Whispers From Below

By AstralShivaa

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The old and new gods from Olympus and The Realms of the Yggdrasil betstowed their abilities to the people of... More

Purity, Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Rebirth, Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
8 Years Later, Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Passion, Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
To be continued...

Chapter 34

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By AstralShivaa

The carriage we had to arrive in was ridiculous, glossy black with gold flower details. The benches a velvety red.

"I feel stupid." I mumbled

Ryland looked at me, "well you don't look stupid."

Kicking him in the shin, "I'm sorry Lily, that this is happening. Trust me I hate it just as much as you."

Looking out the window at the people trying to look into the carriage, "I'm not gonna make it easy for them in the castle, I'll make it so they kick me out."

"Don't Dove, they aren't trying to hurt you, they are protecting you." Protecting me my ass, keeping me in a cage was the most dangerous thing they could do. For many different reasons, one being if someone comes in I am a very easy target. Next, if I get bored I will create havoc all over the place.

Rolling up to the castle gates people were all over the lawn and paving, walking up the curved steps into the castle, carriages lining the front. I leaned back in protest groaning as Ryland got out first then turned offering his hand to help me out, if I wasn't hurt I'd jump past him and run for it but that couldn't happen.

The only thing I could focus on was the man holding a tray of wine as we walked into the building. It was different now that I wasn't running through it when people laid in blood and pain on the floors. It was painted cream with accents of green plants and flowers everywhere.

My heels clicking on the tiles, pain shooting down my damn leg holding onto Ryland tightly for support "I am going to be losing these heels in 30 minutes."

He watched me struggle for a second, "We will stand in one single area for a while, you'll be fine."

Binx stayed close beside me "he should not be here." Shrugging at him "why not, he lives here now too yunno." Ryland's jaw flexed.

Entering the massive ball room, the amount of people in it made me want to throw up. The white and cream walls and pillars made the pink and purple flowers hanging around stand out beautifully.

As we pushed through the crowded people dancing and drinking, stopping to look at us and nod at Ryland. He was leading us up to Evander and Amice sitting on their thrones that sat on a stage, a few white tiled stairs going up to them. Two empty seats sat on either side of them.

Ry's grip was tight on me, as if he knew I was about to just run out. "Calm down Lily."

Easier said than done, we walked up to the King and Queen, Ry bowed so I curtsied with him.

Silent, not even looking at the two. "My god's Lily, you are absolutely gorgeous and completely grown. it's been too long." Amice was kind and inviting, I haven't seen much of her just mostly Evander. I think the last time I did see her was when I was 16 so it has been quite some time.

Amice was most likely the main reason why I'll be in this castle for a while. Keeping myself deep in thought not realizing they were talking to me waiting for an answer, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear."

Amice was smiling sweetly, "we are beyond excited to have you here, Aiden should be around somewhere I do hope you will save a dance for him. I can already see the wandering eyes on you." Great, making me more nervous and pissed, I just wanted to scream. Hell I actually had a massive itch to kill someone or something.

Evander chuckled, "don't think Ryland will allow that to really happen huh Ry."

He was smirking "they'd have to come and approach her to figure that out."

"Well I do hope you both enjoy yourselves, and Lily feel free to sit up here with us if you wish, the other leaders would love to see you again."

Bowing my head, I completely forgot about them being here. As Ry took me away from the front I now looked around at the people. I tried to assume where these people came from, but it was honestly too hard to tell. Everyone was just the same as we are here, a mix of races and creatures.

"Why couldn't Jace come again? Seems like a ton of the guys that were training are."

Ry bent his head to me whispering, "because of what he actually does for work, none of my men are here. Same goes with the other kingdoms, only the heads of mercenaries are. It would start to much shit if anyone else was." Rolling my eyes, "but I'm here,"

"yeah and you are Lily." Meaning Erembour didn't exist right now.

Having both Binx and a head of mercenaries on my sides really made a recipe for people not wanting to speak with me. Though when we sat for dinner that was another story, questions came pouring at me about my speech years ago and how I felt now.

Queen Kallie was nearest to us "leave the girl alone, she does not want to repeat the same answers she's been saying for years."

Smiling in thanks to the Queen, she was just as immaculate as before. The Fae, and Elves were always so gorgeous their Queen had to be. She was not only gorgeous, but I could tell she had fire behind those eyes. She must, living so close to Blagden and to protect her own.

"So Ryland are you going to finally let her come around the kingdoms now, I want her to meet my son."

King Calder was sitting a few chairs down, Ry was chuckling "she does not go and travel to meet someone, she does and goes where she pleases."

Absolute bullshit, forcing me to stay here. "Exactly Calder, don't bring in Lily to your son's consorts she's better than what you have." Biting my lips to hold back a chuckle, Kallie was something else.

When dinner came out, smelling all the meats, breads and veggies really told me how starving I was, with not eating all day. Wanting to protest still but just couldn't especially when Ry served me a plate, just piled on and full, knowing how much I could actually put down. I wanted to shovel it in my mouth with my hands, but holding back. Taking the fork and correctly, properly eating from the plate.

Ry was chuckling quietly at me, he always thought it amusing when I was proper. Stomping on his foot to make him stop, his knee came springing up banging the table.

"You good Ryland?" Calder commented.

"Yup all good, just really excited about this food." He grunted out.

During dinner I was able to sneakily drink an entire bottle of wine myself, though barely feeling anything it was weak. Almost juice it will take me all night just to feel buzzed from this fancy shit.

"The wine sucks I know, but you need to slow down with it." Ry whispered in my ear as we were served desert, now that really perked me up with all the sweets, cakes and chocolates. Smell of vanilla and chocolates filled the area.

Normally it was overwhelming and sickening in the kitchen but right now since I didn't have to make it, it smelt heavenly. I ended up eating half a cake myself and if there was no one around I'd end up eating the whole damned thing.

Full of sweets and bad wine we went back to the ballroom. I was already hunting down another wine glass when King Nuriel came up to us.

I took the opportunity to ask him questions about Tandie, a place I really wanted to visit since Jace was talking about it.

"I will tell you more if you accompany me with a dance." His hand was reached out, he was a younger looking king early 30s for sure. A king asking to dance was someone I couldn't really refuse.

Taking his hand, "of course your Grace." Curtsying carefully as he swept me away. Spinning and stepping around really killed my leg and waist but I just got through it by asking more. "Have you been to Boreas then? Since it's so close?"

He smiled swaying me back and forth "yes but it is dreadfully cold there as you have probably heard." It was a frozen land, a very high security prison sat in it. "Is there really nothing but the prison there?"

He spun me around, "there's other things, there's actually rumors to be a massive cave filled with the nullifying crystals and other gems. Though I am not sure about it, it would be frozen over and hard to get to."

My arms around his neck, his hands on my waist our faces just inches away from each other. "You will have to come down to Tandie and I can show you everything." He was very handsome with his ash gray hair, deep red eyes, burns over his hands and neck most likely all over his body.

"Maybe someday I will." The song came to an end, and him asking me to dance. Now came all the others asking for dances and being the pleaser I was I couldn't say no. Though it felt like my stitches were ripping from my skin.

Resting and talking with Ryland along with the mercenary that almost killed me the day in the meeting, he was skeptical of me for sure being careful what to say.

He was King Keira's man, his name Vorn, so edgy. Also, Cyrus's father. They didn't really look anything alike, which had me realizing Cyrus must be adopted like Jace was.

"Lily?" The voice was deep and velvety, turning around was a man with Inky black hair, "Aiden?"

My brows pressed together, he was looking at my eyes then face and everywhere. Doing the same, he was massive. The suit he wore was a bit too tight on him, his muscles being too big. He started bowing, holding his hand out. "May I have this dance."

Seeing Evander looking at us from a distance, part of me wanted to turn him away though my hand took his mindlessly. "It would be my pleasure."

He slowly turned me to his side to take his arm, walking me to the floor. "I'm sorry, I know you probably don't want to do this but my father will not stop."

Shaking my head "don't be sorry, it's actually very nice to see you. It's been a long time." Spinning me out then pulling me in "it has been, though I guess we will be able to catch up more now. Again I am so sorry for that."

Smiling, "there really no need to be sorry Aiden, none of this is your fault I appreciate you."

He pulled me close, "and I appreciate what you have been doing, never would have imagined the small scared girl in Kardama would turn into such a strong woman."

My face was blushing, "you're too sweet Aiden, really." We had always been awkward with each other since it seemed like our parents kept trying to set us up but I really did feel like we'd get along great.

"Our fathers are insane, you know that right?"

He laughed, "yeah I know always have been and always will."

I smirked, "since I'll be living here with you, We should play some mind games with them."

He leaned down to my neck whispering "now you're speaking my language." His voice put a chill down my spine or maybe it was still me feeling woozy from Jace's kiss.

The song ended and we actually stayed for another talking about random things, since we were able to without our parents hovering us. After our dances he brought me around the room introducing me to some of his friends, which felt somewhat refreshing to be around people my age.

Aiden even brought out a flask, thank fuck. He shared it with me, passing it back and forth.

The group of us all went walking out to the center atrium away from the ballroom just talking about random crap, laughing and drinking.

Binx had been circling the area, seeming a bit on edge, for some time though I just ignored him. He did stuff like that all the time, just scouting making sure nothing was happening especially when I was drinking.

Aiden was sitting next to me on a bench, his arm around me I had actually leaned into him as well with my shoes kicked off brushing my bare feet on the stones below us.

After a few I looked up to find Binx and he wasn't there, I sat up concerned.

"You okay Lily?" Aiden asked.

They all looked at me. "Y-yeah, just Binx ran off."

Aiden looked around for him too, he was now also confused. "Huh. maybe he just went off to get something to drink or eat?"

"Yeah maybe.." guards started running through the halls on the sides of the atrium and things got way to quiet.

Aiden and them stood up, "Lily down the hall behind us, the fourth room on the left, you need to go there and lock it behind you. Do not open for anyone, I will get you after."

They all ran following the guards, like hell was I listening and sitting in a locked room. I ran through the halls till I got to the very silent ball room. Where black shadow figures stood behind everyone holding shadowy weapons to them.

Ryland was one of them, I had never seen his face terrified before. They herded the crowd around, keeping them in place like sheep in a pen.

It reeked of sulfur, of essentia. Someone was using it and a ton of it.

Peeking around a few people I was able to see what was in the middle of the herd. A tall figure with shadows that wrapped around his legs and seemed like they were on fire.

"Having a party with the Leaders and not inviting me? I am extremely offended Evan."

He went to someone holding wine, taking it from them before chugging it down.

"There are mordls here, Kade. Let's go to another room."

The shadowy fire seemed to pulse from him "and keep everyone in the dark even more?" I should leave and go find Jace. My eyes like deadly daggers staring at the new King of Blagden.

I looked down at his arms and even from afar I could recognize them from that stupid dream. That's impossible there is no fucking way.

"We made a deal Evander."

"You're months too early Kade, the deal ends at new year."

He was walking around the room, "yes but I have grown bored and impatient. Your people have now seen that the crystals are useless against us. I don't think your little girl is going to be able to convince them to behave this time. Nonetheless they will start figuring out what you are doing."

Evander and Amice seemed a bit nervous at that comment, they had to be hiding something.

He walked towards them staring down Ryland, "where is the little one by the way, I'd love to meet her."

Ry spit at his face "fuck off." Kade's shadows came right up to Rylands' throat cutting it slightly. I threw my hands up to cover my mouth so I didn't scream. My heart thrummed in fear.

Binx jumped out between them and pressed the shadows away protecting Ryland.

The shadow men behind Ryland started to back off. Kade had a smirk across his face.

"This is between you and I Kade no one else." He spun on his heel to the King again, "technically it's between the Sutara also. So are you going to give me what I want or am I going to have to kill everyone one by one until I get what I want."

His hand rose he snapped his finger, a crack echoed then a thud of a body fell someone screamed and sobbed. He did it a few more times.

"No one has been able to figure out what they were hiding, Kade, stop this." His flames shot to Evander, Amice squealed.

"You're lying, they were up to something and you know it." The shadowy flames changed course to Amice; they surrounded her, engulfing her body. "STOP Kade!" Evander panicked and looked like a lost puppy.

"Tell me now!" Kade growled out.

His voice and tone so much more forceful and terrifying than anyone I've met. His power was absolutely overwhelming, I have never seen or heard of anything like this before.

Amice screams of pain were ringing through the room. Kade snapped his fingers and more people dropped dead, I couldn't take it anymore.

I whispered commands to Binx to use his pent up essentia he'd been saving and shooting all he had at Kade blasting his body against a pillar.

The marble shattered with him, Binx changed to his panther form. The Blagden King stood up dusting off his shoulders "hmm."

He shot balls of black lightning laced fire at my cethin, which he dodged by getting his shadows to catch them and reflected them back at Kade.

People were able to escape during this showdown, Ryland killed the shadow creature that held him again then ran up to Amice and Evander.

Still whispering commands to Binx, telling him openings and what was happening in his blind side. I stayed in the back behind people hiding, as I was about to make another command a hand slammed over my mouth and my arms held back.

Kade struck Binx as he got concerned by me being quieted, bringing him down hard on the ground making a whimpering sound. I screamed loudly feeling his pain, thrashing about and being able to get away from the creature holding me.

I ran out the best my body would let me, throwing myself over my familiar making a baracaid between me and him. Squeezing my eyes shut waiting for a blow to happen.

Hearing the powerful King stepping towards me, I could literally feel the vibrations of his power leaking around.

"Kade! Between you and I!" Evander was demanding his voice booming through the room.

"Look at me." Kade spoke loudly.

"Don't!" Ryland now yelled coming down to us until he was stopped short by a shadowy flame wall.

"I will only if you promise to stop killing and hurting innocent people and not hurt this creature."

A low chuckle, "I don't think you are in a position to ask for favors. There are also no innocent people in this room." Squeezing down on Binx holding him, my body betrayed me by trembling in fear.

It was the last thing I wanted to show this damned bastard.

"Fine, I'll stop." It was near a whisper just low enough so only I could hear.

Slowly lifting my head looking up at the man now crouched down at me. He had stared straight into my eyes, my soul. To surely see if any essentia dwelled in me just as so many have done before.

Holding his hand out to me "common, stand up I'm not going to hurt you." Not taking his hand though I did stand slowly wobbling, getting to Binx had torn my stitches completely. When I was fully up face to face, his eyes were a perfect emerald green. Strikingly gorgeous, with peaked ears he must be Fae though I didn't think any of them had this kind of essentia before.

His hand in a blink reached to the back of my neck grabbing me hard, pulling me in front of him to face the King. "You are all cruel leaders for having a mordl be the spokesperson for you, not even able to defend herself."

Ry, Evanader and Amice were blank faced and silent. Amice holding her burnt arms shaking in pain. Even though Amice was hurt, they were all frozen in fear not caring about their Queen.

"She is not the spokesperson! That girl is innocent." The Queens voice boomed through the room.

As I tried to wiggle away as his hand got tighter. He hummed curiously, pulling me against his body. He held flames to my face.

I didn't scream, instead just took a deep breath, endured and prepared. "In that case I have no use for her."

The heat from it so close to my skin "The Sutara were trying to summon something or someone! The papers we found were nearly destroyed. But whatever they tried to do they succeeded and unleashed it out years ago!" Evander yelled out in a panic.

The flame went out "see that wasn't so hard was it." He twisted me to face him, he was now looking me up and down.

"You have until the new year to figure out the full story Evander, if you haven't I will release my entire army, and I will also be taking this one."

Scrunching my face at him "like fuck I'd go anywhere with you," I kneed him in the crotch. He grunted rolling his eyes back, his grip crushing the back of my neck.

"Take me instead of her, she is a mordl, she's useless."

Ryland walked forward, "tempting for sure especially with your talents, but no. My father wanted her, so I do too."

He leaned his face to my ear, almost brushing his lips against it whispering "you're not dumb, you know there's more to these people and more to the story. Find out these lies for yourself and save yourself. Run from Lambegus, from Ernaline. Get out of here." Chills shot up my spine like I got struck by lightning.

His thumb rubbed my neck, loosening his grip, my skin started to burn.

"Fuck you" a bursting loud crack of lighting shot at Kade, he dropped me just in time before getting thrown to another pillar. Ryland's nose was bleeding but his lightning was out in full swing, fighting against the null.

"Binx take her!" Ryland yelled the command to my familiar.

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