Where Do We Go From Here?

By EroticaAddict91

11.3K 261 38

Sequel to "Take Me As I Am" As the second half of Harry and Draco's 8th year continues, Harry is once again t... More

Christmas Snow
Presents and Forgiveness
Reunions and Curses
Lies and Greenhouses
I'm Watching You
Supervision and Cupcakes
In The Shadows
Chocolates and Werewolves
Pain and Mischief
Full Moon Panic
Sleepovers and Whiskey
Ashwinder Eggs and Underpants
Our First fight
I Was Wrong
Power Top
Switches and Trust
The Feeling Of Dread
Broom Closets and Final Resort's
A Second Chance
Cinnamon Fire and First Times
Meetings and Rewards
Debts Paid and Hallway Quickies
Cookies and Wolfsbane
Fooling Around
Slytherin Party Part 1
Slytherin Party Part 2
Slytherin Party Part 3
Instinctual Attraction
Control Yourself
Girl Power Part 1
Girl Power Part 2
Broken Howl

Bad News and O Sphere's

317 7 0
By EroticaAddict91

Draco waited with Harry for the results of his check up, Seamus came in just as the Healers came in the room with the results of the tests. Seamus sat next to Draco, missing him the last few days they were apart. Draco knew the news wouldn't be good, wishing Madam Pomfrey never made him come.

Draco held Harry and Seamus's hands, all 3 of them waiting patiently as the pair of Healers came in with a clipboard. "Can you talk to us now? Or are you gonna stand around and be useless???"

Harry smacked Draco. "Be nice! They're discussing the results they brought with them."

Draco rubbed the back of his head. "Harry!" He hissed.

"Common Draco play nice." Seamus leaned into Draco with a smile.

Draco sighed. "Sorry, I'm just tired of waiting! It's almost dinner time and I want to get out of here!!!"

"Alright Mr. Malfoy sorry to keep you waiting! We were discussing treatment options." The older man walked over to Draco.

"We have good news and bad news." The assistant Healer spoke, flipping the parchment over on the clipboard.

"Treatment? Does that mean you know what's going on?" Draco looked at Harry and Seamus.

"Yes and no, your magic scan came back and your magic is very weak, have you had any trouble casting charms or spells?" The older man asked.

Draco shook his head. "I've had no issues, what else can you tell me?" Draco snapped in question.

"Well...the attacks you've been experiencing are because the curse was cut off without the user finishing it." The assistant highlighted the info on the parchment, handing it to Draco.

Draco flipped through the pages.

"The good news is we know why it's happening but...the bad news is we can't fix it." The older Healer frowned.

"Why the bloody hell not?!" Draco smacked the clipboard against his lap.

Harry held Draco's hand.

"Because your Father is dead, he was the one who used the Unforgivable Curse yes? The caster is not alive, so we can't have him repeat the spell to stop the attacks." The Healer sighed, a forlorn look on his face.

"There's more...without the ability to have the original spell caster repeat the spell...there's only a 1% chance we can duplicate the correct cast of the Cruciatus Curse, and to subject you to that under the condition that you are...you could die." The assistant explained slowly.

Draco wished this was the one time where he wasn't right, looking down at himself. "So...what does this mean for me?" He looked up at the 2 healers that stood in front of him. "I need your brutal honesty."

Harry squeezed Draco's hand tightly.

Seamus leaned close to Draco, resting his hand on his side.

The older man sniffed, fussing with his mustache for a moment. "Mr. Malfoy there's no easy way to say this...it's the worst part of my job for those who wind up on the 4th floor...but with your health decline and weak magic score well..."

"Well what?! Just say it!" Draco shouted.

The assistant Healer stepped forward, taking the brunt of the bad news himself. "The attacks will keep happening, soon the time between attacks will lessen and you'll receive more daily...until the attacks won't stop, ending in your death." He looked down at the floor, clutching the sides of his lab coat.

Harry forgot how to breath momentarily, taking a sharp painful breath in. "There has to be another way!"

"What can we do?! There must be something!" Seamus yelled.

Draco thought of something else. "What if there was someone who saw the curse put upon me that night? What if that person can do the curse?"

"Mr. Malfoy the risk is still very high, even one curse thrown at you in this condition could kill you! It would have to be someone who has an extreme amount of power, it would be almost impossible to-"

"I'll do it!" Harry interrupted.

Everyone turned their heads to Harry.

"I'll do it, I can't just sit here and do nothing!" Harry held Draco close to his side.

"Mr. Potter you can't when he's in this condition, the success rate of this is already severely low, but if you use the full effect of the Cruciatus Curse on Mr. Malfoy with your level of magic....you'd only get one chance and if you fail, Mr. Malfoy would be killed by your hands." The older Healer expressed his doubts, coming closer to the 3 of them.

Seamus wished he was there that night, he felt horrible that he couldn't help. "There's no other options? Nothing???"

"Mr. Finnigan the only other option is doing nothing which will result in Mr. Malfoy's death." The older Healer scowled.

Draco stood up. "I want to go home! Now!"

"Mr. Malfoy we can't let you leave when you're in such poor condition!" The assistant Healer stood firm, ready to stop him.

"We need to keep you for at least another 24 hours we have more tests to run!" The older Healer came closer, standing in front of Draco. "Please just give us another day, if we find no new information or something leading to another option you can go."

Seamus took Draco's hand. "I'll stay with you tonight okay?"

Harry rubbed Draco's back. "Stay tonight with Seamus and I'll be here in the morning."

Draco kept it together despite the devastating news, knowing he had no other choice. "Fine, but if they stick me or do anything I don't like I'm leaving!" He sat back down on the bed with a huff.

"No pokes or sticks this time we promise!" The assistant Healer swore, crossing an X over his heart.

"Thank you for staying, we promise to keep it as comfortable here for you as possible." The older Healer walked out with his assistant, getting the items and parchment paperwork for the next tests.

Draco took Harry by the hand. "Be here as early as you can."

"I promise the second I wake up I'll be here to come see you." Harry bent down, kissing Draco's forehead. "They should have dinner for you after the tests are done." He picked up his bag, shoving his wand into his back pocket.

Seamus kissed Draco's cheek. "Don't worry! You have me with you while Harry's gone, we'll have a good night! I brought some party favors!" He winked.

Draco blushed, looking away with a shy smile. "Bloody Seamus you're such a wanker!" He picked up a pillow from the messy bed, throwing it at him.

Harry laughed at them both. "Goodnight you guys, see you in the morning." He walked out, blowing a kiss to Draco as he disappeared down the hall.

Seamus wiggled his eyebrows at Draco as he caught the pillow. "I have a fun night planned for us once dinner is finished."

Draco rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm sure you do! What exactly did you bring with you?" He poked at Seamus's pants pocket.

"Uh-uh! You'll see later! For now let's wait for the Healers to come administer the tests they said they had, get the unfun part over with." Seamus pointed to the door.

Draco growled in protest as he heard the footsteps approach the door. "Wonderful! I absolutely love being a lab rat!" He crossed his arms, scowling at the 2 men who came in.

"Hello! Told you we'd be back!" The older Healer smiled, holding a potion in one hand with the test tubes in the other.

"We need some hair, spit, and unfortunately...we need some umm..." The assistant looked away awkwardly.

"We need you to give us a sample of your semen!" The older Healer said with a slight blush to his face. "Sorry he's still learning that sometimes things can be a little personal at times!" He handed Draco the little bottle for hair and spit.

Seamus took the empty potion bottle. "Come back in like...30 minutes?" He looked at the clock.

Draco sneered at the Healers. "Why am I giving you my shit like this?" He asked suspiciously.

The older Healer scratched the back of his head. "It has to do with your magic, your 'spunk' can read the exact levels better than any part of you can!" He made quotations with his fingers. "The hair and spit is to check your body chemistry and your biological makeup...we are running everything we possibly can to double check our results."

"Lovely." Draco stared at the crystal bottle with a disgusted scowl. "If you ask me for anything else I'll-"

"We need to scrape your cheeks and your skin too." The assistant Healer interrupted with a nervous smile, holding a metal scraper in his hand.

Draco pinched the bridge of his nose with a throaty sigh.

"Let them take what they need, if it offers them a new outlook on the attacks why not put up with it for now?" Seamus snuck his hand behind Draco's hospital shorts. "I'll reward you for good behavior if you do." He whispered the last part in his ear, rubbing the tops of Draco's ass cheeks inconspicuously.

Draco looked at Seamus for a moment, looking back at the Healers. "One moment if you would? Come back in 30 minutes."

The Healers looked at each other, walking out of the room. One of them closed the door, talking amongst themselves.

Draco plucked a few of his shiny silver hairs, putting them in the little thin vile. "Stupid hospital!" He spat into the other bottle, scratching some skin cells from his arm. "Why is any of this going to make a difference?! They gave me a death sentence." He swabbed his cheeks, sticking it in the last thin bottle.

Seamus choked back his feelings on what Draco just said, watching him seal the bottles. "We still have one thing left."

Draco stared at the round crystal potion bottle. "Yuck! Why do they need that?!" He pointed to his crotch with a scrunch of his nose. "They already looked at my magic levels, why is...ugh whatever."

Seamus smirked, leaning over Draco. "The fun part is I get to help you with that." He uncorked the bottle, setting it down on the bed.

"Seamus...what did you mean by...party favors?" Draco asked, watching Seamus digging in his book bag.

Seamus put on a pair of fabric gloves, pulling out a small blue glowing ball.

"Is that what I think it is?" Draco asked.

Seamus unwrapped the tissue from around it. "I took it from your closet before I came here...sorry for breaking and entering but I thought it would be fun! You need a little fun with what you've been going through."

Draco looked at the O-Sphere with a nervous swallow. "It came in the sex games box but...I never got around to using it." The reflection of the blue glow lit up Draco's eyes as he leaned in close to look.

"Don't touch it with your bare hands unless you're ready...once you touch it, it's very hard to stop...I'm sure you have an idea why." Seamus giggled slightly, setting it down between them both on the bed.

"So...you just touch it?" Draco brought his hand close to it, feeling the heat radiating off of it.

Seamus sat cross legged in front of it. "All it takes is one touch, wanna go for it?"

Draco looked at Seamus. "Do it with me? I don't wanna be the only one."

Seamus grabbed the bottle, handing it to Draco. "Sure! But you need to remember to use the bottle then." He gave him the cork too, smirking.

Draco blushed, but it's not like Seamus hadn't seen him orgasm before. "Yes I won't." He put the bottle by his side, bringing his hand down to hover over the O-Sphere.

Seamus put his hand over it on the other side. "1....2...3!"

Seamus and Draco put their hands down on the blue glowing orb of pleasure.

Draco's mouth opened slightly, feeling a pleasurable current flow through him. "Oh woah!" His eyebrows raised fully, letting out a breath as his whole body warmed up.

Seamus forced his hand off. "Wow that thing packs a punch!!! Damn!" He shuddered, running a hand through his hair with a giggle.

Draco blushed profusely with a whimper. "Why did you let go?!" He leaned forward slightly, fully hard in his St. Mungo's shorts.

Seamus crawled onto the other side of the bed, sitting behind Draco. "I'd rather do this..." He pressed his torso against his back, slipping his hands inside Draco's shorts.

Draco moaned in surprise. "Seamus!" He pushed back into him. "What are you doing?!"

"Touching you, you're already wet...let me make it better." Seamus whispered softly, pumping Draco's cock slowly while his other hand fondled his balls.

Draco couldn't think, he couldn't move, looking down at Seamus's hand pumping him under his shorts. "No, no no don't it's too much!" He whined.

"Feels amazing doesn't it? You're leaking so much already...let's make it feel even better hmmm?" He pulled the shorts and boxers down Draco's thighs, kissing the back of his neck.

Draco moaned sweetly at the amount of pleasure he felt, the O-Sphere rushing waves of warmth through his cock while Seamus touched him was so intense. "Seamus! Uhhh oh god I can feel it already! This thing is unbelievable!"

Seamus pumped the wet silky skin of Draco's penis, teasing the head with his fingers. "You like that? You're so hard between my fingers...I love touching you." He kissed up to his ear, nibbling his earlobe. "Come Draco...come for me."

Draco clumsily grabbed the bottle, holding it over the tip of his cock. "Oh fuck! Shiiiit!!!!" He bent over fast, groaning loudly as he came into the crystal container.

Seamus removed the bottle, closing it with the cork. "That's A LOT of come...jeez Draco."

Draco tried to catch his breath from the intensity of his orgasm, forcing his hand off. "I can't h-help it!" He trembled as the last of his climax calmed down. "That thing shouldn't be messed with!"

Seamus chuckled, opening the door to go hand the bottle off to one of the Healers down the hall.

Draco pulled on his boxers and shorts. "Bloody hell!" He stretched with a groan, looking at the O-Sphere glow next to him. He leaned over to grab the gloves Seamus brought, picking it up to put it back in the bag.

Seamus came back in. "I'm taking the rest of the stuff to the guys down the hall, they're bringing us both dinner." He kissed Draco's cheek, taking the other bottles.

Draco slowly leaned his back against the headboard of the hospital bed, watching Seamus go out into the hall. What if they don't find anything? Will I die soon from this? What a joke...the only heir of the Malfoy family dying from his own Father's curse...pathetic...

Seamus came back in just as the staff rolled in 2 food carts. "Dinner is here! Draco? You alright?" He came over to sit next to him on the bed, rubbing his leg.

Draco shook the bad thought from his mind. "I'll be alright Seamus, just hungry." His eyes followed the trays.

"Here you both are! Enjoy!" The assistant Healer set them up on the bed trays. "The tests should be done in about 2 hours! If you guys go to bed before then we will wait till the morning."

"What happens if you don't find anything? Will you let him go home as promised?" Seamus asked.

The Assistant Healer nodded. "He's free to go if there's no change, but if we do find out what to do he'll have to stay a few more days so we can try and solve this problem."

"A few days?!?! Fuck that! If you-!!!" Draco gasped painfully.

Seamus had rolled up a magazine, striking Draco over the side of his ear. "Bad Malfoy!"

The assistant suppressed a chuckle, handing Seamus the parchment with the tests they ordered. "Here's what we did, it also has some information on what else you can do to increase strength and magic output."

Draco grasped his head with a groan. "You're gonna pay for that!!!" He growled, leaning over slightly.

"No need to be rude when all they're doing is trying to help!" Seamus scolded, looking over the script written information on the parchment.

The Assistant Healer left to allow them privacy, closing the door to go finish the tests.

Draco glared at Seamus, but then again he knew he had a temper. "Must you hit me?" He rubbed the side of his head.

"It was a magazine relax, eat! Maybe you'll be less grumpy." Seamus chuckled, eating his dinner on the extra plate they brought for him.

Draco looked at the food with a sneer. "I just wish I could go home." He sighed, eating to stop the rumbles in his stomach.

"Honestly with how bad the episodes have gotten, I'd rather you be here till we find a solution." Seamus stuffed his face, chugging the small milk carton on the tray.

Draco shook his head. "I feel like I'll never make it out of this place...I'm going to die aren't I?" He stared at his plate, pushing around the small crums and pieces he had left.

Seamus pushed the trays away, taking Draco by the shoulders. "Listen to me Draco, I never want you to say that again." He pulled him close.

Draco looked away. "Severus killed my Father, it was the only way to save me but...now that we know my Father was the only person who could have stopped it well...there's not much hope is there?"

Seamus embraced Draco in his arms, hugging tightly. "Draco I promise you're not going to die!" He squeezed tighter. "Please, let's not give up hope yet."

Draco wrapped his arms around Seamus, snuggling into his embrace. "I'll try, but all I see is...darkness." He pushed his face into Seamus's temple.

Seamus turned his head, looking at Draco. "I promise Draco, we won't leave you in the darkness. All of us love you very much, we'd never let you suffer alone." He stroked his fingers down Draco's chest.

"Love?" Draco blushed, looking at Seamus.

Seamus realized what he said, looking away with a soft smirk. "Draco...you've known for a while that I've loved you."

Draco took Seamus by the chin. "Seamus when I get out of here...I want you and I to have a talk okay? Just you and me...my bed." He leaned in. "Alone."

Seamus felt his heart pound as Draco's lips came closer, leaning in the rest of the way. "Draco." He whispered, kissing him.

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