beacon hill's very own green...

By arrow-wolf

162 6 2

the arrow is dead. Roy harper is dead. Jackson wittmore is a bratty rich (not queen rich, obviously) teenage... More

1: where is the crime?
2: explaining metas
3: visiting central city
4: double down
6: team arrow

5: broken arsenal

23 1 0
By arrow-wolf

Roy harper, shit. Argent caught up to me. "what are you a member of the arrow club?" Asked Argent, I pulled myself onto the roof, he's already seen my tail so no reason to hide it "one it's team Arrow and two are we going to chat or fight?" I asked, I Had my voice modulator on now, though he probably knows it's me anyway but I'm not risking it. Argent flung a card at Me, I bearly missed it "fighting it is" I said, I shot an arrow at him, he chucked a card at it and nocked it away. "How about instead of fighting you run!" Yelled Lydia, what? Run? Argent chucked a card at my Tail, I pulled it in, I do not need another thing for him to target. "Ya Roy Double down is tricky" informed Oliver, Argent shot my leg, fuck more yellow wolfsbane! "o-LIVER?" I said, what is he doing there? she's in star Labs, and Felicity is there and she said team Arrow is in Central "Who you talking to in there?" Asked Argent, I shot at argent, and now I'm out of arrows. they said double down, is that his code name? Oh wait that's what he's been called since I've been watching him! "I can't believe your a meta! What do you tell yourself after your hunts!" I yelled, if I was a killer I would kill him, but I already have way to much guilt about the Kaduna murders. "What?" Asked Argent, I caught him off guard! I kicked him down! BANG! and he shot me again, I fell down, fuck I'm feeling all of the yellows wolfsbane... I think three were yellow, maybe more but there are several other bullets "you're strong, I've never seen someone deal with that much yellow wolfsbane" informed Argent, like I care. I got up and Stumbled over the roof, Bearly catching the edge with my hands, why did I grabbed the edge? I don't want him to have the satisfaction in killing me! "Don't you fucking dare!" Yelled Lydia, why?  he want him to kill me so why not? "Do not let go you moron!" Thea Yelled, Thea... Thea's there. Well at least if I do die she'll be one of the last things I've heard. My hand Slipped off. Uh oh I got my claws out on the hand that just let go and Clawed into the wall. Argent clocked his gun, ya I'm dead. "get away from him!" Yelled... Oliver, what is he doing here?! I think it's Oliver, I can't hear his voice properly or see him, but it has to be him! How did he get here? I heard cards and arrows shooting, I think I hear Barry! That's how they got here. I would try to get my other hand on the edge but my claws are dug Into the wall and I'm scared that if I try I will die. "A little help?" I mumbled, can feel my hand loosening, I saw someone walking close to the edge. I didn't think that through "He got away" informed Oliver, he put his hand on mine and held his hand out, I dug my hand out the wall and quickly pulled the claws in and grabbed his hand. Oliver pulled me up with a little help from myself. "Why do you always get yourself into stupid situations?" Asked Oliver, I am in so much pain right now "I'm a moron" I chuckled, I- shit I dropped my lighter "you dropped your lighter didn't you?" Sighed Lydia, how can she always tell?! "Ah- ya, ya I know" I mumbled, I will never hear the end of this from her "you both need to go to our hideout, I'll send where it is to Oliver" Informed Lydia, I slowly got up, this is going to hurt.

Oliver queen, I stumbled into Roy's and Lydia's hideout, that had a broken door for some reason. I set him down in a chair, he was in too much pain to walk on his own, but luckly he's light. "what's next?" I asked, I can't believe he's still doing thi- who am I kidding of course he is! "Grab a lighter, you're going to need to burn out the wolfsbane" informed Lydia, I'm going to have to burn Roy? "What? I don't want to do that!" I Panicked, It looks like he's in enough pain already! "Oliver you've hurt me multiple times, what's on- five, seven? four? more? I'm in so much pain Salt water" Slurd Roy, I- d- did he just call me salt water? I'll ask him about it later.

Lydia Martin, they'd gotten to the hide out, Oliver's burned out the wolfsbane, Roy was unconscious "he's alive, just out cold" informed Oliver, that's good. There's going to be a big explainion, or not if I run away "I'll be going now, I need to make sure my idiot will live past the night, I couldn't even leave him for a couple of days!" I Moaned, Roy is such a moron! I'll tell him off in a couple of hours after he's fully healed "he's not your idiot" Said Thea, jealous? Shouldn't she be more- oh wait she calls him a moron a lot "I guess, I just babysit him 90% of the time, and that's being generous" I informed, Roy does less then the bare minimum to take care of himself, not because he doesn't know how but because he sees no point to treat himself nice."preach, Roy's always been..." Started Thea, can she not think of words? "Doesn't care about himself? Bearley listens, stupid, idiotic" I listed, Roy's a great guy, but he thinks he doesn't deserve living "ya, that's my moron" smiled Thea, Roy is such a moron, how do I live with him? "Hay Barry take me back to Cait's and Beacon hills" I said, I need to get back to that dumbass quickly. "I- ya ok" Agreed Barry, why is it surprising that Roy almost got killed in less then two days?!

Barry ran me to the Hideout, Oliver was looking at what we have "it's a good selection, how long have you been doing this?" Asked Oliver, I plopped my bag on the ground "about a year" I informed, Beacon hills doesn't really have much crime, so we don't need much. "Well you should both get going, your citys need you" I said, Oliver's probably fighting some big bad right now, but I know Barry's jut dealing with a meta or two. "Ya I guess, is Roy going to be ok?" Asked Oliver, Oliver cares about Roy, Strange for an older brother to like his sisters ex "he'll be ok, I'll make sure of it" I assured, Barry ran them out of the hide out, I'm kind of glad this happened "Why is the door broken?!" I yelled, how did I not notice that?

Felicity Smoke, me and the rest of the team were at our hotel. I've hacked into Lydia's camras in the Hideout... and her apartment "what ya doing?" Asked Oliver, Oliver was back from Beacon Hills, Barry brought him back. "Just Spying on Roy and Lydia" I informed, it's more creepy then I thought it would be. "Roy's waking up" I noted, Thea quickly walked over here, surprisingly she held herself back from running "your Spying on Roy and Lydia? I'll Join!" Said Thea, I full screened the camera "your up" said Lydia, Roy stretched and straighten as he got up "what happened again? I remember Oliver and Argent but nothing else" informed Roy, he keeps calling Double down Argent, I guess that's another name he goes by "nothing Really, you Barely fought Argent and Oliver had to save your ass" informed Lydia, Thea chuckled a little, I saw an almost smile on Oliver's face "so like old times, got it" Said Roy, Roy did need saving a lot. Thea broke down laughing and Oliver chuckled once
"Why is the door broken?" Asked Lydia, there was a door laying on the floor "I needed my suit and I couldn't find the keys so.." explained Roy, he seriously broke down the door "that's because I took them, but I should of suspected that you would do this" said Lydia, it does sound like Roy. "hay what made you like this? Run head first into danger no worry about yourself?" Asked Lydia, It's believable that Roy's like that, because he was like that a lot. Roy threw off the top part of the suit and put on a hoodie, surprisingly not red "I just realised that didn't matter, I just wanted to help people... no matter the cost" informed Roy, Roy seemed off now, Voice a little different and he said it slowly, but we know why. That video, when he realised he didn't matter, but he does. There was no trace of laugher here "ok, we should get going home" said Lydia, thank god she didn't try to push for more information. "Na I'm good here" mumbled Roy, He picked up an arrow and fiddled with it, Lydia took it out of his hands "Roy harper you are coming to my home, I am not leaving you and your stupidity alone" Said Lydia, she put the arrow back, Picked up her bag and started dragging Roy out.

Thea queen, Lydia and Roy should be almost at the apartment now, and we were all going to watch, we had popcorn ready "we really shouldn't be watching them" said Diggle, Lydia entered the Apartment and she dragged Roy in, did she drag him the whole way there? "how the hell could you do that!" Yelled Lydia, what happened?! We were all paying attention now "Lydia do we have to do this?" Groaned Roy, do what?! Lydia hit him Multiple times, Roy just sighed "you could of gotten yourself killed! And I know that look when you were hanging off the edge, you wanted to let go!" Yelled Lydia, she knows that look aswell? Has he tried anything like that? "I Didn't want Argent to have the satisfaction in killing me! And I was fine" said Roy, the satisfaction? Roy sat down and watched Lydia pace "Fine?! Roy you were being destroyed, if you somehow didn't get a phone you wouldn't of gotten out of there! And you wouldn't of survived if I was at Cait's and not S.T.A.R Labs? You would of been dead!" Yelled Lydia, was he really that close to dying? I mean he was close but that close? "Lydia" sighed Roy, it seems like they've done this multiple times "why can't you just care about yourself?!" Yelled Lydia, what? I get that Roy takes risks but he cares about himself. Roy stood up "why should I?! I am legally Dead Lydia! I can't go by my real name! I can't see the people I care about! And I've killed so many people, first when-" Yelled Roy, first? Has he killed more people since the cop? Not that I blame him, he wouldn't kill anyone "first? Roy is that why you've been so different Since the Kaduna?" Asked Lydia, Kaduna? What's that? "Ya... I was forced onto this drug and I went crazy, some cops attacked me and... and I did it, I didn't remember it until Oliver helped me remember, for good reason" Roy explained, he told her? I didn't expect that "Roy..." said Lydia, she sounded like she's just hit a brick wall. "...I'm going to go to bed, Don't worry I'll still go, I might be late though" Said Roy, go where? He walked off, Lydia sat down and had her head in her hands. "So Roy's depressed and Doesn't take care of himself" I said, I didn't think it would be this bad for him! He seemed ok... six months ago. "And he's obviously been through something that made him kill someone" said Oliver, I got up and Shoved Clothes into my bag, I'm going there. "I'm going! At first I'll keep my distant, keep an eye on him, and search for Double down-" I rattled off, I need to go, he's not being safe! I grabbed another bag and shoved my suit in there "speedy" said Oliver, He grabbed my hand, taking the bags out of my grasp "I need to go Ollie!" I yelled, I love him! I love him so much and seeing him like that kills me! I can't just leave him like that "I'm not expecting you not too, but I'm coming with you" Said Oliver, ok ok, it will be easier to make sure Roy cleans up his act. "I care about him aswell you know... and he's there because of me" said Oliver, I can't- well ya I can believe that he would do something that stupid but still! He gave his life up for my brother. "Well let's get packing, it's going to be a drive and I want to get there as fast as possible" said Oliver, I agree with that, it seems like Roy's mental health is at a low.

Roy Harper, I fell asleep a couple of times through the night, but I woke up because of a nightmare a while ago and Can't seem to go back to sleep "your up?" Asked Lydia, I can't believe I told her that I killed that cop! "Can't sleep?" Asked Lydia, I turned to look at her she looked at me with pity, not hatetred, not disgusted, but pity. "School's soon, wanna stay here?" She asked, Lydia was Talking to me like I was a child. I know she means well but it makes me feel less like I deserve something bad "No, I'll get up" I sighed, I need to keep my mind off of everything, maybe annoying Mccall and Stilinski will help with that. "Ok, we have a little bit so I'll cook some breakfast and call you in, do what you want" informed Lydia, she turned off the light and left.

I've been going through the day Slowly, Replaying yesterday night in my head. Argent attacked me. I almost died. Oliver saved me, again. I told Lydia that I killed a cop. "Hay your back in town! How was it?" Asked Stilinski, I was scribbling in my Sketch book again, I can't be bothered to stop now that they are here "it was good, so Tomorrow night for the project? At one of your places?" Asked Lydia, why not today? I didn't make that place that messy! "Why not today?" Asked mccall, Argent's a meta, he's been one for two years and I know he didn't stop hunting! "Me and r- Jackson have been going through some problems" Said Lydia, my head shot up, she almost just called me Roy "Trouble in your Relationship?" Asked Stilinski, I mean that's what she's just said. "I'm fine Lydia, we can do the project" I informed, I know the real problem is how I'm acting "ok so tonight at your guy's place?" Asked Mccall, I can't believe I'm pretending to date her. I was at Lacrosse practice, it was so fun! It actually made me feel a little better "ok team remember we have a game in a couple of days!" Informed Coach, A game? Yes! I left the school not as depressed as before, but still very depressed. salt water? Why does that smell familiar? Whatever. No reason to care.

I was at Lydia's apartment, Sulking in my room, I miss Thea and Oliver, it was nice him saving my ass again. "Hay" said Lydia, she had the same tone as earlier "hi" I mumbled, she walked over to me and sat on the bed "you regreting Telling Scott and Stiles to work on the project tonight?" Asked Lydia, I just want to Sleep, but I'll just have nightmares again, I have enough of them anyway. "A little, but I'm good enough to deal with them" I said, Lydia plopped a bag on the bed "why did you have this room?" I Asked, she doesn't need a roommate "this was one of the only ones available, and I had a feeling that I'd need to stick to you like glue" Smiled Lydia, Lydia pushed the bag closer to me, I slowly sat up. "Open it!" Laughed Lydia, once I was fully up I zipped it open... "a red hoodie?" I asked, I could tell it was one of mine, I Sniffed it, it smelled perfect, I can't discribed it any other way. I could smell my sent underneath, but it was buried under this perfect sent "Thea" I breathed, Thea gave me something, her purse that I stole, it had a tiny bit of her sent, but it was covered in the smell of smoke and drugs, she didn't ues it really after I stole it. "I took it, I thought you'd like to have it" informed Lydia, Lydia stole something? Ya Right! "And this" she said, I was a tennis ball, with a hole in it. One of the practice ones! "You stole something?" I mumbled, I'm the thief, and Lydia... Isn't, at all. "well Thea left that at the apartment so I just lied and they were Just throwing those out" Explained Lydia, so she played dumb and took something out of a bin. "I knew you didn't have what it takes to be a thief" I chuckled, Lydia is to much of a goodie too shoes. She slapped the side of my arm lightly "Well I'll tell you when they get there" Said Lydia, I put the Ball on the side and lent down with my hoodie in my Hands.

Bacon. Why do I smell Bacon? Did I fall asleep? I Slowly got up and Walked into the kitchen "why are you c-ooking bacon?" I yawned, I leaned again the wall "we did the project without you, I told them that you were attacked by a hunter recently and that you needed to heal more, I didn't want to wake you anyway" Said Lydia, I slept through the night? With no nightmares? "Sorry you had to deal with them" I mumbled, they are very annoying "your nicer when your sleepy, and Cuter" Smiled Lydia, I Sniffed the Hoodie.. I still have it in my Hands? "Breakfast will be in a couple minutes" Informed Lydia, I slumped down into a chair, Sniffed the Hoodie again and put it down.

I felt better today still not good but better, it was lunch and I saw Mccall and Stilinski coming over here "you feeling better?" Asked Stilinski, why does he care "yep" I mumbled, I Was still drawing, it keeps me concentrate. "So project right after school?" Asked Stiles, Lydia looked over to me, worried, I am not a fragile child. "no not straight after, come at five, I have to meet up with Derek" I informed, getting beaten up will help to get my mind of off things.

Me and Lydia were back at the apartment, I have an hour till Derek beats me up "Nice cover" said Lydia, What? I pored myself a drink "what? I'm going to Training" I said, Lydia was Pinching her nose "Roy you can't" said Lydia, I shrugged of my bag and took a sip of water "I'm not planning to vigilant for a little while, but I am going" I informed, I don't think I'm in the right head space to fight Argent, and I'm thinking of telling Derek about the fact he's a meta "ok good, you can go" said Lydia, why does she act like she's my mum?! "Lydia I'm not asking for permission" I said, "Roy we both know that I can Easily tell you what to do" Smiled Lydia, I don't always do what she tells me to. "Go to your room and Tidy it up" Ordered Lydia, my Room isn't that bad! "Lydia It's not that bad" I wined, sure my clothes are on the floor but that's It "your bed is undone,your pillow's cover is on the floor, your blood is on all of your clothes and your bed, and this is only the beginning" Listed Lydia, Oh ya I forgot about the blood on my clothes "ya bu-" I started, I do not want to Be cleaning before Fighting with Derek "Roy willam harper go clean your room this instant!" Ordered Lydia, I slowly walked back to my Room "that's losing it's affect!" I Yelled, I Started to make the bed "Sure it is Roy, sure it is" Chuckled Lydia, I sighed, how did I get here? Oh wait dying. "Ok so I've cleaned my Room, my clothes are in the washing machine, except the whites and made my bed" I informed, I think that it's almost time to Train "and?" Asked Lydia, she wants me to Admit it "and you can boss me around" I admitted, I have no clue how I got away from cops. I can't say no to Lydia, Thea or Oliver! Though Thea's Thea and Oliver's Oliver so that explains itself.

Me and Derek were meeting up in the woods today, We've been doing a bit more Fighting than Learning control recently. "I heard you got attacked by a hunter" stated Derek, I swear he can teleport! "Ya but I'm good, let's train" I said, I came to fight not talk "gladly" Agreed Derek, I need to fight someone. Like I thought he would Derek kicked my ass. "Ok that's enough, your not that bad" informed Derek, He put his hand out for me and I took it. "Thanks, I know how to take a beating" I chuckled, Oliver told that to me once... well more than once, a lot more then once. "Ok" Said Derek, he was definitely confused about my comment. "Have you ever heard of meta-humans?" I asked, no tuning back now "aren't those the people with powers? Stiles has been going on about them" informed Derek, I Didn't expect that, Stilinski's been talking about them? "Ya... there's a meta in Beacon hills, he attacked me, not a hunter" I explained, Derek should know that Argent is a meta "who?" Asked Derek, should I say? Argent's very Dangerous even before He was a meta "it doesn't matter" I said, I started to walk away but Derek grabbed my arm "Jackson you can tell me who the meta is, you definitely can't fight them alone" Said Derek, He's right I can't, last time I did I almost died "It's Argent" I Whispered, his Family was murdered by Kate Argent, the Argents have always tried to hurt him, I know he's going to be pissed. "What?" Asked Derek, he's in Shock. Is he going to break my arm again? "His tattoos are his power, he can rip them off of his skin and Chuck them at people, and they hurt like hell" I explained, Derek let go of my arm and he leaned against a tree "Stiles said that metas only exist because of the Particle excellerator, That was Almost three years ago, would that be the only way to become one?" Asked Derek, I'm guessing Stilinski said that me and Lydia know about metas "yes, I think so" I informed, this must be so hard to here "leave! I'm going to hit something and I don't want it to be you" growled Derek, I backed away slowly "text me if you need more information, don't tell the others" I said, He noded and I started to run. What is up with this salt water smell?!

Thea queen, Roy's moved on... he's dating Lydia, I guess it makes sense, they do work well with each other. He's gone back to high-school, I'm proud of him. Oliver got back from his shift of watching Roy, he looked a little annoyed "you ok?" I Asked, did Roy Do something stupid again? "Roy's training with this guy! His names Derek and I don't like him- what?" Asked Oliver, me, Felicity and Dig were laughing "you're jealous" Dig answered, like sure I'm Jealous but I'm his ex, it's natural. "I am not!" Said Oliver, he took of his suit, and Sat down shirtless, if I got a pound everytime I have seen is shirtless I would have double amount of my money "Oliver it's ok, I'm jealous of Lydia, even though I should be happy he moved on" I attmited, they are good for each other, their good people. "It's just I taught him! He- he's with Lydia?" Checked Oliver, oh, he didn't already know "ya, I heard by his 'friends' that they are" I informed, I'm happy for him, I'm happy for hi- no I'm not! "I... didn't think he would move on" admited Oliver, funny me and Oliver both are jealous of people him Roy or 'Jackson wittmores' life, for me his new girlfriend and his new trainer for Oliver. "I mean Lydia bosses Roy around and acts like his mum, that's not good Right?" I asked, I need a reason to go and stop their relationship! I know that's wrong but still! "Ya totally, and Derek threatened to hurt Roy that's not good" Agreed Oliver, and I see he's doing the same "Thea you already bossed Roy around, you were literally his boss and Oliver you did the same" said Dig, ya that's true but at least I never acted like his mum! "guys you don't need an excuse to go see him" said Felicity, I know we don't but... "I Need to convince myself that Lydia isn't good enough for him" I admitted, I love him, it hurts to see him with someone else. "I'm taking my shift again" informed Oliver, I was thinking of taking the shift "ok, remember to stay away" I said, I'm saying that to myself more then Oliver. I really need to put on TV and not watch Roy, but I'm not stopping. Roy was back home "hay, back so soon kiddo?" Asked Lydia, Calling her Boyfriend Kiddo, disgusting "I told Derek that Argent is double down, he didn't want to punch me" informed Roy, what?! Is that What Oliver was talking about? "Ok, at least he didn't" smirked Lydia, Roy walked into his Room, witch doesn't have cameras. I'm kind of glad he doesn't. Roy Ran out of his ro- he's holding hi- my Hoodie! I knew I brought it! She brought it back for him? "where are you going?" Yelled Lydia, Where's he going?

Roy harper, I went into my room and Grabbed now Thea's hoodie, I miss her. I took a look at the tennis ball and Sniffed it, Lydia, Thea... Salt Water! Oliver. It's Oliver! I dropped the ball on my bed and ran out of my room, and out of the apartment "where are you going?" Yelled Lydia, I need to find him. He's been following me! A little too closely, I've just been catching is sent! I was in the woods, Derek was gone, I could tell from the broken tree. "This is crazy and you know it Roy" I said, Oliver's not here! Your just crazy! "Oliver?" I asked quietly, I have to at least try. "Oliver I know you're here!" I yelled, god I'm crazy, but he has to be here! "Oliver I know you're here! You don't have to hide" I yelled, his scent makes sense! He spent five years on and Island surrounded by salt water "Oliver please, I- i won't tell anyone, you can trust me, remember?" I Begged, it has to be him, this scent is him! I slumped down the tree. Does he think he can't trust me? "I need you, I need the team" I said, I started crying, I Sniffed the Hoodie and wiped my eyes "god I'm pathetic, of course you're not here" I laughed, I'm probably just making up in my head "I- i just thought you were, but it was crazy, knew that, I just hoped" I Whispered, I already thought that was crazy. "I wish you and the team where here, to help me defeat double down, hell defeat me when I was turn into a Kaduna... maybe to even see me play tomorrow" I cried, this is probably just in my head from when I was attacked a couple of day's ago. I got up and Ran "Roy wait!" Whispered the air, great I'm imagining his voise! wondered back to the Apartment, dinner was done "hay what's wrong?" Asked Lydia, I put down my hoodie and sat "nothing, just went a little crazy for a couple of minutes, I didn't mean to worry you" I apologised, why did I think he was here?

Oliver queen, Roy was at the Woods, where he was with Derek earlier "Oliver I know you're here!" Yelled Roy, wait what? How does he know? "Oliver I know you're here! You don't have to hide" yelled Roy, how does he know? I mean how? "Oliver Please I- i won't tell anyone, you can trust me remember" Roy Begged, of course I trust him and I know he wouldn't tell anyone, he knows that, right? "I need you and the team" Roy said, he slumped against the Tree and Sniffed the Hoodie as he started to cry "god I'm pathetic, of course you're not here" Laughed Roy, he gave up Quick. but I should jump down and see him... so why am I not? "I- i just thought you were, but it was crazy, knew that, I just hoped" Whispered Roy, I could bearly hear that. I started to move down the tree "I wish you and the team where here, to help me defeat double down, hell defeat me when I was turn into a Kaduna... maybe to even see me play tomorrow" Roy Laughed, what's a Kaduna? Wait he's said that before. And he was turned into one, I need to meet up with Felicity immediately! After I talk to him- he ran "Roy wait!" I said, he didn't hear me.  I should run afte- actually I have a better Idea how to tell him, with the team.

I got back to the hotel "do you have any information on what a Kaduna is?" I asked, Thea's going to hate that I left Roy "Kaduna is a supernatural creatures, the Kaduna is used by it's master to kill" informed Felicity, Supernaturals? "Roy was one of them" I started, they all steared at me, waiting for more "Roy realised I was in town- let me finish, he gave up the idea quickly and then said that he could of used our help defeating himself" I explained, So is Roy no longer a Kaduna. How? "This explains why he said that he was a killer before the Kaduna!" Said Thea, ya it does "also Roy needs us, we can't just wait in the shadows, he needs To know we are here" I informed, Roy looked so sad when I didn't reveal myself, Thea got up and started walking to the door, I grabbed my arm "I already have a plan" I said, I think she'll like it.

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