Young and Reckless

By bieber-espinosa

20.6K 454 154

Sometimes, I still need you. More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not an update
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Forever Yours

Chapter 23

422 7 3
By bieber-espinosa

It had been a couple of days since we landed in California and nothing too exciting has happened yet. The trip so far has mainly consisted of the beach, shows, plenty of smack cams, videos, and going anywhere Jc and Kian could possibly think of that would be fun.

Bobby came two days ago, and has basically clung to Matt's side like a leach.

It's not that I have a problem with them anymore considering Bobby and I made up and are friends. Its that when they're together Matt and I never get to hang out, and he's the reason I even joined the boys on tour.

Cameron has been completely flirty and sweet but hasn't decided to act on it and take me out on a date like he suggested at six flags.

As for Kian, he has basically left me alone since his girlfriend Andrea showed up to visit him. Yeah girlfriend. Who would've thought that he had a girlfriend while he was hitting on me, well definitely not me. So it was a sweet surprise.

"Whatcha doing over here by yourself?" Nash says distracting me from my thoughts.

"Being a loner I guess." I laugh.

"Are you bored?" He says sitting beside me.

"Yeah, kinda." I say.

I'm lying so hard right now, I'm not kinda bored, I'm insanely bored. All of the boys are either sleeping or left the house.

"Well why don't me and you do something then." Nash says while turning to look at me.

"Like what?" I say picking at my nails.

"We could make a video for my channel." He suggests.

"Sounds fun, what are we gonna do?" I say before pushing myself off of the couch.

"We can go to the store and get some pies and ask each other questions and if you get it wrong the person pushes the pie in your face." Nash says.

"Doesn't sound to bad, let's do it." I say before grabbing Nash's hand and pulling him out of the house and towards the car.

"Let me drive!" Nash excitedly says while climbing into the drivers seat.

"I was gonna let you drive anyway." I say while laughing.

"Good." Nash says before sticking his tongue out at me.

As Nash pulled out of the drive way and began driving towards the store I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful scenery that California has.

"I love it out here." Nash says taking notice in how amazed I was.

"Me too, it's beautiful." I say turning to look at him.

"Yeah it is, after tour I'm planning on moving out here." He tells me.

"Sounds amazing, you should pack me in a box and bring me with you." I say jokingly, but also partly serious.

I would love to live out here.

"You could move with me ya know." Nash says seriously causing me to look at him.

"Seriously?" I ask almost surprised by his offer and not knowing if he's serious or not.

"Yeah it would be so fun." Nash says turning back to the road.

"I might take you up on that offer Grier." I say with a smile spreading across my face.

"I'll be waiting." Nash says with a smile.

"So is having your own YouTube channel fun?" I ask him basically knowing the answer.

Duh, of course it's fun.

"Yeah, it's insanely fun, it can be hard work sometimes but it depends on how into it you are." Nash explains.

"Ahh I see." I say.

"You should make one." Nash says.

"Why me?" I ask while giggling.

"Because you're beautiful and insanely funny it's like the perfect match." Nash says.

"I don't know the first thing about making videos." I tell him as he pulls into the parking lot, and takes a parking spot.

"I'll help you. We can get stuff while we're here to make a video for your page and we can set it up later tonight." Nash says getting excited.

"If you help me, then I guess." I say while cracking a smile not being able to help the excitement building up inside of me.

Nash and I get out of the car, and walk into the store immediately going for the items we need so we can get in and get out before anybody notices us.

"What are we gonna do for my video?" I ask Nash while grabbing four pies.

"Ugh we can do the makeup challenge?" He suggest.

"It's pretty simple, and it'll be a good video for your first one, it's funny, but not too extreme." He adds on.

"Okay, I have makeup at the house we can use." I tell him before we go to the check out line.

"Your total will be thirty twenty five." The cashier says not even bothering to look at us.

"Here you go." Nash says handing her the exact change.

I follow Nash out of the store and back to the car so we can leave.

The car ride is filled with singing Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber songs because ironically those are the only two CDs Nash has in his car.

"We're home!" Nash yells waiting for a response that's never returned.

"Guess we're the only ones here." I say before helping Nash bring all of the equipment and pies outside to the backyard.

"Let's start, do you have your questions ready?" Nash asks.

"Are they gonna be general random questions?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." He laughs.

"Okay then we're good let's go." I yell excitedly.

Nash turns on the camera before coming and sitting next to me on a brick wall that surrounds the pool.

"Aye everybody it's Nash, and for this weeks video I have my amazing best friend here with me, also known as Brooke." Nash says while pointing towards me and causing me to laugh and wave at the camera.

"So anyways this week we are going to do the pie challenge and that's basically where we ask each other random questions and if you get it wrong you get a pie thrown in your face!" Nash says while making a weird face.

"So shall we begin?" Nash says while turning towards me.

"We shall." I say and wiggle my eyebrows up and down.

"Alright I'll go first and then you can go." Nash says.

"Sounds good man." I say.

"Alright first question, who is my celebrity crush?" Nash asks.

"Well considering you only have Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande CDs in your car I'm gonna say one of them." I say while laughing.

"Hey you're not supposed to tell anyone that! Just for that I'm gonna do it!" Nash says picking up a pie and pushing it in my face.

"Nash! That's not how it works!" I yell and wipe pie out of my eyes.

"It is now!" He laughs.

"Whatever my turn." I say.

"If I could go to any concert who's would it be." I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Justin Bieber, easy." Nash says cockily.

"This is true." I laugh.

"Yeah so Biebs if your watching this she loves you." Nash says.

"Yeah so hit ya girl up." I say while laughing.

After many questions and many wrong answers filled with pie throwing it eventually turned into a pie fight.

Trying to control our breathing from laughing so hard Nash pulls me closer to the camera, and all you can see is his blue eyes and pearly white smile because the rest of his face is covered in chocolate.

"Okay guys, so that's the end of this weeks video but we have a surprise for you, don't we brooke." Nash says smiling.

"We do." I say while ruffling his hair.

"Alright alright we'll tell you!" Nash says pretending like the fans where screaming for us to tell them.

I felt my hand lift up and it was interlocked with Nash's. He brought it infront of the camera and and we both smiled at each other.

"Brooke and I are" he began to say but stopped.

"Making Brooke her first YouTube video ever!" He adds on a couple minutes later.

"Yes!" I yell throwing my hand in the air like I had won something huge.

"She's making her very own YouTube channel, and her very first video will be posted, so click on her face to go watch it!" Nash says while messing with my hair.

"Yes go watch it please!" I yell with the biggest smile.

"We are going to be doing the makeup challenge in her video so if you want to see me in makeup go watch it!" Nash yells.

"It's very interesting!" I say.

"Alright so thanks for watching guys and remember to subscribe and if you like this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up." Nash says and we both give thumbs up with a funny face.

"Also go click on Brooke's page to watch her video, all of our social media, and her channel will be in the description below, so yeah I love you guys! Peace out!" Nash says before I hold up a peace sign and he cuts the camera off.

"That was so fun! Oh my gosh!" I yell while spinning in circles.

"Dude you're so fun to make videos with, you're gonna be a natural." Nash says while hugging me.

"Alright let's go take showers, and then we can meet in my room and do the next video." I say before walking in the house and up to my room to go take a shower in the bathroom connected to my room.

After washing all of the pie and stuff out of my hair and off of my body I put on some nike shorts and a big Hayes t shirt.

"You decent?" I hear Nash say from the other side of the door.

"Yeah come in." I say while placing all of my makeup on the table infront of where I set the camera and lights up.

"Woah you did a good job." Nash says while sitting beside me.

"Alright I'll do yours first and then you can do mine." I tell Nash before turning on the camera.

"Hey guys it's Brooke, and this is my very first YouTube video ever! I'm super excited to begin this channel, and I wouldn't have done it without the help of Nash." I say while pinching his cheek.

"Yeah all because of me." Nash says with a smirk.

"Whatever." I say to Nash before continuing.

"Today we're going to do the makeup challenge." I say before showing all of my makeup.

"Come here." I tell Nash before applying all of the basics.

"What is that!" Nash yells while looking at my eyelash curler in horror.

"It's an eyelash curler." I tell him laughing.

"No way. That thing looks like it's gonna rip them all off." He panics.

"As long as you hold still it won't." I laugh and pull him closer so I can continue.

After completely finishing Nash's makeup I hand him a mirror.

"Oh my god I look like a girl!" Nash yells.

"Well what did you think was gonna happen?" I laugh.

"Shut up, it's my turn." Nash says while coming at me with multiple types of makeup.

"Oh gosh." I say before letting him begin.

After awhile of Nash applying random makeup he finally announces he's done.

Before I even get the chance to grab for the mirror Nash turns my head to face the camera.

"Let me see!" I whine.

"Okay here." He says in between laughs.

"Nash oh my god I look so bad!" I yell before laughing along with him.

I had blue eyeshadow mixed with red up to my eyebrow, red lipstick all around my mouth, my eyeliner was everywhere, there was a beauty mark, and a couple different color bases on my face.

"Well guys, that's the end of this video, hopefully you liked it and thanks for watching! To watch Nash's video of us doing the pie challenge click on the link in the description below along with all of our social medias. Be sure to subscribe, and if you liked this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up." I say before once again giving a thumbs up and smiling.

"Bye guys!" I say before waving and shutting the camera off.

"That was so fun." Nash laughs.

"It was." I agree with him just as my door opens and Taylor walks in starting to say something but stopping as soon as he sees Nash and I.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Taylor says before turning around and walking out.

Only to leave Nash and I laughing hysterically.

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