
By gaybumsex

3.2K 98 190

And Nevermore is open yet again! A safe haven for Outcasts, Freaks, Monsters, fill in your favourite marginal... More

You light my woe on fire
Wish you were woe
Bianca's thoughts are filled with woe
Kill your woes
Burying bodies to hide your woeful secrets
Family Re-woe-nion
When you woe you know

Wednesday Woe Addams

582 15 43
By gaybumsex

Before I start, I would like to remind you all that this is just for fun. I had an idea, I ran with it, please don't hate me. Enjoy!


Wednesday's POV:

Nevermore. A 'safe-haven' in which outcasts are constantly reminded that the only way they'll ever be safe in this world (if that) is if they segregate themselves from the hateful normies that are too ignorant for their own good. So when I found out six months ago that I had been accepted into Nevermore, I was disappointed to say the least.

I've always hated Nevermore.

I've hated Nevermore since I first heard about it. My mother had told me the story of how she met my father and I wanted nothing more than to slice at my limbs, thus creating my very own personal Thing. Not only had the love story scar me for life, I also hated the sound of the school. A 'safe-haven'? Please. The steam powered guillotine I built when I was ten is safer than that school. I knew that I wasn't in for a treat.

And now, it's six months later. Outcasts can somewhat step out of the boarding school without getting hatecrimed by bigoted imbeciles dressed as pilgrims, we are no longer being seeked out by a homicidal monster and his phsycopathic master, and most importantly I hate Nevermore just a little less than I did before. Sure, it's still a school but at least it isn't boring. After all, being scared is better than being bored.


I step into the Nevermore. I can practically smell the school threatening to burn to the ground like it had a few months ago. Intriguing. I walk further into the building until I've managed to make it to the pentagon. I still don't understand why it's referred to as a quad but I know better than to try to fathom meaningless clichés built to make our adolescent lives harder. I soon see a crowd forming right near the fountain. I should probably keep my distance...

I push to the front of the crowd to see ny roommate, Enid, harassing a boy twice her size. I don't know whether to be scared or impressed.


Okay, impressed it is.



I hear murmurs and provoking comments from the crowd, which clearly isn't helping this boys case. It's kind of funny, actually. The lengths he's going to protect himself is increasingly humorous.


"I don't discriminate."


Enid is about to practically skin him alive until she sees me in the crowd. She drops the boy and runs up to me, pulling me into a hug as she squeals. The crowd starts to deform as she yells:


She lifts and shakes my body with ease as she continues to attempt to squeeze me to death before I start to count down from three. She puts me down before I get to one and smiles sweetly. I'm not much of a sweet tooth but I mist admit, it's nice to see that smile on her face.

"I honestly thought you'd never show up again."

"I could say the same."

I take a good look at Enid. I notice that she's grown a few inches taller and that her teeth have gotten ever so slightly sharper.

"How was your vacation?"


"That's great!"

She starts to walk over to Ophillia Hall and I follow closely behind, tuning out her rambling as we walk. That was, until I noticed Bianca walking up to me. She looks... different. No she doesn't, she looks the exact same. The only difference in appearance is that her hair grew just a millimetre longer. However, she seems older almost. I wonder if she had a birthday during the vacation.

"Wednesday Addams. What a... lovely surprise."

She stands infront of me, so I couldn't walk past her even if I tried.

"Bianca. How was your vacation?"

She looks at me, pleasantly surprised before replying.

"Wow, I thought you'd never ask!"

"Don't get used to it."

"If you must know, my vacation went well, though it was boring without the possible threat of death every once in a while because you decided to chase after a phsycopathic serial-killing monster."

I raise my eyebrows.

"So you missed me?"

"Don't gloat, Addams. That's not to say that I enjoy your company."

We both maintain eye contact for a while. I honestly don't understand why we do this. It's like a reflex. When one of us feel that we should be insulted, we stare at one another till the other breaks. I've never been broken. Weirdly enough, Bianca breaks off into a smile.

"So, Wednesday Woe Addams, I trust that I'll see you at fencing on Monday?"

I tilt my head. I'm not surprised by the question, but I'm surprised at the fact that I'm looking forward to this.

"You know me so well."

She lightly chuckles. It's a soft chuckle that's ever so slightly muffled. She puts her hand infront of her face but makes no effort to cover her mouth. She then uses that same hand to place on my shoulder.

"I'll see you later, okay?"

She walks off, and I hear myself mutter a "Bye..." as I watch her.

I shake my head, confused by my own prolonged staring and start walking to the direction of our dorm when I hear Enid's voice. I honestly forgot she was there.

"What the hell was that?"

I turn to her, puzzled.

"What was what?"

"You and Bianca! That was like... the weirdest conversation I've ever seen you have."

"It was hardly a conversation."

"Yeah! Because you two stared into eachothers eyes for like five minutes!"


We did?

"No we didn't."

"Yes, you did. I even had enough time to go speak to Yoko and come back within the time frame."

That's strange, usually I'm well aware of the time.

"And not to mention the way you let her touch your shoulder! That's basically Addams talk for 'Kiss me slowly, please'"

"Have you spoken to Ajax today? Your departure may be the reason for your histrionic behaviour."

Enid scoffs and looks to the side before looking back at me.

"Okay, I admit that I haven't spoken to him today, but the sexual tension between you and Bianca is crazy, that's all I'm saying."

"You're entitled to your incorrect opinion."


I open the door to our shared dorm and walk inside. Lurch is transferring the last of my luggage to my side of the dorm. The window looks exactly the same as we left it. It's not the best day weather wise, the sun shines through the window as if to try and burn us alive. It's peculiar, given that it's the middle of January and almost seven in the evening, but I try not to take it too much into account.

Enid is at Ajax's dorm, doing who knows what, so I have the dorm free to myself and my writing time. It's so quiet in here. I've missed quiet. Sure, my home is quieter than most places but my brother has been exceptionally loud these past few months. It's become tiring, which is why I know that when I get started on this novel, I can just relax-


Why must this world mock me? I pick up my phone gifted feom Xavier and open messages to see an Unknown number.

It's Bianca
Enid gave me your number

Oh right, Enid managed to obtain my number over the break. I forget why I didn't just delete her contact information. I put my phone down and start to write. Well... I try to write. Some unknown force keeps pulling my head back into the direction of my phone. I don't know why I feel the need to respond, Xavier has texted me multiple times over the break and I haven't been sad enough to respond. What's changed. I turn my head back to my typewriter and start typing.

"Viper de la Muerte was always seen as a puzzle, so to speak. No one ever expected a Bianca Bianca Bianca Bianca Bianca-"

Fine, I'll text her. You win, idiotic subconscious.

Hello, Bianca.

I try to purlt my phone down but find that the firm grip that my hand holds to it won't loosen. I try shaking it out of my hand to no avail. What is this sorcery? I've known my fair share of witchcraft but never something so... pathological?

I didn't expect you to respond.

Neither did I.

Am I surprised?
I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and the rest of the fencing team out to dinner?

What's the occasion?

The start of a new fencing season.
We do it every year
Since you're a part of the team now I figured you would like to take a stab at Nevermore tradition?


I'll think about it.

This is so strange. Bianca has done the bare minimum and I'm here, trying my best not to crack a smile. Have I always been this way when it comes to Bianca? No, of course not. Before, I was seconds away from ripping her perfect body into shreds. Maybe my mind is just cluttered from the lack of writing that it's doing.

I'll take that as a yes ;)

Did the heat turn up in this room? Maybe I forgot to turn it down when Enid left. Yes, that must be it. The temperature is a fahrenheit higher than I usually like it, that must be why I'm sweating buckets...

Not because of Bianca.

End of chapter


was this boring? yes
do i care? fuck no
you'll take what i give you and like it
i cannot stress this enough. i was just playing around with an idea that i had. please don't kill me. ok ty bye

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