Getting over him. And failing...

By Nope_Nerd

527 9 2

"Doesn't Stan still like Wendy?? Why did he do that?? Is he just making fun of me for being gay?! I knew I... More



70 1 0
By Nope_Nerd

Tuesday, morning.

I arrived at school, hoping and praying to my renounced faith that Stan would acknowledge me at all today. I stood by my locker a little bit longer than usual, waiting with hope that was being slowly crushed every second. It was finally past it's breaking point when the bell rang.

Stan must not have come to school today. My locker is right by the entrance of the school so I would've seen him come in unless he used the back entrance.

Why would he use that though? I ignore all my bad thoughts and make my way towards my first period. The only classes I have with Stan is last period, and lunch if you count that. He hangs out with Wendy at break.

Someone unfamiliar walking into the classroom breaks my train of thought. It's a girl with straight brunette hair, clear glasses, and a black beanie on. She's wearing a blue shirt with some country on it and something in Spanish I think? She doesn't look like she's from a different country or anything so maybe she got it as a souvenir or something. The teacher introduced her as Milly Billy.

Really stupid name. And she got sat beside me? Really stupid seating chart. She looked over at me and smiled.

Never mind she's actually pretty cute. I don't like her like that, no, but she looks so nice and friendly. I look over to her again to find a note shoved in my face from her.

Hey, im Milly. Whats your name?

She has really neat and pretty handwriting.

Im Kyle, and i kinda already knew your name :)

Oops haha, what do we usually do in this class? Is the teacher nice?

Well shes not strict but the class is really boring

Well do you mind if I keep talking to you?

Not at all :)

That came off as really flirty. But maybe she won't care, who knows.

-lunch time-

"Hey Milly, come sit over here!" I shouted, waving to her. She walked over to our table with her bagged lunch in hand.

"Thanks Kyle." She said with that smile. Stan's attention was immediately on Milly.

"Who's this?" Stan asked, looking displeased for whatever reason. He was here today.

"This is Milly, she's new." I explained. Stan looked at me, already leaving to throw away his lunch.

"Alright, I'm gonna go meet with Wendy. Cya." He responded, with the most amount of sass possible. At least he said bye.

"I promise he's not that moody usually. He's actually pretty nice." I explained to Milly.

"Maybe he just doesn't like me." She said with a small laugh.

"No, no, I think he just has to adjust. He gets jealous pretty easily." Not me thinking that Stan is actually jealous over me.

-after school-

"Hey Milly? Wanna come over to my house today?" I asked, looking for something to do.

"Sure, just lemme text my mom real quick."

"Alright." I replied, looking away, my eyes searching for Stan. I found him holding hands with Wendy. He was looking around with a bored expression that Wendy couldn't see. She was talking to him, but he wasn't listening.

Then, Stan's eyes land on me. He immediately directed his attention towards his girlfriend, starting to smile with a small strain.

"Yea, I can go over today." Milly said smiling. Kyle just ignored Stan, smiled back, and nodded. The two headed off to Kyle's.

The wind was blowing and the only thing taming Milly's hair underneath was her beanie. A paper blew around the sidewalk that Kyle and Milly were walking. Milly trapped it under her foot, then bent down and grabbed it.

"Ooh, a school dance!" Milly said enthused. Kyle not so much.

"Ugh, I hate those." Kyle complained. Mainly because the punch would be spiked and he would have to deal with a whiny, drunk Stan, rambling about how Wendy left early or went with someone else.


"Theres just no appeal." Kyle lied flatly.

"Well, I like to just hang out with my friends." Milly said with her smile. Kyle couldn't help but smile back.

"And who knows, maybe someone will ask me out." She said walking backwards, putting the paper in Kyle's hands.

"Or maybe I'll ask them out." They both smiled. Kyle looked down at the paper. Next Friday, after school. It's a party for the mid-year test results. Kyle didn't notice that he almost passed his house.

"Oh, over here." Kyle said while Milly giggled. They walked inside and Kyle showed her where to set her bag down. He gave her a small tour before going to his room.

"What now?" Kyle asked.

"I dunno, you invited me." Milly said sitting down on his bed.

"You play Mario Kart?"

"Hell yeah!"

-an hour or so later-

Milly and Kyle ended up just sitting on the floor talking about relationships. Mainly the dance. It was only next Friday but Kyle was hyped. Maybe she'll ask him out and he can get over Stan. And then he won't have to be gay anymore! Or he can ask her out? So many possibilities! He has to update Cartman on a lot. A phone call interrupted Milly's rant and Kyle's thoughts.

"Oh, it's my mom." Milly said answering 'hey' to her mom. She said a few 'okays' and then hung up.

"I've gotta go home, but I'd love to do this again sometime." Milly smiled her signature and stood up.

"That's fine. I'm free Thursday and Friday if you wanna hang out then?"

"Sounds like a deal." Milly smiled and left. Kyle watched her leave his house from the stairs. They waved goodbye to each other and once she left Kyle texted Cartman.

Joo: cartman i think im gonna get over Stan really easily now

Fatass: how

Joo: milly! Shes so cool and better then stan
I wanna ask her out to the dance but maybe its too soon

Fatass: if it helps you get over stan then do it
Im tired of you too

Joo: two*

Fatass: shut the duck up

Joo: lol
Im having her over thruday and Friday
What do i do??

Fatass: ask her out
Of course
On friday take her to a movie or something

Joo: yea but idk what she likes

Fatass: just ask her
Since you had such a great time with her today then it should be easy

Joo: easier than talking to Stan

With that final message I turned off my phone and got ready for bed. I have a lot to do tomorrow.

-at school-

I walked into school as normal, but instead I didn't wait for Stan this time. I left for first period so I could see Milly. I wanna ask her some things. But when I got there Stan was outside the door.
Oh fuck.
But why do I care, it's not like he's dragging me by my collar to the bathroom or anything.

"Who the fuck is Milly?" Stan asks after making sure no one was in the stalls.

"She's just a friend of mine Stan, don't worry." I said trying to brush it off. "And why do you care so much?" Kyle said accusingly.

"Kyle," Stan sighed and looked away. "You know you can tell me anything." Stan said with a gentle look on his face. Kyle just sighed.

"Why do you keep telling me that?" Kyle asked worried but mostly annoyed.

"Kyle, I just feel like you're hiding stuff from me."

"Why would I do that?"

"Look, I know we've grown apart and everything, but I still care." Stan said looking at him with glossy eyes. Why was Stan about to cry?

"Whatever. It's nothing Stan, don't worry about it." Kyle brushed it off, walking back into the hallway. He felt sick to his stomach. Maybe he had just fucked this up, I mean, he could tell Stan he was gay, right?

The bell for first period definitely already rung, so Kyle was just walking to his first class. When he got inside, everyone turned to look at him.

"You're late." The teacher said sternly.

"I know, I know." Kyle said as he went to sit down by Milly. The teacher continued with her lesson as Kyle was passed a note from Milly.

Why were you gone for so long?

Stan bothered me in the bathroom

About what?

Dont worry about it :)

Kyle hand the paper back to her as the bell rung for next period. Kyle got up only to remember what he was gonna ask Milly.

"Oh yeah, whats your favorite movie?"

"Oh my god, I love animated films!" She said bouncing.

"So what do you like specifically?" Kyle asked as they walked down the hallway to their classes.

"More like Puss in Boots, like action in animated films. I love those two things put together." She explained.

"Well then, wanna see the new Mario movie with me this Friday?" Kyle popped the big question.

"I'd love too!" Milly said enthusiastically.

"Alright, cya later then." We exchanged smiles and walked our separate ways.

When I got into class I noticed a kid I didn't notice yesterday. Was he always here? He had dark brown curly hair and he was wearing a pink hoodie. He kinda looked like Milly. I decided to sit by him today instead of Kenny. But he was accompanied by Butters, so I think he'll be fine.

"Hey." I began kind of nervously. "Are you new? What's your name?" He just looked at me blankly before he extended his hand to me.

"I'm Willy, but you can just call me Will." He introduced as Kyle shook his hand back.

"Oh, are you Milly's brother?" Kyle asked, trying to make a connection.

"Yea, how'd you know?" He replied with a laugh.

"I mean, your names do sound really similar."

"I curse our parents." Willy said. They both laughed before the teacher forced everyone to shut up. Kyle started passing notes to him.

Wanna sit with my friends and your sister during lunch

Nah, I sit by myself. You can join me if you want. I eat outside.

Willy also had really neat handwriting and proper grammar.

Alright I geuss ill see you at lunch then

Yea, see you then.

-at lunch-

I walked outside to find Willy sitting at a table in the shade. I walk over to him and sit down by him. He looks up and waves at me.

"Your school's food tastes horrible." He said removing some pieces of pizza from his mouth.

"It's not that bad." I say, taking some pepperonis from his pizza.

"Why don't you and your sister sit together?" I hope that question wasn't too personal.

"I don't really know, but we're not that close so it doesn't really matter to me."

"Well that sucks, I'm sure she wants to sit with you." I try suggesting.

"Well I don't wanna sit with her. She's a lesbian. I don't like gay people." Willy says with disdainful look on his face. Kyles expression drops completely.

"Well that sucks. I really liked her." I say collecting my trash to throw away.

"Yea, it's a bummer. She was never really normal I geuss. Good luck getting with her. She didn't stop talking about you though." Willy said, revealing he knew Kyle.

Willy got up and left Kyle, heading for his next class. Kyle sat there, contemplating whether he should confront Milly about it. He decided against it, after all she could just be bi. I mean a lot of people get confused with bi and lesbian and all that. He'll just have to wait till Friday to find out.

Wc: 1884
Sorry for all the time skips, I'm not really sure how to transition these things lol

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