Walk with Shadows

By Winterbunny13

87 2 4

Story set in Skyrim where a young Bosmer woman is discovered by the Dark brotherhood due to a dark secret the... More

Young Love
We Know
What's the Harm?
Just a Poor Boy
Trust Your Gut
Listen to Me
The Briar is Black
Uncomfortable Silence
Longest Night

Heavy Shit

5 0 0
By Winterbunny13

Gwen walked into the Flagon, she took in a deep breath and fell with her arms out onto a table. The woman tried to bend her knee but hissed, forcing Delvin to walk over. "Hey, are you good? Did you get caught?"

"I did not. This was a bear." She smirked to Delvin who seemed a bit alarmed. "He swiped my knee is all. I can hide from men all day. Most of the time animals as well. But I suppose I smell extra tasty today." She chuckled nervously. "But I got it done, in Markarth."

"I thought your home was in Falkreath?" Her eyes widened for a moment then she carefully sat down. He was onto her. She hesitated but nodded slowly. "Ya wanna tell me why you felt the need to walk all the way here instead of recouping at home?"

"Well..." She looked up to him, gritting her teeth in the pain. "I could have done that. I probably should have done that but the job was for you guys. I also got attacked outside of the pass, so it was trouble either way." She didn't tell him she was swiped at west of the pass, closer to the sanctuary. Delvin seemed to accept it, sitting down. "How're things here?" She was too exhausted to even look around herself.

"We got another merchant that moved in. Being in that hold is a blessing." She leaned back in the chair. Her head turned and her eyes squinted trying hard to look at the alcoves. "More people pass through, we get more contracts and you have yourself a fence close to home now."

"Yes I do." She smiled a little. "Which is good. But I had one here, too." She chuckled. "Ya know? I feel really blessed here with you all. A year ago I lost my home and security but I gained two different ones. Yeah, this is just a job but it is a second home. And Brynjolf doesn't feel that way about it. He feels close to you like I feel close to my family. He trusts all of you and that makes me trust you a little because I trust him."

"Yeah? And I bet that trust don't get bought easily." He nodded. "I'm going to go get Vekle. He has some alcohol and bandages." Delvin stood up and his butt was replaced by her leg. She pulled her pants down, wiggling out of them down to her shins. She looked at the gashes on her knee, tilted over and her butt hanging off the wood.

There was a whistle, and she looked up to see Brynjolf approaching. She raised a brow. "If you're trying to attract me, lass it is too late. I'm already there." As he got closer and her eyes fell back on her own leg he found out why she was half naked. The man rushed quickly to her side, on bent knee. "Gwen... This looks bad."

"I will be fine." She whispered, looking down at him. This was a strange sight, but his eyes looked into hers and she relaxed, easing into the seat almost so much that she tipped over. His hand shot up, supporting her butt and yes, grabbing a feel. His dexterous hand remained on her. "Oh... T... Thank you." The man worked to pull her pants off the rest of the way, a long with her boots. Gwen just blushed deeply, looking into his eyes when he locked gazes.

"Anytime. I can hold this ass all day. In fact-" He scooped her up off the chair, carefully lifting her up. She grabbed her pants and boots. "We should get you into bed with this elevated after we clean it." He walked her to the bar, Delvin holding a bottle and bandages. "Good." Brynjolf looked to him. "She's going into my bed, I'll dress it there."

Delvin simply nodded then walked off with the supplies. Brynjolf looked down to her, his comfortable smile sank in and she found herself leaning in. He was walking slow, being careful of her as she huddles in close. "You don't have to take care of me, you know."

"Yes. But I want to. If you're okay with my hands on you."

"I..." She took a breath. "Would have said no a little while ago. Brynjolf...?"

"Yes, lass?" He stopped just before the door to the Cistern.

"I always want to be honest with you. Without all the bullshit and fear." She cleared her throat as he nodded a few times. "I came here instead of going home for you. I wanted to see you again. I should have gone home." He brightened up a little bit.

"Oh, really? Well then I am lucky." He chuckled a little.

"You aren't lucky." She looked into his eyes, placing a hand on his chest. "Can... Can I kiss you?"

"Kiss?" He leaned in a little, keeping the warmth between them as his nose hit hers. "Gwen... You may kiss me any time you wish, as long as you wish. That is perfect. I remember how good your kiss was."

She was flushed as she leaned in, slowly and pressed her lips to his. He responded happily to her sweet soft lips. It was a short lived kiss, but the way she licked her lips after had him nearly captivated. He exhaled blissfully then moved on.

She was laying on the bed shortly after, still thinking about the soft short kiss. It was pleasant but she wanted more. Their first kiss was far better but she was in his arms and hurt. The man was clearly worried, his brows furrowed as he carefully cleaned her knee. She was flushed still, thinking about him being that close to her nearly naked form. "Got you real bad, Gwen. I'm glad you got away."

"Of course I did. I have people counting on me. In two places." She hissed as the alcohol stung.

"I'm sorry Lass." He looked up, blowing on her cuts. "They are deep but I think not enough to need anything. It was almost like he stabbed you with the claws instead of tearing into you." He shook his head and started to wrap the knee. "I... Want you to stay here for a while. I'll send a letter to Astrid. You guys aren't buried in work over there, are you?"

"Nah." She waved off his worry. "Astrid is mulling over a very big decision. I think she is stuck in her own thoughts over it. Must suck, to lead people. I mean, I can't imagine it at all." She sat up as he slid onto the bed.

"Aye, there are a lot of ins and outs you need to know to do it." He leaned in a little, whispering. "I'm only second on the chain and I'm pretty busy."

"Not too busy to flirt with the girls around town." She smirked, laying back with her head on his pillow, the man pulled her shoes and pants away from her, folding them and placing them just under his bed.

He chuckled softly, looking into her eyes. "Now you know, you're not about town too often. How much can I flirt without you here, lass? You're too busy being important to people that I presume have a hell of a nightly family meal."

"Jealous?" She smirked softly.

"Well, yes if you must know." She took in a deep breath, wondering if it were refreshing or scary to hear him talk like that. Either he was being really flattering to her or he was entirely honest. It was frightening to think this could be over. Her shoulders slumped down a little, sinking into the bed as she always has, forcing herself to shrink. He watches and his jovial mood turned just as her posture had. He scooted over a little, turning fully to face her. "Gweneith... What's wrong? Did I misstep?"

"Yes." She paused for a moment then sat up straight. "Wait..." Her hand moved out. "I didn't mean that. It is just easier to blame you. The fault is mine. You've done absolutely nothing wrong." Her words were but whispers. He found himself staring at her, as he oft does. Patiently waiting for this woman wasn't a chore, or annoyance to him, he simply was normal watching her. She looked to him, feeling it all at once, her playful smirk and any easily mistakable tone was absent as she spoke.  "It's not that you... Well I... I don't know how to do... this... anymore."

He sighed, then scooted up on the bed. "Lass, not a soul on earth asked that of you. You don't have to be strong, it's what we're for. Both of your families. I'm sorry I said anything. I know how hard this is for you. It's just when you ask questions like this I can't lie to you. I never want to lie to you. Of course I'm jealous of your family. They are close to you. An uninhibited you. A you that is free to be just as you are. I love who you have shown me, I'm glad I know her. The prospect of knowing you when you are at your most comfortable though? Well, then. That is an appealing prospect. I don't need it, of course. I need you to be happy, is all." He shook his head. "I don't imagine we are closer to you then they are."

"Oh, I like the majority of you." She chuckled lightly. "But you are right. Nazir, Astrid, Babette... Festus and the others... they are my family. I love them dearly. There is a certain bond we will always share, even knowing at first interaction Astrid was going to use me. She has, but it was different because I knew. I suppose that's also why I keep coming back to you." She looked into his eyes. "You were always up front. You told me what you felt, you told me what you wanted and you don't expect things from me. So while I'll know you both want something from me... unlike him, you both said something to the effect." He smiled softly, looking to his lap for a moment.

"Well then I'm glad I said something. It just slipped out, honestly."

She found that so endearing. Moving her hand to his arm, he looked up to her. "I'm glad it did." After a moment she lay back in the bed, looking up to him. "So the next thing... track down that symbol, right?" He nodded. "I'm not good with things like that. I'm good at tracking but- animals not man made things." He ran his hand over her cheek. "W... What?" She was shaky as she blushed.

"It is okay, Lass. I'm working on it myself. It's just a lot of planning and I think I already have an angle that would know. You are... cute."

She sucked in some air, before cuddling her cheek into his hand with a shy smile. "You can't split my focus, Brynjolf. We should go in the morning."

He laughed. "Right, I'll just piggy back you all the way." His nose touched hers. He stole a tiny, chaste kiss then sat up. "I will wait and send you if you want to go- but I'll be damned if I let you go with this knee."

She simply rolled her eyes. "So both of you are keeping me out of the important ones, huh?"

"Lass?" He shook his head. "I'll protect you but I'm not coddling you. Are they... keeping you from something important? Is it her again? The listener, right?" She rolled her eyes then looked to him.

"They are... Astrid said I shouldn't be in this. They are going after a bride on her wedding day." She sighed, Brynjolf twisted his lips, understanding why she was kept from it. "There are small contracts for me to go after, but I don't do too well with ones that are innocent... And Nazir is handling the recon for the wedding. So I'm free. Let me help."

"Relax, Lass. I was already going to. You're amazing." She felt her face heated through, then averted her eyes only to have him chuckle in that deep voice. "You keep looking away. It only makes me want to see your eyes more." Their eyes met and for once she didn't grimace after smiling, or repressing it. She hesitated for a few clicks, her eyes darted down to her dressed knee, then back to him.

After everything, Gwen still had an itch for the man, but it was deeper than that. "You're amazing, too, you know. Always here... For me." She chewed on her lower lip and he watches with deep interest. Her fingers reach and stretch for the bandolier around his chest. She struggled for a moment, Brynjolf unable to even register it at first for how close he had been paying attention to her. He leaned in just a hair and the pads she had outstretched gripped just the edge on the leather. It had been so long since she made a legitimate move and her bear related struggles would not stop this auspicious occasion.

His eyes widened when he was jerked down, much like their very first meeting. His body pressed pleasantly into hers as he was almost folded in half. When she took the lead it was more than just a silent embrace. Her lips fit into his, a groove all their own that deepened when she tilted ever so slightly. The mild discomfort from the wrapped knee faded into the background with the heat that wove between the two. Her tongue dared to spill into his mouth, forcing eyes to roll into the back of his head. He moaned deeply, adjusting himself without removing their connection. She tightened her grip on his armor, pulling him back whenever she felt he was getting too far. The woman even moved a bit while in pain to remain just to be linked to him. He was lying next to her, moving his hand to her cheek and pushing her hair off her cheek as she shifted to her side.

He tasted so grand, sweet and soft, massaging her tongue as gently as he was holding her. She broke the kiss, looking up to him with her face on fire. Clearing her throat she chuckled nervously. She felt stripped of everything right now. Her red eyes staring deeply into his. "G... Good God Gwen, where did that come from?"

Her lips pulled into a deep smile, a hand on his chest and the other wrapped around his neck. "I..." She shivered, trying to work up the strength. "Think about your kiss often. The first one. I wanted it again."

"That was... Far more than the first." He was nearly breathless. "You've really taken my words to heart. Anytime, Gweneith."

"I have." She whispered. "Thank you for taking care of my knee."

"No matter how strong you are I will always take care of you." He shook his head. "Gwen..."


"I know you keep saying that I owe you nothing..." She nodded as he leaned forward. "But I... Do. I'm loyal to you. I want... I want you to be my girl. What that means to us you can decide. But what it means to me is that I would never look at another woman the way I look at you. I'm yours already. There is no pressure. I just want you to know I am yours. I don't like when you feel this way, Lass."

Her eyes widened a little. Her breathing was a little ragged. She allowed herself to ease into a comfort. "You... Know I'm jealous as it is... When you have no obligation to me. Why would you want..."

"I don't care if you are jealous. I will comfort you. You have my heart, Gwen. Only you. Whatever you want it to mean is what it would mean."

"Even if I want you all to myself?" He nodded. "What if I wanted to fuck you? Whenever I wanted." She watches him nod again. "Even if it hurts?" He nodded again. "What if Mercer put a wedge between us?"

"I'm yours, Gweneith. Not his. You aren't using me if I'm already yours."

She broke into a deep smile and then forced herself to look into his eyes. "Brynjolf... Yes."

"Wait... Really?" He blinked, dumbfounded.

"Yes. I'm your girl. There is no one else. To be clear, this isn't love. But I do like you, a lot." He nodded a little, then wrapped her up in his arms, she snuggled into him.

"I cannot wait until your knee is better." He chuckled. "You need to rest now, Gwen. I'll be here when you wake up." She nodded before allowing her walls to fall down again around him and slip into a dream world that was sweet.

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