Becoming Bridgewater

By DelaDelam

16.9K 855 9

It's been a year since Elle's accidental meeting with James and the 3 short weeks that followed in which she... More

Chapter 1- Surprise
Chapter 2- Together
Chapter 3- Breakfast in Bed
Chapter 4- Birthday Party
Chapter 5- Sunday Dinner
Chapter 6- Summer Break
Chapter 7- Ex's and O's
Chapter 8- Last City Sleepover
Chapter 9- Home Sweet Home
Chapter 10- Family Time
Chapter 11- Great-Grandparents
Chapter 12- Chef James
Chapter 13- Cherry Picked Secrets
Chapter 14- Wednesday Brunch
Chapter 15- Pool...
Chapter 16- The Gang
Chapter 17- Future Sneak Peak
Chapter 18- Reminiscing
Chapter 19- Araceli, West, and the Stars
Chapter 20- Photo Album
Chapter 21- J, J, and A
Chapter 22- The Lake
Chapter 23- A Walk in the Park
Chapter 24- The Dress
Chapter 25- Bachelorette
Chapter 27- Last Night of Independence
Chapter 28- The Big Day
Chapter 29- Mr. And Mrs. Bridgewater
Chapter 30- First Dance
Chapter 31- The Wedding Night
Chapter 32- Day 1 of Forever
Final Note

Chapter 26- One Big Happy Family

316 20 0
By DelaDelam

July 2, 2023

"Hey guys," my dad greets when James and I enter the Stark's house.

"Lamont," James smiles and dips his head in greeting.

"Where's mom?" I look around, noticing that only Lucas and my dad are in the living room.

"She's in the kitchen with Darby," Lucas says. "Now come on and have a seat while we wait for dinner." James leads me to the couch, hand in hand. "Are you excited for the honeymoon?"

"Well duh. I need the beach and mimosas."

"Where are you going again?" My dad asks.

"The Bahamas," James fills in.

"When do you leave?" Lucas asks.

"The 7th," I tell him

"And we get back the 21st," James answers the next question before it's even asked.

"Bailey and I went on a trip across Asia for our honeymoon," my dad says. "Still the best trip I've ever been on."

"Darby and I didn't go on a honeymoon but if we did it would have been on a cruise I suppose."

"I just want constant sunshine and endless blue waves rolling in," I sigh, picturing our life for 2 full weeks.

"But first you have a wedding," Lucas reminds us.

"Like we could forget," James scoffs like the idea is completely stupid. It is, obviously, but I elbow him anyway. "What?" He asks, exasperated.

"Be nice," I scold.

"You know it's true though," he argues, eyes gleaming playfully. Before I can respond, a chuckle from the kitchen doorway draws my attention. I glance over my shoulder to find Darby smiling at us.

"Carry on. Don't let me interrupt," she smirks.

"We're done," I huff, crossing my arms.

"Dinners done," she informs the four of us.

I wait for everyone to leave the room, heading to the dining room before turning back to James and whispering, "We'll resume this conversation when we get home." I turn on my heel and leave the room, a chuckling Bridgewater following me.

"How is the wedding planning?" I ask the two other woman once we are all seated and grabbing our food.

"Amazing," they both say at once.

"We are making a few final touches tomorrow, but after that everything is set. The buffet area is ready to go too. We just need the food and the cake of course," Darby explains.

"They are both going to be delivered during the ceremony," my mom continues from where Darby left off. "All you need to worry about that day is waking up, getting ready in time, and walking down the aisle." She turns to James, "and you only need to worry about waking up, getting ready in time, and waiting at the alter."

"Don't forget your vows," my dad speaks up.

"Right, yes, those too," my mom sighs.

"I remember mine word for word," James smiles at me.

"I'm all set," I tell everyone. I wrote my vows last week. I know James has had his prepared for way longer than me but everytime I sat down to get them written out I would break into happy tears, picturing myself reading them to the love of my life.

"Good," Lucas chimes in for the first time in nearly ten minutes. "Is Julian watching the ranch for you while you're gone?"

"Yup," James nods with his response.

"He's making us pay him with food," I laugh.

"Smart kid," Lucas chuckles. "You're an amazing cook so I don't blame him."

"And what am I? Chopped liver?" Darby gasps.

"You're the best wife," Lucas winks at her, making her blush.

My mom clears her throat, eyeing my dad. "You're my best friend and favorite coworker," he rushes out. She nods with satisfaction.

I don't force an answer about how great I am out of James. He tells me multiple times every single day. Especially at night when we are in bed together... I'd be a liar if I said I didn't thrive off of his praise during sex.

"What are you doing for the 4th?" Darby asks.

"Me and James are going to a bonfire with Seth, Lola, Preston, Julian, and Sierra," I tell them. "What are you doing?"

"Going to see the fireworks that the town is putting on in the park," Lucas says.

"We'll join you," my dad elects himself and my mother.

"That sounds lovely," my mom chimes in.

"We should be able to see the fireworks from the bonfire," James whispers to me. I turn to face him with a grin.

"Really?!" I whisper squeal. He nods his head, a grin spreading across his own face, his eyes dancing with excitement.

"What are you two being so secretive about?" Darby asks, amusement in her words.

I turn to find the four other people in the room smiling at us over their plates. "Oh um, the fireworks should be visible from where the bonfire is," James explains.

"Are you not doing your own fireworks?" Lucas asks.

"No," I shake my head. "Sierra doesn't like them." Oohs and ahhs sound from the group.

"Poor baby," my mom sighs.

"They're pretty but so noisy," Darby complains.

"Agreed," I nod. Lucas and James give us all looks before staring at each other and shaking their heads.

"Women," Lucas grumbles under his breath. I kick James under the table, which sufficiently cuts off any response he would have had. He doesn't even look up from his dinner. I have a feeling he would have called his grandfather out, but I'm not willing to test that theory.

"Remember, I cook the food and could poison you at any moment," Darby reminds him. Lucas's eyes go wide and he stops chewing. We all burst into laughter.

"She didn't, don't worry," my mom laughs.

"Feminism helps everyone," my dad speaks up.

"Truth," James agrees. Us women all nod in agreement while Lucas looks at all of us in bewilderment.

"What about tomorrow?" Darby asks, changing to a lighter subject.

"Lamont and I are going to shop at the farmer's market for little things to take back home," my mom says.

"Support small and local businesses," my dad adds. Everyone nods in consensus, even Lucas.

"James and I are laying around the house and relaxing," I say.

"Much needed 1 on 1 time," he smiles at me. My mom and Darby set off a chain of awwws making everyone shake their heads and me to smile at James. He smiles back and reaches over to grab my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

"What about you?" I ask Darby or Lucas, turning back to the group.

"Working at the dinner," Lucas says. "Hopefully it isn't that busy."

"I can come in and help if you need me," I volunteer.

"Nonsense," Darby waves me off. "You enjoy your last two days before the wedding and after your honeymoon you can come back in."

"And it's our last day of business until the 6th anyways," Lucas agrees. I sigh but don't argue. It would be a fruitless effort and everyone knows it.

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