be the right person for this. Because like you said, he wants you. If you are by his side, no one will dare to touch what's his. So by making them believe that you're their boss's girl they wi-"

"Will you stop addressing her as his. She is not an object to own and the way you worded it was absolutely...vulgar" Aarvin interrupted with a frown.

"But it's the truth. I'm saying this because I don't want her to be open to other dangers as well. Whether you like it or not, Jake is her safe card and if she has him then no one will dare to mess with her. Most of them will be his gang members and she is going to their kingdom where he is the ruler. I don't want her to be vulnerable there with lot of targets on her back" Nordin reasoned calmly with a knowing look.

"But it is a big risk. She would have to deal with a room full of criminals. And Jake...don't even.... What if he takes advantage of her? What if he..." Aarvin trailed off through gritted teeth.

"He won't. She knows how to handle him. I know my girl. She is not that helpless little seventeen year old girl who would blush just by his stare anymore. She has grown. She is a woman who will definitely kick him in the nuts if anyone tries anything with her and I mean anyone" Gwen said throwing his arms over my shoulder, aiming the last words at Aarvin who in return lifted his eyebrow.

"Yeah. You don't know her. You should have seen her punch when she dealed with that shithead uncle of mine. Hope he is rotting in hell" Helen chuckled, drawing a cross.

"No worries. He is rotting in hell indeed " Nordin smirked looking straight at her.

I sighed.

Am I the only one who can see the wedding bells at the corner?

"So you are a little bruce lee, huh?" Aarvin asked with a little smile.

"Hell yeah. Move off my way if you don't want your bones broken like sticks" I joked flexing my muscles.

He raised his eyebrows amusingly at me.

"Don't give me that smirk mister." Helen scowled at Nordin who continued to smile cheekily at her

"Fucker." Helen whispered, annoyed, rolling her eyes but no one missed the small smile on her lips.

"Are we missing something?" Kevin mumbled to Gwen seeing Helen's secret shy smile.

I chuckled.

I can't blame him. I have never seen Helen giving such a smile to anyone except Nordin.

And to think they still haven't noticed the different pairs of eyes on them. Poor kids! They are lost in their own little world in each other's eyes.

Shaking my head at Nordin's love filled eyes, my eyes found their way to a pair of silver orbs which were still locked on me.

They shined endearingly making my insides do that weird trip again.

The thought that those eyes were solely on me made me take a sharp intake of breath.

"We definitely are"

I still don't know why I didn't hear Gwen's reply whose eyes were narrowed on me and Aarvin.


With a long sigh I stared at my figure in the mirror.

I was wearing a black strapless crop top which fit my chest tightly showing a hint of my belly. Along with it I chose to wear black skin fit pants and matched it with white jacket. To complete the look I left my hair free and my face caked with makeup.

I sighed again.

I can do it.. I can do it..

I chanted the words in my head bracing myself ready to do it. It's friday and I've to go out to meet Biancca.

I know it's not easy. Because I'm going to take a huge step towards facing the biggest fear of my life and I don't know whether I'm ready for it or not. Before meeting Jake, I need to earn her trust.

It is not easy as it sound and can't be done over a night. But I've to start as soon as possible.

It's now or never.

Breathing out a deep breath I wore my flat black boots and went downstairs.

In case I have to run the hell away with my life, I don't think heels would be of any help.

"Hey.." I breathed out nervously joining others on the hall.

"You look hot!" Kevin exclaimed eyeing me up and down.

"Are you sure this is a good outfit for where you are going?" Gwen asked biting his lips unsurely.

"I've to dress like this if I want to get what I want. You know...the cool chic look"

"Remember one thing." Nordin chime in, coming from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"What we need to know is where his major hideout is. Only by knowing that would we be able to destroy him completely. His gang is his power and we have to shatter that first. But for that I need informations. So.. Try to pry as much as you can about their lair from someone before he get wind of your intentions." He said giving me a curt nod.

"Got it." I nodded.

"Where is Aarvin?" I asked when I was sure he was not in the house.

I thought he would be here.

"Hasn't returned from his office yet. It's okay. I'll drop you off. You are not going there alone." Helen said and was about to take the keys to her car when a voice interrupted.

"No need. If I had told her that I would drop her, then I'll be the one who do it" Aarvin said walking towards us in large stirdes while removing the grey tie from his neck.

I bit back a smile on seeing his state.

He was wearing a navy blue shirt with its sleeves rolled up to the elbow as usual, along with grey coloured suit pants. His hair was a mess and he ran his hand through those strands to keep them in place.

How the heck does he manages to look this hot even after a long day of work?!

"You ready?" He asked when his eyes met mine.


He trailed his eyes over my form and his brows furrowed when they reached the ground.

"You're wearing flats?"

"Yeah.. They are comfortable"

"It ain't going to work. You're going to a pub and your attire should match the occasion. Your cloths are fine but you should wear heels with that" He stated shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Look who's talking. Well.. Isn't that interesting. .." I deadpanned crossing my arms and looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"You don't tell me how to dress Mr. Anderson. I know what I'm doing and I don't need any one's approval. It's indeed funny that you think I'll listen to you. The words of Almighty Aarvin Anderson who thinks himself the fashion tycoon of the year"

"Don't start Coffee. It was a mere suggestion. You can either take it or leave it" He said plainly with a curt nod.

I huffed at his face.

With a shrug, he walked out of the house while I stood looking down at my shoes, biting my lips.

Fuck.. Doesn't he know he shouldn't comment on a girl's appearance when they're confident in what they're wearing?? Arrogant idiot!

His words will surely come back to bite me.

"Fuck..!" I cursed frustratedly and ran to my room to change my flats with heels.

"Better." I mumbled when I finally changed my footwear. I was just about to walk out of my room when my eyes fell on the black beauty lying on my table.

On seeing that, an evil smirk formed on my lips.

Let's see how the Aarvin fucking Anderson will react to this!

"Wait.." Gwen called out when I was about to exit, making me look back at him.

"Here, wear this on your head" He said giving me a hairclip. A small white clip.

"What's this?" I asked taking that in my hand

"It's a voice recorder with an inbuilt tracker. I designed it myself. It will help. Don't forget it anywhere" He warned before helping me to clip it on my hair.

"Thanks" I chuckled and with that I walked outside to the black Mercedes which was waiting for me.

"So you did take my advice" He remarked leaning back on the car with his arms as always crossed over his chest.

I shrugged.

"How do I look? While criticising a girl on her outfit don't forget to appreciate her as well."

"You look..." He eyes roamed over my attire once more,

"Er.. Nic- wait. Is that my stud.?" He asked skeptically narrowing his eyes at my right ear where I had put on his black stud which he gave me back then on the flight. Unfortunately for him, I forgot to give him back.

"Yes. Got a problem?" I asked tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, giving him a clear view of his stud.

I mentally chuckled at his flabbergasted face. I know what is coming next.

He will surely need to beg on his knees if he want me to give it back.!

I smirked at the thought.

Seeing his stud on my ear, he averted his eyes to the ground with a shy smile which throw me off guard.

Ok....That was not what I expected.

"You didn't say how I look" I pointed out with an expressionless face.

"Er.. You Nice. The.. Er.. Black suits you" He said still not looking at me.

"Which black?" I mumbled leaning close to him making his head snap towards me in surprise.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. There was some dust on your shirt" I said nonchalantly and moved my head to his left shoulder, blowing away the imaginary dust on his shoulder.

I didn't miss the way he took a sharp breath when I unintentionally blew on his neck.

"There...all gone" I said cheekily.

He stared into my eyes with an amused yet stern gaze which I returned with my innocent smile.

He then shook his head in mirth before opening the car door for me.

"Get in"

With that, he too got in and started the car only after I had put on my seatbelts.

There was a comfortable silence in the car which we both didn't dare to break. He drove the car through the busy London night while I stared outside at the passing life.

There was a dreadful feeling that kept churning in my stomach making me uneasy.

I'm ready to face this. At least that was what I was telling myself.

I don't know. It's just a matter of seconds before I throw myself into a completely unknown, feral world. I've to fear everything. Drugs, drinks, the people....everything is dangerous in there.

"You okay..?" Aarvin voiced waking me up from my inner thoughts.

"Yeah.." I mumbled looking around.

The car had stopped in front of a narrow, but long pathway which was lit up by dim lights. It's nearly impossible to see where the road ends.

"The pub we are looking for is halfway down the road" He stated following my gaze down the dark tunnel. The road was not broad enough for a vehicle to get in. So we need to park here and I've to go on my feet from here.

"Coffee..." He called softly catching my eyes.

"Are you really fine with this? I mean you're doing this for us. Aren't you?"

I let out a humourless chuckle at that question.

It was not nearly impossible to see the tint of guilt welling up in his eyes.

"I'm doing this for me, Aarvin. I have to. How long can I cling onto the past? Like Kevin said I've to overcome this. I want to move on with my life. I can't allow him to control my life any longer. I don't want to. Without even me knowing he had inflicted his power over me with fear. Which I have been carrying with me ever since that night onwards. He ruined my past and I won't let him ruin my future" I grumbled clenching my fist tightly to suppress the angry tears from escaping.

"Just know one thing. There are people in this world who can only wish to be like you. And...I'm one of them. Trust me I'm not a bit ashamed to admit that to you. Because you know it better than anyone"

His eyes were glinting with so much sadness and guilt which made me curious about his story. But I knew it wasn't the right time.

With a tight lipped smile, I got out of the car and stared at the long road ahead.

I gulped hard and wrapped my hands around myself to keep against the chilling cold.

"Nervous..?" He asked, he too getting out of the car and coming to stand beside me.

"I think so..." I chuckled trying to play it cool and stuff when in truth, my insides are bubbling with fear and anxiety.

Out of nowhere, two big hands cupped my cheeks and made me look at his face.

"You'll be fine, baby." He assured bringing his lips to my forehead; placing a warm, tender kiss right there between my brows.

His lips were so soft and warm against my skin making me let out a content sigh.

I opened my eyes which I'd closed unknowingly and looked at him.

"I'll be fine" I nodded causing him to let the small smile warm his lips.

Smile. Like a real and gentle smile which felt like the warm but safe glow of the stars in a overcasting dark shadows.

"That's my girl" he whispered softly, its timbre covering me in a much welcomed comfort.

Giving him a wide cheeky grin, I walked down the narrow road without looking back.

Because I knew, if I look back now, I won't be able to wipe the grin off my face.

"That's my girl"

I giggled again as I bounced my way to the other side of the road, feeling all giddy and cheery inside. The cold doesn't bother me anymore, nor does the poorly lit pathway which reeked of alcohol and weed.

The air around me started to become more stiff and heavy.

It tasted metallic.

But it didn't make me any nervous. On contrary, I'm yet to reel back my mind off the ferry wheel where I felt the warmth of his lips feathering my skin.

Before I know it, the words La Cueva gleamed on my face as I stood staring at the big, dark, iron barred construction, that itself made people think twice before coming here.

Not wanting to spend any more of my time standing in the dark, I walked in and was instantly greeted with the crowd of sweating bodies and intense smell of god-knows-what, probably all the drugs, which made me want to cover my nose but I chose not to.

The people in there ranged from perfectly groomed men to fully drunk thugs and barely clothed women.

I kept my face straight and hard while I walked aimlessly through the sea of people in search of the Miller girl.

I didn't have to search for long. My eyes were sliding through the crowd of several heads while I caught the sight of a specific red head.

Her hair was easy to spot between the perfectly shaved heads and the balding grey hairs.

She was sitting on the lap of a bulky man whose body was completely covered in tattoos. He had a large ugly scar on his left cheek which was partially hidden by his thick beard.

"Biancca." I called her name once I stood beside her.

"Yeh..?" She slurred turning to look at me along with the bearded man. I mentally shuddered when his bloodshot eyes met my brown ones.

"Four of fire" I demanded holding my hand out.

With her hazy blue eyes she looked down at my hand and then to my face. Tilting her head to a side, she ran her tongue over her upper teeth crudely. With nothing more than an annoyed pull of her lips, she leaned back on the man's chest who pulled her more into him by her waist.

"Who are yuh?" She slurred again and I had to suppress the tendency to vomit. She was in a rose colored skirt which covered her butt scarcely and her upper half was donned in a blue color bra. And the fact that she was practically grinding on the half naked man only added to my want to squirm where I stood.

"We have talked about this Biancca. Give me my stuff so that I can go. I've got the money" I said showing her the rolls from my pocket.

"No gurl.. No now. If yuh wan we could give you a goooood fuck." She garbled, grinding her ass on his lap.

I opened my mouth to answer her but was stopped by a hand grabbing me by my waist from behind.

I gritted my teeth.

Don't make me start a fight now.

"Bossyyyyyyy" Biancca whined thrusting her chest forward, making grabby hands.

I furrowed my brows at her words.

What? Who?

I was just about to turn my head around when the person dipped his head into the crook of my neck and mumbled hoarsely making me freeze.

"She doesn't need anyone when she have me here. Right baby?"

My breath hitched in my throat on hearing the sound.

It has been five years!

And now he is behind me.

I didn't dare to look back. For a moment I could see nothing and my ears rang with silence even when the whole room was booming with music and chats. All the chattering and blabbering of the pub vanished away and it was just me and me alone in the darkness.

"Jake..!" His name escaped me in a slow whisper and my vision turned completely black.


Don't blame me.
I'm as angry as you are.!



Till next time. 🙋

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