Vesta's Child (Discontinued)

By Wolph-Flow

495K 10.4K 6.4K

Percy Jackson was made from the hearth, Vesta and Neptune had to keep him a secret so they sent him away to k... More

Son of Vesta
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Sorry but I'm fed up with it.
Q/A Answers

Chapter 7

28K 721 371
By Wolph-Flow


"Why are we going to the school?" Percy asked and Artemis gave him an apologetic look,

"Zeus ordered us to capture two children of Hades." Percy scowled, it was no secret that Percy detested the king of the gods. Zeus didn't even know that Percy was alive or that he was currently staying with the hunt. Percy strongly disagreed at the thought of bringing his siblings to Zeus for he knew they would die because the god was a paranoid jerk that thought killing children was fun.

"We can't send them there! He'll kill them just for being a child of the big three, just in case they try to take his throne." He spat and fiddled with the guitar necklace. The necklace could transform into a beautiful golden guitar that could shatter an enemies ear drums easily, or could calm people and make them joyful. Apollo had given him the weapon for his fourteenth birthday and it was probably one of the best presents he's gotten.

"Percy, I know but it's an order." He glared at the ground angrily until someone cleared their throat, the two turned around to see Pluto standing there. Percy smiled widely,

"Hey dad." The god of death smiled at his son and gestured for him to follow. He walked out of the moon goddess's hearing range and looked at Percy seriously,

"You can't let your siblings be captured by Zeus, once you get a hold of them send them to me." Percy was excited at the thought of being able to save his siblings from the stupid god of lightning's wrath, but he then paled.

"Artemis will kill me! And then Zeus will find out about me...fine. I'll do whatever it takes to save them, their family." Pluto smiled at his son but began to worry about Zeus, what if he tries to kill Percy as well? He thought nervously but stopped once he saw Percy's knowing smile,

"Don't worry dad, I got an idea." He smiled and knew to never doubt his son.


Percy pulled up his hood and crouched in the bushes beside Zoe. Alpha stood at the ready as well as the other hunting wolves. Artemis could sense the monster and warned her hunters,

"Be ready to fight, there's a powerful monster here." Zoe saw Percy's eyes gleam with anticipation of the upcoming battle. But she didn't realize that it was anticipation to save his siblings. He unsheathed his hunting knives and turned to the wolf pack,

"You guys wait until I give the signal to attack. It is better if the enemy underestimates our numbers. Alpha and Zoe, you guys are with me." Zoe nodded while Alpha spoke up,

"Yes! We're gonna kill that stupid monster!" Percy's team was the group that Artemis sent out first to try and destroy the monster. They stepped out of the bushes cautiously, Zoe with her bow and Percy with his knives. Alpha had his teeth bared and his hackles raised as he walked along side his master. They heard a scream and saw a manticore holding a blonde haired girl by it's tail, two demigods tried to fight it but the monster was to strong, two other demigods, which he realized were his siblings, watched the whole thing in shock. Percy realized that he knew this monster and Zoe aimed her bow to fire,

"STOP!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and everyone froze to look at him. He took this moment of distraction to unnoticeably shadow travel his siblings to the underworld. He then stepped forward and grinned at the manticore,

"Thorn! Man I haven't seen you in a while!" Thorn looked at him in confusion before realization struck him,

"Percy? Is that really you? My have you grown! How are things?" Everyone starred at him in shock as he and Thorn met in the middle and began conversing,

"Pretty good, never thought I'd see you here though. School is a horrible place to pick up fast food, I mean have you seen what they serve for lunch?" Thorn chuckled at Percy's joke and Alpha's jaw dropped,

"You know this guy boss!"

"Ya, Thorn and I go way back." It occurred to Percy that he never told anyone of his encounter with the manticore or the evil demigod. He looked at his friend sadly who was still holding the girl with his spiked tail,

"You got sucked in again, didn't you?" Thorn looked down in shame and knew who Percy was talking about, he had allowed Kronos to fool him again.

"I did, he promised me so many things Percy!"

"Thorn, you can't let this guy mess you up, he won't fulfill his promises to you or anyone else that got pulled in , why don't you leave alright? Pretend this never happened, you'd be repaying that debt you promised me. Just drop the girl and go." The manticore sighed and he knew that his demigod friend was right, he gently put the shocked girl on the ground and gave his friend a small smile,

"Thank you again Percy, my debt can never be repaid but all be there if you need me."

"Goodbye old friend, be careful who you trust." Percy gave Thorn a small hug before the monster disappeared into the forest. The black haired demigod was awoken from her stupor and gazed at him in wonder,

"Percy, is that really you?" He recognized her instantly and held out his arms,

"Thalia!" The two cousins embraced as tears slid down her cheeks, he was surprised at how she seemed to have not aged. Thalia was surprised at how big he's gotten, as she hugged him she could feel how well muscled he was. She had missed her savior and wandered often about her cousin. Percy had missed her as well for he felt a special connection with the three demigods and saytr he was happy to call friends.

Zoe watched the scene angrily as Percy and the other girl embraced, had he found himself a girl to love? She wondered sadly but then played it off, I'm just sad he'll try to leave the hunt is all. But as she watched them she felt this horrible feeling build up in her chest and she couldn't quite figure out what it was.

Once he stopped hugging her he looked at the blonde in surprise to find out it was Annabeth. She had changed drastically from the last time he'd seen her but knew it was because that was six years ago. She smiled broadly at him and gave him a hug in which he happily returned. Zoe was blistering with rage now and Artemis was flat out confused. Unbeknownst to them Apollo watched Percy proudly, my little brother is already a lady killer and had befriended a Manticore!

Once the two pulled away Annabeth looked at him apologetically,

"Sorry about pulling your hood off when we were younger, and acting like a jerk." Percy just smiled and shook his head,

"It's fine Annabeth, you were a young, curious daughter of Athena. I know you guys love to figure things out and hate not knowing things. And I didn't really mind when you snapped at me, you were afraid and tired of being tied up." Annabeth smiled at his forgiven nature and tried to look into his eyes but the hood prevented her from doing so. As if knowing what she wanted he pulled off his hood and she smiled along with Thalia. Suddenly a saytr burst out of the school and yelped when he saw Percy,

"PERCY!" He jumped on him and squeezed him in a hug,

"Man it's been far to long!" Percy laughed and detached himself from the excited saytr. He looked around for Luke but only saw a brunette with green eyes glaring at him. Artemis and the hunters approached them and Percy instantly bowed,

"Lady Artemis." All of the girls eyebrows shot up as Percy and his friends bowed to the moon goddess. Why is my little brother, who I've known for nine years, bowing to me? She was about to question him but realized he had a reason for doing this,

"Boy, may I speak to you in private?" Thalia, Annabeth, and Grover looked at their friend nervously but he gave them a reassuring smile before nodding,

"Yes milady." He followed her and the hunters who began questioning him once he was out of hearing range, he put his hand up and the chatter ceased,

"Okay, long story short I met the manticore in the woods when I was five. I was angry at Zoe and needed time to think, I saw a demigod holding a sword over Thorns throat and learned he was evil. I killed him and the manticore and I became friends. At age eight when Artemis allowed me to go on a hunt by myself, I found a shack and saved those demigods and the saytr from being eaten by cyclops. I'm pretending I don't know you guys so you won't get in trouble with Zeus. If he finds out that his favorite daughter was helping a forbidden child he might hurt you or the hunters. I don't want you guys to be harmed, your my family and please keep up the act!"

All of the girls were baffled at the information but Zoe was relieved that Percy hadn't found a girlfriend. Phoebe was surprised that Percy gained a monster friend and was touched that he cared about them so much. Artemis felt pleased that she was Zeus's favorite daughter but saddened to have to treat Percy horribly to keep everyone safe.

"Alright Percy, but just know that none of our rude actions mean anything, we all love you very much." He smiled and gave Zoe knowing look,

"Try not to kill me with your horrid acting skills." Zoe knew that he meant not to kill him while acting as if to hate him as did the other girls but they snickered. He made his way back to his friends who were happy to see him alive. Artemis came back over and glared at Percy,

"Where are the other demigods boy?" She spat while Percy paled,

"At my fathers palace." There was a shocked silence when the brunette spoke up,

"This idiot has betrayed Olympus by giving those two Hades spawn over to him." Percy bristled at his siblings being called spawn. He whirled on the demigod and glared at him, he was shorter then Percy and didn't have the build that he did.

"And who are you?" Percy snarled and the boy smiled smugly,

"I'm Jacob, son of Poseidon." This made Percy even more livid and he picked the demigod up by his throat and began to squeeze,

"Call my siblings spawn again and I'll kill you." He growled as the boy kicked his feet feebly in an attempt to escape Percy's strong grip. He threw the son of Poseidon into a tree and turned to his friends as of nothing had happened,

"Where's Luke? Why are you guys hangin around this moron?" He asked before flashing Jacob a glare. Annabeth had tears in her eyes and Grover looked at the ground sadly,

"He's betrayed us to Kronos!" Thalia spat and Percy felt as though he'd been slapped in the face,

"Wh-Why?" he asked and his heart felt heavy with sadness because he lost his friend. Thalia looked pointedly at the hunters and mouthed,

"Later." He nodded sadly and Artemis stepped in,

"I guess I'll have to take you to Olympus instead." She looked at him nervously but they were soon flashed into the throne room. Percy looked around in awe at the white marble flooring and the large thrones that were decorated for each of the gods territories and sacred symbols. Zeus sat on his throne proudly as he glared at the demigod angrily, Poseidon looked at him in confusion but Percy glared at him.

"Why do you not bow boy?" Zeus asked and Percy laughed inwardly at his uncle for sounding like a hunter. Artemis flashed to her throne and eyed Percy with a look that told him to be careful. He saw his mother in Greek form smiling at him from where she tended the hearth. He walked over and kneeled to her first which made her smile, he then bowed to Artemis and Apollo before bowing to Hera and Athena. He then bowed to Zeus who was angered at the boy for showing him respect last,

"I am the king of the gods! Yet you bow to them first! One of which isn't even an Olympian!" He boomed and Percy fought to keep his eyes from bursting into flames for Zeus disrespecting his mother like that,

"I bowed to Lady Hestia first because she is my mother and she deserves respect above many gods in this room. I bowed to Artemis because she is the bravest goddess I know and fights for a cause, not for beauty pageants like Aphrodite did which caused a war that killed thousands. I bowed to Apollo because he is awesome," Apollo smiled widely at this," I bowed to Hera because she has to put up with your constant cheating and because she helps keep the peace in the throne room. And I bowed to Minerva because she is wise and does not make foolish choices when angered but thinks before she does anything, even if she doesn't like the Romans." There was a shocked silence in the throne room as Percy purposefully threw in the part where he was roman.

Athena was pleased to be bowed to but peeved that a roman was in her presence. Artemis smiled at Percy for bowing to her and saying those kind words to her, she quickly wiped it off and remembered to stay in character. Apollo was ecstatic that Percy had called him awesome because it was true and he was glad his little brother thought so highly of him, he had over heard the conversation about pretending not to know Percy so he played along as well. Hera was shocked to be recognized before Zeus but smiled at Percy for speaking the truth about her husband and for recognizing the peace she put in the throne room.

Zeus was angered that Percy had bowed to him last and that Vesta had a child,

"Vesta, you dare break your vow!" He roared and turned into his roman form, Vesta did as well and Percy's eyes were suddenly ablaze which startled the gods besides the ones who knew him,

"Leave her alone! She and Neptune made me from the hearth, but Neptune is no father of mine." Percy defended and Poseidon turned into Neptune who stared at his son in grief,


"Shut up barnacle beard! I'm not your son, you lost the father hood privilege when you never came to visit me." Neptune's mouth dropped open in surprise at his sons hostility.

Athena chuckled,"Barnacle beard, I've got to remember that one." Neptune glared at her and then Percy,

"You are my son and won't speak to me in such a tone! I couldn't visit you because I was busy-"

"That's not what Jacob said." Percy cut him off and Neptune looked at the floor in shame. He's never seen his son until now and knew that he made a large mistake. He looked at his son who's eyes were a flame in sudden anger,

"Watch your tongue boy." Artemis and Apollo were about to jump to Percy's defense but remembered that they had to stay in character. Demeter piped up,

"I bet if you gave to boy some cereal he would forgive you." Percy chuckled at Ceres/Demeter's love for cereal before glaring at Neptune,

"My names Percy, not boy. And I won't watch how I speak about Jacob. He's a stupid, arrogant Greek that needed to be put in his place." Artemis grinned inwardly when she thought of the boy being knocked down a peg. Neptune's eyes widened and he glared at Percy,

"What did you do to your brother!" Flames suddenly surrounded Percy as he glared at Neptune in disgust,

"That boy is not my brother, your not my father. Get that through your thick head you stupid, good for nothing dead beat!" There was complete an utter silence as everyone looked at the brave demigod in shock. Hermes decided to break the silence,

"Burn!" Apollo shook his head at him which surprised the god of thieves, usually Apollo would always join in on laughing and making comments at others. Neptune was livid as he stood up with his glowing trident in hand,

"Jacob is your brother! You both share the same birth father!"

"You didn't give birth to me stupid, I was made from the hearth." Jupiter snickered at his brother for being called so many names. Percy whirled and glared at him before turning back to the sea god. Said god was fuming and clutched his trident tightly,

"Your right, you were made from the hearth. At least Jacob is an actual person and not a thing like you." Percy stared at Neptune in disbelief and Apollo was fighting himself to keep from killing Neptune. Artemis could feel herself shaking in anger as she fought to keep from transforming into her true form. Vesta's hearth was suddenly ablaze as the fire roared loudly. Percy couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was a thing not a person. His anger took over as he glared at Neptune and felt a feeling he had never felt in his life time, raw fury. His body shook with rage and he became engulfed with flames, the gods gasped while Neptune eyed his son warily. Jupiter was surprised at the power of the demigod as he was surrounded by an aura of red and black. He punched the air and fire flew from his fist and knocked the sea god onto the ground.

"Perseus!" He froze and turned around to see his father giving him a stern look. The flames vanished and Percy smiled widely before embracing the god of death,

"Hey dad."

And what do you think? Comment and sorry if you got confused with the Roman and Greek stuff.

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