A Trip to Hawaii. (Ein x Pier...

By WillowSprinkles

46.6K 518 3.6K

WARNING! -+18 material -Boy x Boy (GAY) -Making out -Pierce is top Ein is bottom. -Homophobic Boy- >:( -Se... More

Christmas Day
Heading to the Airport
Day 1 (1/2)
Day 1 (2/2)
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Movie Night gone wrong
Any Idea's???
Update... Sorry
Movie night gone wrong 2/2
Guys I have discord
I am sorry...
Relaxing Morning~
Girl traumitized-

Day 7

2.5K 28 90
By WillowSprinkles

Pierce POV

(Time skip to 10;00 AM)

Pierce wakes up and sees Ein is still sleeping so he gets up and gets changed and walks to the couch and sits down and watches some TV. He has to remember to wake Ein up before 12;00pm because they have to get to their plane to leave.

(Time skip to 11:00 AM)

Pierce can hear footsteps coming closer from down the hallway but he then hears a bang noise.

Ein: "Owww!" Ein says annoyed. Pierce rushes over and sees Ein on the ground.

Pierce chuckles. "Hey Ein. Are you good?" Pierce asks, holding his hand out.

Ein: "NO! I can barely even walk thanks to you! I was lucky to even get my clothes on!" Ein yells flustered.

Pierce: "Well you were the one begging for more~" I tease as Ein becomes so red.

Ein: "SHUT UP!" Ein screeches as he slaps Pierces hand out the way.

Ein: "I CAN STAND UP!" Ein yells as he uses the wall for support and hardly gets on his feet before he collapses again.

Pierce: "I must have gone quite hard on you." I says smiling

Ein: "S-SHUT UP!" Ein yells red.

Pierce: " By the way, we have to get ready to go soon. We have to be at the airport by 12;00 pm." I say.

Ein: "HOW CAN I GET READY IF I CAN'T WALK AT ALL!?" Ein yells blushing.

Pierce: "Don't worry puppy I will carry you and pack your stuff for you." Pierce says as he picks Ein up from the ground like a baby.

Ein blushes as he gets picked up and set down on the couch.

Pierce: " Just sit here as I pack our things. Watch some TV. Oh and don't leave the house." Pierce teases.

Ein: "I CAN'T ANYWAY YOU DICK!" Ein yells angrily as Pierce goes back to their room to pack.

(10 mins later)

Pierce walks out the room holding their bags.

Pierce: "Done!" Pierce says as he hands both their bags to Ein.

Pierce: "Hold these for me so I can carry you to the car." Pierce says smiling. Ein holds onto the bags as Pierce picks him up (Bridal style).

Ein: "This is embarrassing..." Ein says blushing

Pierce: "We can both take the blame for this." Pierce says with a childish smile

Ein feels so embarrassed but also feels thankful that he does not need to walk.

Pierce: "Just you wait Ein, I am going to have to carry you through the Airport." Pierce says laughing.

Ein: "SHUT UP!" Ein says angrily.

Pierce gets Ein in the front seat of the car gently. And then Pierce gets in the driver's seat. It takes them about an hour to get there.

Pierce: "We are here!" Pierce says grinning

Ein frowns.

Pierce looks at Ein.

Pierce: "Aww whats wrong my baby?" Pierce asks in a childish voice.

Ein: "Number one. I HATE PLANES! Number two. I AM GOING TO GET HUMILIATED FROM YOU CARRYING ME IN THE AIRPORT!" Ein yells blushing from embarrassment.

Pierce hops out of the car and helps Ein get out and then Pierce picks Ein up and starts to walk.

"It's alright puppy. I am here." Pierce says with a grin while Ein is flustered from embarrassment.

They manage to get through the airport and get on the plane. Pierce places Ein down in the chair next to the window.

Pierce: "There we go. See we made it through, now we just have to wait a few hours." Pierce says smiling but he then sees Ein panicking and crying.

Ein: "I-I don't want to be here I-I want to LEAVE THE PLANE!" Ein screams. Pierce goes and hugs him.

Pierce: "Shh baby. It's ok just to breathe. I know you hate flying. Just hug me until we are in the air. Ok?" Pierce says comforting Ein

Ein: "O-ok." Ein says as he squeezes Pierce into a tight hug.

Plane lady: "We will be taking off now." The flight attendant says over the speaker and then the plane flies into the air. Ein is hugging Pierce so tight.

Pierce: "All done. See we are i the air no your so brave!" Pierce proud of what Ein has done.

Ein: "W-we are in the air?" Ein says shocked. "I-I d-did it!?" Ein says happily and also shocked.

Pierce: "Yes puppy. You did it!" Pierce smiles as Ein sits their shocked.

Ein looks out the window.

Ein: " W-we are too h-high!" Ein starts crying again

Pierce looks at Ein and un-buckles himself and Picks Ein up and sits him down on his lap as he sits back down.

Pierce: "Shhh. It's ok baby." Pierce says hugging Ein as Ein cries into Pierce's shirt as he slowly drifts off to sleep. Pierce pets Eins head softly comforting him as he sleeps.

(Time skip to 7:00 AM)

I wake to see Ein slowly waking up. Just in time too we are about to land so I am put him back in his seat as we land for his safety 😊. We just landed and we were now allowed to get off. I nearly walked off without Ein since I forgot he can't walk.

Pierce: "Whoops nearly forgot my favorite boy."

Ein: "Shut up! I can walk!" Ein says blushing slightly. He manages to stand up but collapses into Pierce's arms.

Ein: "N-nevermind..." Ein says embarrassed.

Pierce: "That's what I thought." Pierce picks Ein up and carries him off the plane. They then collect their things and drive back to the hub.

(Time skip to 8:00am)

They arrive at the hub and Pierce hops out the car and opens the door for Ein. But as soon as Ein jumps out the car to Pierces arms they got a scare from Aphmau.

Aphmau: "HEY GUYS WELCOME BACK!".Aphmau screaches.

Ein falls on top of Pierce making them both collapse to the ground.

Aphmau: "Hehe... Whoops. Are you two ok?" Aphmau asks scratching the back of her head.

Ein: "We were until you pounced at us out of no where!" Ein yells angrily trying to get off Pierce.

Pierce stands up.

Pierce: "Yeah... thanks Aphmau..." Pierce says slightly annoyed.

Aphmau: "A-any time... hehe."

Pierce rolls his eyes and nearly walks off again without Ein.

Pierce: "Shit... SORRY EIN!" Pierce yells as he picks Ein up.

Aphmau looks at them confused.

Aphmau: "H-HEH!?" Aphmau squeals

Aphmau: "Pierce why are you carrying Ein? Can't he walk himself." Aphmau asks suspiciously.

Pierce starts to sweat a bit.

Pierce: "Uhm... I may of hit him a bit to hard yesterday."

Aphmau: "W-WHAT!?" Aphmau yells red.


Aphmau has that look on her face when you know that something is up.

Aphmau: "Hmmm."

Ein: "PIERCE I WANNA GO HOME!" Ein yells annoyed and blushing.

Pierce: "Right sorry babe- I MEAN BUD YEAH SURE BUDDY! I-I will take you home." Pierce says blushing hard as he walks off.

Ein: "God damn it Pierce!" Ein mumbles loud enough so only Pierce can hear. Pierce heard Ein and had a nervous look on his face and a light pink blush spread across his face.

Aphmau looks at them suspiciously.


(1155 WORDS)

I just want to thank all of you for reading my story! Please contact me and chat with me on my gmail (Its one where i just chat nothing personal) 

Gmail- mina.icedmocha09@gmail.com


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