A Present From The Future II...

By Slythxxrinsarehot

35.5K 892 132

James Severus Potter, the mischief maker, totally like his grandfather along with his friends and siblings me... More

The Accidental Time Travel
A shocking future
Malfoy Is My What??!
Petty Crushes
Truths of the future
Midnight talk
Severus Snape
To Part Ways


1.7K 58 5
By Slythxxrinsarehot

"Dad!" Lily said as she saw the emerging shadow of harry coming towards them.

The kids and pansy were sitting at one of the tables in the library. Pansy looked up at the boys and smirked "look who finally decided to stop cuddling"

Harry pressed his lips into a thin line and Draco shot her a glare. They both sat down on one of the chairs and lily came and sat next to harry.

Harry smiled at her. "Where's Hermione?" He then asked. "Oh Granger had muggle studies, why does she even take muggle studies shes a muggle for salzars sake!" Pansy said.

Harry shrugged "trust me Parkinson me and ron have been wondering the same thing for years"

"Dont you have a class pans?" Draco asked looking at her.

She shrugged "i don't care, it's not everyday i get to spend time with my nephew's" she said looking at the children.

Draco rolled his eyes "it's our OWL's this year pansy, they're important"

"Bloody hell father you haven't changed one bit" James said looking at Draco.

Pansy snorted and harry grinned. Draco rolled his eyes "why would I? I am marvelous" he said.

"Anyways" pansy started and forwarded a picture but it was upside down so they could only see the back of it "i captured a beautiful moment, your welcome"

Draco picked up the picture and looked at it, his eyes widened and he looked away passing harry the picture. Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at it.


It was him and Draco sleeping. This was of this morning. Dammit.

Pansy was smirking looking at their reaction. "Sooo, i got a good angle huh?" She said, Draco scrunched his nose.

"Ever heard of privacy pans?" He muttered.

She shook her head "privacy? Whose that? Never heard of her" she said shrugging

Draco let out a deep breath. And looked out of the window, it was a pleasent day, no clouds or anything.

Suddenly James groaned "i am so bloody bored for the past hour we've been here reading, this is beyond my level of tolerance"

Rose rolled her eyes "stop being dramatic james, this is fun, there are alot of ancient books here"

"As if they aren't in our Hogwarts" he said, "no there are not some of these books are actually transported to museum of magical belongings as they are so rare"

James looked at her annoyed. Suddenly Scorpius perked up "hey! Guys do you want to play quidditch?"

James stood up of his chair "yeah! Let's go"

Scorpius looked at his dad and father waiting for a reply. Draco and Harry looked at each other. A slow grin made its way onto Harry's face "okay"


All of them went down to the quidditch pitch. "so we are going to divide in teams" james said "slytherins and gryffindors" he continued. Draco looked at harry and smirked "of course the rivalry must go on"

"But what about hugo and me!" lily said with a little pout. "hmm you two are too young to be flying alone" harry said "but i want to play too! and i am sure so does hugo" she said and looked at hugo who gave a little nod.

Harry sighed "how about you lily fly with uncle draco and hugo can fly with uncle harry" rose said. "Yes!" lily said jumping up and down "fine but we're gonna go slow" draco warned. "Duh father"

"But how is this gonna work? james and i both are seekers and you both are too" scorpius said to harry and draco.

"How about we all seek? and the seekers team which catches the snitch first wins" harry suggested. "finally you used your brain potter" draco said with a teasing grin. "shut up ferret" harry said. "rose which role are you gonna play?" harry asked her.

"Oh, no i wont be playing i dont like quiditch" she said polietly.

"shes just scared of heights" James said sniggering "I am not! i find it incredibly immature to fly in the sky after a small ball like idiots when you can perfectly sit by and enhance your knowledge by reading" she said. "no offense by the way"

Harry blinked "you sounds more like hermione then hermione sounds like hermione". pansy snorted "anyways i'll be the judge"

"Dont cheat parkinson" harry said, she smirked "you may never know what i do potter"

"Can we start already?!" James said impatient and in a matter of minutes they were on their brooms.

Blah idk how to write a quidditch match

"Yes! I won! Father we won!" Scorpius said feverishly holding up the golden snitch in his hand. James looked at him and scrunched his nose as soon as he got down the air "you cheated"

"That's what you say everytime I win, which happens quite alot" Scorpius said grinning.

Rose and pansy came upto them on the pitch. "Great game mini Draco, you played better than your father does" pansy told Scorpius.

"Pansy!" Draco hissed

"Did she lie though?" Harry said raising an eyebrow. "Oh shut up potter you guys lost and we won"

"Great job scorps and take that James" said rose smirking at James who gave her a death glare.

"It's not my fault! It's a windy day"

"Excusesss" rose sang. "Oh shut up you traitor your a gryffindor your supposed to be on our side" he told her.

Rose shrugged "i didn't play on either of the side, besides Scorpius is my friend and he won so that's great"

"Am i not your friend then?"

"Your more of a baggage deal"

James gasped "Rose molly Granger Weasley you take that back!"


"Do they always fight like this?" Draco asked, Scorpius nodded "yeah it's pretty normal at this point "

The elders looked at the bickering children with amused face.

Meanwhile in 2016

"Hello? Yes i ordered tempus potion yesterday and it hasn't reached my residence yet" Draco spoke on the phone to a fellow witch.

"I am sorry sir but your delivery address is all the way accross the ocean, it needs to be exported via owls which rests in the way that's why it might be delayed" she said politely

"But my kids-" Draco started but harry snatched the phone "hello? Yes sorry for my husband but this is really important ma'am we need the potion as soon as possible"

"I understand your worry Mr potter but i cannot change the procedure your package was only dispatched today morning so it will take atleast a day or two to say the least" she spoke.

"Mam we do not have two day-" he started but the phone was yet again snatched by Draco.

"two days?!? Excuse me but my kids are lost in a time zone and we need to get them back Merlin knows what might happen to them if we wait this long" he said in a hurry "you better tell your higher officials to deliver my package today itself or my father would hear about this!"

Harry facepalmed. "Sir i apologize but i cannot fasten the procedure, it is going to reach when its going to reach, have a good day sir" the line goes dead

"but-but she bloody hung up on me!"

"Yeah anyone in the right mind would Draco you practically threatened her, she is only doing her job"

"But harry our bloody children are stuck Merlin knows what time zone!" Draco said moving his hand in his hair. "I know but we need to be patient"

"Patience my foot! If only the tempus potion didn't take a month to brew a would've made it myself, it's better than to rely on these millennials" he said.

"Hermione is checking the library for any alternatives don't worry" harry consoled him my putting a hand on his shoulder.

Draco let out a deep breath "i just hope they're okay"

"They will be"

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