Her Photographer (Quintessent...

By Gale4Lifes

15.9K 608 94

A wise man once said, "Photography is a love afffair of life." SNAP Ever since I was 5, I have taken a deep i... More

(Y/N)'s Information
Meeting The New Student
Showing Around
The Quintuplets
Plan For Today

Second Child

955 42 10
By Gale4Lifes

The Same Day
Their Suite

After about two hours, they finally finished cooking.

Nino: Tada~ A dutch baby pancake made with fresh vegetables and raw ham~

Miku: O-Omurice...

Nino: And this one is for you, (Y/N)-kun.

She said and served me a beef steak. Wait... Since when she called me by my given name?

Me: Thanks.

I ate the steak and was watched by Nino who ignored Miku and Fuutarou completely.

Nino: So, how does it tastes?

Me: Good. The meat is tender and well-cooked.

Nino: Glad you're enjoying it.

She said while smiling. What the heck...? Am I dreaming? Did she put drug in my steak?

Me: Hmm, Nino... You're acting a bit weird...

Nino: What do you mean? I always act like this.

Me: No, you literally drugged Fuutarou a few days ago. And I still remember you told me not to come here this morning.

Fuutarou POV

Me: What's up with her?

Miku: Well, Nino is the aggressive type. Once she found her target, she won't hesitate.

Me: What does that even mean?

Miku:*sighs* It seems like Fuutarou is too dense to understand.


Nino: Say, (Y/N)-kun. How about we exchange contact information?

(Y/N): Sure... I don't really have any problem with it.

They exchanged contact information after that.

Little Timeskip

Me: See you guys tomorrow.

I said while putting on my shoes together with Fuutarou.

Nino:*smiles* Hmm, see you tomorrow, (Y/N)-kun.

Miku: Please don't expose too much of your skin when you're around Nino, (Y/N)-kun.

Nino: No, don't listen to her. Wear whatever kind of clothes you want.

Me: Sure...?

Fuutarou and I walked out of their house.

Fuutarou: What's all that about?

Me: Beats me.

I answered as we walked to the elevator. We got into the elevator and pressed the lobby button and waited.

As soon as we got out of the building, suddenly Fuutarou noticed something.

Fuutarou: I forgot my wallet.

Me: You're kidding me.

Fuutarou: Just wait here as I go take it.

Me:*sighs* Sure.

He turned around but the automatic door didn't budge.

Fuutarou: Oh, right. Self-locking. What a pain.

Me: Just put their suite number on that control panel over there.

Fuutarou: I know that.

Me: I'll wait for you over there.

Fuutarou: Got it.

I walked to a bench situated near the entrance and sat down. After about 10 minutes of waiting, someone greeted me.

Itsuki: (L/N)-kun, you're still here?

Me: Oh, you're back. Well, to answer your question, I'm waiting for Fuutarou. He left his wallet in your suite and went to get it.

Itsuki: I see. Well, have a nice day.

She said and went into the building. And five minutes later, Fuutarou still wasn't here.

Me: Why the hell he is still not here?

Then, another familiar voice greeted me.

Ichika: Oh, (Y/N)-kun.

Me: Hey. How's work?

Ichika:*smiles* Good. What are you doing here, anyway?

Me: Waiting for Fuutarou. He left his wallet in your suite but it has been 15 minutes since then.

Ichika: Maybe he ran into problem. Wanna go check him out?

Me: Sure.

I stood up and walked into the building with Ichika. We entered the building and Ichika pressed the button to her floor.

Ichika: Wow, (Y/N)-kun. I'm surprised you still don't have a girlfriend.

She said poking my right bicep with her index finger.

Me: They're just a bit bigger than normal.

Ichika: Still, you should be able to attract at least one or two girls.

After a few seconds, the door opened and before we could walk out, we saw Itsuki was about to walk in.

Itsuki: You're here. That saves me the trouble.

She sounded so serious.

Me: What's up?

I asked as Ichika and I walked out of the elevator.

Itsuki: Look at this.

She showed me a photo on her phone. It was a photo of Fuutarou that was on top of Nino who just had a towel that wrapped her.

Me: The heck?

Little Timeskip
Their suite
Living room

Itsuki: Your honor, please look at this. The defendant, who is currently a home tutor, tried to sexually assault the female high school in front of him.

She said while showing the same photo she showed to Ichika and I earlier.

Itsuki: The person in the picture is the defendant, Uesugi.

Fuutarou: It's... Not like that...

So we were playing court now. Seriously, girls?

Nino: Your honor.

Ichika: Yes, accuser Nino?

Nino: This person intentionally left the flat in plain sight, then waited until I came out of the bathroom. Considering this purposeful crime, I suggest we ban him from this building.

Fuutarou: H-Hey, that won't work!

Ichika: That might be a possibility.

Me: I object.

They looked at me.

Me: Fuutarou had no way of knowing when you'll get out of bath. Before we left the suite, you never mentioned about going to bath.

Miku: He's right. The one who opened the door for him was me. I did it through the intercom. This is just an accident.

Nino: You're still protecting him? He said he's going to "take a picture".

Miku: I think you mean "take the stuff he forgot".

(A/N): Based on the manga translator, the verbs "take a picture" and "take something" are pronounced the same in japanese.

Nino: Your honor! I think Miku is currently influenced by her affection for the defendant.

Miku:*nervous* N-No, I'm not...

Fuutarou: Miku, I know you'd help me.

Me: What about me?

Miku: Don't come any closer.

And with that, both Miku and Nino started arguing again.

Itsuki: Guys, this is not the time for fighting.

Itsuki quickly went and hugged Ichika.

Ichika: There, there, it's okay.

She then looked at the photo again.

Ichika: Even if what Miku and (Y/N)-kun said is true, the result will be the same. We have no proof saying that Fuutarou-kun had no ill intention.

Nino: I know you will understand, Ichika! This guy suddenly jumped at me!

Miku: Is that true?

Fuutarou: Well, yeah, but...

Miku: So it's true. Then you should commit seppuku.

She said while puffing her cheeks.

Fuutarou: Miku?!

He started sweating bullets.

Me: Wait, all this time this court has been accusing the defendant without hearing the statement from the latter. This court progressed solely on the accuser's statement. Don't you think that's unfair?

Fuutarou: Yeah, he's right!

Ichika: Hmm, he does have a point. Defendant, please tell us what happened from your point of view.

Me: Come on, Fuutarou. I've gave you a winning position.

Fuutarou told us everything that happened from his point of view.

Fuutarou: Nino asked me to get her lenses, so I tried to look for it. But when I didn't found it, she reached out for the lenses herself. I was about to left after that, but then-

Itsuki: Some books fell from the shelf and you tried to protect her? If we look at the picture more closely, it does look like you were trying to protect her.

She said while looking at the photo.

Fuutarou: Yeah! That's correct! Thank you, Itsuki!

Me: Ahem, I think you have forgotten who gave you the opportunity to speak.

Fuutarou: Right, thanks to you too, (Y/N)!

Miku: I guess it's true.

Ichika: Fuutarou-kun is not that kind of person.

Nino: Hey, wait! So that's it?! You can't just brush things off like that.

Miku: Grow up, Nino.

Nino: Shut up, Miku.

Ichika: Hey, don't fight like that. We used to be so close remember?

Nino fell quiet after hearing that. Fuutarou stood up and bowed.

Fuutarou: I'm sorry. If it wasn't because of my carelessness, there wouldn't have been such an unfortunate accident.


Nino: Used to be, huh... I...

She stormed out of the living room and then the suite.


Little Timeskip
Outside of the building
Nino POV

I was sitting next to the entrance while hugging my knees. Then, someone sat next to me.

(Y/N): You forgot your key, huh? Must be suck.

Me:... Shut up.

Night breeze blew as we stared into nothingness.

(Y/N): I'm the second child, too, Nino. I understand why you don't want Fuutarou and I come here.

Nino: What's the reason then, oh Mr. I-know-everything?

(Y/N): You just want to protect your siblings from strangers, don't you? Even if it's not us, you'll still act the same to those who was hired by your father.

Me:... Shut up. They're all idiots.

(Y/N): Even your sisters? You're lying, aren't you?


(Y/N): Do you really hate your sisters It's the other way around, isn't it? You really care about them. That's why you're being so hostile towards outsiders like Fuutarou and I.

He then looked at the sky.

(Y/N): I'm just the same, Nino. My sister is kinda popular amongst guys, but I won't let her bring any guys into our house. I would punch the wall as a warning to the guys. I also won't let my sister be out when it's already past eight in the night.

Me:... I see.

(Y/N): Nino, it's not wrong to be hostile towards outsiders. Even I do that. But I swear to my life, Fuutarou and I mean you and your sisters no harm. Can you trust me?

I stared at the ground a for a few seconds before looking at him straight in the eyes.

Me: If that guy do anything suspicious, he's no longer welcome here.

(Y/N): Just him?

Me: Yeah.

(Y/N): What about-

Before he could finish his sentence, two familiar people came out of the building.

Fuutarou: Oh, you're still here, (Y/N). I thought you have returned home.

Miku: Nino, how long do you plan staying out here? Come in quick.

Me: Good timing. Let's go, Miku.

I stood up and dragged Miku into the building. I glanced back at (Y/N) and stuck out my tongue.

To be continued...

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