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99.1K 3K 2.4K

⎯⎯ 𝐈𝐍 π–π‡πˆπ‚π‡ she is the death that those around her fear. complete. ... More

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3K 115 35

❛I assume you are aware of her from the news?❜

It wasn't supposed to leak out, it wasn't supposed to be the topic, and it wasn't supposed to be brought up. After a curious student, pink-skinned and pink curls secretly brought her up toward her friends. Aizawa sensei wasn't supposed to hear the topic, but he picked up on it and sat across from the class. Across from the class while he stood at a podium, narrowing his eyes at the curious teenager and questioning how the student knows [name].

Of course, nearly everybody did. After Iida immediately made a group chat for studying purposes, and izuku midoriya brought her up toward Bakugo, they were all aware even after seeing the news. They knew what happened to her, and they knew her situation, but they wanted to know more. Curious little students.

The pink-skinned student nodded her head lowly, the eyes of others pierced her skin. They were expecting a comment, like 'Mind your own business.' But instead, he raked out a small sigh.

"Interesting that you bring her up. She is staying under my supervision for the time being, but Nezu requests that she soon enrolls in U.A. specifically class 1-A." He lets the news out, not like they should care. Mina gasps lowly, a small smile creeping onto her face.

"--Finish your homework, next teacher should be arriving soon," Aizawa spoke lazily, creeping into the corner of his sleeping bag as the warmth encased him.

Unaware, unbeknownst, an unnoticeable and small smile appeared on the hot-headed blonde's face. He looked down at his homework, bringing the pencil he held toward the paper as he let the news seep into his mind. Processing slowly seems unbelievable, but it's what he did.

[Name] Tahashi, how will she act? He doesn't like to admit it, he didn't know how, but somewhere he found himself longing to see her again. To hear her angelic yet monotone voice, to see her divine face. But shake the thought off, he is not supposed to miss her so much. Not this much.

Not this much.

'Tsuika!!' He calls out, gazing toward her. In response, the girl turned toward his figure, down inside his house. She was up on the roof, again. He noticed that she is always there, but he never asks. The said girl looked at him, he stuck out of the living room window and waved his small palms.

'Huh?' She questioned, her body rotated slightly as she peered down the roof shafts. Bakugo Katsuki smiled at her, still waving excitedly.

'Come down and play heroes with me! Ask your mom!' He spoke, his voice loud so she can hear him over the summer breeze. [Name]'s face softened for a second, her gaze turning saddened. It was nearly unnoticeable, but he studied her face enough for the smile that was on his to downturn. '[Name]?'

'I can't ask my mom right now. Maybe later.' She spoke lowly, he could barely hear but processed it. Before he noticed her, he was watching TV. But his face turned toward the window because of a bird flying into it, and when it fell he noticed the way she pressed against the chimney with uneven breaths. Her face was always stern, like a block of granite, but he noticed the breaths she carried were heavy.

So he marched over and demanded to play, only for her to refuse and claim that 'Mother and Father are busy.' In response to her comment, his face twitched downward into a small frown. He sulked for a second, still staring at her figure. Unaware of her shaky voice, trembling hands, and the bleeding mark that scattered blood down her tiny leg.

'Okay.' He sadly spoke, nodding and turning back to the TV. Though, the more he watched, the more time passed. And when the moon began to appear and his mother came down to put him to rest, he gazed toward the window only to see her figure still there. Her figure pressed against the chimney, calmer now. Calm and even, but still absent-mindedly peering down at the roof shafts.

'Tsuika!' He called, the said girl looked toward his way. 'Come on! We have to get to the sandpit first!' The child stood up, an outdoor bell ringing aloud as students rushed out toward the playground. He eagerly grabbed her arm, unknowing of her large flinch and the discomfort that surfaced in her. He pulled her body outward, running toward the sandpit with excitement coursing through his veins. She followed behind, the scab lacing her wrist stretched from the pull of his hand. He is only unaware, he doesn't know.

'Bring [name] Tahashi up to the office please, family emergency.' A voice called from the speaker, and in response, the teacher and her glossy eyes gazed upon the child. [Name] grabbed the drawing she created before she left, a drawing of Mother and Father and her too.

Holding hands with a chat bubble, 'I will always save you!' She was in preschool here. [Name] carefully gripped the paper, while a teacher grabbed ahold of her hand. She was brought up to an office room and met with multiple teary-eyed individuals.

'Oh, dear!' She heard a cry, a cry belonging to her mother. The paper crumbled from her mother's hug, tears staining her shirt while confusion piled against the child.

The mother pulled back, pulled back from the close and tight hug, she gazed at the crumpled paper the child held.

' I will always save you.' A photo of Mother, Father, and her too.

A happy photo of Mother, Father, and her too.

Bakugo Katsuki, in the nurses' office after receiving a stomach ache, listened in to the cries of [name]'s mother. He is only unaware.

Maybe this much.

Maybe not enough.

"Bakugo!" A red-haired male called, he gripped the ash blonde and shook him violently. "Thought we lost you there!" He chuckled noticing Bakugo blink and turn his way. Bakugo resurfaced from his zone out, turning the male's way.

"Shut the fuck up shitty hair! Get off me!" He rattled, shaking the red-haired male off of him. "Lost me there?!"

"You were zoned out for 15 minutes, Mina had to grab your finished homework and turn it in," Kirishima explained, his face scrunched up to hold back the laughter that threatened to spill from his lips.

"Shut up." He glared, pushing off of his chair quickly and witnessing the bell loudly ring. The male gripped his backpack and swung it over his shoulder, ignoring the calls of others, and made his way toward the door.

Zoned out for 15 minutes thinking of her. He isn't supposed to think about her, he repetitively started to shake his thoughts off about her, but he zoned out for 15 minutes. All about her. Their memories, their dynamic, how stupid and oblivious he was. His regret.

Bakugo turned the corner, leaving through the door of his classroom while he made his way down the hallway. He scoffed lowly, snarling at himself while he stared down at his shoes. Oblivious and stupid, he was so stupid and he regrets it. He hates the way she lingers in his head, the way he can't wrap around the way he misses her.

Wait--what was that? Ever had arguing thoughts, and then one pulls out the honest and realistic truth? Can't help but deny, deny, and refuse. No. No no no. Can't wrap around the fact he misses her. He doesn't, he swears he doesn't, she was just an extra. He doesn't miss that extra.

An extra who was one of his first friends, an extra he spent the majority of his childhood with.

Not just an extra, an extra who was stolen and taken from him, an extra that he ignored the calls for help she sent. And maybe it's time he realizes, maybe while he stands still in the school hallway and argues with himself, maybe that's when he'll realize that he misses her.

And standing still in the school hallway, arguing with himself, was now, now with trembling fists. The time he realizes, he misses her so much. Was now.

She sighed, the thick atmosphere surrounding her and the U.A. principal + staff. Beyond tired, the meeting started at 7 P.M. It was only 7:30, yet she was already slumped.

"So, are you aware of the guidance and rules of U.A. high?" A male spoke, his voice harsh. She didn't recognize him, didn't know him, unaware his name was Vlad King.

"Obviously." Her monotone voice rang, staring at the male with disinterest.

"You have an attitude, are you aware young girl?" His volume slightly raised, the rage seeping into his skin.

"Vlad...that's how she talks. She has a very uninterested voice, that's how Aizawa explained it..." A figure she did recognize spoke, his slicked-up yellow hair and loud volume. Though his voice was more hushed as he side-eyed the male.

"So, you'll arrive with Aizawa tomorrow. The schedule is tight, so since we have a clue about your quirk, though you have multiple, we have prepared an advanced hero costume for you." A mouse-like male spoke, short and on a raised chair so others could see him. He had steaming tea that sat ahead of him and within reach. "Tomorrow will be rescue training, we understand you're not a social person, so no need to interact with classmates." The mouse calmingly spoke.

She nodded silently before he added, "It wasn't a long meeting, but your items have already been prepared. A revision or update of your hero costume can occur if you don't like its design, but I requested a more basic costume rather than a complicated one. Any objections? If you want--the uniform skirt or blouse can have specific changes to your desire. We want to make your experience here at U.A. pleasurable." A smile etched onto his face, nodding his head slowly.

There was silence for a moment, but she nodded slowly in understanding. "Can I request the tights of the uniform entirely covering my legs?" She questioned, the male listened and nodded in agreeance. A smile was still evident on his face.

"Yes, thank you, [name]. It was a pleasure meeting you." He smiled, and so did nearly everyone sitting inside the meeting room. She only nodded silently, slowly standing from her seat as others did as well. The ending of the meeting arrived as the sun lowed, a beaming golden glow surfacing her divine face as she walked toward the outdoors.

The glow wasn't there for long, it was golden and ethereal, and it highlighted her face for the time being. But soon it was replaced by the moon she grew to love. Still bright, still shimmering like the sun. Though it never emitted as much light, it was present and there. It still exists and others took pride in acknowledging it.

But the moon has always been thought of as, dark. During the night, it never shines as bright as the sun. It never beams the area and is never outgoing and extroverted, it's head-cannoned as only dark and not so outgoing.

Understand? The moon is thought of as dark because of its dark aura and association with emptiness. Not as bright, almost related to introvert and extrovert. Almost as if the sun is a beaming, extroverted person. And the moon is an introverted, alone individual. As said, still present and still acknowledged, just not as much.

She sighed, her body plumping onto the soft bedding. Her assigned bed sunk her in like quicksand, allowing the teenager to submerge in its warmth. The white sheets swirled as she curled underneath them, wrinkling and creasing as she snuggled.

"Goodnight, [name]."

For some reason, she never sleeps for long. Maybe a few hours or so, waking from nightmares or just in general. Her eyes will open up with small glances, and as much comfort she's gifted, she never falls back into the embrace. Normally, she noticed she awakes at times near 4-7. So in the meantime, while she waits for the sunrise, she absent-mindedly peers and thinks.

Maybe she is unaware, maybe she knows. But she never pushes too much into her appearance, she doesn't try so much. She is unaware that though the teenager doesn't try, she appears as attractive. Of course, she is clean. But whatever her appearance is, she doesn't care. Why dread it so much if the standards of beauty are changed so frequently? Who is it to decide pretty, attractive, and perfect? [Name] doesn't care about her appearance, as long as she is clean and looks decent, it doesn't revolve around her mind constantly. She is just simply attractive, simply divine.

So while the teenager gets ready for the day, and makes herself at least look clean and decent, it doesn't cross her mind about the attractiveness that she holds.

Her scarred fingers twirl around the red tie that tightened against her neck, she fixed it into the correct condition. The blouse was long-sleeved and white, with an additional grey blazer she could button up. It was the usual U.A. uniform, but the grey tights extended upward and entirely covered her legs instead. The teenager managed to look the slightest bit presentable, she didn't care. If anything, she didn't want to show up at U.A. for a social life.

The stoic teenager grabbed a newly bought school bag from a nearby store, it was packed with the necessities of school equipment and she slung it over her shoulder tiredly. She wanted to get this day over and done with.

Stepping slowly down the stairs, she noticed the exhausted guardian. His hands outreached toward a yellow sleeping bag, gripping ahold of it. His body moved out toward the door, halting and waiting for her to follow behind.

The two arrived at school, not minding how late they were. The school building was tall and entirely glass, with a bridge and arc going across and seemingly connecting two buildings. While their shoes paddled against the pavement, they were both in separate minds. [Name] staring at the building ahead and the shining sun, Aizawa sighed and thought about an exhausting day.

The U.A. building was very large, she's seen it before at the meeting yet somehow it seemed prettier in the daylight. The way the glass reflects and mirrors any occurrence whether in the sky or near the ground, the way it was so...rich.

The first expression Aizawa had seen plastered on her face was when she stared ahead, gazing into the reflection he found himself looking at too. It didn't occur to him why her eyes squinted slightly and why she furrowed her brows nearly unnoticeably, but it soon hit him as he realized the creeping figure that flew above the two.

Aizawa swiftly turned around, locking gazes with the red-winged hero above them. The hero landed with the kick of a pebble, turning his way toward the teenager.

"Hey, good luck at U.A." He spoke, a small smile grazing his lips. Her stoic expression didn't change while she gazed ahead at him, his annoying personality seemed to shine. "...I know it's your first day." He added on nicely, with the bow of his head.

She didn't know how to respond, as something about him bothers her. Something about the large grin on his face seemed innocent, yet something lay beneath it. Fake, almost. She wouldn't immediately go and assume someone is fake, but the way his grin didn't seem genuine urged her to know why. Wrinkles that creased on his skin weren't in their normal form, she knew deep down, that male was annoying and cocky, maybe even arrogant.

So she brought her head into a small nod, ignoring the odd appearance of the male and the way he felt it was necessary to wish good luck.

"He looks annoying, yet fun. Somethings up with that male." Death spoke internally, his deep and grumpy voice shaking through her body. In response, [name] listened in knowing she couldn't pull up and talk to herself.

'Sketchy.' She thought to herself, minding that Death could hear it and replying to his statement. The two seemed in agreeance, and sync, and had a mutual feeling developed about that male.

"Oh, gotta' go," Hawks called, his smile never faltering as he flew up slowly into the air. "See ya' around!"

Odd male, odd interaction. She shook it off though. Her body turned slightly and she turned on her heel, leaving alongside Aizawa to the building.

Good luck, more like no luck at all. An appearance urged her forward, her usual silent and stoic demeanor remained the same though internally she was intrigued and confused. The appearance of a familiar purple and black mist, one from the time she visited her cousin, appeared in the center of the building. USJ, rescue training held by pro hero Thirteen. Just after the space hero finished her elaboration, the mist appeared and took all by surprise.

Aizawa stepped forward in urgency, his hand extending backward in a warning. "--Stay back, stay together, and don't move. thirteen...get them out of here." He spoke, his voice loud and harsh. Even though those around panicked, she only sighed calmly and undisturbed. Yes, inside, she was curious. But not threatened.

Not threatened, even when she witnessed her cousin step from the mist along with multiple other individuals. Even though it took her by surprise, her unbothered aura reached the eyes of those who had been intensely gazing at her. Those who watched her isolated figure, in want of recognition or a word.

"Everyone stay back, those are real villains and not a part of training." He voiced, concern lacing over those around as they stepped back in caution. [Name] remained still, not moving an inch and not fearing the possible outcomes. The purple mist figure began to speak lowly, stepping outward.

"The only real pros I see are Thirteen and Erasure Head...what a shame, All Might should be here too." He whined, staring ahead at the horror-filled students. Though only one of them, Shigarakis's cousin didn't fear.

Aizawa's face twisted slightly, a disgusted noise parting his lips as he analyzed. "So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus?" He questioned.

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends, we were so eager to meet him." The familiar light blue-haired male spoke, he pouted lightly though it wasn't that evident due to the molded hand covering his face. "We want all might--the great symbol of peace. I can't believe he isn't here, but maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come out to play."

In response, Aizawa's face twisted once more. Protective and angered, he kept his arm extended backward in the hope no students would be killed or injured by the threat. "--Actually, if they got the ability to block our sensors then they might be jamming our regular communications too. Kaminari, I request trying to use your quirk to contact the school." The electric boy nodded slowly. "Thirteen, get them out of here." He ordered once more.

At the order, multiple individuals started running toward the exit, thirteen led in the front and [name] walked behind the group with disinterest. As the members ran ahead and were led toward their escape, the mist materialized in sight of them once more, blocking their exit entirely. At the sight of the mist, [name] nearly rolled her eyes.

"There is no escape" The mist spoke once more, alluring yellow eyes narrowing through the void. "it's a pleasure to meet you, we're the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves to this haven of justice and say hello. And besides, isn't this the best place for the symbol of peace to take his last breath?" He questioned, taking a small sigh as he gazed around.

"I believe he was supposed to be here today, but I'm disappointed with seeing no sign of him. Maybe there was a change of plans we couldn't foresee. Well, I guess in the end, it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play." His mischievous yet disappointed voice called aloud, a small hint of mockery playing a role in it.

His blabbering came to an interruption as a few students surrounded his figure, blowing their attacks on the mist man. But the mist man only ignored their idiotic ideal. "You live up to your school reputation but you should be more careful children." He scolds, taking a slight pause before he continued. "Otherwise, you might cause someone to get hurt. I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades--and your deaths."

And before anybody could beat him, before anybody could put a stop to him, they were all greeted by a void and pit of darkness that surfaced each individual. It seemed like a small concept of time to [name], but her body slipped from the void as it teleported her high above the ground, and it resulted in her body falling from the peaked area.

She didn't let the fall damage her, and as she continued to near the ground, the falling came to a halt. Her body floated from its position, raising her from the danger of injury as she allowed herself to float and fly downward gently rather than harshly. Her floating and levitating body made contact with the ground, she landed against the pavement and stared ahead at the villains surrounding her figure.

The sound of a small twig snapping appeared behind her, she turned toward the sound as villains rushed toward her figure. No threat at all toward her, their movements froze and they found themselves stuck in place against her strong telekinetic ability. The unbothered teenager floated upward in a sat position, booms setting off in the background while she focused on the shocked villains.

"We're not going to tell you anything-!" One tried to demand and defend, but their yapping suddenly quieted as a harsh tightening soaked into their throat. Pain and burns of their muscles slowly twisting and tearing caused the male to choke aloud, tears immediately flooding into the pools of his eyes.

"Murder All Might? How so?" Her angelic voice questioned, though she was silent the entire time, she took pleasure in watching him attempt to free the grip held against him. Bands of his atoms were tearing and loosening one by one, effectively torturing the male who tried to cry aloud.

"You--!" He spoke, only earning more pain and suffering from the flexing muscles and movements.

"Yeah?" She taunts, her stoic expression staring at his teary-eyed figure and yelping.

"L-Let him go! We plan to kill all might by a bio-engineered human or thing--monster!? It's regenerating and faster than all might! S-Shigaraki and his master constructed it!!" A figure behind her called through desperation, clawing at the hold and shaking violently.

"Intriguing." She commented, ending the torture that affected the male's throat and leaping down from her elevated seat. They remained stuck in place as louder booms and crashes sounded thoroughly through the facility. Even though she could teleport in place toward her destination, the teenager ran ahead toward the sound, ignoring the yells of restraint from behind her.

And upon the sight, she halted. Her usual stoic expression was in place, but her eyes scanned her supposed Guardian as his head bashed onto the ground, Crimson liquid splattering and spilling more pools as the beating never ended. She traveled her sight along the stern palm grazing his neck, recognizing the supposed monster the villains had mentioned. A bio-engineered being, constructed on being better than all might and bringing him to his end.

Her eyes remained the same, dull and inexpressive as she glared at the monster. The teenager stepped forward, ignoring the stalking eyes of her classmates and gazing at the tall being. Without an extension of her hand or any object, the monster suddenly froze in invisible restraints. Its body slammed away from her guardian's figure, immediately recovering but she paid no mind to its hurry.

The teenager found herself clutching the bleeding teacher, his consciousness was nearly gone as he slumped against the ground. Crimson blood spread and dripped underneath his nearly lifeless body, his hero costume glasses crushed on the floor beside him. She picked his body up with zero effort and threw him to his knees, crouched and still breathing as she peered around for classmates.

Her eyes caught familiar earth-green pairs, she stared straight into them with her usual dull and stoic expression. "Bring him back to the exit." She said, her expression never faltering yet the teenager's voice was nearly a blessing to the boy's ears. But she was interrupted by her cousin's body blocking her vision, his hand reached out for a green-haired female's head in the hope of disintegrating it.

Aizawa glared the male's way, his eyes glowing red and his hair flickered upward. The male stopped in his tracks at the sudden halt of his quirk, turning to face his little cousins' way and a much older man near her. He narrowed his eyes, though not visible by the palm clutching his face. [Name] faced Aizawa, looking at his barely alive condition.

"Rest." She spoke, a woman of very few words. But it was enough for him to hear, enough to deliver the message of, 'I got this under my control.'

So he nodded, nodded in agreeance, his weight slumping downward and crushing his knees. He fell downward, blood still pouring yet beginning to halt slowly. Halt slowly because of the certain teenager crouched before him, the female who absent-mindedly banded his wounds together and recovered his injuries. 

She flipped her head toward the bio-engineered being, one who clutched onto the same green-eyed teenager's fist after the delivery of his punch. A punch meant for her cousin, yet the seemingly lifeless and puppeted monster had protected his owner. The green-eyed boy's face twisted in worry as he was sent flying backward, only for the air that rushed onto his face to suddenly disappear. He opened his narrowed eyes, which shut in warning of impact only to find a warmth against his arms.

A warmth against his arms as he stood alongside his green-haired friend and purple-haired friend, away from the danger. He peered down, noticing his standing body as confusion wrote his face. Aizawa's unconscious body lay against his arms. He furrowed his brows, turning to face his green-haired friend.

"Tsuyu, what happened?" He questioned, oblivious to why he was once sent flying and now stood upright clutching onto his teacher.

"That [name] girl saved us, teleported us or something... she is really powerful.." the female, known as Tsuyu, trailed off. The green-eyed teen followed her line of vision only to witness his old friend slightly levitate a few inches from the ground, her floating as she glared toward the bio-engineered monster.

"Yeah, here, take Aizawa." He spoke, turning from staring at her and back toward the unconscious teacher in his arms. He extended out his grip and gently lay the man into his friend's arm instead.

"Thank you, Midoriya. Kero." She spoke in gratitude, lifting the heavy man. Her classmate, Mineta, helped carry the male as well. Meanwhile, midoriya sprinted toward the scene once again. His legs moved on their own, sprinting fastly as he stared ahead at the female.

Her dodges were slick and fast, experienced and registered. Her intelligence had her thinking in a blink, her arms already outstretched with zero hesitation and already dodging every attack sent her way. The strong Nomu never managed to land a hit on her, which brought the teenagers who stalked to furrow their brows.

Unbeknownst to those who watched, as she rounded the corner behind the large Nomu in the blink of an eye, she also gazed directly at her cousin, still in movement. "Tomura, register this faster." She spoke with her usual stoic expression, and even though she was a hero, the male listened in to her piece of advice.

He brought a finger to scratch his neck in thought, his hero little cousin. Hero. Little cousin. To be related to such a disgraceful title, made him submerge in disgust. Yet her ideals on the hero society had one statement he agreed with, it sucks. So maybe it isn't so bad, maybe she isn't so bad.

The female slickly turned once again in front of the Nomu, catching it off guard and sending a powerful fist toward his stomach. "Illusion casting.." She murmured Soto voce, her hands cuffing into black smoky mist and the punch that delivered the Nomu into the wall had the same effect as well. Her body lowly elevated a few inches from the ground as she moved backward, twirling the mist within her fingers and playing with it.

"Holy shit, that quirk is manly! She's like a god!" A red-haired male whisper-screamed, alongside his ash-blonde friend who stalked the female and her godly presence. The male let out a small 'tch' in annoyance. Next to him hid a peppermint-haired male, completely in awe though his expressionless face didn't show it.

After some time, the three jumped from their spot and attempted to help the teenager, though being completely useless by the large boom that echoed through the facility. Four heads turned that way, one who was unnoticed and just joined the group let out a small squeak at his presence. There stood Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Ejirou Kirishima, and Shoto Todoroki.

A fast-paced figure ran their way, gently shoving them from the battle and soon standing directly near the teenager. His hands on his hips and his muscular back shone their way, tall compared to the female who ignored his mighty presence.

"Young [name]! I see you are the only one who has held up against this monster so far! What great power!" He complimented, his booming voice erupting and echoing throughout the facility. Multiple individuals turned their way, class 1A watching in awe as well as pro heroes who came with All Might.

The stoic female stayed silent but nodded her head slowly, glaring toward the Nomu that strangled against her telekinetic restraints. Her eyes never blinked while her gaze harshened, the black mist still twirling through her fingers and holding the figure down. A bone-chilling shriek sounded, thrilling those around as they removed their gaze from the H/C female to see the violently shaking and struggling Nomu. All Might had furrowed his brows, watching the creature twitch under the torture. "[Name]?" He questioned, not expecting a response.

"It's a bio-engineered human, they claimed it regenerated fastly. I'm destroying its cells and slowing down its reconstruction." She explained lowly, her monotone voice calling out only for him to hear.

"Ahh, I see! How clever!" He called out, chuckling lowly. "Yet you don't have to hold up much longer, because I'm here!" His cheer made those around all smile, but she remained stoic and removed the hold against the Nomu.

"Good luck with that." She spoke, staring at the Nomu which loosened its trembles and stopped shrieking. It immediately pounced forward, steadying itself as its appearance warped from the deformity she caused. "If you can bare it."

"Ah, looks like our game is getting a continuation! After all of this waiting, it's paid off! The heroic trash finally appeared!" Her elder cousin cheered, a hint of mockery leaving his tone. Yet the lips his speech left were punted in by the sudden fist that hurried to his face, a powerful blow making him scurry backward. The hand on his face fell to the ground, dust flying lowly as his face was uncovered. "Father.." He mumbled incoherently, yet [name] picked up on it. He crouched lowly, grabbing the molded hand and staring at it.

"No, No, No, No--it wasn't supposed to be like this Father...He's not weak! He managed to hit me... But he's not as fast as I thought he would be, not as fast as he used to be...I guess it's true after all! All Might, you're getting weaker!" He chuckled, ending the incoherent sentence in a shout while the volume of his voice increased. The molded hand in his palm turned, showing the different creases and wrinkles before he placed it back against his face.

All Might immediately swerved around, throwing a powerful punch toward the Nomu. "CAROLINA SMASH!" He shouted, the Nomu only took a step backward as it wasn't phased. It had no effect whatsoever. In her peripheral vision, she saw the boys behind her sprinting toward the battle, an ash-blonde delivering a punch to the neck brace sat on Kurogiri.

Kurogiri struggled underneath the ice grip against him, frozen and restrained in place. A peppermint-haired male walked up, the freezing mist emitting from his palms. "One of your poorly trained thugs told me that you're here because you think that you can kill All Might." In the mention of All Might, the female fixated her gaze on the tall male beside her.

Yeah, 'think they can kill' the male with steam emitting from his figure. The symbol of peace with a bleeding side and blood trickling from his forehead. She narrowed her eyes at his injuries, watching as he struggled with punching the Nomu.

Struggled hard, blood dripping from his new wounds. And the sight made her pupils slightly dilate unnoticeably, the shine from artificial light moving with every movement and shadow cast above the pools--it all felt nostalgic. It all felt like Deja vu.

So with the rise of her palm fastly, the black mist covering her fingers as it danced like a ballroom, she realized then and there---it's okay for the symbol of peace to ask for a little help, it is the least bit pathetic. And he needs help.

Cementoss attempted to cage her out of the scene, the fog was visually impairing yet the cement managed to cage both her and All Might together as steamrolled from his body and blood trickled down his lips. A large hole was encaved through the facility building, light pouring from it as the entire ground was coated in streaming Crimson liquid.

If she'll be honest, the Nomu was the least of her concerns. The way she stood behind All Might and his damaged body, the punches that could blow others away, and she just stood and glared. Glared while she repeated the process of tearing regenerative cells, she wasn't hurt, other than the crimson that gently poured from her nose. She chose not to burst out any of her multiple quirks, rather she disguised black fire within the illusion casting.

And maybe while the godly presented female lowly elevated from the ground, with her eyes plain white, those who stalked and were pushed away watched as her saintly appearance hovered ever so slightly above the ground as she harshly ripped the Nomu's limbs off were a little spooked by her power, yet she didn't struggle. Those who watched saw a god, and they didn't fear. Not even when they saw her elevate or her eyes plain white.

She didn't get out of control, she wasn't even near the brink of it. She was already exhausted, to begin with, so the only injury she suffered from was a bleeding nose.

[Name] looked around the fog, noticing a scrawny figure coughing blood in front of her.

"--[name]...You weren't supposed to see this.." He murmured, falling to his knees. She silently watched, gazing upon his destroyed and damaged figure. Yet she stood silent, his face upturned to meet her stoic expression. She had no confusion written on her face or pity, just blank. He furrowed his brows slightly. The female said nothing as she made her way to him, his scrawny body fell downward, consciousness slipping gently.

"I suppose. Goodnight." She spoke lowly, monotone reaching his ears and being the last thing the injured symbol of peace heard before his body slumped entirely, his breathing mismatched as pro heroes marched their way over.

"Goodnight, [name]."
--6,086 words.

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