Kingdom Hearts Dimensions III...

Zazzy109 tarafından

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The Hallway is in danger. All the games that are connected to the Game Dimension, are liable to get attacked... Daha Fazla

Prolong: Trouble In The Games
Chapter 1 The Blocky World
Chapter 2 The Legend Of The Floating Island Of The Void
Chapter 3 Infected
Chapter 4 The Legend Of Minecraft
Chapter 5 Mobs
Chapter 6 Portals
Chapter 7 The Nether
Chapter 8 The Dark Figure
Chapter 9 Wither Skeletons
Chapter 10 Blaze Rods
Chapter 11 The Gateway To The End
Chapter 12 The Ender Dragon
Chapter 13 The Heartless Dragon (Last Chapter of The Minecraft Game)
Chapter 14 (Second Game) Pizzeria
Chapter 15 Where Fantasy and Fun Comes to Life
Chapter 17 It's All Just Gold
Chapter 18 1987
Chapter 19 Pizza
Chapter 20 The Ringleader
Chapter 21 A Bite
Chapter 22 1993
Chapter 23 A Heart Breaking Reunion
Chapter 24 Friendly, Misunderstood Spirits
Chapter 25 2023
Chapter 26 The Second Night
Chapter 27 The Springtrap
Chapter 28 The Hearttrap
Chapter 29 Scrap Metal
Chapter 30 Nowhere To Run
Chapter 32 Cassidy's Rage
Chapter 33 Save Them
Chapter 34: The Old Man
Chapter 35: The Quest
Chapter 36: The Holder Cannot Die

Chapter 16 Horrible Brother

33 11 39
Zazzy109 tarafından

They were back at the restaurant. William was waiting for them. Most of the restaurant had cleared out. It was just William and a few leftover children.

"Welcome to the unofficial tour of Fazebears!" William said with a smile. "Right this way!"

He directed them over to a room. "This is the back room," He said. "We call it Parts and service."

"This is where we fix the Animatronics," he said.

"Well, that makes sense. Can't expect the robots to be working all the time,"

William nodded. He opened the door. Once the door was fully open he flipped the light switch.

Inside the room, was a total of 4 robots. Spring Bonnie, but there were also three extras that Sora and the rest hasn't seen. Fredbear was still on the stage.

A brown bear, a blue rabbit, and a yellow chicken.

"A bear a rabbit and a chicken?" Roxas asked.

"Yes, these are Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica. I designed them myself. But, it seems there was some fault with the wiring," William said as he walked up to Freddy. All of the bots stood lifeless. "There was a deadline, with how fast Fredbear was to be closed, I knew I had to make new animatronics to start over. That deadline rushed me, and I think it make me cock up the code in them. I have yet to sort it all out. Thought I was done for, but I guess salvaging the old Fredbear and Spring Bonnie was the best thing to do,"

Listening to him, sounded interesting. So, they wanted to know more. Especially about the older robots.

"Ok, so these are what's called, spring-lock animatronics. The endo skeleton and the suit are one. I invented them to save money,"

Sora tilted his head. "Save money?"

William. "Yes. My intention was for the fact of "horrible days". I wasn't the first person to make a place like this. There have been other places that had setups similar with robot mascots. And they always failed on one thing- when the robots malfunction, that's it. Shows over. Next thing you have, is crying children, and upset parents demanding their money back- so, I invented the spring-lock,"

William walked over to Spring Bonnie. He pressed a button, then-


A loud sound came from inside the robot. "The spring locks are on now,"

He took off the head of the animatronic and opened the chest cavity, which then opened the arms and the legs.

William then slipped inside it.

Then, the doors closed.

Spring Bonnie waved his arms. "Hellooo!" William said. "Oh! So... you can wear it?" Hayner asked. "That's cool!" Roxas said.

"Yes!" William said happily. "All thanks to the spring locks. It causes the endo skeleton to contract outward towards in inner walls of the suit, and it is then held by springs and then locked, hence the name 'Sping-Lock'. It allows a fully grown man, such as myself to be able to slip inside... Robot malfunction? Not to worry, the show must go on!"

"That's really cool! Can we try it on?"

"Oh no, not at all,"

"Awe," Sora said.

"The spring-locks are a little unstable. I probably shouldn't even be talking so much. Any wet moisture, when in contact with the locks, can cause it to spring back into place. Allowing the endo skeleton to be stabbed into you from every possible angle,"

"Oh... oh shit..." Sora said with his eyes widening a little bit.

"Yeah," William said with a chuckle. "It's a very AGGGGERRGGGA" Screamed William, as he vibrated, and shook as if something was penetrating him.

Sora, Hayner, and Roxas gasped at it. "W-William!"

William started to chuckle. "Haha, just messing with you,"

Sora and his friends just sighed.

"But that's what can happen. Hasn't happened... recently," He took off the mask, then the rest of the suit.

Sora looked at the suit. Then, at other robots.

He saw something a little weird on the robots. There was a weird red stain on most of them. "Uhh... William? What is... all of those?"

"All of what?" He turned around. Sora pointed to Freddy. "That red stain."

Hayer and Roxas looked at it. "Yeah? What is that?" Hayner asked.

"Red stain? What red- ... Oh... u-uh... t-that's grape jelly. Some... little bugger split his jam all over the robots,"

"Then why don't you clean it?"

"It's... It is stained into the fabric of the robot... it's hard to clean off. They don't make jam like how they used to. Bunch of preservatives and chemicals in them, turn them into glue I'm telling you," William said.

Sora and Roxas looked at each other.

Then, Hayner remembered that he was hungry, due to his stomach softly rumbling, only he heard it. "Come on... guys the pizza?" He whispered to Sora and Roxas. They nodded.

Sora walked ahead. He was going to open the door. He was also going to say bye to William-

But when he tried to open the knob, it wouldn't turn.

Sora tried again, but then he realized it was locked.

"Sora what's wrong?" Roxas asked.

Sora ignored Roxas, and looked directly at William, who had his back turned.

"William... the doors locked. Why... did you lock it?"

William just stood there.

Then... his hand slowly reached into his pockets and pulled out a knife.

Sora's eyes widen, then quickly looked at Roxas and Hayner, who both looked just as shocked.

"I can't believe it was this easy," They heard William say. "All I had to do, was lure you in here just like the last ones-... and it went easier...."

William turned around to face them. "I felt like I connected with you all... But.. I.... I still have to-,"

He stopped talking as to him having 3 keyblades and a bow aimed at him, from three boys who were looking at him with grave expressions. William froze. His eyes drifted down their weapons, then back at their faces. "W-What?"

"What do you plan to do with that knife?" Sora asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah. That whole 'jam story' was so real huh?" Hayer said, pulling back at the bow, ready to release it in case of anything.

"Those missing children were because of you, wasn't it?" Roxas asked, staring at him.

"U-Uh... I..." William said.

They were all prepared for what happened next.

William took off running at them with the knife.

But Sora set off a magic spell, same with Roxas, and Hayner let go from the exploding arrow.

Firaga, Thundaga, and the exploding arrows, all slammed into William, sending him flying back as he slammed into the wall.

"OWWOCH!" William howled in pain as the impact of all three blasted his back into the parts and service walls.

Thing is, it shook the room.

Someone was outside. And they heard the impact. "The hell? What's going on in there?"

Not taking his eyes off of William, Sora quickly tapped his keyblade on the doorknob and opened the lock with the keyblade. The door quickly opened, and Michael came running in.

He saw William lying against the wall and saw Sora, Roxas, and Hayner aiming thier magical weapons his father.

He stared for a moment. Then he turned around.

"These dorks are in here doing a fucking larp," He said, then left the room.

Sora quickly looked back at William- who was knocked out.

Sora just looked over at Roxas and Hayner. "I was not expecting this..."

"Neither was I...." Roxas said after. "What should we do?"

Sora shrugged. "I don't know,"

"No- No! NOOO Michael! Let me goooo! Stoppp!"

There was the sound of someone screaming outside. And it sounded close to Chris.

Sora didn't really want to take his keyblade off of William, but he had to see what was happening. He glanced out from the door, and he saw Michael practically dragging Chris behind him.

"W-Wha?! Michael! Why are you doing that to Chris?!" Sora yelled out.

"What? What's he doing?!" Roxas asked.

Sora had to go out there.

Then, Roxas and Hayner didn't think that at least one of them should stay with William.

Sora ran out the door.

Michael stood in front of the stage, then stepped up. Then, he hoisted Chris up. Chris was thrashing and punching Michael, and crying. "Noooo! Don't put me near Fredbear!!!" He bawled.

"Awe come on lil'bro, don't you want to give Fredbear, the golden attraction a big ol' kiss??" Michael said with a laugh. He shoved Chris up to Fredbear. He didn't even just have Chris put his lips up to Fredbear. He reached over, pulled down on the mouth of the robot, and shoved Chris into the robot's mouth.

By now, Chris was really stressed and traumatized. He was screaming, and crying, trying to get out of the robot, but he couldn't.

And frankly, Sora was also stressed at what was happening, who just arrived at the stage. "Michael?! The hell?! Why are you doing this to him?!"

Roxas and Hayner were just behind him. "Dude, take him out! God damn, you and your father are both sickos!"

"Geez, calm down! It's just to build his character! It's not like I'm going to kill him! I'd never do that! And what about my father??" Michael yelled.

"Dude. Take. Him. Out." Sora said sternly to Michael.

Michael grunted. "Okay,"

Michael stepped up to Fredbear, and put his hands on Chris' legs. "Stop shaking you dumbarse," Michael said. He pulled on his legs to take him out, but it was difficult with how Chris was situated inside the mouth.

He did another yank...



Chris's screaming stopped.

Sora, Roxas, and Hayner stared. "What happened?" Sora asked.

Then... there were drips of blood leaking from the mouth of Fredbear.

Michael stood in shock.

Sora stood in shock. They all stood in shock.

"No... N-No...noo..." Michael repeatedly said.

Sora put his hands to his mouth. He had no words for what just happened. No one did.

Tears started to drop from Michael's face.

"You... Y-You... YOU KILLED HIM!?" Sora yelled.

Michael started to cry. "I- I didn't mean to!" He yelled as tears came down harder.

"Oh, my god..." Hayner said.

Then...The ground started to shake.

"W-What the?" Sora said. All of the Kingdom Hearts characters seemed to be aware of this, but Michael wasn't. He was still crying over Chris's dead body.

The entire area was glitching in code and had bad textures. Until the entire area exploded- Sending Sora flying. It seemed like a void. Sora was falling endlessly. The sound of ambulance sirens, fire sirens, all were going off. It's like he was also seeing visions of memories... The restaurant shut down. But then- everything went black.


Sora woke up with a gasp.

He looked around. It was dark.

'Where am I?' He thought. He quickly got up.

His eyes adjusted to the darkness. "Am I in some living room?" He looked up and saw a light, but it was turned off.

His mind went to think about what just occurred. "Oh no... Chris...." He said sadly. He was such a sweet kid. Sora kind of didn't know how to handle it. It's not like he doesn't know how death works, but that was such a horrible way to go. He has phobias about the robots. And he died to his phobia. That wasn't a pleasant way to go.

"Roxas? Hayner are you near by?" Sora called out.

Pisshhhhhhh aaaaaaaaa

He heard a faint whisper. Or was it breathing?

He turned his head to the left. In the darkness, he saw something shiny and huge, duck into the darkness.

He only got just a millisecond of a glimpse.

He felt his heart skip a beat. "R-Roxas?"

"Yeah?" He heard a voice.

Sora was a little on edge, so Roxas who was next to him right now scared him. "Oh, sorry to startle you. Hayner is over here,"

Hayner was sitting on the ground. "Where the hell are we?" He said.

"I... I don't know..." Sora looked back at the spot where he thought he saw something. "Guys... there's something-"

They heard a door close.

It startled everyone. Sora the most.

They had to go investigate.


There were two sets of hallways from this living room. The sound came from the one right from where they were standing.

"Look... there's a door..." Hayner said.

"Should we open it to find out what it is?" Roxas asked.

"Maybe..." Sora said.

Hayner went up to the door. He looked behind him at Roxas and Sora. Sora nodded.

Hayner looked at the door, reached over, then slowly pulled it open.

But once he did, he got a blinding light shining in his eyes. "Ow, my eyes!" Hayner yelled.

The light quickly shut off "H-Hayner?!"

After his eyes adjusted... He saw...


"Chris?!" Hayner said.

"Chris?! Where?!" Sora yelled. He pushed Hayner aside. "Ow! Hey!"

Sora started to cry a little. "Chris you're alive!" Sora quickly grabbed Chris in for a hug. "I thought you died!"

"Well... I am going to from this tight hug," Chris wheezed.

"How... wait... where are we?" Roxas asked. "In my house.... all of you, get in, now!" Chris grabbed all three of them and pulled them inside the room, and pulled the door up. The doorknob didn't even have a lock.

"Your house?" Sora asked. He looked at the room. "This... Is not your room..." He said.

"Yeah, wasn't your room upstairs?" Roxas asked.

"Huh? No, it isn't. What are you talking about?" Chris asked.

"It... It was. And the living room didn't look like that at all," Hayner said.

Chris started to think. "I... no... this is it? Isn't it? Wait...."

The room started to shake. The area started to glitch.

"What in the hell is going on?!" Hayner yelled out. "What is with the bed??"

The bed kept on glitching. It glitched into what seemed to be a hospital stretcher, then back to a bed.

"It's those monsters outside my door," Chris said.

"What? W-What monsters?" Sora asked.

Hayner arched his eyebrow. "Is something bad hap-"

"Shhh," Chris said.

"What?" Roxas said.


Pishhhh eeeeehhhhhhh

"....Do you hear that?" Chris asked them.

"The hell is that?" Roxas asked.

Chris slowly walked over to the door. He nudged it open. He had a flashlight. Sora, Roxas, and Hayner stood behind him.

Chris aimed the flashlight out from the door and turned it on.

There was a giant torn-up blue animatronic rabbit, with blood-red eyes, and sharp shark-like teeth staring at them.

Chris quickly grabbed the knob and shut the door.

"....WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE-" Hayner yelled.

"Seriously! What was that?!" Sora asked.

Chris opened the door again and shined the light and it was gone. He closed the door. "I don't know. It looks like Bonnie," He said. "It felt like I've been here for years. It never ends. Him and Chica and-"

Eeeeeeee eeee eeeeeee

Chris gasped, then quickly shined his light on the bed, and four tiny little brown robot bears were vibrating on the bed, then they warped out of existence once the light touched them.

Sora just turned his head slowly to Roxas, and they looked at each other.

".... Does Mark have a horror game?" He whispered to Roxas and Hayner.

"I don't like it here," Hayner whispered back.

Okumaya devam et

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